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Topic: Belief or Betrayal
tribo's photo
Fri 06/13/08 04:46 PM

your not seeing the point funch, the point is mans stupidity - it ends with him saying " and i'm not sure about the universe" point is - mans stupidity. besides there are things other than the universe that are infinite even if the universe is not., numbers, colors, are 2.

"tribo" numbers are just a tool use to measure a reality ..once the reality is measure the number dissapates or freezes or cease to exist ..colors are not infinite because the number of ways it can be mixed can eventually end...it's just the term "infinite" can be applied to describe the seemingly endless numbers of colors ...

infinity only exist until you reach the end

try it sometime funch every drop or molecule of color you add to another produces a different color ad infinitum, as to number's yes they are mans tool and serve a purpose but while in this body and with this mind - man could keep attaining a larger or smaller number. in truth - there only infinite as long as someone is here to use them or on other planes if they are used there also - as would be the case with colors also - so your correct in that sense.

cherub_girl's photo
Fri 06/13/08 05:00 PM

Eljay wrote:

This thread has nothing to do with people who don't believe the bible. Read Funches post again. For that matter - read mine again, I qualified my response so I wouldn't have to deal with your strawman arguments.

That's silly.

The whole idea behind Christianity is that the Bible is the correct description of God. It doesn't even make and sense to talk about things such as heaven or hell outside of the biblical context.

Eljay wrote:

God is in Heaven. For those who do not wish to enter there - God does not admit them. Period. He doesn't "send them anywhere". You have made this assumption. Had you read the book, you'd know otherwise.

Again, you say, "Had you read the book!".

It's all about what the bible says. You believe in a book. Not in a God. You claim that the book is the word of God. You worship a book!

And they you try to claim that it's not about the Bible. You want to have your cake and eat it too.

Spider wrote:

Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da

Well that makes a lot more sense that what you posted before you edited your post. laugh

You and Eljay are both trying to pull the same stunt.

I tell you guys what the bible says, and then you guys try to say, "But God isn't like that!"

But the Bible is what you people claim to believe in.

You can't say that God doesn't threaten people who don't believe in him because the Bible most certainly does this. Whatever the Bible says is what the biblical God says, because the whole idea behind it. It's supposed to be the word of God.

You can't say, "But God isn't like that!". If say that all you are saying is that you don't believe that the Bible correctly portrays what God is like (i.e. you renounce the very idea that the Bible is the word of God).

Oxymoron. As always!

For Christians the Bible has to be the word of God. Therefore whatever the Bible says that God is like then that's what God must be like. The Bible clearly threatens non-believers that bad things will happen to them.

The Christian God clearly threatens non-believers with violence, and clearly uses tactics of intimidation and fear to try to get people to love him. This must be the case because Christians are claiming that the Bible is the WORD of God.

Therefore the Christian God threatens to reject people, and intimidates with fear tactics because this is what the Bible does, and Christians claim that the Bible is the words of God.

There's no way out. Christians have no choice but to confess that their God (the Bible) uses methods of intimidation, fear, and threatens to reject people if they don't believe him. Because the Bible tells us so!

You guys are hopeless. You'll defend that the book is the word of God until you're blue in the face, whilst simultaneously trying to claim that God isn't like what the Bible says. laugh

It's utterly ridiculous. The biblical doctrine trips over its own proclamations and falls flat on its face in the mud. And you guys stand there trying to defend it.

For what reason? You've either fallen for the intimidation and you are afraid to renounce it. Or you're lusting for the gift of eternal life it offers and you don't want to miss out on the chance in case it might somehow be miraculously true.

