Topic: I have an agend, what's yours | |
Main Entry: hidden agenda
Function: noun Date: 1971 : >>>an ulterior motive<<< the answer is YES but i cant tell you what it is, or otherwise it wouldn't be hidden any more would it - Whew! ok I'll let ya go on that, especially since for a moment I thought you were gonna say if I tell you, I would have to kill you. ah relieved you didn't. |
Agenda? I have no "agenda."
This is a religion board. I didn't create it but I come here to share my faith. That's all. I'm glad you're admitting that you come from a hostile attitude toward Christianity & people of THAT faith. It took me 40 years to figure women out. Now I'm a lesbian, I just give them flowers and a smile. |
See, in my experience, discussions about religion never go well in a mixed religion group. We are, by nature of faith, very unlikely to give up any ground on our own religion, and will often find ourselves conflicting with those of another religion.
The christians will always dislike the atheists, the pantheists, the pagans and whatever, and the atheists always seem to have a rabid need to tear apart any religion they can get theirs hands on. You're basically going to always end up with an argument, instead of a peaceful sharing of views Yes, that's correct and it's that attitude that continues to see people die in the name of religion. We just gotta keep trying to communicate. Some of us have gotten better at it too. If we would all learn to ignore those whose comments rile us up, or those who can't be civil in an intellectual way, then we might all learn more. I would love to see more diversity in these posts. |
(This interrogation has been brought to you by the High Priestess of the Universal Live Church of Brutal Truth and honesty.)
JB ooohhh you're in trouble nowwwww.... In the future you should just flowers. One tiny little jesture, says a lot. |
Wouldee Agendas are always an excellent example of closed mindedness.
I don’t suppose I can make a logical argument against that. Actually the reason I posted “my agenda” stemmed from a recently VERY ACTIVE thread. I got to thinking about WHY people, and I’m sorry to say it, but specifically Christians, simply can not speak their personal beliefs and without prosthylizing, and on the other hand why so many feel the need to try to make them admit their believes are not logical, including myself. Now I do believe that sometimes we really are just debating and if done well, it can be quite insightful. But more often than not it seems that some pre-programmed agenda takes hold and we simply must argue our points until one is backed in the corner of indignance. So somewhat frustrated with those who would argue from the point of view that they can not ever be wrong, I began to question what possible agendas everyone could have, including myself. This is what I came up with, and so I posted it. You see, I’m one of those people others trust to be fair and fair-minded. The reason is not always a beneficial attribute to live with, but it’s one I’m stuck with. With that in mind it makes is easier to understand why my agenda would be to make sure that everyone is totally informed before, and totally in agreement with, whatever decision they make, in choosing a religion. Redy, In choosing a religion , perhaps. Also to inquire into the heart and set it out in plain sight to not be stepped on ignorantly. Which I know to be a sensitivity that drives you to be forthright at best and not get entangled in minutia at worse. I was poking at the irony here in the forums as I have come to muse upon as the wall around this little hamlet in the digital landscape. By far, a more excellent microcosm of the whole than a virtual game animated with imaginary beasts and romantic characters and plots and dramas and intriques......oops. Never mind. I just described this forum. All kidding aside, I applaud the deeper notion. I, too, have a agenda. It is a simple one. I came in here randomly searching the internet for a winter love about a year ago. I did the dating sites, ad infinitum and com=ncluded all wwomen persent therein as gold-digging mirages looking like "humpty dumptress who fell and went BOOM!!!" LOL and in the process, my beliefs came to the fore even through my gesting and humor that endeared me to this site, initially. I have, no doubt, sequestered myself in the Christian camp. I am somewhat of a conscientious objector to certain warfares evidenced here, and do marvel at the imagery of war as immemorailized in allegory and metaphor so abundant in biblical depictions of the invisible realm all too real to me now. A deep breath was taken and I allowed myself to go with the flow and see where it would all land, not predetermining where it should all land for me in here. I am trapped in a little box but i have comapny now in that little box. A sweet aand tender british lassie of some great depth of heart and geniune innocense looking so like a sweet little lamb, but oh so wise as a serpent, and yet, harmless as a dove. I have depicted this with my little box using a copy of the lithograph of a lady and a samurai. A warring gesture. LOL Why not? my sense of humor and my romantic notions and predilections are served faithfully by it. DOUBLE ENTENDRES ARE NOT AN ASIDE TO MY TASTES. I, too, do find the conversations here to be very thought provoking and worthy of the bother. I am always curious how my input will be received and digested. And equally, I find the treasures of the hearts of others to be joyously received and sometimes disdainfully received, yet the disdain always gives way to the beauty due each heart that is expressive beyond any one disdainful or unappealing remark. As a consequence to having given myself to flow with this forum, that which I have studied for twenty years, on the one hand, and experienced walking coherently with the Holy Spirit, on the other hand, have brought about opportunities to share that which I know to be very unusual and, quite honestly, I rarely meet people in general who even can begin to know just what it is that has gripped me. LOL I seek no affirmation for having been found in this state. I am affirmed and unshakeably rooted anf grounded into that which has apprehended me. Nonetheless, an agenda may be confirmed to exist inme and then, even a hidden agenda. I am not the judge. but I do bear the responsibility for the imagery I present and wittingly, I am accountaable for the fruit of that, be it well or ill. I, too, am ever learning, Redy. |
My new agenda will you join me?
