Topic: Smoking Pot Makes people Stupid?
jeanc200358's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:18 PM
"Oh, and people are BORN with psychiatric disorders. They're not caused
by the herb!"

Really? Sometimes psychiatric disorders are acquired from birth; other
times they're the result of drug abuse or brain injury, sometimes from
poisoning, etc.

Here's something interesting for you to read while you think of the next
insulting thing you want to say to me:

Cannabis in bipolar
filed under Bipolar Disorder Research Study
Cannabinoids in Bipolar disorder

The role of cannabis (marijuana) in psychiatric disorders remains
controversial. In bipolar disorder, it is known that many people use
cannabis for various reasons. There are some reports that people use
cannabis for help in alleviating mania and others report its use for
relieving depression. However, these reports are anecdotal and no
systematic research has ever been done to see if these effects apply to
the population in general. Additionally, there are reports that indicate
that cannabis can have a detrimental and potentially causative role in
the development of psychosis and paradoxically, can induce mania. The
authors of this paper conducted a literature search to identify what has
been published regarding the relationship between cannabis and bipolar
disorder. Additionally, they looked at other ways of ingesting
cannabinoids (the type of molecule that is the active ingredient in
marijuana). The active ingredient in marijuana is called delta-9
tetrahydracannabinol but there are other similar cannabinoid molecules
that can be utilized to harbor similar effects.

When marijuana is ingested, the active ingredient triggers a receptor in
the brain called the CB-1 receptor. CB-1 receptors are part of what is
called the "endocannabinoid" system which broken down means "endo" or
endogenous (naturally present in the body) cannabinoid system. The
evolution of this system indicates that our bodies naturally produce
cannabinoid-type molecules, which in fact is the case. CB-1 receptors
are plentiful in the areas of the brain considered to be involved with
bipolar disorder with the highest levels in the basal ganglia,
cerebellum and hippocampus. There are similar receptors in the
peripheral body, called CB-2 receptors. They are seen primarily in
immune cells. It is not known precisely what effect the CB-2 receptors
have with the effects of cannabis.

Unfortunately, no controlled trials of THC have been done in bipolar
disorder. Anecdotal evidence is fraught with peril in terms of making
major judgments because it is not controlled and there is no objective
comparison to understand the benefit due to the drug itself versus other
effects associated with taking the drug or placebo effect. Additionally,
it is seen that the effects of THC are often "bidirectional" which means
that it is possible that in some people THC will relax, often in similar
effectiveness as benzodiazepine (valium for example) medications, but in
other people will cause anxiety and change physiologic parameters that
leads to furthering of anxiety. It may make people tired or in others
increase alertness and in some it may lead to depressed feelings while
others feel a high and levels of euphoria.

Because there is evidence, particularly in certain genetically
susceptible individuals, of psychosis being related to usage of
cannabis, it should be with extreme caution that one uses such a drug if
they have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Additionally, as it can
provoke mania in some people, extreme caution should be used before one
takes this drug if they have a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. THC also
can interfere with the action of psychiatric medications, primarily the
atypical antipsychotics which are frequently used as anti-manic agents.
Lastly, it has been shown that the effects of marijuana are often more
severe in people already diagnosed with psychiatric disorders.

However, given the anecdotal evidence, it does appear that for some
people marijuana is beneficial. Any decision to use it should be well
considered and best discussed with physician and should be done under
very careful supervision. Before an evidence-based recommendation can be
made regarding marijuana, a double-blind, randomized controlled trial
will need to be conducted both for safety and effectiveness. The authors
are advocating for such research to be conducted and one can only feel
that to know the results of this kind of research would be beneficial.
Additionally, if such research were to show a positive benefit, more
standardized methods of taking the THC, such as a sublingual spray,
could be created such that it could be given in a therapeutic dose.
Inhalational THC, smoked marijuana for example, varies in potency and in
the depth of inhalation by the consumer and can lead to different
effects even with the same product. Standardized dosing would also allow
for a lower dose to be taken which may be equally effective but with
fewer risks, (psychosis, mania, or hypomania in particular) than
conventional inhalational means allow for. Additionally, a commercially
prepared medication could include a similar cannabinoid called
cannabidiol to further help temper the drug to lower side effects.

Ashton CH, Moore PB, Gallagher P, Young AH.
Cannabinoids in bipolar affective disorder: a review and discussion of
their therapeutic potential.
J Psychopharmacol. 2005 Sep;19(3):293-300.

michael1313's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:21 PM
To hell with what extensive
scientific and medical research says to the contrary; MICHAEL has spoken
and it is MICHAEL whom we should listen to.

Why attack me?

I'm not th LAWS...
I'm not GOD...
I'm just another person who wishes to get high when I want to...
NONE of this DRAMA was asked for,nor called for...

why are YOU making such a big case against it???

are you running for president?

did you know that the human brain,
reproduces cells faster than a joint can kill them?

or is that just propaganda too?

take a break...
give some of the other folks here a chance to talk,
sh*'ve been on this for two days now...smokin

creationsfire's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:22 PM
Jean, I can't belive you went off on me or anyone, NOW! Gawd Dam*, If
you can't take a joke **** ***. If you read back through this topic, I
was trying to keep things light for a bit. I didn't even say anything to
you until you got on cases for making jokes.

There nothing any more wrong with debating than there is with a laugh.
You went off like freaking politician right from the start.

I defended your right to comment a couple of times. I never attacked
you, said anything rude, got on you case or anything else.

I simply said: have you got any of your own jokes to share? I never said
there was anything wrong with a debate.

