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Topic: This may Get A Tad Heated
tribo's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:25 PM
Quickie said:

so what Tribo??? Who's to say that Christians have to agree with everything. We are human too & still make mistakes. Are you saying that Christians are suppose to be perfect along with God now too???? Get real...

Tribo-master replies:

laugh laugh laugh laugh

rofl rofl rofl rofl

God forbid that i would even suggest that any christian be perfect!! Seen and been around to many i know better.

What is at question here is the perfection and truth of the spirit of god!! And his ability in leading men to the truth - not some truths - but "ALL" truths!! I know your petty reasons for not dividing the word of your god rightly, and seperating yourseves into differing sects, that's not the issue i'm raising quickie, mine is with gods spirit not showing "ALL" believers that claim to have this " spirit of gods truths" not being able or having the power or wisdom or ability to show it in such away that all who claim having this spirit can agree on all things written in the book. don't that seem strange to you Quickie??

One multi-god, one spirit of truth, one baptism of the spirit which all true believers receive, one set of books, one infinite set of standards, yet "many takes that lead to division by those who have this ""spirit of infinite truths"" dividing it differently???

yeah that sounds reasonable to me --------- NOT!!

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:32 PM
Edited by voileazur on Sun 08/24/08 07:33 PM

belief is a guess.

all belief. In and of itself is guesswork.

and the believers that promote their beliefs are guessing.

It is not about knowledge, and certainly not about universal knowledge.

But the Holy Spirit is the knowledge of God given man from God as proof of God.

Uniquely, Christianity has that distinction in that the spirit in man is not the Spirit of God and that to know God requires knowing the Spirit of God.

That is not inherent according to jesus.

It is believed to be an inherent distinction outside of Jesus' teachings.

Only the born again christian knows the truth.

BINGO!!! For as many that are led by the spirit OF GOD, have the RIGHT to be called the sons of God.

That's it folks!!!

They win!!!

They are BORN AGAINS, and only BORN AGAINS know THE TRUTH!!!

Now I know, ... that I don't know.

I am not, nor will I ever be a BORNAGAIN! So I know that I'll never know.

Hey there!!! Wait a second!!! I now know!!!



Sorry folks, my mistake!!!


And they're the only ones in the dark.

THEY THINK THEY KNOW!!! Imagine that!!!

But they have no clue,
'... THEY DON'T KNOW, that, THEY DON'T KNOW!!!...'

OH! poor 'BORNAGAINS'! How profoundly sad!!! They seriously think they know!!!

Let's be patient, and show them some compassion!!!

We must have faith and believe, that even BORNAGAINS can be free, and 'GET IT' one day!!!

Faith, brothers and sisters!!! It's all about faith!!!

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:32 PM

Angry? Judgmental? LOL Let's put this in perspective ...ok?

Ah well gee...my parents corrected me when I needed it. Where do you think they take their cues from? LOL

Correction, just like direction, are important factors in life. So where is God wrong?

Oh quickstop, maybe when he dropped a bunch of sulfur (which burns flesh from skin) onto Sodom and Gomorrah for no clear reason other than they were "unrighteous" in some respect. It’s never made totally clear what unlawful acts these people were committing and is totally up for debate. Just think if our modern legal system acted in this fashion today? Not to mention that Lot, the one man who was considered righteous by god, offered up his two daughters to be gang raped by the angry mob that came to his home. Now that’s only ONE time in the the bible when god acted inappropriately and without due process....

Uh... yes well anything to take the responsibility from where it belongs...mankind.

Maybe God was looking down & decided it was time to lay down the law after watching His children make fools of themselves.

Anything God does is kinder than what humans do to humans. Twisting the love of God is rebellion. Nothing more. You don't like His provision that's your choice.

For as many as would believe are the blessings of God, & even when things don't look so good from OUR POV, it's still ALL good & for our good. So you keep thinking otherwise. Stay in your rebellion but until you start to see from God's eyes you will never "get it."

You shortchange yourself & get angry at me??? hahahahahahahaha So typical but else can I expect? Right? :wink:

Muahahahahahaha !! rofl rofl rofl

I told you so. They would lay the blame back on MANKIND!

Oh we are soooo evil. We all fall short of the glory of God. We are all sinners. The only way we can be saved of our sins is to participate in the slaughter of an innocent man to pay for our sins and to metaphorically be bathed in his blood.

