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Topic: This may Get A Tad Heated
Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 06:51 PM

belief is a guess.

all belief. In and of itself is guesswork.

and the believers that promote their beliefs are guessing.

It is not about knowledge, and certainly not about universal knowledge.

But the Holy Spirit is the knowledge of God given man from God as proof of God.

Uniquely, Christianity has that distinction in that the spirit in man is not the Spirit of God and that to know God requires knowing the Spirit of God.

That is not inherent according to jesus.

It is believed to be an inherent distinction outside of Jesus' teachings.

Only the born again christian knows the truth.

BINGO!!! For as many that are led by the spirit OF GOD, have the RIGHT to be called the sons of God.

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 06:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 08/24/08 06:58 PM

Now read Isaiah 53...

Do you agree that the New Testament was written after the old testament?

If so, then do you agree that it is altogether possible that the authors of the New Testament had access to or had read the old Jewish scriptures?

If not, why not?

If so, then would you agree that it is possible that someone could have read the old scripture and wrote a fictional story to give the impression that these prophecies did come true?

Or maybe they did not even intend this, maybe the authors of the NT were just plagiarizing because they lacked their own imagination.

Now class, your assignment is to uncover the motive or the agenda, the true authors of the NT may have had, and what they accomplished by starting a new religion called Christianity.


no photo
Sun 08/24/08 06:57 PM
Abra wrote:

Why would you choose the picture of the lesser father?

laugh laugh

You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your relatives. huh

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:00 PM
Yeh, Krisma, answer the questions. laugh laugh laugh laugh

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:01 PM

Yahsgirl wrote:

Spider you are point! Very wise indeed! Very few are able to grab this understanding...many are called few are chosen! Wide is the gate that leads to destruction, seek the narrow gate it leads to salvation, unfortunately very few will find it.

Have you ever really given this idea much thought at all?

This suggests that the creator the universe is a gambler. He creates souls knowing full well that only very few of them will make it, and the rest will fall to eternal agony.

That's an extremely efficient creator.

Compare that with the pantheistic view of God where eveyone comes out a winner?

Why should we believe that God is a loser, when pictures of a winning God exist?

If you didn't know who your father was, and someone came to you with two different possiblities. One was a picture of an angry judgmental man who loses most of his children to criminal behavior. The other was a picture of a very wise and loving man who never loses a single solitary child,...

Which picture would you choose to believe is your father?

The choice is yours. You can believe that God is either of these two pictures.

Do you think that if you choose the better picture and the angry judgmental father turns out to be true you might get a spanking for having guessed wrong?

Why would you choose the picture of the lesser father?

Angry? Judgmental? LOL Let's put this in perspective ...ok?

Ah well gee...my parents corrected me when I needed it. Where do you think they take their cues from? LOL

Correction, just like direction, are important factors in life. So where is God wrong?

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:01 PM
JB, I cant stay that woman...its getting harder and harder to keep my cool with her. laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:04 PM

Now read Isaiah 53...

I don't even see the connection really.

Jesus wasn't rejected. On the contrary Jesus had a huge following so we are told.

The crucifixion doesn't count as a rejection. That was the Roman's doing. At it was done because Jesus confronted their authority. The Roman's would have crucified anyone for that, as a matter of fact, they often did.

So Isaiah 53 doesn't even come close to being meaningful in the story of Jesus.

But like Jeanniebean said, even if there was a connection the story of Jesus was written after the fact, so it's much more realistic to believe that the authors of the New Testament were just using ideas of the Old Testament. To think that they weren't is utterly naive. Especially in light of the fact that they were attempting to proclaim that he was indeed the Messiah that was predicted by the Old Testament.

I don't see any connection there at all. The description in Isaia doesn't even match the story of Jesus at all IMHO. It's not even close.

tribo's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:05 PM

belief is a guess.

all belief. In and of itself is guesswork.

and the believers that promote their beliefs are guessing.

It is not about knowledge, and certainly not about universal knowledge.

But the Holy Spirit is the knowledge of God given man from God as proof of God.

Uniquely, Christianity has that distinction in that the spirit in man is not the Spirit of God and that to know God requires knowing the Spirit of God.

That is not inherent according to jesus.