Good luck. flowerforyou

this might be an interesting expieriment abra- if they really feel and believe their book is not necessary to exist and all that is necessary is to believe and have faith, then have them destroy all the unnecessary books - since they are not what they put their faith in - and live "strictly on "faith" and do not share their faith unless asked, do not indoctrinate thier children with thier stories, and eventually see if the world would continue to have "faith without the "book" after all - there was no book "in the beginning" correct? there was only the voice and mind of god correct? so it really should not be necessary for them to continue to "need" the book any longer? after all - if god is god - could he not just show himself and speak as he first did? I personally dont believe christianity or any monotheiastic religion would survive without their "book's"

Go Ahead. Torch them. I will give you all of mine. My faith would still stand strong. Even if I wasn't able to pass Jesus' my story on to my son, to late though I already did, or chose never to speak of it again to him, I strongly believe that God would reviel himself to my son in His own way, in His own time, in a very personal level to my son, in which my son would not or could not deny there is a God.

tribo's photo
Fri 06/13/08 05:08 PM

Eljay wrote:

This thread has nothing to do with people who don't believe the bible. Read Funches post again. For that matter - read mine again, I qualified my response so I wouldn't have to deal with your strawman arguments.

That's silly.

The whole idea behind Christianity is that the Bible is the correct description of God. It doesn't even make and sense to talk about things such as heaven or hell outside of the biblical context.

Eljay wrote:

God is in Heaven. For those who do not wish to enter there - God does not admit them. Period. He doesn't "send them anywhere". You have made this assumption. Had you read the book, you'd know otherwise.

Again, you say, "Had you read the book!".

It's all about what the bible says. You believe in a book. Not in a God. You claim that the book is the word of God. You worship a book!

And they you try to claim that it's not about the Bible. You want to have your cake and eat it too.

Spider wrote:

Musha rain dum-a-doo dum-a-da

Well that makes a lot more sense that what you posted before you edited your post. laugh

You and Eljay are both trying to pull the same stunt.

I tell you guys what the bible says, and then you guys try to say, "But God isn't like that!"

But the Bible is what you people claim to believe in.

You can't say that God doesn't threaten people who don't believe in him because the Bible most certainly does this. Whatever the Bible says is what the biblical God says, because the whole idea behind it. It's supposed to be the word of God.

You can't say, "But God isn't like that!". If say that all you are saying is that you don't believe that the Bible correctly portrays what God is like (i.e. you renounce the very idea that the Bible is the word of God).

Oxymoron. As always!

For Christians the Bible has to be the word of God. Therefore whatever the Bible says that God is like then that's what God must be like. The Bible clearly threatens non-believers that bad things will happen to them.

The Christian God clearly threatens non-believers with violence, and clearly uses tactics of intimidation and fear to try to get people to love him. This must be the case because Christians are claiming that the Bible is the WORD of God.

Therefore the Christian God threatens to reject people, and intimidates with fear tactics because this is what the Bible does, and Christians claim that the Bible is the words of God.

There's no way out. Christians have no choice but to confess that their God (the Bible) uses methods of intimidation, fear, and threatens to reject people if they don't believe him. Because the Bible tells us so!

You guys are hopeless. You'll defend that the book is the word of God until you're blue in the face, whilst simultaneously trying to claim that God isn't like what the Bible says. laugh

It's utterly ridiculous. The biblical doctrine trips over its own proclamations and falls flat on its face in the mud. And you guys stand there trying to defend it.

For what reason? You've either fallen for the intimidation and you are afraid to renounce it. Or you're lusting for the gift of eternal life it offers and you don't want to miss out on the chance in case it might somehow be miraculously true.

Good luck. flowerforyou

this might be an interesting expieriment abra- if they really feel and believe their book is not necessary to exist and all that is necessary is to believe and have faith, then have them destroy all the unnecessary books - since they are not what they put their faith in - and live "strictly on "faith" and do not share their faith unless asked, do not indoctrinate thier children with thier stories, and eventually see if the world would continue to have "faith without the "book" after all - there was no book "in the beginning" correct? there was only the voice and mind of god correct? so it really should not be necessary for them to continue to "need" the book any longer? after all - if god is god - could he not just show himself and speak as he first did? I personally dont believe christianity or any monotheiastic religion would survive without their "book's"