To heal my heart and drown my woe Rain may fall and wind may blow But there still be many miles to go Sweet is the sound of the pouring rain And the stream that falls from hill to plain Better than rain or rippling brook Is a mug of beer inside this Took What difference do it make in this throw down when everyone proves or disaprove with a frown So let us drop our swords and make peace and not argue for we are all the same please May we believe what we will and keep it at that eat many cakes, cookies, and muffins and get fat Enjoy the time that is given to you because there are many things we could do then sit at a computer preaching and teaching for example feasting with a love one and speaking the good times are here to stay so make love today okay! nope nope nope - Wrong, wrong wrong. I will not get fat, I do drink beer, and how dare you suggest that I have failed, twice now, to clean my desk, and instead came here.... mmmmm.... |
RO RO RO your BOat.
Why are some people so da mn creative? |
Edited by
Mon 08/11/08 04:44 PM
How do you get along with a Christian on a religious forum without agreeing with them that Jesus is God and that the Bible is the only true word of God? As soon as you suggest anything else, they're all over you for rejecting God, being a lost soul, and bashing their religion. Forum - >>>>>>>>> RELIGIOUS CHAT <<<<<<<<<<< Chat - Main Entry: 2chat Function: noun Date: 1530 1: idle small talk : chatter 2:>>> light <<<< informal or familiar talk; especially : >>> conversation <<< TRIBO: well abra i had a good talk with god today and he said for me to watch my cholesterol levels. Abra: hum funny you should mention that i've been thinking of my own blood pressure lately. Tribo: well i will ask my god to watch over you abra until you find out from the doctor if this is or isn't the case. Abra: well thanks tribo, but i dont beleive in your god. Tribo, that's ok abra i do, so you needn't worry about it, I'm just concerned that my friend is ok, and gets better if possible. ABRA: well thnx tribo i really appreciate it. tribo: your welcome my friend. abra: but i still want you to know your god is stupid and chuavanistic, and cruel and really does not exist! Tribo: that's still ok my friend, he's real to me, and that's all thats necessary. I don't agree with you, but i will defend your right to believe as you will, after all - i am your friend - good, bad, or otherwise. chat = conversation = peace - when done with love - |
My only confusion is the same since I started in this religion forum. If the atheist, non-christian, pantheist or whatever you want to call it have reached such level of enlightment to render christianity and christians delusional why they feel so threatened? Well Protestants, Catholics, Jews and Muslims have been killing each other for eons. They are threatening to have a horrific mother of all wars over the Middle East. I think atheists, non-christians, and pantheists have every right to ask them to stop it. It's our planet too! We live here. This sounds like a bigot to me. I'm so glad that you admit your hate since you're usually blaming Christians of hate. 'quikstepper', Maybe, just maybe... ... it's just a typo, and your pseudo is really 'qui(C)kstepper'. And of course 'quickstepper' might refer to your love and passion for the 'quickstep'!!! ... A lively style of ballroom dancing, SPIRITED, and engaging. How totally inspiring and enlightening that would be?!?!?! HUM!!! Hold on. Come to think of it, I must be totally wrong in assuming that about you!!! Never read anything 'lively', 'spirited' nor 'engaging' in any of your posts. Nothing christian like either. Definitely not a 'ballroom quickstepper' in life! So what does that funnily spelled pseudonym mean anyhow?!?!? Maybe, ... just maybe, you could correct the spelling, and just as easily transform yourself into a 'spirited', 'enlightening', 'engaging' and 'loving' 'BALLROOM - QUICSTEPPER'. What a metaphor??? Don't you agree?!?!?! |
Redy. Plain wrappers are better than fancy ones. the gift inside is made all the more delightful when not enhanced before it is unwrapped. LOL Agendas are always an excellent example of closed mindedness. Establishing the goal, excuting its manifestation and rationalizing its adequacy deepens the quest to justify every intent and willful brick building that house. agendas or not, this forum is a city, not a refuge. all agendas change nothing, it is still many little houses decorated s they are standing among all others and still, only a city from the outside looking in. Might be appealing at first glance from over the distant hills. might even conjure up a response that home has been found. The promised land is in sight. LOL Let's go down and seize it. LOL Nothing is going to change here, not by much. Rather, it depends more on which neighbors abandon their place first and relinguish their stake to the remainder and their backslappers. LOL Is that success? Is that what an agenda delivers? LOL CAlifornians humor me to no end. You and I are both such. We both know the Bay Area. So, follow me, redy...... Gas may be cheaper across the street at Rotten Robbie's, but still, many will go the Chevron