It is believed to be an inherent distinction outside of Jesus' teachings.

Only the born again christian knows the truth.

Woildee, if the born again christian knows the truth, how many born again christians are there?

What i unfortunately see is millions of christians you say supposedly have this spirit of truth that don't agree as to what the truth you hold as truth to be their truth?

Unless you just referrring to the main tenants of the book as to who and what jesus did and claims to be - is that what you mean?

Outiside of this i see a large proportion of the same people that hold the main tenants as true to not agee and cause division and break away from the body of christ that is suppused to be in agreement correct?

If so, then my question is - Why would the spirit of god that supposedly is nothing but truth in "all" areas of god's word and will, allow so many different belief's to be held by those you say are being guided and taught of this spirit of truth? Or is the spirit of truth only allowing the tenent's of your faith to be seen as truth? and disreguarding what one personally think of secondary issues such as baptism or rapture, or speaking in tongues etc.?

If the spirit of truth is only leading you to accept and follow the main tenents of your faith why is the body then divided over any issues? - can not the spirit of truth show all who have him what is correct in and on every issue that is raised rather than allow division of the whole body? In other words why allow division if the truth is available through this all knowing spirit of god? Explain to me why everyone that claims to have this spirit can be dead on to the main tenants and so off base on other writings?

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:06 PM

JB, I cant stay that woman...its getting harder and harder to keep my cool with her. laugh

Awwww... temper temper lil girl... LOL

BTW...I read the whole thread. I know EXACTLY where your at... You're even getting testy with jessee...and he's being a complete gentleman. What's that say about YOU???? LOL

Keep blowin' that smoke... laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:06 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sun 08/24/08 07:09 PM
So where is God wrong?

You dare to ask this question of Abra? laugh

You must be a glutton for punishment. laugh

I think he will tell you that God is not wrong unless you are specifically talking about the God character depicted in the Bible.

If that's the God you are talking about, well, gee where should I begin......

Stoning unruly children comes to mind....
Killing diviners .....
Killing entire populations because they worship a different God. (Genocide)

Killing his own son. (Or letting humans do it.)

Making laws like: "The wages of sin is death."


Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:07 PM
Edited by Krimsa on Sun 08/24/08 07:08 PM

Yahsgirl wrote:

Spider you are point! Very wise indeed! Very few are able to grab this understanding...many are called few are chosen! Wide is the gate that leads to destruction, seek the narrow gate it leads to salvation, unfortunately very few will find it.

Have you ever really given this idea much thought at all?

This suggests that the creator the universe is a gambler. He creates souls knowing full well that only very few of them will make it, and the rest will fall to eternal agony.

That's an extremely efficient creator.

Compare that with the pantheistic view of God where eveyone comes out a winner?

Why should we believe that God is a loser, when pictures of a winning God exist?

If you didn't know who your father was, and someone came to you with two different possiblities. One was a picture of an angry judgmental man who loses most of his children to criminal behavior. The other was a picture of a very wise and loving man who never loses a single solitary child,...

Which picture would you choose to believe is your father?

The choice is yours. You can believe that God is either of these two pictures.

Do you think that if you choose the better picture and the angry judgmental father turns out to be true you might get a spanking for having guessed wrong?

Why would you choose the picture of the lesser father?

Angry? Judgmental? LOL Let's put this in perspective ...ok?

Ah well gee...my parents corrected me when I needed it. Where do you think they take their cues from? LOL

Correction, just like direction, are important factors in life. So where is God wrong?

Oh quickstop, maybe when he dropped a bunch of sulfur (which burns flesh from skin) onto Sodom and Gomorrah for no clear reason other than they were "unrighteous" in some respect. It’s never made totally clear what unlawful acts these people were committing and is totally up for debate. Just think if our modern legal system acted in this fashion today? Not to mention that Lot, the one man who was considered righteous by god, offered up his two daughters to be gang raped by the angry mob that came to his home. Now that’s only ONE time in the the bible when god acted inappropriately and without due process....

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:08 PM

belief is a guess.

all belief. In and of itself is guesswork.

and the believers that promote their beliefs are guessing.

It is not about knowledge, and certainly not about universal knowledge.