Go Ahead. Torch them. I will give you all of mine. My faith would still stand strong. Even if I wasn't able to pass Jesus' my story on to my son, to late though I already did, or chose never to speak of it again to him, I strongly believe that God would reviel himself to my son in His own way, in His own time, in a very personal level to my son, in which my son would not or could not deny there is a God.

thnx cherub, be right over with the flame thrower - laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 05:11 PM

try it sometime funch every drop or molecule of color you add to another produces a different color ad infinitum, as to number's yes they are mans tool and serve a purpose but while in this body and with this mind - man could keep attaining a larger or smaller number. in truth - there only infinite as long as someone is here to use them or on other planes if they are used there also - as would be the case with colors also - so your correct in that sense.

colors are limited by the visible light that splits into and forms the spectrum...since a spectrum has a beginning and an end then how can colors therefore be infinite ..

also one could keep counting forever ..but without a reality to apply the counting to the numbers doesn't have an existence

tribo's photo
Fri 06/13/08 05:17 PM

try it sometime funch every drop or molecule of color you add to another produces a different color ad infinitum, as to number's yes they are mans tool and serve a purpose but while in this body and with this mind - man could keep attaining a larger or smaller number. in truth - there only infinite as long as someone is here to use them or on other planes if they are used there also - as would be the case with colors also - so your correct in that sense.

colors are limited by the visible light that splits into and forms the spectrum...since a spectrum has a beginning and an end then how can colors therefore be infinite ..

also one could keep counting forever ..but without a reality to apply the counting to the numbers doesn't have an existence

ahhh my mistake i should have said subtractive colors nt additve colors. as to the rest i have already agreed in last post as to yes there has to be something someone for it to be truly infinite. re read - or -

in truth - there only infinite (as long as someone is here to use them or on other planes if they are used there also) - as would be the case with colors also - "so your correct in that sense."

hahaha you like to debate even when you've won laugh

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 06/13/08 05:33 PM
Where I work, I have had the pleasure of getting to know a very large group of several older generations. I tend to group them in about 10 year increments.

So.. there are those in their 50's who are becoming aware, through personal loss, of their mortality.

In the 60's there are those who are suffering through the sudden death or the incapacitation of a long term partner.

In the 70's group, when you see a couple together who are still tender and affectionate after 50 years together you know how much love has passed between them.

In the group of the 80's are the single people. Those whose long time partners, and even some children are gone. Those whose partners they could no longer care for and they were forced to place the home of their heart in the hands of others.

In the 90's I see people whose children and grandchildren help them get out and experience the world in a little store where they can talk to the help - (me) and tell them how much they appreciate and love those that helped them that day.

I can not fathom that for ALL THE LANGUAGE (I'll be with her again in heaven - We will meed again when I die - he waits for me and we will share our place in heaven - she's in a bettern place and I will join her there)

Do you really think that all that love can go away? Do you really think that if death took you to a place in which those you loved most in life, were never to be seen or expereinced again, that you would WANT to be there?

How much sense does that make?

Fitnessfanatic's photo
Fri 06/13/08 05:53 PM
I like to think that there's is no division of Heaven or Hell. Everyone go to the same place, it just that those enlighten see it as Heaven while those that are blinded by ignorance, hate and of self delusion see it as Hell.

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 10:21 PM

how could a believer claim that they will have eternal peace in Heaven knowing that their loves ones are being tortured in Hell for an eternity while they worship and praise the God that is responsible for causing their family and friends torment

Funches is 100% correct. And any objections to what he had said in the above quote are totally indefensible.

A religion can’t have a God who plays hide-&-seek and guessing games sending people to hell for having guessed wrong, and then claim that the those people chose to go to hell.

That’s absurd. And this is just one more of a myriad of reasons why non-believers don’t believe it.

The religion is absurd. The God plays hide-&-seek and then is mean to the people who don’t find him?

That’s utterly absurd. And it’s totally indefensible position.

