Topic: Military Poll
SunnyMcleod's photo
Thu 07/03/08 06:39 AM
Edited by SunnyMcleod on Thu 07/03/08 06:46 AM
I love reading why all of you joined the military and your reasons for doing so. And I was just gonna stay out of this but I really can't. I'm sure Karma was feeling the way I am now...
I am a Canadian and extremely proud of that fact. I myself have never been in the military but I did live on base for a year, and have a lot of friends & family that are in the military. I know how they live their lives and I can tell you that everyone has a different reason for joining. But basically is boils down to our guys & gals wanting to help. In one way or another they just wanted to help, to better our country. It's really no different from every other country. We have top class soldiers and veterans that make my life the way it is and I thank God for that everyday.
One person's hate mongering shouldn't place any ill favour on that.

Chazster's photo
Thu 07/03/08 07:55 AM

Sam I just looked at ur profile. Canadian A?? My maternal great grandmother was canadian, she lived here in the USA illegally with her husband and children. Never went back. Her daugher my grandmother was a canadian citizen but got a green card and stayed here in the USA to raise a family. She never went back to Canada. I wonder why????? Hmmmmmmmmmm could it be cause of people such as urself???
To think if my Great Grandparents hadn't snuck into the US I'd be a canadian right now. Thank goodness for big favors.

He is just bad mouthing our soldiers for no reason. Our soldiers are not attacking poor defenseless people. If we wanted to kill defenseless people we would have just bombed the hell out of the country and it would have been over years ago for a lot less money.
that is a load of BS I posted a link that had a video of troops doing just that and the mods pulled it down. It "informed to many" and they asked me not to repost it if you would like I will email you the lijnk the validity of this video is not in quistion

Even if that video exists it could be taken out of context. Not to mention it could be some renegade soldiers. Again I say that if we just wanted to run wild and kill people there would have been quicker and cheaper alternatives.

I would go with the renegade soldiers theory.

That is not to say that all soldiers behave this way!

I'm actually agreeing with the Chazster!

How did THAT happen? laugh laugh laugh laugh

Because though are party alliances and political beliefs may be different. We both support our soldier. drinker

Chazster's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:01 AM

I needed the discipline.

...I wasn't a troublesome child...I just found myself working for Mc Donald’s and I didn't want to stay in that situation.
I knew I needed more.
Once I joined, it gave me and my ENTIRE family a great sense of pride.

They all needed the money , the benefits , and because they were useles in a civilian life .
Congratulations all . Please keep on lying to yourself and to all the world .

actually the people that are useless in civilian life are the ones living off welfare, and smoking pot or drinking beer all day. (Sound like you?) If you weren't so ignorant you would realize that joinging the military isn't being a copout. They work harder, with longer hours than anyone else i knew.

In fact in doing the math, hmmm.... i averaged about 90 hours per week. (Technically 89.62337 hours for the month i that i did the figuring.) It's a lifestyle. Not like you can leave your job and go home (until you are discharged).

Why am i even arguing with you? You are probably the most thickheaded person i've ever heard of. Why do you even care about our military anyway? You're not even a citizen.

You are right my friend, the military is not a copout. It does, however, provide life changing opportunities for people in bad situations.

Some people join because they want to, like my friend who is studying to be a linguist, some join to help people, these would include doctors and dentist etc who could make more money elsewhere, and some join it to make a better future for themselves be it from discipline or the benefits the help them pay for school. These are only some of the reasons people join. But its never a copout.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:21 AM
You'd make a fine Independent Chaz!!drinker drinker

Vote Obama!!!

Chazster's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:25 AM

You'd make a fine Independent Chaz!!drinker drinker

Vote Obama!!!

I can't lol, he is pro big government. :cry: I want my Ron Paul.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:31 AM

You'd make a fine Independent Chaz!!drinker drinker

Vote Obama!!!

I can't lol, he is pro big government. :cry: I want my Ron Paul.

Write him in. Just dont vote for McCain!!!noway noway

Chazster's photo
Thu 07/03/08 08:37 AM

You'd make a fine Independent Chaz!!drinker drinker

Vote Obama!!!

I can't lol, he is pro big government. :cry: I want my Ron Paul.

Write him in. Just dont vote for McCain!!!noway noway

I am not gonna throw my vote away lol. I will give them both a fair shot and see who impresses me the most at the debates. And when I say who impresses me the most I really mean who I dislike the least lol.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:10 AM

You'd make a fine Independent Chaz!!drinker drinker

Vote Obama!!!

I can't lol, he is pro big government. :cry: I want my Ron Paul.