But the Holy Spirit is the knowledge of God given man from God as proof of God.

Uniquely, Christianity has that distinction in that the spirit in man is not the Spirit of God and that to know God requires knowing the Spirit of God.

That is not inherent according to jesus.

It is believed to be an inherent distinction outside of Jesus' teachings.

Only the born again christian knows the truth.

Woildee, if the born again christian knows the truth, how many born again christians are there?

What i unfortunately see is millions of christians you say supposedly have this spirit of truth that don't agree as to what the truth you hold as truth to be their truth?

Unless you just referrring to the main tenants of the book as to who and what jesus did and claims to be - is that what you mean?

Outiside of this i see a large proportion of the same people that hold the main tenants as true to not agee and cause division and break away from the body of christ that is suppused to be in agreement correct?

If so, then my question is - Why would the spirit of god that supposedly is nothing but truth in "all" areas of god's word and will, allow so many different belief's to be held by those you say are being guided and taught of this spirit of truth? Or is the spirit of truth only allowing the tenent's of your faith to be seen as truth? and disreguarding what one personally think of secondary issues such as baptism or rapture, or speaking in tongues etc.?

If the spirit of truth is only leading you to accept and follow the main tenents of your faith why is the body then divided over any issues? - can not the spirit of truth show all who have him what is correct in and on every issue that is raised rather than allow division of the whole body? In other words why allow division if the truth is available through this all knowing spirit of god? Explain to me why everyone that claims to have this spirit can be dead on to the main tenants and so off base on other writings?

so what Tribo??? Who's to say that Christians have to agree with everything. We are human too & still make mistakes. Are you saying that Christians are suppose to be perfect along with God now too???? Get real...

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:09 PM
This is a friendly reminder to stay on topic and do not attack others on a personal level. Keep the forums on a debate style if you can not comply with this then it may be to the best interest to pass up the topic in hand.

With that said please stay on the topic in a civil manner.

Thank You

Krimsa's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:12 PM

JB, I cant stay that woman...its getting harder and harder to keep my cool with her. laugh

Awwww... temper temper lil girl... LOL

BTW...I read the whole thread. I know EXACTLY where your at... You're even getting testy with jessee...and he's being a complete gentleman. What's that say about YOU???? LOL

Keep blowin' that smoke... laugh laugh

Oh yeah we all know about your reading comprehension skills...like that time you meant to write manual in reference to the bible but instead wrote Manuel, which is a popular male name in the Hispanic community...I have no probs with Jessee and have spoken with him much more than yourself. Thank you.laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:13 PM

Angry? Judgmental? LOL Let's put this in perspective ...ok?

Ah well gee...my parents corrected me when I needed it. Where do you think they take their cues from? LOL

Correction, just like direction, are important factors in life. So where is God wrong?

Where is God wrong?

Well, clearly if he losses the vast majority of his children to criminal behavior then his methods aren't working.

He would be an extremely inept parent if that were the case.

Therefore the biblical picture can't be true because it claims that God is a good parent. But a good parent doesn't lose the vast majority of their children to criminal behavior.

That's where the Bible blew it babe. :wink:

It a self-contradicting doctrine.

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:15 PM

So where is God wrong?

I think he will tell you that God is not wrong unless you are specifically talking about the God character depicted in the Bible.

If that's the God you are talking about, well, gee where to I begin.

Stoning unruly children comes to mind....
Killing diviners .....
Killing entire populations because they worship a different God. (Genocide)

Killing his own son. (Or letting humans do it.)

Making laws like: "The wages of sin is death."


So according to you all...no correction is good & love isn't love when it hurts? LOL

That is so off the mark not to mention unrealistic. Not to mention Wimpy, & I can think of a few other words...but that's enough for now.

God is God & whether you like it or not HE makes the rules. I realize that it is such a simple concept that most won't get it. I know you fall into that bunch but nonetheless, there are too many who know otherwise. The testimony of God's GRACE stands to this day. Not something made up by new agers & bitter people.

Buh bye~~~~ :smile: laugh :smile:

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:17 PM

Angry? Judgmental? LOL Let's put this in perspective ...ok?

Ah well gee...my parents corrected me when I needed it. Where do you think they take their cues from? LOL

Correction, just like direction, are important factors in life. So where is God wrong?

