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Topic: Belief or Betrayal
no photo
Sat 06/14/08 09:52 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 06/14/08 09:53 PM

How do yo know there is a god. Give me actual empirical evidence. My life is ****, even when i believed in the giant invisible man it kept getting worse. Aparantly in most church culture, you follow some bull**** the guy on the pulpit says and you are going to heaven. If those sheep are going to heaven, then yes, i will prefer hell.

My personal evidence for source ('god") is that I exist.

I take responsibility for my life. I don't blame source.
You apparently do blame some "giant invisible man" for your messed up life.

When you truly realize that you are on your own, and stop blaming some giant invisible man for your life, then maybe you will take responsibility for it.

When you change your attitude, you will change your life. Save yourself. Quit whining like a little baby.

(Rev High Priestess of the Universal Life Church of Brutal truth and Honesty.bigsmile )

tribo's photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:10 PM
Edited by tribo on Sat 06/14/08 10:32 PM

Eljay wrote:

This thread has nothing to do with people who don't believe the bible. Read Funches post again. For that matter - read mine again, I qualified my response so I wouldn't have to deal with your strawman arguments.

That's silly.

The whole idea behind Christianity is that the Bible is the correct description of God. It doesn't even make and sense to talk about things such as heaven or hell outside of the biblical context.

Eljay wrote:

God is in Heaven. For those who do not wish to enter there - God does not admit them. Period. He doesn't "send them anywhere". You have made this assumption. Had you read the book, you'd know otherwise.

Again, you say, "Had you read the book!".

It's all about what the bible says. You believe in a book. Not in a God. You claim that the book is the word of God. You worship a book!

And they you try to claim that it's not about the Bible. You want to have your cake and eat it too.

Spider wrote:

Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da

Well that makes a lot more sense that what you posted before you edited your post. laugh

You and Eljay are both trying to pull the same stunt.

I tell you guys what the bible says, and then you guys try to say, "But God isn't like that!"

But the Bible is what you people claim to believe in.

You can't say that God doesn't threaten people who don't believe in him because the Bible most certainly does this. Whatever the Bible says is what the biblical God says, because the whole idea behind it. It's supposed to be the word of God.

You can't say, "But God isn't like that!". If say that all you are saying is that you don't believe that the Bible correctly portrays what God is like (i.e. you renounce the very idea that the Bible is the word of God).

Oxymoron. As always!

For Christians the Bible has to be the word of God. Therefore whatever the Bible says that God is like then that's what God must be like. The Bible clearly threatens non-believers that bad things will happen to them.

The Christian God clearly threatens non-believers with violence, and clearly uses tactics of intimidation and fear to try to get people to love him. This must be the case because Christians are claiming that the Bible is the WORD of God.

Therefore the Christian God threatens to reject people, and intimidates with fear tactics because this is what the Bible does, and Christians claim that the Bible is the words of God.

There's no way out. Christians have no choice but to confess that their God (the Bible) uses methods of intimidation, fear, and threatens to reject people if they don't believe him. Because the Bible tells us so!

You guys are hopeless. You'll defend that the book is the word of God until you're blue in the face, whilst simultaneously trying to claim that God isn't like what the Bible says. laugh

It's utterly ridiculous. The biblical doctrine trips over its own proclamations and falls flat on its face in the mud. And you guys stand there trying to defend it.

For what reason? You've either fallen for the intimidation and you are afraid to renounce it. Or you're lusting for the gift of eternal life it offers and you don't want to miss out on the chance in case it might somehow be miraculously true.

Good luck. flowerforyou


Get out your logic book and look up "shifting middle".

You may equate God to the bible, I do not. I do not "worship" the bible - it is a book of words. It has limits. It does not contain all that there is to know about God. It's merely a "road map". A tool for guidance. It's not a recipe book.


do you really believe that if you had never read the bible you would think and believe as you now do? and once you did reach the point your at - if it is just a road map then why continue reading it? do you look at road maps of the usa or world every day? if you know where your going - what good does it do you or other's who say it's not really necessary or even some saying they would be just as christian about it? I've heard from MS, and feral and others cherub included that the book is not what saves them but jesus or belief in him - yet would anyone know of jesus and or how to accept him without the word's? the question has to be answered once and for all- is the"BOOK" necessary to become or "be" a christian? is the book necessary for being a christian at all? yes - or - no? can you become a christian and follow jesus as he intended or as the writers intended and live accordingly without the words in your book or without you or others repeating the words in your book or any other books spouting the same things? can i or anyone be saved by one saying no more than ""if you believe on his name ye shall be saved"" without knowing what it is that i'm to believe? and if your answer is "yes" - why then would god have bothered to have it written to begin with? saying its a road map is not acceptable as an answer - if the book is absolutely not important, has no real value to becoming christian whatsoever, as to accepting god,son,and spirit, then get rid of it, stop the contraversy and confusion of the useless book.

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:23 PM

I personally dont believe christianity or any monotheiastic religion would survive without their "book's"

How could they?

It's all about shoving doctrine down people's throats.

It's all about demanding that people believe a book.

Without the book what do they have?


They aren't asking people to believe in God, they are asking people to believe in a BOOK!

Pure and simple.

Christianity doesn't have anything to do with God at all.

All it has to do with is the absurd belief that the Bible is the word of God.

That's all it is. Nothing more.