station and pay more for their ges and for their coke and for their snack. LOL But if it is only water at the well that is sought, then why do not all drink, if in fact water can be only water? Same tap delivering it, and same water from the same source, but yet the water is better at the Chevron? Only the better class believes that. LOL I can lead you to water, but you must drink, and only if you choose. Likewise, redy. It goes both ways. LOL AGENDAS, indeed. Let's choose sides LOL 1)Science and learning and all according to the pursuit of the better mousetrap and the louder whistle and the wittiest invention do distract but for only the best and the brightest. Go team, Go!!!!!!!!!! LOL 2)Jesus and his living word and his righteousness applauded do also encourage and inspire those so enamored and the Holy Spirit is the gift that only the Christian need as proof that Jesus is the best God has to offer. And to that end, the best and the brightest are apprehended of, lest they slip. Go team Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I have tipped my hand , haven't I? LOL I gave one team more exclamation points. I am so unfair. LOL I must have an agenda! LOL QuickStepper LOL... too funny
I'm sorry Wouldee, have I misunderstood you? Was your intent in this post to be amusing in a Quickstepper sort of way? I didn't necessarily see that. I thought you were showing an intellectual distaste for what had transpired on a previous post. Sometimes I'm still naive, I admit it, because sometimes I find it difficult to associate some peoples intellect with others. I think, for now, I'll give you my original credit and allow Quickstepper a her laugh at my expense. After all, no one said making people laugh would be a paying gig. |
Never mind.
Never mind. |
Edited by
Mon 08/11/08 05:06 PM
Wouldee, I just saw your last post. It made me feel better. I can take people making fun of me when I know where it's coming from, but I hate to think that I don't get the joke. I'm very happy to know I read you correctly.
Thanks! Oh, I meant to say, also, how nice it is to hear some personal thing about you. Sometimes showing our personal lives adds an element of vulnerability and make us more real in this cyber community. |
Wouldee :
Redy. Plain wrappers are better than fancy ones. the gift inside is made all the more delightful when not enhanced before it is unwrapped. LOL Agendas are always an excellent example of closed mindedness. Establishing the goal, excuting its manifestation and rationalizing its adequacy deepens the quest to justify every intent and willful brick building that house. agendas or not, this forum is a city, not a refuge. all agendas change nothing, it is still many little houses decorated s they are standing among all others and still, only a city from the outside looking in. Might be appealing at first glance from over the distant hills. might even conjure up a response that home has been found. The promised land is in sight. LOL Let's go down and seize it. LOL Nothing is going to change here, not by much. Rather, it depends more on which neighbors abandon their place first and relinguish their stake to the remainder and their backslappers. LOL Is that success? Is that what an agenda delivers? LOL CAlifornians humor me to no end. You and I are both such. We both know the Bay Area. So, follow me, redy...... Gas may be cheaper across the street at Rotten Robbie's, but still, many will go the Chevron station and pay more for their ges and for their coke and for their snack. LOL But if it is only water at the well that is sought, then why do not all drink, if in fact water can be only water? Same tap delivering it, and same water from the same source, but yet the water is better at the Chevron? Only the better class believes that. LOL I can lead you to water, but you must drink, and only if you choose. Likewise, redy. It goes both ways. LOL AGENDAS, indeed. Let's choose sides LOL 1)Science and learning and all according to the pursuit of the better mousetrap and the louder whistle and the wittiest invention do distract but for only the best and the brightest. Go team, Go!!!!!!!!!! LOL 2)Jesus and his living word and his righteousness applauded do also encourage and inspire those so enamored and the Holy Spirit is the gift that only the Christian need as proof that Jesus is the best God has to offer. And to that end, the best and the brightest are apprehended of, lest they slip. Go team Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL I have tipped my hand , haven't I? LOL I gave one team more exclamation points. I am so unfair. LOL I must have an agenda! LOL QuickStepper LOL... too funny
