Topic: I feel controversial...
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Tue 07/22/08 02:34 PM

So... in 60AD Mark and or Peter would have been in their 50's or 60's you say... Wow you must think I am real stupid. That would mean either or both of them would have been 1 y/o wile traveling with his holiness christ.

Jesus was crucified around 30 AD (give or take 4 years), so for Mark and Peter to have been 1 year old when traveling with Jesus, then they would have all been in diapers.

What conspiracy books. Before Nicea there were over 400 gospels in the 'new testament' portion of the bible. Some of the ones thrown out by that council were gospels (gospel means witness) of actual people with sandals on the ground at the time and place that his holiness christ was present. They were not thrown out becuase they were not true... they were thrown out because the men that had usurped the powers of the church did not wish them to poison their newly forming empire. I have read what happened. I have read 'conspiracy theories', Christian perspective documents, Muslim perspective documents, copies of old Roman government documents... put them all together and truth finds a balance between them.

Irenaeus wrote in 180 AD that only the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John should be accepted. The Muratorian fragment from 200 AD also states that only four Gospels are accepted and mentions Luke and John (the first two gospels were lost on the fragment). First Nicea was to deal with Heresy, not the books accepted by the Christians, that's commonly accepted history.

fairycatcher31's photo
Tue 07/22/08 02:43 PM
OK I have a question, I was baptised in a christian church and I believe in God and I believe I am a good person, BUT I am a lesbian what does that mean ???

tribo's photo
Tue 07/22/08 02:53 PM

OK I have a question, I was baptised in a christian church and I believe in God and I believe I am a good person, BUT I am a lesbian what does that mean ???

it means that you were baptized in a christian church, and you believe in a christian god, and that your sexual preferece is for women as mates and lovers. - what do you think it means?

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 07/22/08 03:01 PM

Our Limitations

Lord we need to move beyond
This place that we are in
To touch your very heart, O God
To have your love within

We need to move beyond the limits
We’ve placed upon our lives
To move into more of you
Revealed through Jesus Christ

Help us to keep pressing on
As, by faith, we take more steps
To really conquer our inner selves
To know you with more depth

Help us Lord to overcome
To be focused more on you
No matter how hard it gets for us
We need to press on through

Though Satan rises with hell’s fury
With vengeance to devour
We pray, O God, you’ll arise in us
And fight with holy power

For greater are you within us
Than the enemy of our souls
For you have power and might, O God
And your Spirit is in control

We know the victory shall be ours
Though for now the heat is on
Help us Lord to not give up
For by this you make us strong

You will sustain us in your love
Through what we’re going through
And deliver us the other side
Victorious in you!

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 03:45 PM

OK I have a question, I was baptised in a christian church and I believe in God and I believe I am a good person, BUT I am a lesbian what does that mean ???

If you are a free thinking spirit, and you haven't abdicated your 'self' to some confused and judgemental religious dogma, being a lesbian means nothing more than being a lesbian: a full fledged, full rights, dignified and totally contributive and repectable member of an enlightned lay society.

However, if you substitute your own ability to think and your right to choose your 'self' for who you are, and give priority to religious dogma of the fundamentalist christian blend instead,

... then you become 'BY CHOICE' a member of special category of SINNERS whom must 'change' the very essence they were born with, in order to avoid dogmatic damnation, which would have you have you burn in hell accordiong to the mythology.

Oh! By the way, the fundamentalists will claim that they love YOU!!! an follow with the jibberish that it is the 'sin' that you are, that they can't; as in your 'lifestyle'!!!

If you figure this one out, you'll write a book and become a very rich lesbian !!!

In the meantime, be my guest and choose your 'self' without arguing with one iota of your essence (yes 'lesbian' is part of your essence).

Good 'choosing'!!! :)

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 03:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 07/22/08 03:56 PM

OK I have a question, I was baptised in a christian church and I believe in God and I believe I am a good person, BUT I am a lesbian what does that mean ???

Well since Christians believe that all people are sinners you are no different from them anyway.

Personally, I think what you do as a consenting adult with another consenting adult is nobody's business anyway, but that's just my opinion.

Question: Did the baptist Church know you were a lesbian when you were baptized or was it a "don't ask don't tell" event?