All Chrisitans are doing is asking people to believe that the Bible is the correct picture of God.

And if a person refuses to beleive that then they claim that the person is rejecting "God". ohwell

It's utterly STUPID. frown

Actually, if you really want to know what Christians believe, it is NOT that the bible is the word of God. Jesus is the word.
The bible is an ACCOUNT of His life and ministry. There are plenty of people who worshop books. Muslims worship the Koran.
People who worship the bible are not Christians. You can worship and follow what the book says, and still never know Jesus. That's what a lot of churches do.

It's called "Church-iolity".

And churchiolity is utterly stupid, I agree with you. And no, worshoping Jesus and worshoping the bible is not the same thing.
So stop "shifting the middle" here and equating the two. Stop mis-representing what you think "Christians" do, and state what you wish to state about those who worship Jesus. All of the Christians on these theads are in full agreement with you about those who worship the "book", and not Jesus. On this matter, you are merely preaching to the choir.

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:25 PM
I think that my biggest concern is for the people that choose to think differently or were never given a chance. I basically comes down to "you believe in god (of one of the many religions), you be a good boy or girl and you go to heaven". What about those who live good lives, making right decisions but dont believe in god? Do they go to hell? If so how is that fair? What if god is Christian? Does god except all those of other religions? Or because they didnt believe in the Christian God must spend eternity in hell? That doesnt seem fair?

Now Ive never been religious. However when I had a baby and that baby died at 12 days old, my fate was seeled. I can not believe in something that would take the life of a newborn (and please dont give me that crap about "she's in a better place" or "God needed her"). And to top it off....while at my ex's church I was told that because I was unmarried when I gave birth it was my sins that caused my childs death. What is that? How can anyone believe in something with all power that lets so much bad happen to so many innocents?

Just my opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone, truly.

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:29 PM

I like to think that there's is no division of Heaven or Hell. Everyone go to the same place, it just that those enlighten see it as Heaven while those that are blinded by ignorance, hate and of self delusion see it as Hell.

Sounds a lot like earth to me.

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:32 PM
Edited by Eljay on Sat 06/14/08 10:33 PM

try it sometime funch every drop or molecule of color you add to another produces a different color ad infinitum, as to number's yes they are mans tool and serve a purpose but while in this body and with this mind - man could keep attaining a larger or smaller number. in truth - there only infinite as long as someone is here to use them or on other planes if they are used there also - as would be the case with colors also - so your correct in that sense.

colors are limited by the visible light that splits into and forms the spectrum...since a spectrum has a beginning and an end then how can colors therefore be infinite ..

also one could keep counting forever ..but without a reality to apply the counting to the numbers doesn't have an existence

ahhh my mistake i should have said subtractive colors nt additve colors. as to the rest i have already agreed in last post as to yes there has to be something someone for it to be truly infinite. re read - or -

in truth - there only infinite (as long as someone is here to use them or on other planes if they are used there also) - as would be the case with colors also - "so your correct in that sense."

hahaha you like to debate even when you've won laugh

"tribo" it's you that refused to believe that infinity doesn't exist but is only a term used to describe the vastness of something and you keep trying to sneak references in to show that infinity does exist

for example you keep saying that in truth colors and numbers are only infinite if there is someone here or in another plane of existence to used them ..but that makes no diffeence when it comes to numbers because without a reality to count and apply the numbers too the person counting may as well be babbling and of course the colors are limited to the range of the visible light of the spectrum and anything limited can not be infinite

so the bottom line is that numbers and colors are not infinite

If that is so - what is the finite of PI? Or one-third of 100?

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:38 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 06/14/08 10:39 PM

Actually, if you really want to know what Christians believe, it is NOT that the bible is the word of God. Jesus is the word.

No, they believe and they have said over and over and over that the Bible is the inspired word of God.

Also, the Bible is not simply an "account of" the life of Jesus. That so-called account is only in the new testament.

In fact the man's real name was Yeshu'a (Joeseph) ben Panthera. He was a Jewish Rabi who was tagged with the savior myth and the Roman Catholic Church claimed that he was the "Messiah."

The life of this man (Joseph ben Panthera) was not accurately told in the new testament. What was told was a rewritten copy of an age old myth of a savior god who dies for the sins all of mankind. (There were about 17 mythical savior gods maybe more..)

These were age old pagan myths. They were used in building Christianity in order to gain pagan converts and followers.


Quikstepper's photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:40 PM

I think that my biggest concern is for the people that choose to think differently or were never given a chance. I basically comes down to "you believe in god (of one of the many religions), you be a good boy or girl and you go to heaven". What about those who live good lives, making right decisions but dont believe in god? Do they go to hell? If so how is that fair? What if god is Christian? Does god except all those of other religions? Or because they didnt believe in the Christian God must spend eternity in hell? That doesnt seem fair?

Now Ive never been religious. However when I had a baby and that baby died at 12 days old, my fate was seeled. I can not believe in something that would take the life of a newborn (and please dont give me that crap about "she's in a better place" or "God needed her"). And to top it off....while at my ex's church I was told that because I was unmarried when I gave birth it was my sins that caused my childs death. What is that? How can anyone believe in something with all power that lets so much bad happen to so many innocents?

Just my opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone, truly.

