Topic: ticket for no seat belt
Barbiesbigsister's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:23 PM
Have you ever seen someone with their head decapatated from NOT wearing
that seat belt? I respect your opinion but i will wear

pussywillow's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:25 PM
well said lady absintheur

pussywillow's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:30 PM
and thats your choice...i just want to have the same oprotunity to make
a choice...regarding any issue...have we all forgot what freedom of
choice is?and how we got it?to back politicians passing these sorts of
laws is the begining of the end.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 03/20/07 04:57 PM
Well it might have been the Politicians that got the laws pushed on
through. But if you follow were these laws started most of them started
with we the people. Just like the drunk driving laws those were pushed
through due to M.A.D. A lot of our laws started from just everyday
people that fought hard and long to get those laws passed due to loosing
a loved one. Sad it took someone to loose a loved one for if alot of the
laws had already been in effect there would be alot less

CampLight's photo
Tue 03/20/07 05:27 PM
I grew up riding in the back of a flat bed truck wrestling with my
brothers as we went down the road. Hey that was a lot of fun. Then I
grew up & got some of that “common since”. Mostly came from spending a
lot of time on the road seeing some ugly wrecks and what happens when a
human body gets thrown down the road. Of course, the neighbor boys
taking an afternoon spin in a jeep added a reality check. A simple roll
over allowed the roll bar to cut one of them right in half, no seat belt
needed for that trick.

Just cannot agree with those who think they are exercising “common
sense” by ignoring the seat belt or helmet. Do you denounce air bags,
child seats, bumpers and designated drivers? There is a saying
electricians have – There are old electricians and there are bold ones,
but there no old And bold ones hanging around. Guess it’s that gene pool
clean up Klugman is talking about.

And since we are talking about this, where the common sense when a
parent holds their child in their lap while riding in the front seat of
a car? Yep, there’s a law to help people gain intelligence on that one
too. As a society we did a lot of stupid things in the past that we now
have information about that helps us better our lives. Until common
sense set in, laws are just one way to keep our friends and families
from becoming mangled messes.

Whew, got all fired up over that one. Time to calm down, let’s go smoke
a cigarette.

jeanc200358's photo
Tue 03/20/07 06:05 PM
"drive into a lot of phone polls do you jean?"

What an absurd question. Of course not. In fact, I've never had a wreck
or a ticket in my entire life.

"My point is when did it become right for anyone to tell me what to do
in my car..."

When people proved they were too stupid to do it of their own free will.

"if i dont want to wear i shouldnt have to and no ones *opinion* on the
subject should change that...

Well, being that you're a member of a lawful society, you DO have to
wear it or, if you don't you shouldn't ***** about getting a ticket.

"i dont care who they think they are saving..."

Well, one thing's for sure..when you get killed because you're too
stubborn to wear your seatbelt, you won't have to worry about paying
tickets or taxes or ...well, anything..anymore.


pussywillow's photo
Tue 03/20/07 06:30 PM
some ppl just always have to be right even if there is no real "thing"
to be right about.i wear a damn seat belt 90% of the time..and yes
somtimes i forget...doesnt mean that anyone has a right to give me or
anyone who chooses not to wear it a damn fine.if you think thats truly
the way things should be done you need to read the definition what i
think thats called,and here it is -Fascism is an authoritarian political
ideology and mass movement that seeks to place the nation (defined in
exclusive biological, cultural, and historical terms) above all other
loyalties.[1] Various scholars attribute different charactersistics to
fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral
parts: nationalism, *authoritarianism*, militarism, corporatism,

nurjoyce's photo
Tue 03/20/07 06:34 PM
hospitals cannot absorb the cost of uninsured ppl. hospitals lose money
as it is. i have worked as a nurse for 24 yrs- worked at three different
hospitals that have closed down d/t $. with DRGs it is hard to absorb
anything. seatbelts save lives!!

FedMan's photo
Tue 03/20/07 06:42 PM
Florida has the seat belt law but on the other hand motorcycles with the
right insurance policy can go without helmets, that's F'd up.....

jeanc200358's photo
Tue 03/20/07 07:00 PM
"some ppl just always have to be right even if there is no real "thing"
to be right about.i wear a damn seat belt 90% of the time..and yes
somtimes i forget...doesnt mean that anyone has a right to give me or
anyone who chooses not to wear it a damn fine."