I'm sorry Wouldee, have I misunderstood you? Was your intent in this post to be amusing in a Quickstepper sort of way? I didn't necessarily see that. I thought you were showing an intellectual distaste for what had transpired on a previous post. Sometimes I'm still naive, I admit it, because sometimes I find it difficult to associate some peoples intellect with others. I think, for now, I'll give you my original credit and allow Quickstepper a her laugh at my expense. After all, no one said making people laugh would be a paying gig. Redy, as stated in my subsequent post (scroll up) the irony of the forum itself does lend to it the observation that the only stauts quo is the balance between the polar extremes entertained in here. Everything in here ebbs and flows this way and that. One agenda may think it has won and another make think it has won but to push, one should pull, wait for resistance, then push. It is a martial arts technique. To push, pull pull, push first. reactions are like a backlash, and backlashes are reactions, but in either case, the motion is not complete. Thus, the irony. I am not laughing and expencing that laugh at the cost of anyone's embarrassment when i describe that which I observe. I am pushing to pull back to me some laughter or cleverly framed witticism that can fly invisibly whille being so glaringly plain. Agendas in general tell on themselves, as do people. You are safe in your first instinct, Redy. |
Wouldee, I just saw your last post. It made me feel better. I can take people making fun of me when I know where it's coming from, but I hate to think that I don't get the joke. I'm very happy to know I read you correctly. Thanks! IM Red. Kat |
I didn't post this one fast enough though.LOL
Q.S. stated: Agenda? I have no "agenda." This is a religion board. I didn't create it but I come here to share my faith. That's all. I'm glad you're admitting that you come from a hostile attitude toward Christianity & people of THAT faith. At least Red is being honest. You say you have no agenda. If that were true, then you did not need to post anything at all in this thread. (Unless your agenda is to proclaim your innocence of any agenda. Hmmmmm... ) Okay then, what was your agenda for this post? Have you shared your faith? I have not seen you share your faith. You share your opinions not your faith. ***** (This interrogation has been brought to you by the High Priestess of the Universal Live Church of Brutal Truth and honesty.) JB More like... Brutal ignorance...yours Stop twisting what you think I'm saying. OOPS! Don't look now but your hate is showing. See now Q.S. I think that is your agenda. Insulting people. How did I "twist" what you said? You said that you did not have an agenda. Did you not say that??????? (Yes I know, too many question marks mean an interrogation. ) So then, why post on a thread that asks you to reveal your agenda only to deny that you have one? You claim that you want to SHARE your faith. I have not seen any of that from you. (Sorry I don't read the Coffee house for Christians thread so if you do any "sharing" in there I would not know about it.) Seriously all of your posts just seem defensive and hostile. Do you seem to be getting that from a lot of people? Maybe you should listen to them. Have any of your fellow Christians mentioned it to you? They should. I'm just sayin..... JB |
that's still ok my friend, he's real to me, and that's all thats necessary. I don't agree with you, but i will defend your right to believe as you will, after all - i am your friend - good, bad, or otherwise. You mean it's ok that I don't believe in your God? Gee Tribo I'm really sorry about all the terrible things that I said about your God. I would have never said them if I knew it was ok with you that I don't believe in him. I must have temporarily thought that you had accused me of being a lost soul who is rejecting God and siding with evil forces. My mistake and my deepest heartfelt apologies. |
Edited by
Mon 08/11/08 05:38 PM
that's still ok my friend, he's real to me, and that's all thats necessary. I don't agree with you, but i will defend your right to believe as you will, after all - i am your friend - good, bad, or otherwise. You mean it's ok that I don't believe in your God? Gee Tribo I'm really sorry about all the terrible things that I said about your God. I would have never said them if I knew it was ok with you that I don't believe in him. I must have temporarily thought that you had accused me of being a lost soul who is rejecting God and siding with evil forces. My mistake and my deepest heartfelt apologies. (_e-mc2_) X 2 JB |
I smell beans
that's still ok my friend, he's real to me, and that's all thats necessary. I don't agree with you, but i will defend your right to believe as you will, after all - i am your friend - good, bad, or otherwise. You mean it's ok that I don't believe in your God? Gee Tribo I'm really sorry about all the terrible things that I said about your God. I would have never said them if I knew it was ok with you that I don't believe in him. I must have temporarily thought that you had accused me of being a lost soul who is rejecting God and siding with evil forces. My mistake and my deepest heartfelt apologies. That's ok my dearest friend, some of what you said even may be true, the main thing for me is that you remain my friend, that's much more than any differences we may have as to beliefs or lack there of. No - abosolutely not - you never have to believe in my god, i'm sure he doesn't believe in you either, how incredible that neither of you see that you both might exist?? But never the less - friendship is most important - dont you think? - |