Dear heart...you need to know that God loves you. If you committed murder He would forgive you. If you were a terrorist & asked Him to forgive you for killing someone He would not only forgive you but throw ALL your iniquites into the sea of forgetfulness to remember them no more.

That is the point of the prodical son.... His father never asked questions...just loved him so much he welcomed him back with opened arms.

Honestly... this whole topic of sins & consequences is one thing, to keep people from future heartaches etc etc, but Christians should not be in the business of kicking someone when they are down. Honey...I am sorry that someone would say that to you. I am also sorry for your loss. Tragedy is just that...tragedy. Give yourself time to grieve & don't let people get you down. Don't worry about your baby...just get yourself right with God & everything will work out fine.

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 10:47 PM

I think that my biggest concern is for the people that choose to think differently or were never given a chance. I basically comes down to "you believe in god (of one of the many religions), you be a good boy or girl and you go to heaven". What about those who live good lives, making right decisions but dont believe in god? Do they go to hell? If so how is that fair? What if god is Christian? Does god except all those of other religions? Or because they didnt believe in the Christian God must spend eternity in hell? That doesnt seem fair?

Now Ive never been religious. However when I had a baby and that baby died at 12 days old, my fate was seeled. I can not believe in something that would take the life of a newborn (and please dont give me that crap about "she's in a better place" or "God needed her"). And to top it off....while at my ex's church I was told that because I was unmarried when I gave birth it was my sins that caused my childs death. What is that? How can anyone believe in something with all power that lets so much bad happen to so many innocents?

Just my opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone, truly.

Dear heart...you need to know that God loves you. If you committed murder He would forgive you. If you were a terrorist & asked Him to forgive you for killing someone He would not only forgive you but throw ALL your iniquites into the sea of forgetfulness to remember them no more.

That is the point of the prodical son.... His father never asked questions...just loved him so much he welcomed him back with opened arms.

Honestly... this whole topic of sins & consequences is one thing, to keep people from future heartaches etc etc, but Christians should not be in the business of kicking someone when they are down. Honey...I am sorry that someone would say that to you. I am also sorry for your loss. Tragedy is just that...tragedy. Give yourself time to grieve & don't let people get you down. Don't worry about your baby...just get yourself right with God & everything will work out fine.

Thank you for your concern. And I have grieved its been over 6 years, but thanks for your thought.

However...what you said was kinda my point. I dont believe in God so why would I ask for "his" forgivness? Just like others out there who either dont believe or believe in something else? Like Pagans for one...who get the worst rap as being evil, but in reality are not evil in the least...infact the christian religion is based off of the Pagan religion. Back in the day when there were wars over christian and pagan belifes...they compermissed on a lot and kind of imigrated the two religions together. And now pagans are the bad guys? lol

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/14/08 11:01 PM

Eljay wrote:

This thread has nothing to do with people who don't believe the bible. Read Funches post again. For that matter - read mine again, I qualified my response so I wouldn't have to deal with your strawman arguments.

That's silly.

The whole idea behind Christianity is that the Bible is the correct description of God. It doesn't even make and sense to talk about things such as heaven or hell outside of the biblical context.

Eljay wrote:

God is in Heaven. For those who do not wish to enter there - God does not admit them. Period. He doesn't "send them anywhere". You have made this assumption. Had you read the book, you'd know otherwise.

Again, you say, "Had you read the book!".

It's all about what the bible says. You believe in a book. Not in a God. You claim that the book is the word of God. You worship a book!

And they you try to claim that it's not about the Bible. You want to have your cake and eat it too.

Spider wrote:

Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da

Well that makes a lot more sense that what you posted before you edited your post. laugh

You and Eljay are both trying to pull the same stunt.

I tell you guys what the bible says, and then you guys try to say, "But God isn't like that!"

But the Bible is what you people claim to believe in.

You can't say that God doesn't threaten people who don't believe in him because the Bible most certainly does this. Whatever the Bible says is what the biblical God says, because the whole idea behind it. It's supposed to be the word of God.

You can't say, "But God isn't like that!". If say that all you are saying is that you don't believe that the Bible correctly portrays what God is like (i.e. you renounce the very idea that the Bible is the word of God).

Oxymoron. As always!

For Christians the Bible has to be the word of God. Therefore whatever the Bible says that God is like then that's what God must be like. The Bible clearly threatens non-believers that bad things will happen to them.

The Christian God clearly threatens non-believers with violence, and clearly uses tactics of intimidation and fear to try to get people to love him. This must be the case because Christians are claiming that the Bible is the WORD of God.

Therefore the Christian God threatens to reject people, and intimidates with fear tactics because this is what the Bible does, and Christians claim that the Bible is the words of God.

There's no way out. Christians have no choice but to confess that their God (the Bible) uses methods of intimidation, fear, and threatens to reject people if they don't believe him. Because the Bible tells us so!

You guys are hopeless. You'll defend that the book is the word of God until you're blue in the face, whilst simultaneously trying to claim that God isn't like what the Bible says. laugh

It's utterly ridiculous. The biblical doctrine trips over its own proclamations and falls flat on its face in the mud. And you guys stand there trying to defend it.

For what reason? You've either fallen for the intimidation and you are afraid to renounce it. Or you're lusting for the gift of eternal life it offers and you don't want to miss out on the chance in case it might somehow be miraculously true.

Good luck. flowerforyou


Get out your logic book and look up "shifting middle".