Such a scenario would require that God sends innocent decent people to hell who have no chosen to go to hell at all. All they did was innocently claim that they could not find the God who plays hide-&-seek because evidently that God would need to be hiding behinds a myriad of lies. Who would be foolish enough to seek out a God who hides behinds lies????

Heaven would be full of fools and all the wise people would be in hell. What sense does that make?

What does God have against wise men? If he wanted fools as pets why didn’t he just stop when he created the monkeys? Why even bother to give men wisdom if he’s only going to cast the wise men into hell?

Again, it’s an utterly absurd scenario. You have to be a fool to believe that it could be true. That’s not meant as a personal insult to those who claim to believe it. I personally believe that the people who believe in this religion are believing in it because they have some sort of deep-seated guilt complex that they can’t seem to get over. They idea that they would believe in this religion because it appears to be a sound intellectual choice is impossible. The religion is full of absurdness and contradictions that no one can claim that it makes rational sense. No one can explain it rationally, because it’s a totally unreasonable picture.

This God would need to send reasonable people to hell because they choose to be reasonable.

I wish you knew how unnecessarily hateful this post is. I hope that you someday find peace in your beliefs so that you no longer feel you must belittle the beliefs of others.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 06/13/08 10:38 PM
Do you really think that all that love can go away? Do you really think that if death took you to a place in which those you loved most in life, were never to be seen or experienced again, that you would WANT to be there?

How much sense does that make?

Christianity can't be true. It's not a matter of whether or not a person would like to believe it. It simply can't be true, because if it was true, it would have to be false!

In other words, it's a totally inconsistent logical contradiction.

If there is a God, then God's love would have to be truly unconditional.

We can't have an egotistical God casting people into hell just because they refuse to believe a poorly written book.

Such a God would be totally unjust and that flies in the face of what the book claims that God must be.

So the book is impossibly corrupt in illogical. It can't be true.

It's not a matter of trying to believe in it. The book is a lie. Period.

All human beings go to the same place when they die.

Either there is a true God who has truly unconditional love or there is no God at all.

If the Bible is true, then the creature who is behind it is a demented cruel demon and can't possible be referred as a 'God'. To bow down and worship such a demon would be an act of desperation in a feeble and most likely fruitless attempt to try to avoid it's wrath.

A truly loving God can have no wrath.

The bible can be from any God.

It's a terribly hateful story.

And the first thing that Christians will say is, "But you just don't understand it!"

BINGO! Oxymoron time!

If I misunderstand the bible, then God can't blame me for rejecting what appears to me to be an extremely hateful and heartless picture of a God.

God would have no choice but to accept me into his heaven right along with all the other non-believers.

After all, if our understand of the bible is wrong then God isn't a hateful idiot.

So he's not going to act like an egotistical pissed off moron and cast us into hell.

That's the whole point!

Either God is a jerk, like the bible says, or he's not.

If he's not, then the bible is a LIE, and God will be just tickled pink with non-believers for not believing the terrible ugly picture that they thought the bible was portraying.

Non-believers are 100% safe from God's wrath. Because an angry God who would unjustly cast them into hell would only PROVE that the non-believers were RIGHT all along! He's would be an evil demon just like the bible says!

It can't be true no matter which way you cut it. It an unsalvageable self-contradicting mythology.

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 06/13/08 10:43 PM

I wish you knew how unnecessarily hateful this post is. I hope that you someday find peace in your beliefs so that you no longer feel you must belittle the beliefs of others.

I'm not belittling anyone's beliefs Spider. I'm just telling you why an ancient mythology can't possibly be true. :wink:

I'm also not about to apologize to believers because the proselytizers of Christianity have never apologized to me for treating my beliefs as thought they are completely without merit. flowerforyou

The bible can't possibly be true. That's just a fact. Period. That's my belief. And I have facts to back it up. drinker

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 10:54 PM

I wish you knew how unnecessarily hateful this post is. I hope that you someday find peace in your beliefs so that you no longer feel you must belittle the beliefs of others.