Did you know that killing an innocent boy has been( and is said to be still be) used for evil ritualistic sacrifices by Satanic cults still existing today?

What does that tell you? It tells me that the whole idea is a satanic ritual. I'll have no part of it.


Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:37 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sun 08/24/08 07:42 PM

Quickie said:

so what Tribo??? Who's to say that Christians have to agree with everything. We are human too & still make mistakes. Are you saying that Christians are suppose to be perfect along with God now too???? Get real...

Tribo-master replies:

laugh laugh laugh laugh

rofl rofl rofl rofl

God forbid that i would even suggest that any christian be perfect!! Seen and been around to many i know better.

What is at question here is the perfection and truth of the spirit of god!! And his ability in leading men to the truth - not some truths - but "ALL" truths!! I know your petty reasons for not dividing the word of your god rightly, and seperating yourseves into differing sects, that's not the issue i'm raising quickie, mine is with gods spirit not showing "ALL" believers that claim to have this " spirit of gods truths" not being able or having the power or wisdom or ability to show it in such away that all who claim having this spirit can agree on all things written in the book. don't that seem strange to you Quickie??

One multi-god, one spirit of truth, one baptism of the spirit which all true believers receive, one set of books, one infinite set of standards, yet "many takes that lead to division by those who have this ""spirit of infinite truths"" dividing it differently???

yeah that sounds reasonable to me --------- NOT!!

Well tribo...it's not that I don't get what you're saying here. I wonder myself about these things. Why is it so hard? Why does it seem like we can't attain?

I really believe it's because we have a hard time letting go...laying ourselves down. Submitting to God. We want that control. Now how can God move in us if we won't give Him control?

We don't grow up seeing & being & learning about God's grace mercy & glory. Or about faith hope & trust in Him. We get the short end...the law & the do's & don'ts. Dogma is ok but it's not enough for the inner man. I'm not complaining about that but it isn't enough for humans beings. All those who complain about "dogma"...well that's all they will get if they don't surrender to God. DOGMA...that they hate so much!!!!

It's very true what the bible says about our righteousness is as filthy rags compared to what God prepares for those who come to Him. If you are starting at minus 50 it's a long road back. There is hope in that even though transition is uncomfortable, it's definately worth it. The glory is awesome when it comes.

It's true...anything worth having is worth fighting for. God is worth every struggle. :smile:

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:39 PM
QS wrote:

So according to you all...no correction is good & love isn't love when it hurts? LOL

You call stoning people to death "correction"?

Yep, that'll correct em alright! laugh

You must be all for capital punishment then.

I don't even know where the idea of correction came into play here. Clearly if God loses the vast majority of souls that he creates then he didn't do a very good job of 'correcting' them at all.

Moreover, why doesn't 'correction' need to be in the form of physical violence?

That's an extremely unwise method of discipline. It's both lazy and unwise on the part of the partent. It's usually done because the parent doesn't have any better solution or has simply run out of patience.

But a timeless God should never run out of patience. Nor should he ever have a need to be lazy or unwise.

I personally hold that there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to physically punish a child using violence. And 'discipline' should be implemented by making them do constructive chores and being made to THINK about the issue at had. Esepcially the part about THINKING. They should be made to write about the issue. Whatever it is. They should be made to write about why they hate it. Why they love it, or whatever other emotions they feel about it. They should be made to write a short description of how they would feel it it was done to them, or how they would feel if they did it to another person, another animal.

They should be made to THINK and WRITE! To very constructive activities that can only only serve as discipline, but will also serve as a means for them to address their problems head on and potentially see them from every possible angle.

A partent who just spanks their child has robbed them of any potential real lessons in life and has only hardened their heart and tuaght them that violence is the best method for solving problems.

This is the kind of stupidity that mortal humans are infamous for.

To think that God would be this unwise is absurd.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:40 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sun 08/24/08 07:44 PM

belief is a guess.

all belief. In and of itself is guesswork.

and the believers that promote their beliefs are guessing.

It is not about knowledge, and certainly not about universal knowledge.

But the Holy Spirit is the knowledge of God given man from God as proof of God.

Uniquely, Christianity has that distinction in that the spirit in man is not the Spirit of God and that to know God requires knowing the Spirit of God.

That is not inherent according to jesus.