You may equate God to the bible, I do not. I do not "worship" the bible - it is a book of words. It has limits. It does not contain all that there is to know about God. It's merely a "road map". A tool for guidance. It's not a recipe book.


do you really believe that if you had never read the bible you would think and believe as you now do? and once you did reach the point your at - if it is just a road map then why continue reading it? do you look at road maps of the usa or world every day? if you know where your going - what good does it do you or other's who say it's not really necessary or even some saying they would be just as christian about it? I've heard from MS, and feral and others cherub included that the book is not what saves them but jesus or belief in him - yet would anyone know of jesus and or how to accept him without the word's? the question has to be answered once and for all- is the"BOOK" necessary to become or "be" a christian? is the book necessary for being a christian at all? yes - or - no? can you become a christian and follow jesus as he intended or as the writers intended and live accordingly without the words in your book or without you or others repeating the words in your book or any other books spouting the same things? can i or anyone be saved by one saying no more than ""if you believe on his name ye shall be saved"" without knowing what it is that i'm to believe? and if your answer is "yes" - why then would god have bothered to have it written to begin with? saying its a road map is not acceptable as an answer - if the book is absolutely not important, has no real value to becoming christian whatsoever, as to accepting god,son,and spirit, then get rid of it, stop the contraversy and confusion of the useless book.


Actually - I had not read the bible before I believed as I did. But admittedly, having heard about Jesus and who he was as a youngster (grew up Catholic), I would assume that somewhere along the way the bible was read by someone. But my faith in God came not through reading the bible, but through the events of my life. They were the great teachers in my life.
To put it simplistically - when I "broke a commandmant", which I spent most of my adolescence doing - there were consequences.
Some minor, some life altering. Then - having completely abandoning Christianity, I searched for enlightenent through everything from the occult, to buddism, to New Age, a Cult or 3, and eventually came back around to Christianity. Having done that, I then read the bible. I continue to read the bible for the same reason that I continue to read the "Backstage Manuel". I learn every time I read it. One I read because I need it in my job, the other because it helps me in life.

As to the question "can I be saved without the bible" - I would say "Yes - why not?" It isn't the bible that saves you - or being a Christian that saves you. It is only Jesus who saves.
And why is that? Because we mess up. We do what we do, and once done, we own it. There's no magic erasure to undo it, and there's no "redo's". For me - it is not difficult to see that there is just too much within the bible that rings true to me, and makes sense. I'm not going to say I haven't grappled with some of it over the past 50 years, give or take a few. But I've yet to read proverbs and find a whole lot of it "just plain wrong". On the contrary - I CAN'T find an issue in proverbs. I don't see a need to rewrite the 10 commandments. I've broken enough of them and suffered the consequences thereof to know that it's futile to think otherwise.

I think - in the long run - the question of necessity for a believer in Jesus is moot. There is a desire to read it. It, as I'm sure you are well aware, is not a book that can be totally absorbed, or understood - in a single reading. But the essence of it is understood when one does. For some, reading it once is enough. For others - there's never enough times for it to be read. So, is it "necessary"? Tough to say.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 06/14/08 11:06 PM

I think that my biggest concern is for the people that choose to think differently or were never given a chance. I basically comes down to "you believe in god (of one of the many religions), you be a good boy or girl and you go to heaven". What about those who live good lives, making right decisions but dont believe in god? Do they go to hell? If so how is that fair? What if god is Christian? Does god except all those of other religions? Or because they didnt believe in the Christian God must spend eternity in hell? That doesnt seem fair?

Now Ive never been religious. However when I had a baby and that baby died at 12 days old, my fate was seeled. I can not believe in something that would take the life of a newborn (and please dont give me that crap about "she's in a better place" or "God needed her"). And to top it off....while at my ex's church I was told that because I was unmarried when I gave birth it was my sins that caused my childs death. What is that? How can anyone believe in something with all power that lets so much bad happen to so many innocents?

Just my opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone, truly.

Dear heart...you need to know that God loves you. If you committed murder He would forgive you. If you were a terrorist & asked Him to forgive you for killing someone He would not only forgive you but throw ALL your iniquites into the sea of forgetfulness to remember them no more.

That is the point of the prodical son.... His father never asked questions...just loved him so much he welcomed him back with opened arms.

Honestly... this whole topic of sins & consequences is one thing, to keep people from future heartaches etc etc, but Christians should not be in the business of kicking someone when they are down. Honey...I am sorry that someone would say that to you. I am also sorry for your loss. Tragedy is just that...tragedy. Give yourself time to grieve & don't let people get you down. Don't worry about your baby...just get yourself right with God & everything will work out fine.

Thank you for your concern. And I have grieved its been over 6 years, but thanks for your thought.

However...what you said was kinda my point. I dont believe in God so why would I ask for "his" forgivness? Just like others out there who either dont believe or believe in something else? Like Pagans for one...who get the worst rap as being evil, but in reality are not evil in the least...infact the christian religion is based off of the Pagan religion. Back in the day when there were wars over christian and pagan belifes...they compermissed on a lot and kind of imigrated the two religions together. And now pagans are the bad guys? lol

1... maybe if you knew of His great love & compassion & that through His provision He has given us power to overcome, you might be persuaded.

