Topic: ticket for no seat belt
slowtogetit's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:57 AM
let me tell you from 1st hand experience, seatbelts save lives. i had a
dodge truck that i watched fold up around me just 2 months ago and i got
out and walked away with nothing wrong, but some shaken nerves.

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:02 AM
hey captain....speeding is reckless and endangers all on the road....who
does not wearing a seatbelt effect? one but all of you
self rightous bandwagon hopers who want to hate on me in defence of a
fasciast lier...go ahead...but try reading all posts in order and you
will see im not the one who needs to be checked...its jean....and you
are not the only vet in the world blow me..i am done with you

oldsage's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:08 AM
Your free to leave, whenever you chose.

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:12 AM
no my haters and muck rackin name callers can stop trolling
a thread stricktly for the sake of defending some whackos honor.if you
dont like the things i say in are you posting here
for...lots have disagreed with me and we have had no beef...but jean
comes in and starts sayin im a baby ,i whine..grow up...who the ****
does she think she is?...i was merely stating my opinion on this subject
and reading reply when she got whay the damn posts trolls make forums suck

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:15 AM
so my responce to you see *****willow started the
thread...dont join it..simple really.i dont join in the ppls threads i
dont why do you?

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:17 AM
*****w, you obviously missed my post in which I quoted statistics on how
not wearing seatbelts AFFECTS (not EFFECTS) society as a whole. Please
refer to that post or do a Google search, since you're obviously very
ill-informed on the subject.

Bottom line? You are a selfish, immature, whiny crybaby. You want to
kill yourself because you don't like the seatbelt laws? Be my guest.

oldsage's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:19 AM
I read the posts & was simply letting you know your options. You seem
to feel very unliked here & didn't want you to be where you aren't
happy. Your remarks mean very little to me, as they are just your
opinion. Other people have given you the right to your opinion, even if
they didn't want to & would disagree with how you express yourself.

slowtogetit's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:19 AM
and that is the ladys opinion. so whats the problem here?

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:21 AM
man you are beef is not with wearing a is
with the man tellin me i have keep makin this about you
and how you are better than me because you wear a seatbelt and i
dont...this is not true.and i hope you know that alot are hip to the
last recoarse of the witless....correct someones are
truley pathetic

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:26 AM
awww...holding ppl to the things they say a little to real for you
sage?or should i kiss her ass because she posts alot and is a women?i
have never joined a thread to bash another...speak your mind and have an
open discussion...or dont post in my threads...letting me know my
REAL!!!stop kissing ass

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:28 AM
unliked my ass...i get e-mails every day because beleive it or not there
are ppl here who would rather have 1 or 2 REAL freinds than 50 fake ones

oldsage's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:31 AM
Sonny, I haven't done anything like that longer than you have been born.
I am very sorry you feel so picked on & seem to have not had a proper
upbringing. I feel sorry for your parents, that their son could be so
rude & at your age, still be calling names like a grade school child.
Hope you can have a good life & get some help for your seemed lack of

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:33 AM
you have cut me deeply....i weep...blahahahahahaha

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:34 AM
well i feel sorry for be that old and still clueless

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:42 AM
i asked the question "why is it a law to wear a seatbelt when the
decision to do so or not to do so only effects me?"..that falls under
freedom of choice....since then i have been called a child a whiner a
baby and a few others...all the while trying to keep my cool and
rephrase question so that it may be understood...then when i bust here
in a flat out bold faced lie to defend myself...more self rightous
hillbillys join in on the bashing..i did nothing wrong save replying to
jeans idiocy.

oldsage's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:49 AM
Hands pwillow tissue to wipe away his tears
It's ok little boy, your mommy still loves you.

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:50 AM idiocy? I'm not the one who's acting like a child here.

Yo, Homes...check it out: Da "man" is not telling YOU you have to wear
your seatbelt. Da "man" is telling America, as a society, that it deemed
it necessary to ENFORCE people to wear their seatbelt because, without
that enforcement, people were not doing it.

And, by not doing it, insurance costs, medical costs, etc., etc., were
skyrocketing, not to mention, LOTS more loss of lives, to boot.

If you can stop for one second and quit with your paranoid thinking that
the government is mandating the law just to "piss you off," can you not
see where, for many people, the law is a NECESSARY one?

You said you wear your seatbelt NINETY percent of the time. Why not 100
percent? I wear mine 100 percent of the time. ALWAYS. Without fail?

Why? Not because the law says I have to -- you see, *I* don't NEED a law
telling me when to use common sense and logical judmgent.

And guess what? I won't EVER get a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt,
either. Neener neener neener.


pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:53 AM
this is her responce to my questioning the seatbelt laws legality in
concerns to the constitution "Bottom line?
You are a selfish, immature, whiny crybaby. You want to
kill yourself because you don't like the seatbelt laws? Be my
guest."......she has made me out to be a no seat belt wearing law
hater...and why?...because i asked a question and then voiced my opinion
on it?...and you defend this?...try reading the whole might
laugh as much as me about it.

pussywillow's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:54 AM
you say ppl make the laws because ppl werent choosing to do it....that
is the definition of fascisam.

jeanc200358's photo
Thu 03/22/07 11:56 AM
Hey, I'm still in the room, so stop addressing me in the second (or is
it third?) person, m'kay?

No, I didn't present my argument simply because you stated your point on
it, I take issue with you because you're making such a huge deal out of
something that is just plain common sense. You don't like the law? Fine.
But you HAVE to live with it. Either wear your seatbelt or get a ticket.
Ba da bing, ba da boom.