It is believed to be an inherent distinction outside of Jesus' teachings.

Only the born again christian knows the truth.

BINGO!!! For as many that are led by the spirit OF GOD, have the RIGHT to be called the sons of God.

That's it folks!!!

They win!!!

They are BORN AGAINS, and only BORN AGAINS know THE TRUTH!!!

Now I know, ... that I don't know.

I am not, nor will I ever be a BORNAGAIN! So I know that I'll never know.

Hey there!!! Wait a second!!! I now know!!!



Sorry folks, my mistake!!!


And they're the only ones in the dark.

THEY THINK THEY KNOW!!! Imagine that!!!

But they have no clue,
'... THEY DON'T KNOW, that, THEY DON'T KNOW!!!...'

OH! poor 'BORNAGAINS'! How profoundly sad!!! They seriously think they know!!!

Let's be patient, and show them some compassion!!!

We must have faith and believe, that even BORNAGAINS can be free, and 'GET IT' one day!!!

Faith, brothers and sisters!!! It's all about faith!!!

WOW! Coming from an atheist...LOL No agenda there...right? :wink:

Very funny indeed! hahahahahaha

BTW...I took yu's all on & am still :banana: :banana: :banana: LOL

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:48 PM
Zeus wrote:

Let's be patient, and show them some compassion!

I try to be patient and show them compassion Voil, but they refuse to see. They truly do have blind faith all the way.

I which I could teach love and compassion in the name of Jesus.

But the Christians have raped Jesus of any dignity. They've stolen is love and compassion and replaced it with bigotry and hatred.

There's no way to restore his honor. There's no way to preach true wisdom and brotherly love in the name of Jesus.

It's all hatred toward the non-believers now. That's all the religion has come to be. It's a total train wreck of spirituality. An abomination of anything that could even remotely be considered divine. ohwell

Love and peace have been forever banned and shunned by the Christians. It's impossible to preach brotherly love in the name of Jesus.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:51 PM
Quickie said:

It's true...anything worth having is worth fighting for. God is worth every struggle. :smile:

Struggle for what?

How can you ever hope to preach love when you are so busy preaching hatred toward non-believers?

wouldee's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:55 PM

belief is a guess.

all belief. In and of itself is guesswork.

and the believers that promote their beliefs are guessing.

It is not about knowledge, and certainly not about universal knowledge.

But the Holy Spirit is the knowledge of God given man from God as proof of God.

Uniquely, Christianity has that distinction in that the spirit in man is not the Spirit of God and that to know God requires knowing the Spirit of God.

That is not inherent according to jesus.

It is believed to be an inherent distinction outside of Jesus' teachings.

Only the born again christian knows the truth.

Woildee, if the born again christian knows the truth, how many born again christians are there?

What i unfortunately see is millions of christians you say supposedly have this spirit of truth that don't agree as to what the truth you hold as truth to be their truth?

Unless you just referrring to the main tenants of the book as to who and what jesus did and claims to be - is that what you mean?

Outiside of this i see a large proportion of the same people that hold the main tenants as true to not agee and cause division and break away from the body of christ that is suppused to be in agreement correct?

If so, then my question is - Why would the spirit of god that supposedly is nothing but truth in "all" areas of god's word and will, allow so many different belief's to be held by those you say are being guided and taught of this spirit of truth? Or is the spirit of truth only allowing the tenent's of your faith to be seen as truth? and disreguarding what one personally think of secondary issues such as baptism or rapture, or speaking in tongues etc.?

If the spirit of truth is only leading you to accept and follow the main tenents of your faith why is the body then divided over any issues? - can not the spirit of truth show all who have him what is correct in and on every issue that is raised rather than allow division of the whole body? In other words why allow division if the truth is available through this all knowing spirit of god? Explain to me why everyone that claims to have this spirit can be dead on to the main tenants and so off base on other writings?

Well, tribo, you have your beliefs. I cannot convince you of anything in my own strength, and the best i can do is sometimes try to offer insights foreign to natural capacities of discernment.
All in all, that is merely going to be considered a guess or merely a belief on my part, and quite frankly none of what any of us say about knowing God intimately is believeable but to the few so apprehended.

The leap has to be made from belief to knowledge.

Of the relative few that do understand my congruity and harmony of the scriptures were not taught that by men and I am merely an echo to them.

