Topic: ticket for no seat belt
no photo
Wed 03/21/07 11:52 AM
I'm with you on this *****Willow. I wear my seatbelt because it's the
law. I can see how a seatbelt might save your life, I can also see how
it might cost you your life. As for the statistics, they are based on
assumptions...if you die in an accident, not wearing your seatbelt,
they assume that you would not have died had you been wearing it. If you
survive the same type accident, without the seatbelt, you are a lucky
lawbreaker, and that'll be $50 to $500 tax, excuse me fine. The same
goes for airbags, but I think more deaths are caused by airbags than
seatbelts. Seatbelts and airbags have helped drive the cost of vehicles
up...the higher the price, the more the tax.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 12:07 PM
While it is certainly possible that not wearing a seatbelt might not
have been a factor in a person's death, simple common sense of the laws
of inertia would state that your head smashing through a windshield just
MIGHT have something to do with the outcome of a fatal accident. Sheesh.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/21/07 12:21 PM
LMAO, now Jean what ever would give you the ideal that hitting a
windshield going 60 would give anyone a headache lmao I mean ya the
sealtbelt would give you a good bruise from your shoulders to your hip
hummmmmmmmm but now hitting the windshield no telling what it would do.
The best law they ever came up with was that children had to wear
seatbelts and had to sit in the back seat and no more passagers in the
back of a pickup. But knew of someones friend riding in the back of a
pickup was not going fast they were jacking around hit a bump he flew
out was sitting on the side like an idot which we all did at one time
hit his head on the pavemet the head injures killed him at the time they
were going less than 30 miles an hour. But I do understand that some
don't like being told what to do , bottom line they can't make you wear
one just make you wish you had when your paying that ticket been there
done that and my ticket was $75 and that was almost 5 years ago now the
tickets here are almost $200 thanks I'll wear mine for it has helped me
more than once so that is the first thing I do now.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 12:47 PM

Well, if nothing else, it might just knock some sense into some people
...or not.

I rolled a car over (onto it's roof..took a curve too fast) and,
interestingly enough, the first thing I thought was, "Wow, these things
really work! -- referring to the seatbelt, of course.)

My entire thigh was black and blue (guess I hit it on something) and I
was stiff and sore (whiplash), later developed back problems that I
assume was caused, or at least exacerbated, by the accident...BUT...the
seatbelt kept me from rolling all over the place and hitting God only
knows what and breaking or puncturing God only knows what.

Like I say, anyone who Bs and Ms about having to wear them should go
visit patients at a rehab hospital who were not wearing seatbelts
because they thought the law was "unfair" and that they shouldn't "have"
to, just because the government says they do.

No skin off my teeth.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 12:48 PM
ooohhhhhhh!! got to correct this cuz it's a MAJOR pet peeve of mine:
"its" roof, not "it's" roof...whew.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/21/07 12:53 PM
Well my little sister was in a wreak about 11 years ago no sealtbelt was
sitting in the passagers lap in the front he saw what was coming threw
her to the back seat she landed on top of the one sleeping in the back
seat he ended up with a broken leg she ended up with a broken neck they
flipped head over head 4 times the driver and passager was not hurt. She
was lucky she fully recovered. But doctors said if the bone had moved a
hair more it would have killed her and lucky she was thrown to the back
seat or she would have been through the windshield humm ones in the
front had seatbelts on go figure.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 12:55 PM
Wow, that's a bone-chilling story. Thank God she recovered from it.

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 03/21/07 01:01 PM
Yeah it was very scary at the moment and a bit funny should have seen
her in the ER having it out with the Dr's cause she did not want her
clothes cut off of her lmao I got there and my step-mom as soon as I
walked in the door which was less than 15 min after I recieved the call
at 4am. Said would you please do something with your sister she will
listen to you. Believe me I look back on that night many times knowing
how lucky she really was.

pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 01:43 PM
seahawk...i was talking to the basher who called me a baby and a whiner
because i dont like my freedom of choice stomped on so some self
rightous douchebags can feel better about themselves.if you think it is
the governments place to protect citizens from their own idiocy..then
you are a fasciast...thats all i was saying to jean...jean keeps going
on about how i am a crybaby and such(last recoarse for the witless i
might ad)and the whole time missing my is not any ones place
to protect people from THEMSELVES...if i speed and wreck that is
wreckless and i could hurt others...therefore it is a good idea to have
speed limits..if i dont wear a seatbelt and wreck i hurt no one but me
and as such this issue falls under"freedom of choice".

seahawks's photo
Wed 03/21/07 01:44 PM

pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 01:56 PM
how dare you talk to me about being grown know nothing of
me...or where ive been or what ive keep making this an
argument about me not wanting to wear a seatbelt....for the last
time,and i will type real big so you can follow it...I WEAR A SEATBELT
it?if you agree that municipalitys have the right to tell you what to do
and how to do it when in the end the decision only effects are
a fasciast...its the damned definition of it...and if you dont like that
im sorry...but no ammount of name calling will change what you are..only
you can do that

pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 02:26 PM
i think of a quote and by whom i forget but it goes something like this
"while i do not agree with what you say,i will fight to the death for
your right to say it".you think that because you have never been
ticketed for no seat belt because you wear it that it is ok for those
that CHOOSE not to wear it to be penalized.that makes me just a little
scared.everyone should be pissed about this law whether they wear one or
not.that isnt the issue really..the issue is its none of your business
or the local governments.gotta love self-rightous complacency

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 02:31 PM
i do not wear my seatbelt. it is a right of mine. i told the last cop
when you put seatbelts on school buses mandatory then i will. my
daughter is on a bus everyday and would be seriously injured if the bus
was to crash. i got 6 seatbelt tickets in one year at $75 a pop. thats
also my right

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 02:34 PM
Ooooh...we're obviously dealing with immaturity and anger issues here,
to boot.