2... Let me say I don't hate anyone here...it's their life but I do say what God's word says about believing anything other than Him. Those are God's words from the Bible not mine. God doesn't tell us to do anything but FOR our good. They get offended & call the names but Hey! I'd rather say the truth of God than keep quiet & miss an opportunity to save someone from eternal damnation. This isn't a scare tactic...it's the truth. I'm saying what I believe from God's word & that upsets the unbelieving. I can't help that. Big difference.

3....This thing about mixing pagan religions with Christianity is just an out & out lie. I hope you don't fall for that new age trickery cause that's all it is. They are so desperate to justify themselves even if it means making up & believing lies.

3a...In fact, all the gospels from the time of Christ's death talk about cleansing & purity, salvation for the REMISSION of sins...restoration & deliverance. To walk in the Spirit & keep ourselves from all forms of evil & sin. That's everywhere in the NT. I say they are deceiving MANY people with their lies. They deny the very power of God when they say they have no sin in them.
So...just a few comments... :smile:

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/14/08 11:13 PM

I think that my biggest concern is for the people that choose to think differently or were never given a chance. I basically comes down to "you believe in god (of one of the many religions), you be a good boy or girl and you go to heaven". What about those who live good lives, making right decisions but dont believe in god? Do they go to hell? If so how is that fair? What if god is Christian? Does god except all those of other religions? Or because they didnt believe in the Christian God must spend eternity in hell? That doesnt seem fair?

Now Ive never been religious. However when I had a baby and that baby died at 12 days old, my fate was seeled. I can not believe in something that would take the life of a newborn (and please dont give me that crap about "she's in a better place" or "God needed her"). And to top it off....while at my ex's church I was told that because I was unmarried when I gave birth it was my sins that caused my childs death. What is that? How can anyone believe in something with all power that lets so much bad happen to so many innocents?

Just my opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone, truly.


It isn't the "not knowing" about Jesus that keeps one from heaven, it is the rejection of Jesus. Else one is rejecting the one who sent him (That would be the God of scripture), in which case the decision to spend eternity with Him in the "heaven" of scripture seems highly unlikely. Why would someone who has rejected Jesus/God want to spend eternity with him? The alternative, is hell. Which is another biblical term.

So, the question of people in other religions going to heaven - it would seem that it is not the heaven of the bible that they would be going to.

As to the death of your child - and what was stated by the church of your ex, that it was your sin that caused it's death, that's just absurd! There is absolutely no biblical justification for a non-sensical statement like that, and I would serious question this church being "Christian" - or at the very least - the people who thought that way.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 06/14/08 11:14 PM

Eljay wrote:

I really don't understand this image you have of the bible intimidating me into anything? What is it you think I'm missing out of life because I happen to believe the book has merit? Like I'm being held back from the great joy of life because I happen to have faith in a God that provides for me?
That God has "robbed me of the joy of life" because I happen to think his "rules" (as it's so often mislabeled) are holding me back? I find that humorous. I mean - what is your point? I just don't get what you are attempting to make me see?

Your personal view of the religion is totally irrelevant. It is works for you, more power to you. I'm not trying to claim that your own personal 'Designer Christianity' is wrong.

I'm speaking to the issue of the organized religion, and of what the actual doctrine must mean in spite of your personal distortion of it.

For example, you say,...

You may equate God to the bible, I do not. I do not "worship" the bible - it is a book of words. It has limits. It does not contain all that there is to know about God. It's merely a "road map". A tool for guidance. It's not a recipe book.

It really doesn't matter that there may be more to God that what is in the book. That doesn't change the fact that everything that is in the book must necessarily be the word of God. Otherwise you'd have to concede that the book isn't the word of God.

But as soon as you do that, then you're in agreement with me.

You either accept that the Bible is the word of God or you don't.

Designer Christianity is simply people who claim that the Bible is the work of God, but it's not.

Yeah. Sure. Right.

Actually, if you really want to know what Christians believe, it is NOT that the bible is the word of God. Jesus is the word.

This is exactly what many modern "Designer" Christians would like to believe.

You cannot extract Jesus from the Bible. When they nailed Jesus to the Cross they simultaneously nailed to the Old Testament.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, to be talking about Jesus having been born of a virgin, sent by God, dying to pay for the sins of man, and being resurrected again, outside of a belief in the God of Abraham and the Old Testament.

It makes absolutely no sense that Jesus could be the Sacrificial lamb of the God of Abraham if you are going to discount the stories of the God of Abraham.

It makes absolutely no sense to even speak of Jesus as having been a sacrificial lamb of God if you don't also believe that there was a God who can't forgive sins until it is appeased by blood sacrifices in the first place.

It's an all-or-nothing religion. You cannot separate Jesus from the Old Testament. The entire Bible must stand as the infallible word of God, or it must fall as a completely fabricated lie.

It's all or nothing. There can be no middle of the road "Designer Christianity". It had no substance.

If you want to just follow the teachings of Jesus and not recognize his divinity that would be fine. Then you could toss out the rest of the Bible, but then you'd also have to give up the idea that he was born of a virgin, and died for your sins as the sacrificial lamb of God.

You can't keep that notion whilst simultaneously denouncing the Old Testament. For it is the Old Testament that gives that very notion any merit whatsoever.

It's all or nothing.

You can't worship Jesus whilst claiming that the Old Testament isn't the word of God.

Well, sure, you can do anything you want on a personal level.

But as an organized religion it doesn't hold water that way.