Question #2: Why were you baptized? On doing so, did you vow to change your lesbian lifestyle to conform with "god's law" and if not why not, and why would to join the Baptist Church?


davidben1's photo
Tue 07/22/08 03:54 PM
what human that is wise say what another one believe is heresy, or untruth, and is this not the root of ALL religion, and from where it is first born, or the very ROOT......

to call anything a lie, is to decieve oneself, closing down the mind, and it's incredible ability to problem solve itself, and with call anything a lie state what the mind observed, just random data in a stream of data.....a moot point to speak, and it means NOTHING YET, and to assume this is the end of "hearing needed" for wisdom is self defeating in finding any truth..............

once a final opinion is stated from the mouth, the mind WILL NOT entertain more, unless the mouth profess the opposite to uncreate, or re-open the mind........

no final opinion should EVER be stated then to keep the mind open.......why "names" of things promote religion, and cannot easily see whole logic, but only the partial logic or wisdom of what a name contain......

the mind is nothing more than a clam shell that opens and closes, to take in or to spit out, and if it only opens to recieve what is LIKE, then...........????

just as the body self-preserve itself from the subconscious mind, so does the mind tend to follow naturally........but this is not a wanted condition for the mind, and is the mind following the body in it's self-preservation, and prevent the possibility of the mind becoming EVER LEARNING, or just EVER HEARING.......why JB humans were called as sheep, lol.....led to the slaughter.......

when not understood these things will prevent MORE learning except under duress.......this is not the way most wish, and not needed, if there be understanding..........

if a biologist look at anything spoken by a pier, and call it a lie, what good will this biologist be.......this is one that will NEVER try to prove what any other piers believe is MAYBE POSSIBLE, and lead to a closed approach when viewing all things, and no great new discoveries were ever found with this approach.........don't just think it untrue because of perception, but rather PROVE IT TRUE by all logic.....indeed the wisdom in the saying all things are possible with a good perception.........

some would say this is not faith, but none will use the mind unless they HAVE FAITH, as religion they percieved as telling them not to, which show PERCEPTION LOOKED THRU MINUS FAITH, as to have to OBEY COMMANDMENTS show NO FAITH.............


if one say something that is beneficial for new understanding, will the author need to be included unless it is something that is not fully able to be put into ones own words, which show no wisdom of subject matter yet..........

one cannot use quoted material verbatem in a book report, an essay, or anything that is used to show full comprehension of data......why is or should the bible be any different......if one has digested, then meanings come forth, not quotes...........

if one believe in the color blue, and another believe it be half-perception, then to use the source from where the IDEA came from to INCREASE PERCEPTION BE BENEFICIAL, as using anothers owns own professed source trap one into acknowledging more, which make for learning MORE.........or into running....

why the bible will NEVER be needed to prove ones own beliefs, but rather only to disprove half-beliefs by those that believe, to open to whole beliefs, or whole truth.......

wisdom is accomplished by proving all as true the mind say to itself, by questions from the heart, or center of oneself........logical questions that "faithless" religion has been "percieved to say" not to speak, lol.......

if there is any without doubt, these will never take offense to another, as offense can only come if what was learned was learned by emotion, and anything learned without doubt is not known because of emotion, as emotion is a BIAS, which prevent unbiased whole truth......peace

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:02 PM

I would like to ask you something about your posts. Why do you not capitalize the beginning of a sentence and place a period or other punctuation at the end of one?

What, in English composition does a line of dots mean? ( ...........)


davidben1's photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:09 PM


I would like to ask you something about your posts. Why do you not capitalize the beginning of a sentence and place a period or other punctuation at the end of one?

What, in English composition does a line of dots mean? ( ...........)


lol.......nothing is ending.........all is a continuation........there is no completion.......each thing mortals do manifest what they believe inside themself, and all things have GREAT meaning........

the things written here will never be put into published form, but rather living, breathing form.......

Abracadabra's photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:14 PM

OK I have a question, I was baptised in a christian church and I believe in God and I believe I am a good person, BUT I am a lesbian what does that mean ???

It means that you're a good person who is attracted to same-gender intimacy. If your attraction to it is real (i.e. based on genuine love and affection for the other person and not just based on superficial lust), then what could possible be wrong with it?

Do you think that God hates love?

Has anyone told you that God hates love?

Anyone who preaches hate in the name of God is a far worse person than you could ever hope to be. flowerforyou

Unfortunately there are far too many people who actually do that. ohwell

Some people are just demented and insecure. They need to point fingers at other people and accuse them of being sinners just to make themselves feel good.

It's truly sad. :cry:

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:16 PM

The story of the crucification of a savior god had been told for centuries before the time of Jesus. It was a fable. It was even performed as a "passion play" back then. Finally someone wrote it down and so now people say it is truth.


No, it hasn't. You should check your sources, because that claim doesn't have any credibility.

I began a new thread on this subject:

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:20 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 07/22/08 04:21 PM


I would like to ask you something about your posts. Why do you not capitalize the beginning of a sentence and place a period or other punctuation at the end of one?

What, in English composition does a line of dots mean? ( ...........)


lol.......nothing is ending.........all is a continuation........there is no completion.......each thing mortals do manifest what they believe inside themself, and all things have GREAT meaning........

the things written here will never be put into published form, but rather living, breathing form.......