How much less to any that do not know?

It merely comes off as guesswork on my part, and many monikers get atttached to that. All of which are guesses, anyway, based on some belief other than a personal relationship with God through jesus Christ, which is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. There is no difference between the three in any case. They are the same Spirit.

It is not an inherent awareness, by any means.

I had my fill of those spirits when I was yet of the world.

I know the difference and those that know who I know, know whose I am.

But what I have learned will vary, invariably, from another as need arises according to their own relationship with the same Spirit of God.

We are all given to know but grow at different rates in wisdom. By that I mean understanding the knowledge of the Lord and that which he has pro[urposed for us to be apprehended of his knowledge with the understanding also as we live and apply that which he leads us into for practicality's sake that we might further understand the greater ramifications of whose we are and who God seeks for us to mature into as complete in the wisdom God offers.

It puts us in direct contravention of being of any good use to men in their own understanding.

A good example is expressed in the experiences I endure from men that would have high hopes for me in their business if I would just lie and use people for my own advantage and for their own exceeding gain through me. But begrudgingly they endure me for the very prowess of my skilss which are found needful to them more than my ingratiating presence as a hidrance to their momentum through lies and manipulation of others.

I am not a good team player, in that regard. LOL

But I do see the grace of God reflected in me by the useful service I can be to them despite thier avowed frustration that I am "not playing the game" any longer.

I still happen to be quite the professional at the top of my field of endeavor. It just so happens that my ambitions have changed.:wink:

In any case, you have many questions and I cannot address them in light of making a difference to you by answering them all for you here.

You would require of yourself to suspend your beliefs to comprehend mine, and that won't satisfy since it would require that God make me only an echo of that which God alone teaches by the Holy Spirit.

Few know the truth, tribo.

It is not believeable on natural terms.

That is evident by the proliferation of so many private interpreteations of scripture.

We say we talk to God and God talks back.

Unless you know that for yourself, you cannot believe that.

But history drones on with us, who were once just as you and all others, with us repeating this same testimony.

And Christianity keeps moving forward unabated in the world in spite of the reisitance against it.

It is exemplified by the example I gave of my own experiences as a christian in business working for my needs.

We are tolerated for whatever benefit that can be had of our service, but not sincerely embraced for our testimony and behavior which makes us more of a liablility than an asset when considering the fact that we can be known to tell the truth just a little bit too much for own good.

But we still rejoice as at the first that people to still come to know and rejoice with us in whose we are.

At least that is proof for us that we are not crazy. LOL

You might just relate to that quip. lol


no photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:59 PM
Edited by voileazur on Sun 08/24/08 08:06 PM

belief is a guess.

all belief. In and of itself is guesswork.

and the believers that promote their beliefs are guessing.

It is not about knowledge, and certainly not about universal knowledge.

But the Holy Spirit is the knowledge of God given man from God as proof of God.

Uniquely, Christianity has that distinction in that the spirit in man is not the Spirit of God and that to know God requires knowing the Spirit of God.

That is not inherent according to jesus.

It is believed to be an inherent distinction outside of Jesus' teachings.

Only the born again christian knows the truth.

BINGO!!! For as many that are led by the spirit OF GOD, have the RIGHT to be called the sons of God.

That's it folks!!!

They win!!!

They are BORN AGAINS, and only BORN AGAINS know THE TRUTH!!!

Now I know, ... that I don't know.

I am not, nor will I ever be a BORNAGAIN! So I know that I'll never know.

Hey there!!! Wait a second!!! I now know!!!



Sorry folks, my mistake!!!


And they're the only ones in the dark.

THEY THINK THEY KNOW!!! Imagine that!!!

But they have no clue,
'... THEY DON'T KNOW, that, THEY DON'T KNOW!!!...'

OH! poor 'BORNAGAINS'! How profoundly sad!!! They seriously think they know!!!

Let's be patient, and show them some compassion!!!

We must have faith and believe, that even BORNAGAINS can be free, and 'GET IT' one day!!!

Faith, brothers and sisters!!! It's all about faith!!!

WOW! Coming from an atheist...LOL No agenda there...right? :wink:

Very funny indeed! hahahahahaha

BTW...I took yu's all on & am still :banana: :banana: :banana: LOL


Did you just call me an atheist???

What right do you have to call people names.

Have I ever called you a 'phony christian'???