Jesus can't be the sacrificial lamb to appease a God who can only forgive sins when there is blood sacrifice if you refuse to accept the stories about the God who demands blood sacrifices in the first place.

It's all or nothing.

Designer Christianity is an empty concept.

You can't sweep the God of Abraham under the carpet and claim that Jesus is God. That idea isn't workable. It has no substance.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 06/14/08 11:17 PM
My My! I am amazed... I just came from a conference...

The teaching was AWESOME....

I want to say to all who don't believe in God that you don't know what you're missing. God's glory cloud rolled in & caught me up in it. I received healing in my back...my throat, my intestines...I FELT SOMETHING HAPPEN TO MY BODY! ...but the best thing was the presence of God. I called it God's glory cloud...it went from the front of the room to the back... AWESOME!!!! I RECEIVED from God...his healing...His word.. so much more.

You might think you will never get God & are settling for something less but don't give up. He doesn't forget His kids. He loves you all soooooo much!!!!! God is so much more than just some cute stories with a moral to them. So much more... I'm telling you that you are settling for so much less than you deserve.

I don't want to argue with yu'all. My wish is that you come to the same saving grace I experienced. So cool!!!!! :smile:

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/14/08 11:18 PM


Actually, if you really want to know what Christians believe, it is NOT that the bible is the word of God. Jesus is the word.

No, they believe and they have said over and over and over that the Bible is the inspired word of God.

Also, the Bible is not simply an "account of" the life of Jesus. That so-called account is only in the new testament.

In fact the man's real name was Yeshu'a (Joeseph) ben Panthera. He was a Jewish Rabi who was tagged with the savior myth and the Roman Catholic Church claimed that he was the "Messiah."

The life of this man (Joseph ben Panthera) was not accurately told in the new testament. What was told was a rewritten copy of an age old myth of a savior god who dies for the sins all of mankind. (There were about 17 mythical savior gods maybe more..)

These were age old pagan myths. They were used in building Christianity in order to gain pagan converts and followers.


I tend to believe that the idea of a savior is not exclusive to the New Testament. All throughout the Old Testament there is the foretelling of the savior. The analogies and metaphores are everywhere.

And Jeannie, you need to give Monty Python a break for a while.
Just because Brian may have existed, it does not mean Jesus didn't.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 06/14/08 11:28 PM
You can't sweep the God of Abraham under the carpet and claim that Jesus is God. That idea isn't workable. It has no substance.


If I could deny the Old Testament and just accept the moral teachings fo Jesus, I'd become a Christian in a heartbeat myself.

But that's not a workable deal.

When you support the story of Jesus as being the Son of the God of Abraham, then you must necesssarily bow down and worship the entire Old Testament as the word of God.

To do any less is to just kid yourself.

You can't pretend that God never told people to stone their unruly children to death, for example.

In fact, according to the gospel of Mark Jesus even supported that commandment and reprimanted the Pharisees for not following the word of God!

Although I think what actually happened there was that Jesus was trying to show them that they are hypocrites because they don't truly believe, or follow, what they preach.

But then Jesus would be a hypocrite too then if he was to denounce God's commandment that we should stone our unruly children to death. Because Jesus said that he did not come to change the law.

So according to both the Old and the New testaments we should still be stoning our unruly children to death even today!

You can't just take what you want and reject what you don't like. That's not a religion. That's just a totally self-fabricated belief system that you create to passify yourself with.

If that works for you on a peronal basis, great! flowerforyou

But as a religion for a world society it just doen't hold water. To me it's an obvious fabricated myth. It can be no more. It simply can't be true that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God to pay for the sins of man.

Sorry, but it just doesn't hold water.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 06/14/08 11:47 PM
I tend to believe that the idea of a savior is not exclusive to the New Testament. All throughout the Old Testament there is the foretelling of the savior. The analogies and metaphores are everywhere.

The Old Testament held the belief that men could go to heaven. What good would their be in a religion that didn't offer any hope at all?

The idea that the Old Testament prophesied a "Savoir" to save men from eternal damnation is absurd. It couldn't have possibly prophesized such a thing. In order to do so it would have had to have been coming from a religion that, at the time was proclaiming that there is no way to get to God and that all men were hell bound.

That makes no sense.

Moreover, if that were true then why would the Jews have rejected Jesus???

That would mean that the Jews would continue to believe to this day that they can't get to God because their savior hasn't come yet.

Clearly the story is screwed up. The original prophecy was that God would send to the Jews a messiah who would lead them to freedom from their earthy oppressors and enemies.

Clearly Jesus did not do that. So the idea that Jesus was prophesied in the Old Testament doesn't make any sense anyway.

Eljay's photo
Sat 06/14/08 11:49 PM

Eljay wrote:

I really don't understand this image you have of the bible intimidating me into anything? What is it you think I'm missing out of life because I happen to believe the book has merit? Like I'm being held back from the great joy of life because I happen to have faith in a God that provides for me?
That God has "robbed me of the joy of life" because I happen to think his "rules" (as it's so often mislabeled) are holding me back? I find that humorous. I mean - what is your point? I just don't get what you are attempting to make me see?

Your personal view of the religion is totally irrelevant. It is works for you, more power to you. I'm not trying to claim that your own personal 'Designer Christianity' is wrong.

