Topic: your thoughts on illegal immigration
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Sun 09/10/06 08:53 PM
Everyday 25 Americans die at the hands of illegal aliens.

Illegal alien gang rapes are on the rise in America.

Illegal aliens bring drugs, gangs, and disease into America.

Illegal aliens take jobs away from Americans.

Illegal aliens get college tuition, and they are not from this country!

Mexico's governance, society and culture won't fix its own society.

630,000 illegal alien convicted felons bed down at night in our prisons
when they should be back in their own countries committing crimes in
their own societies.

American taxpayers pay for K-12 education for 3 million illegal
alien kids at the degradation of our own children's education.

Illegal aliens openly break our laws, steal jobs from Americans, work
off the books while paying no taxes, and send $60 million in cash back
to their home countries.

Illegal aliens children is costing Colorado taxpayers $564.1 million

The bottom line: when Mexican citizens cross the border from Mexico into
the United States without proper documentation, they are now criminals.

MynDLash's photo
Mon 09/11/06 04:30 AM
AYE, AYE, I agree, it is against the law in their country as well as our
own so why do it? You don't see us jumping the border; unless there's
drugs involved, which is (should be legall but,)illegal. Yes, we're in
proverity and still we're happy to be where we r. But, back to the
basics, if the woman hadn't seen her child in four years then obviously
she didn't want to have anything to do with him

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 07:13 AM
it's not that she didn't want anything to do with him. the us government
has a program for countries that are devastated by natural disasters
where they can have a temporary work visa(i don't know if they can go
home and come back)but they can't bring anyone with them. the money is
200 % better than where she was from so she left him with her sister and
left to make money to take care of her family(no dad)when her sister got
sick and was put in the hospital there wasn't anyone to take care of him
and he missed her so he and his cousin traveled from el salvador or
somewhere and crossed the us border. because he came into the country
illegally they want to deport him.

paterafan's photo
Mon 09/11/06 08:06 AM

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Mon 09/11/06 09:36 AM
if they allow illegal immigration they should allow pot damn it

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 11:21 AM
why not , they already have alot to do with each other lol

TiredOfBeingSingle's photo
Mon 09/11/06 11:24 AM
so true lets do it 420 time

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 11:36 AM
is it 420 where you are ,cool because it won't be 420 here for another
hour and 50 min. we can have twice the fun

lionsbrew's photo
Mon 09/11/06 02:31 PM
well pot is concidered petty crime here in pa...but as for immagrents i
have no problems with aliens who are paying taxes
if we had half of the illegals paying taxes their would be quite a
larger budget for the states

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 08:32 PM
It's understandable to be concerned with impoverished people in Mexico
and their living conditions. HOWEVER, it isn't our responsibility.....
it's the Mexican governments responsibility. Doesn't anyone know that
the Mexican government just scoffs (laughs their asses off) at our
concerns? They allow it to happen. They do nothing......

Illegals should be deported, end of story.

And I personally think we should close our borders.

If these people from Mexico can keep streaming into our country in
droves......don't you think the Islamic fundamentalists pick up on that?

Build a freakin 30 foot wall on the border if you have to, and the same
goes for Canada. Anyone remember how many terrorists got into the US
from Canada?

MynDLash's photo
Mon 09/11/06 08:52 PM
right on, it's not just about the mexicans. It's all the others as well
that are illegal immagrants. But, for fact from a mexican's own mouth
told my dad, used to work at..., where they have 80-90% mexicans working
for them. that the company would pay their salary while the government
would pay the other half. And I've heard that other races(i'm not
rasist) have been payed to moved here, that's why they have and run so
many stores. Don't know about you but when I first noticed every store
around the corner had new owners something just went off in my head!

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 10:02 PM
you are right abou it not just being mexicans. some foriegners get tax
breaks for so many yrs. if they come over here and open a business and
the government does have guest worker programs so that they can receive
a fair wage but i agree, we should not have to foot the bill of an
impoverished nation. every country has immigration laws and a certain
way that you have to get into their country and to say that you don't
have to follow those rules because your government can't support an
industry is wrong. there are a ton of people who are in the same
situation and they follow the proper channels to get into the country.