I'm not belittling anyone's beliefs Spider. I'm just telling you why an ancient mythology can't possibly be true. :wink:

I'm also not about to apologize to believers because the proselytizers of Christianity have never apologized to me for treating my beliefs as thought they are completely without merit. flowerforyou

The bible can't possibly be true. That's just a fact. Period. That's my belief. And I have facts to back it up. drinker

You need help. I mean that. You also need a dictionary, look up the word "Belittle".


1 : to speak slightingly of : disparage <belittles her efforts>

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 06/13/08 11:20 PM

You need help. I mean that. You also need a dictionary, look up the word "Belittle".

I know that I belittle the bible.

But that's not the same as belittling your 'beliefs'.

If you say, "But I believe in the Bible"

I'll just say, "I thought you believed in God?" huh

Also, I believe in evolution.

But you belittle the theory of evolution.

Is that the same as belittling my belief?

I don't think so. You can belittle the theory of evolution to your hearts content.

It doesn't bother me. I still believe in evolution. flowerforyou

no photo
Fri 06/13/08 11:34 PM

You need help. I mean that. You also need a dictionary, look up the word "Belittle".

I know that I belittle the bible.

But that's not the same as belittling your 'beliefs'.

If you say, "But I believe in the Bible"

I'll just say, "I thought you believed in God?" huh

Also, I believe in evolution.

But you belittle the theory of evolution.

Is that the same as belittling my belief?

I don't think so. You can belittle the theory of evolution to your hearts content.

It doesn't bother me. I still believe in evolution. flowerforyou

You have to be a fool to believe that it could be true.

I believe it...what does that mean?

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 06/14/08 12:42 AM

I believe it...what does that mean?

Ok you win. I'm imperfect.

We all make mistakes Spider. I apologize for using poor wording.

However, it is true that I believe it is foolish to believe that the bible can be the word of God.

Christians are always accusing me of 'rejecting God'.

They don't need to tell me that they think I'm foolish.

Anyone would be foolish for rejecting a God.

You don't like the fact that I vehemently hate the bible.

Yes, it's true, I do. I hate it.

It is responsible for ruining my life.

It's also responsible for a lot of civil unrest in the world.

It's responsible for a lot of hate that I see going on around me.

I hate the bible, and the religion that supports it.

I hate them both.

It's not God I hate. God had nothing to do with it.

God would never be associated with such a terrible thing.

This I believe.

It's not just me.

I've met literally hundreds of people who have been emotionally damaged by this religion.

How can a religion that is supposedly from God by so emotionally damaging to so many people?

It can't be from God. It's that simple.

Historically people used to stone people to death because of this religion.

In Jesus' day they were still doing it if you can believe the story of Jesus.

This means that the biblical God was allowing people to stone other people to death for millennia prior to the birth of Jesus.

Not only that, but if people were still stoning sinners in Jesus day you can rest assured that they didn't stop just because Jesus said to. Information would take a long time to get around for one thing. And then how many people are going to believe in the story of Jesus anyway? Clearly the Jews didn't, and they were the ones who were still stoning sinners to death. Who knows when it finally quit. Obviously the Jews quit stoning people to death for some other reason. Not because Jesus said to quit.

So why do I bring this up?

To illustrate that the biblical religion had people stoning sinners to death!

I don't believe that God would want that. Clearly Jesus didn't want that.

How could Jesus be the same God who told people to do that in the first place?

The amount of contradictions in this book is overwhelming Spider.

How can you possibly believe in such foolishness?

This time I said it in a socially acceptable way as a question. flowerforyou

Historically people used this religion to burn heathens at the stake.

They used it to denounce science (and continue to use it to denounce science to this very day)

The people who follow this religion have never demonstrated good behaviors as societies.

Look at the early Americans, the vast majority have Christian heritage.

They totally disrespected the native Indians and called them heathen savages.

They enslaved an entire culture of African slaves.