I'm speaking to the issue of the organized religion, and of what the actual doctrine must mean in spite of your personal distortion of it.

For example, you say,...

You may equate God to the bible, I do not. I do not "worship" the bible - it is a book of words. It has limits. It does not contain all that there is to know about God. It's merely a "road map". A tool for guidance. It's not a recipe book.

It really doesn't matter that there may be more to God that what is in the book. That doesn't change the fact that everything that is in the book must necessarily be the word of God. Otherwise you'd have to concede that the book isn't the word of God.

But as soon as you do that, then you're in agreement with me.

You either accept that the Bible is the word of God or you don't.

Designer Christianity is simply people who claim that the Bible is the work of God, but it's not.

Yeah. Sure. Right.

Actually, if you really want to know what Christians believe, it is NOT that the bible is the word of God. Jesus is the word.

This is exactly what many modern "Designer" Christians would like to believe.

You cannot extract Jesus from the Bible. When they nailed Jesus to the Cross they simultaneously nailed to the Old Testament.

It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, to be talking about Jesus having been born of a virgin, sent by God, dying to pay for the sins of man, and being resurrected again, outside of a belief in the God of Abraham and the Old Testament.

It makes absolutely no sense that Jesus could be the Sacrificial lamb of the God of Abraham if you are going to discount the stories of the God of Abraham.

It makes absolutely no sense to even speak of Jesus as having been a sacrificial lamb of God if you don't also believe that there was a God who can't forgive sins until it is appeased by blood sacrifices in the first place.

It's an all-or-nothing religion. You cannot separate Jesus from the Old Testament. The entire Bible must stand as the infallible word of God, or it must fall as a completely fabricated lie.

It's all or nothing. There can be no middle of the road "Designer Christianity". It had no substance.

If you want to just follow the teachings of Jesus and not recognize his divinity that would be fine. Then you could toss out the rest of the Bible, but then you'd also have to give up the idea that he was born of a virgin, and died for your sins as the sacrificial lamb of God.

You can't keep that notion whilst simultaneously denouncing the Old Testament. For it is the Old Testament that gives that very notion any merit whatsoever.

It's all or nothing.

You can't worship Jesus whilst claiming that the Old Testament isn't the word of God.

Well, sure, you can do anything you want on a personal level.

But as an organized religion it doesn't hold water that way.

Jesus can't be the sacrificial lamb to appease a God who can only forgive sins when there is blood sacrifice if you refuse to accept the stories about the God who demands blood sacrifices in the first place.

It's all or nothing.

Designer Christianity is an empty concept.

You can't sweep the God of Abraham under the carpet and claim that Jesus is God. That idea isn't workable. It has no substance.


I know we've gone over all of this time and again, but alas, I fully agree with you, and then again - disagree.

This "designer Christianity" that you speak of is - to me - the ONLY Christianity. I do not claim that the bible is not "The word of God", nor that the Gospels of Christ or the letters are any less or more of God than the accounts of Moses or the prophets. They all wrote what they wrote as God intended them to. But to say that, as a Christian, I worship the book is an inacurate statement. I do not follow the rituals of the Old Testament, as they were purposed for a specific people at a specific time in history. That does not - however - mean that I no longer think the 10 commandments have validity. I have as much difficulty as you do with people who blindly take passages out of context - without understanding the exegesis, and holding people accountable to that misguided standard. And as to the churches who do this, and call themselves Christians...
I have more contempt for them than you do! I've been an active member of a number of churches that do this, and I've devoted my life to pointing out to people where they are wrong and misquided. Unlike you, I don't attribute their mistakes to what the bible actually says, but to how they've interpreted it.

So where I tend to lose you is when you equate a believe in Jesus with the worshoping of a book. When you claim to believe in evolution - doesn't that mean you worship "Origins of the Species"? By your logic - that makes Darwin your God - doesn't it? Thats how I see it.

That being said. I don't agree with your logic of an all good God incapable of rebuking, punishing (and by that I mean allowing the consequences of actions to take their course) or being angered by the self centered, self immersed, selfish actions of his creation. It doesn't render Him "illogical".
Often times retribution is the only rightious action. It's, again, why we have prisons. In addition to the goal of separating the more dangerious of the species from the rest of society, it has the added goal of rehabilitating them. It is the initial purpose for prison in the first place. We do this as a civilized society. Yet we are not allowing this civility to God without deeming Him non-existant for this. Your premise just doesn't make sense.

no photo
Sun 06/15/08 12:00 AM

I think that my biggest concern is for the people that choose to think differently or were never given a chance. I basically comes down to "you believe in god (of one of the many religions), you be a good boy or girl and you go to heaven". What about those who live good lives, making right decisions but dont believe in god? Do they go to hell? If so how is that fair? What if god is Christian? Does god except all those of other religions? Or because they didnt believe in the Christian God must spend eternity in hell? That doesnt seem fair?

Now Ive never been religious. However when I had a baby and that baby died at 12 days old, my fate was seeled. I can not believe in something that would take the life of a newborn (and please dont give me that crap about "she's in a better place" or "God needed her"). And to top it off....while at my ex's church I was told that because I was unmarried when I gave birth it was my sins that caused my childs death. What is that? How can anyone believe in something with all power that lets so much bad happen to so many innocents?

Just my opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone, truly.