Agreed, but I have to try to read it and sometimes I just skip over it because of the bad form. A sentence is a whole statement. If you if does not have a beginning and an end, then it avoids commitment and become ambiguous mumbling. At least for me it does. It becomes a struggle for me to read.

But by all means, continue to ramble. waving waving


davidben1's photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:20 PM

OK I have a question, I was baptised in a christian church and I believe in God and I believe I am a good person, BUT I am a lesbian what does that mean ???

if one is happy as they are, then they are learning, and learning is all the good/bad book said to do, and the first sin that created all others was said to be never learning.....

the question that seems to lead to MORE happiness is can anything that encompass both good and bad ever be happy seeking only good, as then the mind is most a magnet towards bad, or what makes one unhappy........

each being is made up the same as all other things in the universe.........two sides, opposites......for comparison or learning.......

sun and moon.....
night and day....
black and white....
cold and hot....
love and unlove....

the list is endless.....

if one wishes for MOST happiness, it was only ever said in text to profess ALL one is to oneself, good and bad, not just good, and that this lead to balance of ones self, or whole happiness.......peace

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:27 PM

what human that is wise say what another one believe is heresy, or untruth, and is this not the root of ALL religion, and from where it is first born, or the very ROOT......

to call anything a lie, is to decieve oneself, closing down the mind, and it's incredible ability to problem solve itself, and with call anything a lie state what the mind observed, just random data in a stream of data.....a moot point to speak, and it means NOTHING YET, and to assume this is the end of "hearing needed" for wisdom is self defeating in finding any truth..............

once a final opinion is stated from the mouth, the mind WILL NOT entertain more, unless the mouth profess the opposite to uncreate, or re-open the mind........

no final opinion should EVER be stated then to keep the mind open.......why "names" of things promote religion, and cannot easily see whole logic, but only the partial logic or wisdom of what a name contain......

the mind is nothing more than a clam shell that opens and closes, to take in or to spit out, and if it only opens to recieve what is LIKE, then...........????

just as the body self-preserve itself from the subconscious mind, so does the mind tend to follow naturally........but this is not a wanted condition for the mind, and is the mind following the body in it's self-preservation, and prevent the possibility of the mind becoming EVER LEARNING, or just EVER HEARING.......why JB humans were called as sheep, lol.....led to the slaughter.......

when not understood these things will prevent MORE learning except under duress.......this is not the way most wish, and not needed, if there be understanding..........

if a biologist look at anything spoken by a pier, and call it a lie, what good will this biologist be.......this is one that will NEVER try to prove what any other piers believe is MAYBE POSSIBLE, and lead to a closed approach when viewing all things, and no great new discoveries were ever found with this approach.........don't just think it untrue because of perception, but rather PROVE IT TRUE by all logic.....indeed the wisdom in the saying all things are possible with a good perception.........

some would say this is not faith, but none will use the mind unless they HAVE FAITH, as religion they percieved as telling them not to, which show PERCEPTION LOOKED THRU MINUS FAITH, as to have to OBEY COMMANDMENTS show NO FAITH.............


if one say something that is beneficial for new understanding, will the author need to be included unless it is something that is not fully able to be put into ones own words, which show no wisdom of subject matter yet..........

one cannot use quoted material verbatem in a book report, an essay, or anything that is used to show full comprehension of data......why is or should the bible be any different......if one has digested, then meanings come forth, not quotes...........

if one believe in the color blue, and another believe it be half-perception, then to use the source from where the IDEA came from to INCREASE PERCEPTION BE BENEFICIAL, as using anothers owns own professed source trap one into acknowledging more, which make for learning MORE.........or into running....

why the bible will NEVER be needed to prove ones own beliefs, but rather only to disprove half-beliefs by those that believe, to open to whole beliefs, or whole truth.......

wisdom is accomplished by proving all as true the mind say to itself, by questions from the heart, or center of oneself........logical questions that "faithless" religion has been "percieved to say" not to speak, lol.......

if there is any without doubt, these will never take offense to another, as offense can only come if what was learned was learned by emotion, and anything learned without doubt is not known because of emotion, as emotion is a BIAS, which prevent unbiased whole truth......peace


We have crossed paths some months ago, and you know that I have picked-up a parcel of your spirit, so to speak.

Because I respect that spirit of yours, I owe it to you to tell you that I need to move towards faith when it comes to your posts.

I sense that something great is concealed in your writing. But it is out of faith in you and your spirit, because I can't figure out, nor can I understand your special writing code!!!

I mean this sincerely davidben1, and it may sound incomprehensible to you, but I find you an interesting human being, without ever being able to grasp more than a small portion of your posts.

I am convinced we would all gain a lot from what you have to contribute, if you only made a small effort to reach out to us.

Call me stupid, or slow, but I need your help in gaining a better understanding of your written communications.