Of course it does! Hey, there are laws that I don't agree with (I
regularly drive above the speed limit, for instance) but you won't see
me stomping my feet like a crybaby whining that the speed limit should
be raised everywhere by 10 mph just because I happen to have gotten a
speeding ticket (which I haven't, at least not yet..knock on wood).

"if you think thats truly the way things should be done you need to read
the definition what i think thats called,and here it is -Fascism is an
authoritarian political ideology and mass movement that seeks to place
the nation (defined in exclusive biological, cultural, and historical
terms) above all other
loyalties.[1] Various scholars attribute different charactersistics to
fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral
parts: nationalism, authoritarianism*, militarism, corporatism,
totalitarianism." think having to wear your seatbelt makes America a fascist
society? Okay.

Perhaps you'd be happier living in a lawless society altogether.

You DO have the right to not wear your seatbelt, BUT, since not wearing
one is against the law, you have to pay a fine if you're caught. And you
were. So suck it up. Even you admitted you wear it "90 percent of the
time" but "sometimes you forget." Well, too bad, so sad. The law doesn't
state, "You must wear a seatbelt except for the times that you forget."

You know, the seatbelt law was not created specifically for the express
purpose of inciting a tizzytantrum in you simply because you think it's
"not fair." Stop for a moment and think about the fact that there might
actually be a valid reason for it.

verbatimeb's photo
Tue 03/20/07 07:02 PM
The fine in Kansas is $10.00 to be caught without your seat belt

I wear mine (as I think it is necessary) and I would like to keep the 10
bucks in my pocket too.


pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:41 AM
no i think the fact that you think you should be able to make laws
because you know better than the rest of the population whats right for
them...that makes YOU and anyone who thinks like YOU a
fascist,period...i am done talking sheep with you...see i dont speek it
very well...(i never said all americans were,just those who implement
these sorts of laws and the zombies who think they have the right
to)have a nice life...and who knows,maybe i can go fight another war for
the sake of you and all the other thankless zombies to throw away all
the rights we fight freedom of choice..heres an idea...get a
time machine and move to 1939 germany...youll love it there...they think
just like you

seahawks's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:45 AM
govt doesnt give to ****s about us ,they make the stupid laws buckle up
save lives etc .lmao they want us alive so they can tax the **** out of
us .

pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:47 AM
you are the type of person i open your mouth in argument to
everything someone says...i do where my seatbelt (if you could have read
a little further instead of thinking about what you were going to say
next you might have known that).you put words in my mouth and make my
argument with the whole of the united states,when in fact it was with
you for jumping on me about what you "think" i contort
everything to suit your need.pnce again...i will say it...probably
pointless but....i wear a damned seatbelt...i dont need someone telling
me to do it or else...that is un you

pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:48 AM
rgr that seahawk,lol

seahawks's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:51 AM
lol still wakin up dude forgive me lol

pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:53 AM think that on some level that it is ok
to tell an american what to do when it comes down to thier choice?...i
am really done with you.have a nice life

seahawks's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:55 AM
fuk yur gettin me wrong here dude im canadian and the govt has no
roight to tell any body they do as i say or else lol

seahawks's photo
Wed 03/21/07 08:57 AM
im pissed with bein taxed to death .or stupid fines etc .

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 09:13 AM
"no i think the fact that you think you should be able to make laws
because you know better than the rest of the population whats right for
them...that makes YOU and anyone who thinks like YOU a
fascist,period...i am done talking sheep with you...see i dont speek it
very well...(i never said all americans were,just those who implement
these sorts of laws and the zombies who think they have the right
to)have a nice life...and who knows,maybe i can go fight another war for
the sake of you and all the other thankless zombies to throw away all
the rights we fight freedom of choice..heres an idea...get a
time machine and move to 1939 germany...youll love it there...they think
just like you"

Oh, yeah, I'm the one who's solely responsible for the enacting and
enforcement of seatbelt regulations. Me, the unAmerican fascist. LOL.

Grow up, you big crybaby. We ALL have to abide by the laws of the land,
whether we like it or not. Apparently, for some strange reason, you
think you should be above the law, just because you happen to "forget"
to wear your seatbelt.

If people didn't need laws/rules/regulations, then we wouldn't have any
of them, now, would we?

One part of being a grownup is realizing that you either play by the
rules, or you pay the consequences. Just because you USUALLY wear your
seatbelt doesn't absolve you of punishment in those cases you get caught
not wearing one, nor can you reasonably expect the government to make
one set of laws for you and another set for everyone else.