Dear heart...you need to know that God loves you. If you committed murder He would forgive you. If you were a terrorist & asked Him to forgive you for killing someone He would not only forgive you but throw ALL your iniquites into the sea of forgetfulness to remember them no more.

That is the point of the prodical son.... His father never asked questions...just loved him so much he welcomed him back with opened arms.

Honestly... this whole topic of sins & consequences is one thing, to keep people from future heartaches etc etc, but Christians should not be in the business of kicking someone when they are down. Honey...I am sorry that someone would say that to you. I am also sorry for your loss. Tragedy is just that...tragedy. Give yourself time to grieve & don't let people get you down. Don't worry about your baby...just get yourself right with God & everything will work out fine.

Thank you for your concern. And I have grieved its been over 6 years, but thanks for your thought.

However...what you said was kinda my point. I dont believe in God so why would I ask for "his" forgivness? Just like others out there who either dont believe or believe in something else? Like Pagans for one...who get the worst rap as being evil, but in reality are not evil in the least...infact the christian religion is based off of the Pagan religion. Back in the day when there were wars over christian and pagan belifes...they compermissed on a lot and kind of imigrated the two religions together. And now pagans are the bad guys? lol

1... maybe if you knew of His great love & compassion & that through His provision He has given us power to overcome, you might be persuaded.

2... Let me say I don't hate anyone here...it's their life but I do say what God's word says about believing anything other than Him. Those are God's words from the Bible not mine. God doesn't tell us to do anything but FOR our good. They get offended & call the names but Hey! I'd rather say the truth of God than keep quiet & miss an opportunity to save someone from eternal damnation. This isn't a scare tactic...it's the truth. I'm saying what I believe from God's word & that upsets the unbelieving. I can't help that. Big difference.

3....This thing about mixing pagan religions with Christianity is just an out & out lie. I hope you don't fall for that new age trickery cause that's all it is. They are so desperate to justify themselves even if it means making up & believing lies.

3a...In fact, all the gospels from the time of Christ's death talk about cleansing & purity, salvation for the REMISSION of sins...restoration & deliverance. To walk in the Spirit & keep ourselves from all forms of evil & sin. That's everywhere in the NT. I say they are deceiving MANY people with their lies. They deny the very power of God when they say they have no sin in them.
So...just a few comments... :smile:

LMAO The mix of pagan and christian religion is not a all out lie. Its history. I didnt just make that up and I for sure would not bring any of it up if it just came from some random sorce or even if it came from the pagan side or christian side. Seriously...look up the histroy of it. I cant remember the name of the King that was ruling during the time but he wanted to rule his kingdom in christianity, but the problem was that the majority of the kindom practice a sort of pagan religion, worshiping the Sun God. So in order to please the kingdom and get his way he merged the two. Christian would celebrate the 7th day, and pagans the Sun god....merged together...you get SUNDAY.

I can understand that you wont believe me....you will write me off as some young girl who doesnt believe in god and doesnt know what she is talking about. Thats fine. BUt that is also one of the many reasons I dont recognize "God". It seems in my experience with christians and cathlics they dont want to hear what others have to say and refuse to believe or except anything other than what they want...but expect the rest of to convert to their religion the moment they "enlighten" us with the ways of Jesus Crist

And I know you're all thinking that I dont know anything about the religion either...but I have given just about all religions a chance. I was in a christian bible study for 10 yrs to about 12 yrs. I went to Cathlic school for 3 yrs. And attended Kingdom Hall for 1 1/2 yrs. So believe me I know what Im "missing" out on.

Eljay's photo
Sun 06/15/08 12:00 AM

You can't sweep the God of Abraham under the carpet and claim that Jesus is God. That idea isn't workable. It has no substance.


If I could deny the Old Testament and just accept the moral teachings fo Jesus, I'd become a Christian in a heartbeat myself.

But that's not a workable deal.

When you support the story of Jesus as being the Son of the God of Abraham, then you must necesssarily bow down and worship the entire Old Testament as the word of God.

To do any less is to just kid yourself.

You can't pretend that God never told people to stone their unruly children to death, for example.

In fact, according to the gospel of Mark Jesus even supported that commandment and reprimanted the Pharisees for not following the word of God!

Although I think what actually happened there was that Jesus was trying to show them that they are hypocrites because they don't truly believe, or follow, what they preach.

But then Jesus would be a hypocrite too then if he was to denounce God's commandment that we should stone our unruly children to death. Because Jesus said that he did not come to change the law.

So according to both the Old and the New testaments we should still be stoning our unruly children to death even today!

You can't just take what you want and reject what you don't like. That's not a religion. That's just a totally self-fabricated belief system that you create to passify yourself with.

If that works for you on a peronal basis, great! flowerforyou

But as a religion for a world society it just doen't hold water. To me it's an obvious fabricated myth. It can be no more. It simply can't be true that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of God to pay for the sins of man.

Sorry, but it just doesn't hold water.

Actually, that would not be true for me, as I'm not Jewish. And since I'm not, I cannot speak for those who have only the Old Testament to support their religion. I understand that you cannot rectify Jesus as the salvation for the sins of man, but I'm not following you on what is? I just can't abandon this as a solution for salvation without something viable and superior to supplant it? And since you've never offered a solution to the "sin problem", only rejected Christianity as one - what good is your testamony? You're just another preacher on a soap box denouncing what other believe without offering a solution of your own.

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