Topic: ticket for no seat belt
cuzindaisy's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:19 PM
ummmm I like my seatbelt---it helps me keep my date in the car LMAO!!!!

oldsage's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:26 PM
& why would you have a problem keeping a date in the car. Unless he was
invited inside.
:tongue: :tongue: :tongue:
devil devil devil

cuzindaisy's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:27 PM
I like to drive fast and he might get scared LOL

cuzindaisy's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:28 PM
just thought I would see the positive side of this argument...things
were getting a little heated figured a laugh was good about now

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:32 PM
i will truley be done after this post...


these are your statements jean"drive into a lot of phone polls do you

That wasn't my statement; that was yours.

What an absurd question. Of course not. In fact, I've never had a wreck
or a ticket in my entire life.............some paragraphs later....Well,
if nothing else, it might just knock some sense into some people...or

I rolled a car over (onto it's roof..took a curve too fast) and,
interestingly enough, the first thing I thought was, "Wow, these things
really work! -- referring to the seatbelt, of course......what does that
make you now jean?GOOD DAY!

I had forgotten about that when I had commented happened
more than 20 years ago. So what's your point? I've never had a ticket,
particularly not one for being so ignorant as to not wear a seatbelt.

What does it make me? Not a liar, if that's what you're alluding to. I
simply wasn't thinking of it at the time...and I probably should have
said, "I haven't ever driven into a telephone pole in my entire life,"
...because I haven't.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:37 PM
*****, obviously we DO need a mandatory seatbelt law. Why do you think
this is?

I'm no fascist, nor am I a self-righteous douchebag. LOL. Nor is this
conversation inciting anger in me, like it's doing to you; obviously you
have anger issues. I think the fact you are steamed because you have to
wear a seatbelt (else pay the fine for not doing so) is rather petty and

You won't even acquiesce that it's a law that makes SENSE; you're just
pissed off because you got a ticket for it. Think about this: if you
wore your seatbelt ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the time, you'd never have
gotten that ticket for not wearing one.

Live and learn, kiddo.


oldsage's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:43 PM
A different way to handle it would be.. Insurance policies state: Policy
is not in effect if seatbelt not worn.
No insurance your hurt tought ****.

jeanc200358's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:47 PM
Totally agree. It's such a nonissue to wear one, but has potentially
extreme ramifications to not wear one...and being ticketed and fined is
the least of those.

AlpineRocks's photo
Wed 03/21/07 04:47 PM
Just were your seat belt and you have nothing to worry about.bigsmile
If you have a wreck you might even live imagine that.huh

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 05:53 AM
just pray to allah and you wont be fined!....could you live with
that?...i couldnt.same damn thing but on the extreme end..FREEDOM OF
CHOICE!!!!i want the right to not wear one if i choose to,
least im not a fasciast lier who has to make **** up to make my point
seem more valid.i dont care what anyone says..jean you were busted flat
out lying...and then you say you come into
a thread where the topic is seat belts and just happn to forget some
horrific crash you were in untill it suited your are a
joke.whats more beleivable...that you forgot about an accident that made
you think seatbelts were awsome and great at the time you said you had
never had ticket or accident or that you are an oprotunistic lier that
has to make all things revolve around you?pathetic

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 06:51 AM
I was not "busted flat-out lying; I truly wasn't thinking about that...I
was thinking more along the lines of how utterly ABSURD it was for you
to ask me if I "ran into telephone poles much." What makes you think,
based on the statement that I made, that I, personally, would have run
into a telephone pole once, even, if EVER?

Who said it was a "horrific crash?" It was not horrific at all. I simply
took a curve too fast, hit the brakes and the car rolled over because of
the inertia and momentum, the grade and curve of the road, etc. I wasn't
even going fast when it rolled over.

Pray to Allah? Well, if that's what you want to do, fine, but I'm a

And I already explained to you that you have a "right" not to wear your
seatbelt, BUT you are not exempt from getting fined if you do BECAUSE
it's against the law to wear a seatbelt. Then you get all pissed off
(are you SURE you're 32? You act like a 14-year-old) and stomp your feet
and pout and throw a tizzy because you got ticketed for not wearing your
seatbelt. Well, you know what? TOUGH ****. Don't want to get a ticket?
Then wear your seatbelt!!! Don't want to wear your seatbelt? Then pay
the fines if you get caught and stop yer bellyaching!!

Notwithstanding that, at the time I made the post, I HAD forgotten about
that wreck (as I stated it was more than 20 years ago and it was hardly
"horrific") that in no way lessens my point. You're just pissed because
you know I'm right and you're wrong. lol.

The POINT is, anyone with half a brain (and that include, at times,
those who HAVE run into telephone poles) would KNOW that if you are
traveling at XX mph, and you hit a stationary object (in this case the
example object is a telephone pole), and you're not wearing a seatbelt,
chances are you're not only going to get seriously, if not fatally,
injured from having traveled through a windshield at xx mph? Glass
shatters and it cuts...the impact will be a hard one, even at 10 mph!

And add the telephone pole on top of that. Ouch, that's gonna leave a

Let me break it down for you:

Car + Speed + Velocity + Steering Wheel + Windshield + Engine, Etc. +
Stationary Object - Seatbelt = Your Ass Going through said items and,
very likely, resulting in your death.

This is your brain :heart:

This is your brain going through a telephone pole because you werent'
buckled up: brokenheart

Any questions?

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 08:06 AM
correction to "it's against the law to wear a seatbelt."

I mean, of course, to not wear a seatbelt. :-)

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:24 AM
the thing about freedom of choice is people have the right to make the
wrong is not your job to save ppl from themselves nor is it
any told me to try running into a phone poll at
40...that is why i asked you if you run into them much...was a joke,but
that to, like the meaning of freedom of choice is lost on you.

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:31 AM
No, it's lost on YOU! While you DO have the "freedom" to choose whether
or not you want to wear your seatbelt, since it's against the LAW, you
have to pay a penalty if you're caught not wearing one.

And what do you think is worse? A $75 fine, or being a drooling
vegetable all your life, or being dead?

Frankly, I can think of a lot of laws that are worth *****ing about more
than the seatbelt law.

I am not stating I have a "right" to tell you what you have to do, but
I'm certainly well within my write to express my OPINION about it.

I'm sorry, but someone who would argue their "rights" to the point of
stupidity is just plain...well, stupid, if you ask me.

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:32 AM
grr...I mean "right" (Note to self: Do not try to work and post at the
same time.)

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:39 AM
you would say and think that...and thats a damn shame.blahahahahaha

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:42 AM
and thats exactly my is against the
law....WHY?.....WHY????????????????????????? one has the right to
tell another in this couintry what can and cant choose to do if it
pertains to their freedom of choice.i should know better than to try and
reason with a godfearin hillbilly,never works

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:50 AM
Not sure what you meant by the post above this one, but okayyyyyyyy....

And you know what? It IS someone's "right" to tell you what to do. We
live in a country that is governed by LAWS. You don't like the laws?
Tough toenails! Write your Congressman, or move to a country where they
don't enforce the seatbelt laws.

no photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:51 AM
im a god fearin hillbilly and i fight for those rights your talking
about. this country is based on laws that we as citizens VOTE on to
pass so just remember that k

TheCaptain's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:51 AM
Are you still ticked that you got a ticket. Next thing you know someone
will be mad that they got a spedding ticket and say that the government
has no right to say how fast I drive, that it interferes with my rights.
Grow up.