So why this anger, and personal attacks, calling me an atheist???

I don't judge your relationship with god. Not my place. Who are you to judge mine???

You are crossing a fine line here.

If, on the other hand you simply misused, or forgot the meaning of the word atheist, than apologize to me, and I'll promptly forgive you.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:03 PM

Quickie said:

It's true...anything worth having is worth fighting for. God is worth every struggle. :smile:

Struggle for what?

Stop with those wimpy attitudes. It's called growing up.

Rebuking someone for having rebellious views is something Jesus pointed out as well. I reject your false views of what I am saying.

Girls just wanna have fuh un!!!! :banana: :banana:

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:04 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sun 08/24/08 08:13 PM

belief is a guess.

all belief. In and of itself is guesswork.

and the believers that promote their beliefs are guessing.

It is not about knowledge, and certainly not about universal knowledge.

But the Holy Spirit is the knowledge of God given man from God as proof of God.

Uniquely, Christianity has that distinction in that the spirit in man is not the Spirit of God and that to know God requires knowing the Spirit of God.

That is not inherent according to jesus.

It is believed to be an inherent distinction outside of Jesus' teachings.

Only the born again christian knows the truth.

BINGO!!! For as many that are led by the spirit OF GOD, have the RIGHT to be called the sons of God.

That's it folks!!!

They win!!!

They are BORN AGAINS, and only BORN AGAINS know THE TRUTH!!!

Now I know, ... that I don't know.

I am not, nor will I ever be a BORNAGAIN! So I know that I'll never know.

Hey there!!! Wait a second!!! I now know!!!



Sorry folks, my mistake!!!


And they're the only ones in the dark.

THEY THINK THEY KNOW!!! Imagine that!!!

But they have no clue,
'... THEY DON'T KNOW, that, THEY DON'T KNOW!!!...'

OH! poor 'BORNAGAINS'! How profoundly sad!!! They seriously think they know!!!

Let's be patient, and show them some compassion!!!

We must have faith and believe, that even BORNAGAINS can be free, and 'GET IT' one day!!!

Faith, brothers and sisters!!! It's all about faith!!!

WOW! Coming from an atheist...LOL No agenda there...right? :wink:

Very funny indeed! hahahahahaha

BTW...I took yu's all on & am still :banana: :banana: :banana: LOL

Did you just call me an atheist???

What right do you have to call people names.

Have I ever called you a 'phony christian'???


So why this anger, and personal attacks, calling me an atheist???

I don't judge your relationship with god. Not my place. Who are you to judge mine???

You are crossing a fine line here.

If, on the other hand you simply misused, or forgot the meaning of the word atheist, than apologize to me, and I'll promptly forgive you.

Well I seem to remember you saying you were an atheist on another thread. Was I wrong? slaphead

BTW... since your post made a blanket statement against ALL Christians then you also insulted ME. Isn't it a funny thing about pointing fingers? LOL This is soooo funny!!!!

Girls just wanna have fuh un... :banana: :banana: :banana:

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:06 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 08/24/08 08:15 PM
You shouldnt presume to guess what a person's spirituality is. If they announce it thats one thing. You have done that with me also.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:19 PM

You shouldnt presume to guess what a person's spirituality is. If they announce it thats one thing. You have done that with me also.

Oh you mean the way you & some of yours twist what we Christians are saying? LOL

Very funny indeed. laugh laugh

t22learner's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:19 PM
You could be waiting a while for an apology for that slander.

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:20 PM

belief is a guess.

all belief. In and of itself is guesswork.

and the believers that promote their beliefs are guessing.

It is not about knowledge, and certainly not about universal knowledge.

But the Holy Spirit is the knowledge of God given man from God as proof of God.

Uniquely, Christianity has that distinction in that the spirit in man is not the Spirit of God and that to know God requires knowing the Spirit of God.

That is not inherent according to jesus.

It is believed to be an inherent distinction outside of Jesus' teachings.

Only the born again christian knows the truth.

Woildee, if the born again christian knows the truth, how many born again christians are there?

What i unfortunately see is millions of christians you say supposedly have this spirit of truth that don't agree as to what the truth you hold as truth to be their truth?

Unless you just referrring to the main tenants of the book as to who and what jesus did and claims to be - is that what you mean?