All I'm saying here, *****wussy, is that the government shouldn't HAVE
to enact laws to make up for your idiocy. That's mainly why the
government HAS to enact laws, because of people who cannot or will not
see the common sense in abiding by those laws.

Again, you admitted to using your seatbelt "90 percent of the time."
Why? I presume because you understand they serve a PURPOSE...that
purpose specifically being to save LIVES.

However, since you don't seem to give a damn about yours, you might also
want to consider this:

"Not wearing seat belts also imposes a tremendous burden to society. As
noted previously, motor vehicle crashes cost society over $150 billion
annually. When a person is injured in a crash, society often absorbs
most of the costs. In fact, 85 percent of all medical costs for crash
victims fall on society, not on the individuals involved. The public
suffers by having to pay higher insurance premiums because of decisions
made by those refusing to wear seat belts. In addition to higher
insurance premiums for policy holders, taxpayers are also burdened as
government at all levels—community, State, and Federal—pays many of the
costs associated with crashes. NHTSA estimates that if the current seat
belt use rate increased to 90 percent, Medicare and Medicaid alone would
save $356 million each year."

Now, having quoted that, in the interest of your "personal liberties"
(and we all know that's the priority here, right?) would you be willing
to sign a statement waiving your rights to any monetary awards and
insurance payments for negligence or compensatory damages, etc., that
you might be entitled to, had you been abiding by the law?

If your injuries could have been prevented by seatbelt use (or injuries
inflicted upon, or caused by, unbelted passengers in your car), do you
think it's "fair" for society to have to pay for treatment of those
injuries via jacked-up insurance premiums, stiffer fines, legal defense
in determining percentage of negligence, etc?

I sure don't.

pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 02:57 PM
i will only note that i have not said one derogatory thing twords you
and you have called me quite a few things...everything i have writen is
in responce to what you have writen..that being said i will just use
some qoutes of my own...because you my freind are hopeless...experience
and only experience gains you an opinion,so if you have an opinion on
anything you have been told,despite what you may think you are being the
sheep those in power need you to be to keep
it.............and.........vaigue and generalized you wait,pounce,then
demoralize,always taking the
high road but never realize, see through are you to those with
experienced eyes......i will now say i gracefully bow out of this
thread..agreeing to disagree

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 03:06 PM
You mean, other than calling me a fascist, simply because I'm a
law-abiding citizen (or at least, for those laws I choose not to abide
by, I don't act like a crybaby when I get ticketed for not doing them,
whining that it's "not fair," that *I* shouldn't have to abide by laws
if i don't want to.

You act as though, out of MILLIONS of people, not to mention the vast
majority of people in this thread, that I'm the only one who thinks the
way I do about seatbelt use. Most of us don't NEED a law telling us to
wear a seatbelt. WHY? Because we have enough COMMON SENSE to wear them
without being told to do so.

The seatbelt law isn't intended for those who do wear their seatbelt;
it's intended for those who refuse to...or for those who, from time to
time, "forget."

It's nothing against you personally, so why it angers you so much is
anyone's guess.

I didn't call you any names; I said that anyone who doesn't see the
sense in wearing a seatbelt is an idiot. If you choose to place yourself
in that category, that's on you, not me.

pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 03:40 PM
cybaby whiner and idiot is what you said.....and you still miss the keep saying we NEED a law to MAKE ppl wear seatbelts...and i
say those exact statements make you fasciast...i even gave you the
definition of it is you...not i who is angry...and completely
taking this thread and my opinion on the subject personaly....i will be
very careful to voice my opinions on here in the future for open
discussion for fear i may be hit with such verbal 2x4`s as "your a
crybaby" and '***** and moan all you want"....stimulating...really

pussywillow's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:04 PM
i will truley be done after this post...these are your statements
jean"drive into a lot of phone polls do you jean?"

What an absurd question. Of course not. In fact, I've never had a wreck
or a ticket in my entire life.............some paragraphs later....Well,
if nothing else, it might just knock some sense into some people
...or not.

I rolled a car over (onto it's roof..took a curve too fast) and,
interestingly enough, the first thing I thought was, "Wow, these things
really work! -- referring to the seatbelt, of course......what does that
make you now jean?GOOD DAY!

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:12 PM
jean the facist? doubtful. you know i love ya. lol
I dont like the govt protecting me from myself either. I buckle up
to protect myself.... from the police state. . I once talked my way out
of a seat belt ticket.. I was on the Mackinaw Bridge, I told the orficer
that I liked to be able to jump out if something happened on the bridge.
pretty weak, but it worked.

no photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:15 PM
actually i got pulled over the other day. was doing 78 in a 55 zone, no
seatbelt, and had a bad taillight. he wrote me up for 5 over. got lucky
on that one. I would have written me up for the taillight for sure,
thats a safety issue. hmmmm