The totally disrespected the environment of the land they stole from natives.

And then they produced a totally greedy civilization based on mammon.

You'll probably say, "But they didn't do what the Bible says to do!"

So what?

First off, in the case of the heathens, the Bible says that God doesn't care about heathens.

Secondly, if the people who follow this religion don't truly follow it then what good is it?

It's had it's chance in America and look what it produced.

It even used to be prominent in schools and public arenas.

Yet it never instilled good morals in anyone. Certainly not on mass scales.

It's a useless religion that never produced any positive results.

People just use it to support bigotry and to claim that anyone who doesn't believe it is rejecting God.

I make no apologies for hating it to death. I hope it dies ASAP.

If my posts help contribute to its death I will have done a good thing. flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 04:53 AM

try it sometime funch every drop or molecule of color you add to another produces a different color ad infinitum, as to number's yes they are mans tool and serve a purpose but while in this body and with this mind - man could keep attaining a larger or smaller number. in truth - there only infinite as long as someone is here to use them or on other planes if they are used there also - as would be the case with colors also - so your correct in that sense.

colors are limited by the visible light that splits into and forms the spectrum...since a spectrum has a beginning and an end then how can colors therefore be infinite ..

also one could keep counting forever ..but without a reality to apply the counting to the numbers doesn't have an existence

ahhh my mistake i should have said subtractive colors nt additve colors. as to the rest i have already agreed in last post as to yes there has to be something someone for it to be truly infinite. re read - or -

in truth - there only infinite (as long as someone is here to use them or on other planes if they are used there also) - as would be the case with colors also - "so your correct in that sense."

hahaha you like to debate even when you've won laugh

"tribo" it's you that refused to believe that infinity doesn't exist but is only a term used to describe the vastness of something and you keep trying to sneak references in to show that infinity does exist

for example you keep saying that in truth colors and numbers are only infinite if there is someone here or in another plane of existence to used them ..but that makes no diffeence when it comes to numbers because without a reality to count and apply the numbers too the person counting may as well be babbling and of course the colors are limited to the range of the visible light of the spectrum and anything limited can not be infinite

so the bottom line is that numbers and colors are not infinite

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 05:20 AM

It is responsible for ruining my life.

How did it do that?

Fanta46's photo
Sat 06/14/08 06:11 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 06/14/08 06:35 AM

try it sometime funch every drop or molecule of color you add to another produces a different color ad infinitum, as to number's yes they are mans tool and serve a purpose but while in this body and with this mind - man could keep attaining a larger or smaller number. in truth - there only infinite as long as someone is here to use them or on other planes if they are used there also - as would be the case with colors also - so your correct in that sense.

colors are limited by the visible light that splits into and forms the spectrum...since a spectrum has a beginning and an end then how can colors therefore be infinite ..

also one could keep counting forever ..but without a reality to apply the counting to the numbers doesn't have an existence

Come, come funchesnoway noway

Perhaps you are looking at infinity with a limited mind.

Lets suppose scientist build a spaceship with a propulsion system powered by a small nuclear reactor. Now, the spaceship is travelling in an almost vacuumless environment of space, and the propulsion system does not increase the speed of the ship at a lightning speed, but the increase is continuous and steady!
I'm going to make up some numbers now but you should get the idea.
Lets say when the propulsion system kicks in the ship is traveling at 10,000 mph. With zero vacuum, every 12 hrs the ships speed increases speed by 60%. That means after the first 12 hrs the ship is travelling at 16,000 mph. After 12 more hrs it increases speed another 60%. Now its travelling at 25,600 mph. another 12 hrs, 40,960 mph, etc, etc, etc,.
Lets suppose the ship has enough nuclear fuel to continue to do this for 100 yrs. By using the gravitational pull of other planets and a computer system that can detect the pull, shutting off the propulsion system when not needed it can extend the fuel supply even longer.
How fast is it going when it finally runs out of fuel? Did it stop increasing in speed when the known numbering system stopped just because no one was around to count anymore? Couldn't you continue to make up new scientific notations as you needed them?
Now, suppose the ship is out of fuel, no propulsion but in Zero gravity it continues to coast at the speed it was going, or maybe it continues to speed up. How far will it travel? Will it stop when man runs out of numbers? Does the ship care that man runs out of numbers? Is there an unknown wall at the end of space that the ship will crash into and stop?
If you can answer any of these questions then I'll join you in your definition that infinity doesn't exist. If you can answer any of these questions then I'm sure NASA has a job opening for you. Because you see, the propulsion system and the ship I'm talking about is very close to reality.