Outiside of this i see a large proportion of the same people that hold the main tenants as true to not agee and cause division and break away from the body of christ that is suppused to be in agreement correct?

If so, then my question is - Why would the spirit of god that supposedly is nothing but truth in "all" areas of god's word and will, allow so many different belief's to be held by those you say are being guided and taught of this spirit of truth? Or is the spirit of truth only allowing the tenent's of your faith to be seen as truth? and disreguarding what one personally think of secondary issues such as baptism or rapture, or speaking in tongues etc.?

If the spirit of truth is only leading you to accept and follow the main tenents of your faith why is the body then divided over any issues? - can not the spirit of truth show all who have him what is correct in and on every issue that is raised rather than allow division of the whole body? In other words why allow division if the truth is available through this all knowing spirit of god? Explain to me why everyone that claims to have this spirit can be dead on to the main tenants and so off base on other writings?

Well, tribo, you have your beliefs. I cannot convince you of anything in my own strength, and the best i can do is sometimes try to offer insights foreign to natural capacities of discernment.
All in all, that is merely going to be considered a guess or merely a belief on my part, and quite frankly none of what any of us say about knowing God intimately is believeable but to the few so apprehended.

The leap has to be made from belief to knowledge.

Of the relative few that do understand my congruity and harmony of the scriptures were not taught that by men and I am merely an echo to them.

How much less to any that do not know?

It merely comes off as guesswork on my part, and many monikers get atttached to that. All of which are guesses, anyway, based on some belief other than a personal relationship with God through jesus Christ, which is accomplished by the Holy Spirit. There is no difference between the three in any case. They are the same Spirit.

It is not an inherent awareness, by any means.

I had my fill of those spirits when I was yet of the world.

I know the difference and those that know who I know, know whose I am.

But what I have learned will vary, invariably, from another as need arises according to their own relationship with the same Spirit of God.

We are all given to know but grow at different rates in wisdom. By that I mean understanding the knowledge of the Lord and that which he has pro[urposed for us to be apprehended of his knowledge with the understanding also as we live and apply that which he leads us into for practicality's sake that we might further understand the greater ramifications of whose we are and who God seeks for us to mature into as complete in the wisdom God offers.

It puts us in direct contravention of being of any good use to men in their own understanding.

A good example is expressed in the experiences I endure from men that would have high hopes for me in their business if I would just lie and use people for my own advantage and for their own exceeding gain through me. But begrudgingly they endure me for the very prowess of my skilss which are found needful to them more than my ingratiating presence as a hidrance to their momentum through lies and manipulation of others.

I am not a good team player, in that regard. LOL

But I do see the grace of God reflected in me by the useful service I can be to them despite thier avowed frustration that I am "not playing the game" any longer.

I still happen to be quite the professional at the top of my field of endeavor. It just so happens that my ambitions have changed.:wink:

In any case, you have many questions and I cannot address them in light of making a difference to you by answering them all for you here.

You would require of yourself to suspend your beliefs to comprehend mine, and that won't satisfy since it would require that God make me only an echo of that which God alone teaches by the Holy Spirit.

Few know the truth, tribo.

It is not believeable on natural terms.

That is evident by the proliferation of so many private interpreteations of scripture.

We say we talk to God and God talks back.

Unless you know that for yourself, you cannot believe that.

But history drones on with us, who were once just as you and all others, with us repeating this same testimony.

And Christianity keeps moving forward unabated in the world in spite of the reisitance against it.

It is exemplified by the example I gave of my own experiences as a christian in business working for my needs.

We are tolerated for whatever benefit that can be had of our service, but not sincerely embraced for our testimony and behavior which makes us more of a liablility than an asset when considering the fact that we can be known to tell the truth just a little bit too much for own good.

But we still rejoice as at the first that people to still come to know and rejoice with us in whose we are.

At least that is proof for us that we are not crazy. LOL

You might just relate to that quip. lol



I sincerely do not have a clue how to approach a post, such as the one you just wrote.

I am aware of your intent, or mission of ministery since my first exchanges with you.

And in that light, stricly with the desire to support your quest, I truly and sincerely suggest and recommend that you read Cervantes, 'Don Quichotte De La Mancha'.

It is a formidable philosophical essay, which deals quite brilliantly with the paradoxes of Mission (Quest), Faith, Guiding Principles, and moving beyond 'self', as the only way to truly serve any Purpose, Mission, or Quest worth serving.