This is the last Im going to post YOU! You are a lost cause. Although Im
sure you will have to have to have the last word and post a mile long
response to me and everyone else.

I have some control.

Jeeze "you" (meaning in general) GAWD, why do I even have to say that?:
can't even try to be nice and you still get your ass chewed with, nasty,
"DEBATING" comment!

This isn't flipping Congress!

Again, this to those who have some control: Meaning NOT YOU JEAN: live
and let live. Period. Everything in this world when abused gets hurt.
I've heard of people dying just from drinking too much bottled water.
Some stupid contest to see who can drink the most and one woman that
died from just drinking too much for the hell of it.

Live and let live. Don't let what you do hurt anyone, keep your
recreational use to home, (just like alcohol) and be responsible with

I wonder if we should go back prohabition? Ya think? Who here thinks we
should outlaw alcohol? Also wonder how LONG the posts will be, and how
one sided?

spay's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:22 PM

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:23 PM
HUmmm well unless I just read this wrong pot is good for the ones that
are Bi-polar lmao noway noway noway noway

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:26 PM
Read it again, Tex.

michael1313's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:27 PM
geese and gander?

did you even read anything?
or you just here to smart off?

S.T.F.U. and get back to work,slackersmokin

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:30 PM
LOL..I read things all day long ..and, as an editor, make damn good
money doing it, too. Since I work for myself, I have the luxury of
working when I want to, or posting when I want to. But I'm nowhere NEAR
being a slacker.

Typical juvenile behavior coming from someone who can't form an
effective argument against the topic at hand; come back with a personal
insult. LOL. Figures.

karmafury's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:35 PM
Mike in response to your comment about brain cells reproducing. You are
partially correct. Remember that brain cells are nerve tissue and nerve
tissue doesn't regenerate, hence all the research in spinal trauma.
However some types of cells in the brain reproduce refer to following.

In article <41il80$okr$1 at>, Greg Ryman
<72760.1711 at CompuServe.COM> says:
>Most people believe that the brain can not heal and that brain
>cells cannot reproduce. I was wondering if anyone could tell me
>when the brain develops and how. Do the cells reproduce at some
>point and then are unable to later?

Yes, in answer to your last question the neural cells do undergo a
period of proliferation after which they are unable to do so further. At
this stage they are known as postmitotic and are unable to replicate.
The glial cells however retain their ability to undergo cell division
throughout adult life and are responsible for such regeneration that
does occur following trauma, this is not so much a healing process as an
exercise in damage limitation since functional recovery is rare.

Hope this is of some little help.

Steve Maidment.

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:35 PM
Hummm Jean maybe you should re read Michael comment it was not even
towards you he was referring to Spay so maybe you should also re read a
few things before you jump to conclusions bigsmile

michael1313's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:38 PM
Thanx Ms Txs

creationsfire's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:38 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:38 PM
First of all, I'm not "going off" on anyone. LOL. You people need to
chill. You present your point of view, I present my counterpoint, and I
get accused of "going off." LOL Too funny!

Why attack me?

I wasn't attacking you; I was commenting on the ridiculous notion that
the other poster was implying.

I'm just another person who wishes to get high when I want to...

Sure! And that's all I stated, was just admit you like getting HIGH and
stop advocating its so-called "benefits" for the recreational user. I'm
glad you finally came to this conclusion!

NONE of this DRAMA was asked for,nor called for...

It's not DRAMA to're the one who's being DRAMATIC...all I'm
doing is discussing the issue. I'm not the one getting all tizzied up
because you're disagreeing with me. It's entertaining, though, I must

why are YOU making such a big case against it???

Why are YOU making such a big case for it???

are you running for president?

No, are you?

did you know that the human brain,

reproduces cells faster than a joint can kill them?

No, but I'd like to see your sources/scientific data that back this up.
Moreover, that still doesn't mean it's not harmless.

or is that just propaganda too?

You tell me. You didn't cite any references.

take a break...

Why? I'm having a large time!

give some of the other folks here a chance to talk,

I'm not impeding anyone's abilty to sure haven't shut up
during this entire debate.

sh*'ve been on this for two days now...

As have you and some others. So...because I'm not a pothead means I
can't have my say? LOL!

Thanks for the entertainment; I do appreciate it.

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:40 PM
"Hummm Jean maybe you should re read Michael comment it was not even
towards you he was referring to Spay so maybe you should also re read a
few things before you jump to conclusions"

Which comment are you referring to?

spay's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:41 PM

michael1313's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:43 PM
geeeze now we see why some folks are singlelaugh

creationsfire's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:43 PM
An attempt at a joke, what a conceptlaugh laugh laugh

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:44 PM
One thing seems evident: pot smoking seems to cause paranoid,
antagonistic, rude and insulting behavior by those who cannot seem to
tolerate anyone who doesn't agree with their point of view about it.

Of course, *I'm* coming off as a politician, screwed up, etc.,etc.,
etc., and everyone else here who advocates its use is rational, calm,
normal, etc., etc., etc.



creationsfire's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:45 PM
Uh Ohyawn can;t do that, I forgotlaugh laugh laugh guess we'll
just have to break the rules people.

jeanc200358's photo
Mon 02/19/07 02:47 PM
Mon 02/19/07 02:43 PM
geeeze now we see why some folks are single

If you're referring to me...and I presume that you are, in yet another
half-assed attempt to insult me, okay, so now the reason I'm single is
because I have an opinion and am not afraid to use it? Or is it because
I don't smoke pot?

Hmm, earlier someone stated that (in effect) because I have an opinon
that must therefore mean I need to get laid.

This is just too hysterical..keep it up!