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 10:03 PM

See everyone of you are still focusing on the fact they are illegal.
How to fix the problem is allow all that apply to get a visa after a
back ground check. Then all that are here are paying taxes and then make
it so you break one simple law we deport there ass and do not allow them
back in. What this would do is make all illegals know criminals or they
could have gotten here legally. All legals I have met are hard working
honest people. But the US only allows so many work visas a year to
supposedly protect our jobs. Well Nafta did away with most of our jobs
and did much more harm than what I suggest would do. So when there time
was up they would become illegals if they did not return home or marry.
3 years saving money or sending it home should be over enough for them
to get ahead. So lets limit the amount of time each person can stay here
to about this amount of time. What this will do is drive prices higher
in mexico because more people have money. With higher prices comes
higher wages. This would soon make mexico less appealing to industry and
bring many of our lower paying jobs back home. Much of my reasoning is

Canada has never been a problem with illegal immagration to the US.
But the open border policy did allow terrorist to get into the US
through Canada. I personally like the open border. But an ID check would
be nice. Make it so US and Canadian citizens can still cross relatively
freely but all non citizens to these countries has to go through a full
customs check like they do at airports. It would help protect us yet
keep good relations and business between the US and Canada.

BTW I am against the Canadian goverment allowing as much logging as
they are allowing for export to the US and other countries. To me we
raped our own country of trees and are now raping the world to satisfy
our want for lumber. Old growth forest take atleast 200 year to recover
from a single clear cut done in strips so natural reseeding accurs. If
you do a total clear cut and replant a lumber tree like pine arround
here the forest can not ever recover. On my dads farm we harvest a few
trees/logs every 15-20 years. We do not have a true old growth forest
but it is a balanced hardwood forest of all native trees as we cull the
non natives.

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 10:21 PM
that's a good idea but most of the people that are trying to get in
illegally are too poor to afford to apply or have already been rejected.
i don't know the criteria that they use to select someone for approval
but obviously the government rejected them for some sort of reason,
whether it be for something suspicious, they needed more background or
they had already approved too many people as it is for the term.

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 10:36 PM
hey guys, I have tried to follow the train of thought and many have good
thoughts, but no one has touched on the control our government does to
us citizens by our s.s.number and fingerprints or dna so why do we have
to be so controlled and identified if they do not I personally think if
they are illegal, they are deported or even worse, they are criminals,
now if they get their visa or work permit/green card they should pay
taxes--- if they have no paperwork they are criminals and get no driver
liscense, no school, no welfare no fucking freeloaders, get in the
system or you just aren't fitting into the american government system so
somehow they gotta go

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 10:58 PM

One of the items needed for a work visa is a job. How do you get a job
where you work for oneself? Many of the nurseries arround here can not
hire mexicans full time. Like my father has only 13 acres in nursery
stock. He only need about 6 weeks worth of work for 2 people. Yet when
we need ball dug in the fall we may need 10 people digging to get the
order out so we only work them 2-3 days at a time several times a year.
But they can come here and work solid year round. Dad lets a mexican who
is now a perment resident know his needs and he sends a crew out to do
the job. This mexican is a broker of sorts. The mexicans give him a fee
for finding them work according to the job size and type of work. This
is the same as a migratory fruit and vegtable picker. They do not work
for one person. They work on several different farms.

The larger nurseries place a request for immigrants. So many immigrants
without an approved job get these requested jobs. I find the biggest
problem for most illegals is having a job given to them which can be
approved by the US for them to get a work visa. Once they get here they
have no problems finding jobs.

The next hurdle is the US only allows so many active work visas. I know
of a mexican who has only came to the US to visit a child he had with an
american girl and stayed a couple weeks of the last 6 months. He comes
here every fall for digging season as it is piece work and he can make
$300 a day. Yet he keeps his visa active all summer when someone else
could be here working legally. He has a good reason for keeping his visa
as if you drop it you rarely get another one as the US looks at it like
you had your chance. But he is only here about 1/2 the time.

The back ground check maybe a problem for some of them but it has not
been a problem for the few I know who are here legally. The issue for
them was getting a job here lined up so they could apply for a work
visa. One of them came here as an illegal and worked. He talked to the
nurseries and got a job. He then went home after making arrangements
with his employer so he could use that job to get his work visa. He had
told his employer that if he did not get a visa in six weeks he would be
back as an illegal. He got his visa as he now had a job lined up with
housing as this employer provides housing for a fee(rent and utilities
but he owns several mobile homes).