It a self-contradicting doctrine.

...self contridicting to the carnal mind you mean abra...

Abracadabra's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:18 PM

So where is God wrong?

You dare to ask this question of Abra? laugh

You must be a glutton for punishment. laugh

I think he will tell you that God is not wrong unless you are specifically talking about the God character depicted in the Bible.


This is true. The real God doesn't lose anyone so it's not an issue for the real God.

It's only an issue for a contradicting doctrine that claims that God is both a good parent, and that he loses the vast majority of his children to "sin".

It wants to have it both ways. But it can't because a good parent wouldn't lose the vast majority of their children to sin.

no photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:19 PM

Angry? Judgmental? LOL Let's put this in perspective ...ok?

Ah well gee...my parents corrected me when I needed it. Where do you think they take their cues from? LOL

Correction, just like direction, are important factors in life. So where is God wrong?

Where is God wrong?

Well, clearly if he losses the vast majority of his children to criminal behavior then his methods aren't working.

He would be an extremely inept parent if that were the case.

Therefore the biblical picture can't be true because it claims that God is a good parent. But a good parent doesn't lose the vast majority of their children to criminal behavior.

That's where the Bible blew it babe. :wink:

It a self-contradicting doctrine.

I agree. If the God written about in the Bible is such a nice guy and a good loving parent, why are most of his children bound for Hell? Why did Lucifer rebel against him?
Why are there so many wars? What is wrong with this picture?

I'll tell you what we will be told. It is man's fault. Mankind is evil and disobedient. We are all sinners and we all fall short of the glory of God, unless we become accomplices in the ideal of the crucification of a man who claims to be the son of God and wash ourselves in his blood and eat his flesh.

Sounds very strange. noway huh

Quikstepper's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:24 PM

Yahsgirl wrote:

Spider you are point! Very wise indeed! Very few are able to grab this understanding...many are called few are chosen! Wide is the gate that leads to destruction, seek the narrow gate it leads to salvation, unfortunately very few will find it.

Have you ever really given this idea much thought at all?

This suggests that the creator the universe is a gambler. He creates souls knowing full well that only very few of them will make it, and the rest will fall to eternal agony.

That's an extremely efficient creator.

Compare that with the pantheistic view of God where eveyone comes out a winner?

Why should we believe that God is a loser, when pictures of a winning God exist?

If you didn't know who your father was, and someone came to you with two different possiblities. One was a picture of an angry judgmental man who loses most of his children to criminal behavior. The other was a picture of a very wise and loving man who never loses a single solitary child,...

Which picture would you choose to believe is your father?

The choice is yours. You can believe that God is either of these two pictures.

Do you think that if you choose the better picture and the angry judgmental father turns out to be true you might get a spanking for having guessed wrong?

Why would you choose the picture of the lesser father?

Angry? Judgmental? LOL Let's put this in perspective ...ok?

Ah well gee...my parents corrected me when I needed it. Where do you think they take their cues from? LOL

Correction, just like direction, are important factors in life. So where is God wrong?

Oh quickstop, maybe when he dropped a bunch of sulfur (which burns flesh from skin) onto Sodom and Gomorrah for no clear reason other than they were "unrighteous" in some respect. It’s never made totally clear what unlawful acts these people were committing and is totally up for debate. Just think if our modern legal system acted in this fashion today? Not to mention that Lot, the one man who was considered righteous by god, offered up his two daughters to be gang raped by the angry mob that came to his home. Now that’s only ONE time in the the bible when god acted inappropriately and without due process....

Uh... yes well anything to take the responsibility from where it belongs...mankind.

Maybe God was looking down & decided it was time to lay down the law after watching His children make fools of themselves.

Anything God does is kinder than what humans do to humans. Twisting the love of God is rebellion. Nothing more. You don't like His provision that's your choice.

For as many as would believe are the blessings of God, & even when things don't look so good from OUR POV, it's still ALL good & for our good. So you keep thinking otherwise. Stay in your rebellion but until you start to see from God's eyes you will never "get it."

You shortchange yourself & get angry at me??? hahahahahahahaha So typical but else can I expect? Right? :wink:

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