Cervantes devoted his whole life to the complex notion, mystery and supreme paradox of being totally fulfilled, while not being about oneself!!!

That what came out, not having a clue how to approach your post.

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:21 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Sun 08/24/08 08:24 PM

Stop with those wimpy attitudes. It's called growing up.

Rebuking someone for having rebellious views is something Jesus pointed out as well. I reject your false views of what I am saying.

Girls just wanna have fuh un!!!! :banana: :banana:

Wimpy attitudes?

You spread hate in the name of Jesus and you call that having 'fun'?

You have a very demented idea of 'fun' IMHO.

So Jesus is all about rejecting non-believers and getting your rocks off on it?

Do you see, Jessee, why I say that this religion is determintal to humanity.

It's not about spreading brotherly love at all. It's all about getting your jollies off on condemning non-believers.

It's just a pious riot. Holy Wars on the Internet.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor, go ahead and cheat a friend.

You can do it in the name of Jesus, and justify it in the end.

You call that a positive influence on society?

I beg to differ. flowerforyou

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:23 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 08/24/08 08:25 PM
When have I have ever guessed at your religion? We all know you are Christian...I wish you could possibly find it within your heart to be a little less mean spirited. I actually introduced myself to you on this forum when I very first started posting and you said something rude back then presumably because you couldn't tell what "team I was on". You didn’t know to be friendly or not because I had not announced by spirituality on forum. How does it feel to live your life in that manner? Worried about what someone "is" or not is?

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:26 PM

When have I have ever guessed at your religion? We all know you are Christian...I wish you could possibly find it within your heart to be a little less mean spirited. I actually introduced myself to you on this forum when I very first started posting and you said something rude back then presumably because you couldn't tell what "team I was on". You didn’t know to be friendly or not because I had not announced by spirituality on forum. How does it feel to live your life in that manner? Worried about what someone "is" or not is?

Hey... I'm just a girl who wants to have fuh un :banana: :banana:

I think you are seeing your own reflexion in the mirror there Krim... BOO!

tribo's photo
Sun 08/24/08 08:28 PM
quickie responded:

Well tribo...it's not that I don't get what you're saying here. I wonder myself about these things. Why is it so hard? Why does it seem like we can't attain?

I really believe it's because we have a hard time letting go...laying ourselves down. Submitting to God. We want that control. Now how can God move in us if we won't give Him control?

We don't grow up seeing & being & learning about God's grace mercy & glory. Or about faith hope & trust in Him. We get the short end...the law & the do's & don'ts. Dogma is OK but it's not enough for the inner man. I'm not complaining about that but it isn't enough for humans beings. All those who complain about "dogma"...well that's all they will get if they don't surrender to God. DOGMA...that they hate so much!!!!

It's very true what the bible says about our righteousness is as filthy rags compared to what God prepares for those who come to Him. If you are starting at minus 50 it's a long road back. There is hope in that even though transition is uncomfortable, it's definitely worth it. The glory is awesome when it comes.

It's true...anything worth having is worth fighting for. God is worth every struggle.

Tribo-master replies:

no your not getting what I'm saying quickie - if you really have the spirit of god in you, then he should be teaching you >and all the others< the same thing, I'm not blaming you or wouldee or anyone else in particular,nor do blame those sects who don't agree with you - what I'm trying to do is show that the spirit is not doing his job if it is to lead you in >>>""all truths""<<<!!

John chpt: 16 vs: 13-15

" When he the spirit of "truth" is come, he will guide you in >>>"all" truth.<<< "

""ALL TRUTH"" - not just the core tenants!!

there then should be no disagreements correct??

i again don't blame it on mankind, i blame it on the spirit of truth not doing what is said he will do - ALL TRUTHS !!

if anyone disagrees then take it up with Jesus - he was the one that said and promised it not me.

But - this is an extremely big issue in this sense for me at least - if god can't even get those that claim to have received the spirit of truth to agree with all the other members of his >>body/church<<, it then creates disbelief for others - why would anyone believe in a spirit of truth that is supposed to teach all the same truths and does not accomplish what he is supposed to be doing? if god can not accomplish what he sets out to do within his own body of people that are >>>filled with his spirit of truth<<< then what hope is their for any?? - "NONE!!!!!!"

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