Topic: ticket for no seat belt
jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:57 AM
you say ppl make the laws because ppl werent choosing to do it....that
is the definition of fascisam.

It is? to me. So, I guess you think we should live in a
completely lawless society, and just leave it up to each individual
citizen to conduct themselves properly within a modern, civilized

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:57 AM
Well in the long run if you have an accident and due to no seltbelt on
you end up with severe injurys. Now even tho it was your choice not to
wear one. Who picks up the medical cost that your insurance will not
cover if you have insurance that is it gets filterd down to the people
in higher taxs. In the first place alot of the laws that are on the
books was pushed through by everyday people if you don't obey the law
your punishment is a ticket which the Cop that gives it is only doing
his Job he not make the law just makes sure those that do not follow the
law gets a ticket for it. Solution for that is do not ride or drive in a
vechile ride a bike ohhh but in some states there are helmet laws. The
laws are there regardless what we think. If someone wants to change a
law then they better get out there and go by the rules (laws) in order
to change them. We have laws due to proctect ones from even themselves
and others. Hey in Texas you can get a ticket for shooting someone the
bone now there is a law that I don't agree with at all but it is very
much there. bigsmile

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:57 AM
so because you wear your seatbelt 100% of the time...that makes you
right? or better than some one who may choose not to?or exempt from
being an american and asking questions on laws being put into place that
go against freedom of choice?...must be great to live in that tiny world
of yours

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:01 PM
No, hon, it makes me alive.

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:02 PM do you get that self serving tripe from what i wrote?
laws are made to tell you what not to do I.E murder...dont do
it...speeding....dont do it.....rape...dont do it.....these laws are in
place because in doing any of these acts you will affect make
a law that says you HAVE TO DO something or you will receive punishment
is un-american

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:03 PM

oldsage's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:05 PM
another tissue for the little boy

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:06 PM

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:07 PM
Why are you ignoring the economic impact that not wearing a seatbelt has
on society? Moreover, aren't you forgetting about one (hopefully
important) person it might be affecting? e.g., YOU????

What part of the fact that YOU might weasr a seatbelt "most" of the time
have to do with the fact that many people do not? In order to offset the
economic loss AND to try to help save lives and cut back on serious
injuries, the government decided it was necessary to mandate seatbelt

I suggest you either get over it, or go picket your state capital.

And let's see how far you get with your lame "It's not fair" defense.

TxsGal3333's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:07 PM
Maybe it is un american to and extent but there were reasons and proving
facts that seltbelts do save lives no question about that. So the laws
that have been put in place they are saying this is the law. If you make
the choice not to wear one you will receive a ticket for it if you are
caught, so its your choice if you get a ticket or not its all up to you.
Now that the law is there.

oldsage's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:11 PM
Little FYI for sonny boy
I seldom wear a seatbelt; my choice.
If I get a ticket; my fault.
will I cry/whine about it; NO
why not;MY fault
Don't do the CRIME if you can't do the time.
Need another tissue, or can you quit crying?

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:12 PM
Thanks, TG, good points. But I must say that I don't feel it's
"unAmerican" at all. We don't live in a lawless society; and to PW, I'll
point out that not all laws are made that deal directly with torts,

For example, tresspassing is against the law. Jaywalking is against the
law (albeit rarely enforced). Now, who does that hurt (so long as you're
not committing some other malfeasance while doing it?)

The problem with PW is that he feels he and he alone should be exempt
from the law, because he has the common sense to wear his seatbelt "90
percent of the time" and because he doesn't think it's "fair" that,
because he "forgot," he should get a ticket.

Well, suck it up, sweetie. Next time, wear your seatbelt and use the
money to buy yourself a new computer game or some rollerblades or

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:13 PM
you havnt said one constructive thing since you have posted here just keep defending the lier.that will make alot like you im sure fire way to get alot of"freinds" on a site like
this...kiss ass and jump on the first person you see at odds with a

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:16 PM
Hey,'s spelled "liar," fyi...and no, normally I wouldn't
point out little mistakes like that, but I was just thinking that that
ticket money might be better spent on a basic English class.

Hey, don't ever change, sweetie, cuz I'm having entirely too much fun.

We yuv u, man! Can't you see that? We yuv you!


:tongue: bigsmile

oldsage's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:18 PM
Sonny boy, I haven't protected anyone,they don't need it.
Trying to help you, could really care less.
Keep talking, only hurting yourself.
Here's another knife, hurt yorself again

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:20 PM you ****ing hillbillys slay quote monetary impact
studys of the uninsured to society...when you dont have a pot to piss
in.who did that study? are sheep who beleive all you are told to
beleive..and your incesint need to be right and to be liked has blinded
you to the injustice a law like that does to all americans.without ppl
like me ppl like you would be in a ****ing camp right now..we ask the
hard questions whether we are liked for it or not...we are ppl of
action...ppl like you just eat sleep and live whatever is put in front
of you...****ing sheep

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:22 PM
im hurting myself because 2 self diluded self rightous over the hill
whackos dont like my posts?...keep reachin there buddy...maybe someone
will beleive your bull****

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:24 PM
hillbillys??noway noway grumble grumble
well now thats just WRONG!!frown

i wear mine to keep from getting plowed into by some hillbilly snookered
on moonshine!!!

oldsage's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:25 PM
Another tissue given to the boy
As I set in my 4000sqft house, looking out on the lake, enjoying my own
business & the way I run my life.
"no pot to piss in" right, house has 3 bathrooms, why use a pot?
Again sonny another tissue, mommy will tuck you in again tonite.

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 12:26 PM
like a said b4 last recoarse of the witless...correct someone spelling