Fanta46's photo
Sat 06/14/08 06:24 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Sat 06/14/08 06:27 AM
Lets go the other way.
Take the number 10 divide by two. Equals 5, right?
Divide by two. equals 2.5, right?
Divide by two. Equals 1.25, divide by two, equals .625, etc, etc, etc, When will it equal zero?

My guess, you could go on and on and on for the rest of your life and never equal zero. You could name a lot of unknowns for the world though!laugh laugh laugh laugh

tribo's photo
Sat 06/14/08 06:56 AM
Edited by tribo on Sat 06/14/08 06:59 AM

Lets go the other way.
Take the number 10 divide by two. Equals 5, right?
Divide by two. equals 2.5, right?
Divide by two. Equals 1.25, divide by two, equals .625, etc, etc, etc, When will it equal zero?

My guess, you could go on and on and on for the rest of your life and never equal zero. You could name a lot of unknowns for the world though!laugh laugh laugh laugh


god luck fanta, been down this road before, your wasting your time, funch is really the energizer bunny - hahaha - he keeps going and going and going and going ------------------------------

he's only here to prove how ""logical"" he thinks he's being as compared to other's - right funch? post all you want - i wont respond to you ever again - laugh laugh laugh laugh :tongue:

no photo
Sat 06/14/08 07:59 AM

how could a believer claim that they will have eternal peace in Heaven knowing that their loves ones are being tortured in Hell for an eternity while they worship and praise the God that is responsible for causing their family and friends torment

Funches is 100% correct. And any objections to what he had said in the above quote are totally indefensible.

A religion can’t have a God who plays hide-&-seek and guessing games sending people to hell for having guessed wrong, and then claim that the those people chose to go to hell.

That’s absurd. And this is just one more of a myriad of reasons why non-believers don’t believe it.

The religion is absurd. The God plays hide-&-seek and then is mean to the people who don’t find him?

That’s utterly absurd. And it’s totally indefensible position.

Such a scenario would require that God sends innocent decent people to hell who have no chosen to go to hell at all. All they did was innocently claim that they could not find the God who plays hide-&-seek because evidently that God would need to be hiding behinds a myriad of lies. Who would be foolish enough to seek out a God who hides behinds lies????

Heaven would be full of fools and all the wise people would be in hell. What sense does that make?

What does God have against wise men? If he wanted fools as pets why didn’t he just stop when he created the monkeys? Why even bother to give men wisdom if he’s only going to cast the wise men into hell?

Again, it’s an utterly absurd scenario. You have to be a fool to believe that it could be true. That’s not meant as a personal insult to those who claim to believe it. I personally believe that the people who believe in this religion are believing in it because they have some sort of deep-seated guilt complex that they can’t seem to get over. They idea that they would believe in this religion because it appears to be a sound intellectual choice is impossible. The religion is full of absurdness and contradictions that no one can claim that it makes rational sense. No one can explain it rationally, because it’s a totally unreasonable picture.

This God would need to send reasonable people to hell because they choose to be reasonable.

I wish you knew how unnecessarily hateful this post is. I hope that you someday find peace in your beliefs so that you no longer feel you must belittle the beliefs of others.

"Spidercmb" it appears that it is your belief that "belittles" others when it promise the followers that all others that do not believe will be tortured for an eternity ...doesn't that sounds hateful

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