So let them all come over here and try to find a job. The flood of
immigrants into the US would make finding any job very hard even for the
immigrants. Many of them would go back home empty handed and it would
balance out quickly. Then in a few short years mexico's economy would be
up and so would its job pay rate resulting in fewer immigrants.

no photo
Mon 09/11/06 11:23 PM
i liked and agreed with alot of what you said honeyrobber but i honestly
don't think that alot of them would go home if we let them all flood in
and they couldn't find a job. i think alot of them would try to stay and
do what they could to get by. i'm glad that guy that you spoke of found
a job and gave him an opportunity for a visa as i have nothing but
respect for a hard working person who does what they can for their
family. that is the dilema we face, i think that the idea that a
foreigner would want to come here to build a life for his/her family is
a great idea and i hope that is an idea that we never lose site of. to
me that is one of the things that mekes this a great country. i also
think that alot of my ipinion is formed because we always seem to be the
first one there when someone else needs help(which is good)but we let
our own people suffer. i hope that we can come to a solution on this
that will work for everyone because i don't think that an illegal should
be looked at as a criminal but at the same time you have millions of
people that want the same dreams that the illegal people do, they are
just taking the time to follow procedure and do it the right way and
those kinds of people should never be punished because of the people
that want to take a shortcut. and i won't play the sympathy card with
anyone because the people that are trying to go about it the right way
need it just as bad. we have been sending jobs and funds to mexico for
years even though it is not our responsibility, when is mexico gonna
take responsibility for it's people?

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 09/11/06 11:23 PM
I'm a Canadian and have tried to live and work in the US more than
once..What's frustrating is I used to have a temp US work permit that I
had to renew every 6 months, I never had a problem..AFTER 9/11, they
refused to renew it, I have no idea why, I'm about as North American as
one can be. Now, in order for me to get a work visa for the US I have to
be a professional or have an in demand skilled trade, I looked into the
green card lottery but Canadastan no longer qualifies cuz we've "sent"
50,000 immigrants to the US in the last 5 years. What pisses me off is
MOST of those were immigrants to Canadastan in the 1st place. Trust
me..if I could get a job working as an illegal, I'd be there tomorrow,
BUT, I'd do everything I could to become legal ASAP once I was there.
Hell, I lived a mile across the border from Detroit, grew up listening
to american news, watching american TV and listening to american radio
for 22 years..I think that should at least qualify me as an honourary
american, I'll even start taking the 'u' out of words like honourary lol

no photo
Tue 09/12/06 12:04 AM

This is what pisses me off about the quota system. You should be
allowed to work here animal. You were legal. I am guessing you never had
a run in with the law here, so if this is true they had no reason in my
eyes to refuse you a work permit or even perment resident status. We
were founded on give us your huddled masses. Give us your poor. It will
be upto them to make it or fail. I do say we should not give them aid
like families first(given to single mothers and in a few cases single
fathers). I know a couple which are illegal who are married in mexico
yet she draws families first payments claiming he is her brother who
just lives with her. I tried turning in this abuse yet it did no good.
Many are using our well fair policies against us as in the case listed.
I told yall I was stuck in the middle as I see the good and the bad
being in an area where we have alot of them.

I was asked to bring illegals to TN from TX. The price is $2000 per
person and I can get 4 in my car besides myself. So $8000 to drive 1700
miles one way or 3400 miles round trip. So there is money to be made
from the illegal status just like the pot discussion. Where ever there
is illegal money there will be other crimes.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Tue 09/12/06 12:22 AM
nope, I've never had a run in with the law there, or here for that
matter. I have criminal clearances from several municipal police depts,
I have criminal clearances from the Ontario Provicial Police and the
Royal Canadian Mounted Police and have had Gov't of Canada security
clearance, I even have had criminal and security clearance from US
customs. I'm a hard worker and sure as hell don't wanna live on welfare.
The funny part is, when all my other avenues were blocked, I wrote a
letter to the Whitehouse and the US ambassador explaining that and gave
a detailed reason why I wanted to leave Canadastan to live and work in
the US...guess what I got...a threatening PHONE CALL from our Prime
Minister's office..but then again, the only thing more damaging to a
gov't than lies, is the truth ;->