In good faith.

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:37 PM

Davidben1 wrote:

no final opinion should EVER be stated then to keep the mind open.......

That's true. I call my opinions temporary conclusions, always flexible to change upon evaluation of new information.


davidben1's photo
Tue 07/22/08 04:52 PM

if one attempt to satisfy the needs of all others, then what becomes of oneself.........

there is no wisdom in this type of living or doing......

if ten say this be the way to please me, then all ten wish MOST to be pleased, and it is evident then what be the motive within the heart of each.......

if this be your greatest desire than so be it.......

why is this bad, as there is no reason for anyone to read what comes from my posts unless there is simple desire to read it.........

should ones words also be changed for each that wish for personal taste to be fulfilled......this has been called by mortals as politics, lol

the idea that a sentence is completion only comes from the mind that believes in completion.........

does not a period within the english language mark a finish.........

final conclusions in the mind keep from ever learning........

one writes as the mind sees........

why do you percieve rambling to be a bad thing, and show you deem your thoughts and therefore your own wisdom as a negative thing.........

after your mind says rambling, say yes, and then listen for what your heart says, and it will tell you more than just this.........rambling is not a bad thing

btw, many great songs have been about rambling.......peace

no photo
Tue 07/22/08 05:02 PM
why do you percieve rambling to be a bad thing, and show you deem your thoughts and therefore your own wisdom as a negative thing........

i will speak your language not wanting to speak mine.....i do not perceive rambling a bad thing if it calms your mind and does your heart it ramble or wisdom....or mindless wandering of matter to me

but when you think of communication with others....if that be your might want to consider the norm...or speak in what they can understand easily.....which has been put forth in your english class.......whether wisdom or not.....but if you choose to speak your own way.....your own ramble...then you may well speak to yourself......and find your own answers......but may not be heard by others......this is certainly okay.....nothing at all wrong with that if that is your does not matter to me.......or for me....i am not opinion is only one, a meaninless one at do as you will always, ....peace

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 07/22/08 05:06 PM

OK I have a question, I was baptised in a christian church and I believe in God and I believe I am a good person, BUT I am a lesbian what does that mean ???

If you are a free thinking spirit, and you haven't abdicated your 'self' to some confused and judgemental religious dogma, being a lesbian means nothing more than being a lesbian: a full fledged, full rights, dignified and totally contributive and repectable member of an enlightned lay society.

However, if you substitute your own ability to think and your right to choose your 'self' for who you are, and give priority to religious dogma of the fundamentalist christian blend instead,

... then you become 'BY CHOICE' a member of special category of SINNERS whom must 'change' the very essence they were born with, in order to avoid dogmatic damnation, which would have you have you burn in hell accordiong to the mythology.

Oh! By the way, the fundamentalists will claim that they love YOU!!! an follow with the jibberish that it is the 'sin' that you are, that they can't; as in your 'lifestyle'!!!

If you figure this one out, you'll write a book and become a very rich lesbian !!!

In the meantime, be my guest and choose your 'self' without arguing with one iota of your essence (yes 'lesbian' is part of your essence).

Good 'choosing'!!! :)

feralcatlady's photo
Tue 07/22/08 05:06 PM
Edited by feralcatlady on Tue 07/22/08 05:07 PM

OK I have a question, I was baptised in a christian church and I believe in God and I believe I am a good person, BUT I am a lesbian what does that mean ???

If you are a free thinking spirit, and you haven't abdicated your 'self' to some confused and judgemental religious dogma, being a lesbian means nothing more than being a lesbian: a full fledged, full rights, dignified and totally contributive and repectable member of an enlightned lay society.

However, if you substitute your own ability to think and your right to choose your 'self' for who you are, and give priority to religious dogma of the fundamentalist christian blend instead,

... then you become 'BY CHOICE' a member of special category of SINNERS whom must 'change' the very essence they were born with, in order to avoid dogmatic damnation, which would have you have you burn in hell accordiong to the mythology.

Oh! By the way, the fundamentalists will claim that they love YOU!!! an follow with the jibberish that it is the 'sin' that you are, that they can't; as in your 'lifestyle'!!!

If you figure this one out, you'll write a book and become a very rich lesbian !!!

In the meantime, be my guest and choose your 'self' without arguing with one iota of your essence (yes 'lesbian' is part of your essence).

Good 'choosing'!!! :)

She asked a question....answer for yourself....and as your not a Christian I don't feel you have the right to answer for me tyvm

Belushi's photo
Tue 07/22/08 05:17 PM


I would like to ask you something about your posts. Why do you not capitalize the beginning of a sentence and place a period or other punctuation at the end of one?

What, in English composition does a line of dots mean? ( ...........)


Oh bleeding 'ell grumble
dont start him off

He is incapable of an adult written conversation without writing like a child.