Write him in. Just dont vote for McCain!!!noway noway

I am not gonna throw my vote away lol. I will give them both a fair shot and see who impresses me the most at the debates. And when I say who impresses me the most I really mean who I dislike the least lol.

You seem smart enough to go ahead and chalk you down in the Obama column then!!drinker

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:16 AM

You'd make a fine Independent Chaz!!drinker drinker

Vote Obama!!!

I can't lol, he is pro big government. :cry: I want my Ron Paul.

Write him in. Just dont vote for McCain!!!noway noway

I am not gonna throw my vote away lol. I will give them both a fair shot and see who impresses me the most at the debates. And when I say who impresses me the most I really mean who I dislike the least lol.

You seem smart enough to go ahead and chalk you down in the Obama column then!!drinker

Mr. Empty Suit, who is only on tune when he has a speech memorized, with no legislative accomplishments sounds like a wonderful choice.

Chris Matthews asking State Senator Kirk Watson, Obama supporter, to name one legislative accomplishment has to have been the funniest thing I've ever seen.

*crickets chirping* Uhhh....

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:24 AM

You'd make a fine Independent Chaz!!drinker drinker

Vote Obama!!!

I can't lol, he is pro big government. :cry: I want my Ron Paul.

Write him in. Just dont vote for McCain!!!noway noway

I am not gonna throw my vote away lol. I will give them both a fair shot and see who impresses me the most at the debates. And when I say who impresses me the most I really mean who I dislike the least lol.

I wouldn't say Voting for Ron Paul is Throwing Your Vote away! I Look at it this way. I don't Give a Piss one about who the Media wants to Run for President and Election after Election that is what Happens, they pick the Ones who Look the Best on Camera and Make the Best Story (Skeletons in the Closet). I don't Believe in what Obama or McCain Stand For or Say, I don't Feel that way. I do Believe in what Paul Stands For and Says Because that is How I feel. but People will always settle for two Candidates and We will Never have Change in this Country. it's Like people are Sheep, Ted Nugent Said it Best " Years from now the Constitution will Read WE THE SHEEPLE" JMO

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:26 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Thu 07/03/08 10:27 AM
He didnt ask Obama and talk about a NeoCon!
Chris Mattews???laugh laugh laugh

And they keep interupting the man!

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:28 AM

He didnt ask Obama and talk about a NeoCon!
Chris Mattews???laugh laugh laugh

And they keep interupting the man!

Matthews keeps interupting him because he won't answer the question. He dodges for as long as possible until he finally confesses he can't answer the question.

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:30 AM
You should see it on college campuses. In the Spring semester many of the KU Republicans/Conservatives went up to Obama supporters and asked them to name legislative accomplishments or his opinions on certain issues and NOT ONE could answer.

They would just say "Well he's against the war and he will bring us change and hope." lol, what a sad state of affairs that voters are so absolutely clueless.

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:33 AM
The topic of this thread is Military Poll!

What branch did you serve in and why?
And, do you consider yourself a Murderer?

huh :wink:

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:43 AM

The topic of this thread is Military Poll!

What branch did you serve in and why?
And, do you consider yourself a Murderer?

huh :wink:

I served in the GI Joes. Yo Joe!

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:45 AM

The topic of this thread is Military Poll!

What branch did you serve in and why?
And, do you consider yourself a Murderer?

huh :wink:

I served in the GI Joes. Yo Joe!

I thought it was Go Joe?
laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:46 AM
The OP,

Discussion on another thread has prompted me to start this one. I would like an honest answer to the following question by those currently serving and those that have previous served in the military. It's my opinion that the majority of us joined the military out of patrotism towards our great country. Remember honest answers please. Why did you join the military?

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:48 AM

The topic of this thread is Military Poll!

What branch did you serve in and why?
And, do you consider yourself a Murderer?

huh :wink:

I served in the GI Joes. Yo Joe!

I thought it was Go Joe?
laugh laugh

Oh shoot, I think you are right. Gosh I loved playing with them when I was younger and I can't believe I gave them all away at yardsale many many years ago. I use to have all the planes and everything. Nostaglic memories. :D

Fanta46's photo
Thu 07/03/08 10:59 AM
A lot of them are worth some serious cash...drinker

no photo
Thu 07/03/08 11:02 AM

A lot of them are worth some serious cash...drinker

lol yeah, but mine were opened, used, and seriously abused. I didn't have the older ones where the guns were in real cloth and such, I had all those full plasic ones where you could turn their hips so their legs were backwards if you wanted. Many of them were missing legs and such, and when a plane got shot down he and it did not have a soft