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Topic: your thoughts on illegal immigration
no photo
Tue 09/26/06 09:27 PM
you make a great point metal and i completely agree with you, looks like
we are being defeated by our own capitalism(or greed whichever you
prefer). that is part of the reason that we have these guest worker
programs for migrant pickers. if they are registered they can make like
$8-9/hr. doing the same job that an undocumented worker would only get
$3-4/hr. for.

robertburhart's photo
Tue 09/26/06 09:32 PM
hey I agree with alot of these remarks so come here becouse there lives
there are real bad others just for a free ride some for the jobs. but
what ever there resond they are still breaking the law If we break the
law we get punished so should they. The law is the law we dont have to
agree with it just exept it and work to make our lifes better .And if
you dont like that anser run for office and do somthing about it besides

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:14 PM
hey, pa#9? no, i didn't know that they let anybody into y'all's country.
so, i guess canada is another U.S., huh? that's a first in my view
because as i've heard and seen, you have to have everything i said in my
response. i guess that just goes to show that shouldn't believe
everything we hear and see. by the way, your government DOES take care
of all the canadian people, right?

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 12:32 PM
y'all know what i think? i think that congress and all of the
politicians should worry about what's goin' on here, instead of what's
goin' on in other parts of the world unless they're threatening us. why
do you think the crime rate's so high in some places or all over here?
because all our money's goin' to bullshit programs and non-enforcable
laws, as well as a war that has NOTHING to do with us as a nation!! i
can understand pearl harbor because that's on our territory. 9/11
could've very been prevented if they would've taken the threats
seriously. my point is is that our beloved government has not taken any
serious issues for what they are and that's how this wound up owing over
trillions and trillions of dollars. Dollars that we could be using to
help people who are less forunate in this country that were dealt a very
bad hand and lost everything they owned. We live in a free country, but
we're paying the ultimate price for bad governmental decisions that
could be looked at more closely before executing that decision.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 10/01/06 02:34 PM
hey, pa#9? no, i didn't know that they let anybody into y'all's country.
so, i guess canada is another U.S., huh? that's a first in my view
because as i've heard and seen, you have to have everything i said in my
response. i guess that just goes to show that shouldn't believe
everything we hear and see. by the way, your government DOES take care
of all the canadian people, right?

I hate to disillusion you Tay..but our Gov't is worse than yours for
looking after its ppl..they're to worried about looking after the
immigrants...I know a lot of Americans look up here and say we have such
great social programs..well we USED to but far too many years of greed
and corruption have eroded many of them to the breaking point..As a
matter of fact, I live in a region of about 450,000 ppl, we have 3
hospitals to service that population and one of them closed down it's
emergency room today, PERMANENTLY, because of a lack of
doctors...they're all heading to the US cuz they can make wayyy more
than here..If yer on disability in my province it pays out $950/
mo...the average rent here is about $750/mo..which leaves a whopping
$200/mo for food , clothes, transportation, phone..one thing I've seen
in the US is if yer on disability they WILL pay for you to go to school
so you can get back on your feet and off the system...here, they REFUSE
to do that and the whole time they try anything to kick you off..I'll
give you an example...The house I used to own was huge, 4 bedrooms and
huge rooms throughout...I bought it cuz it was a bargain cuz it needed
some TLC..I had a friend(female) on disability and she saw the place, we
talked and I agreed that she could room there so she had a nice place to
live in a nice neighbourhood..Disability, after 3 months, decided to try
and claim we were common law, which was quite amusing since I was
already married. A little later on, a friend of my wife was in trouble,
she was very newly married and had a child when her husband died and she
was left with nothing( they were quite young) we decided to help her out
and let her live there too, she was on disability by this point and her
son was a special needs child so again we figured that at least they
should live in a nice house in a nice neighbourhood...guess what,
disability tried to claim WE were common law as well..all this was to
get both of them OFF the system.
I've been waiting in an emergency room for 15 hours cuz of a dislocated
shoulder because there is such a severe shortage of staff.. No my
friend, the Canadian gov't is too busy looking after itself to be
bothered with the average working taxpayer. Hell I'm tryin to get INTO
the US cuz it's a better place to live.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 04:06 PM
Paterafan I disagree with you. Employment will be hard. Why? Mainly
hispanics are the ones who work their butt off(mainly mexicans). If we
didn't have immigrants america would be terrible. There wont be alot of
buisness nor would the economy be good. Well I just want to say that i'm
in their side. I understand why they come to this country. You for a
fact don't. You never sufer what they have. They have a reason here. The
only thing I think I would be against is delinquints and sexual
predators, victims who been in jail. They are the ones who should be
deported. Well if any of you have a comment please don't hesitate to
ask. I'm all ears....lol...seriously!

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 04:12 PM
i don't think our economy would be that bad without illegal immigrants
in this country but i do think our economic situation would be better if
they were tax paying citizens.

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 04:16 PM
Animal that's not nice nor true. You don't know the cause of these
people. You should get get to know one. So that you could hear what
they've gone thru. My mother is Cuban and so is my father. My mom came
at 9 month old. My dad who knows. I've never been with him. Well Cuba is
a communist country. Thats why my mom came here and she is blind too. My
grandma wanted the best treatment for her. So thats why she came here to
miami to get the possible treatment but fortunately she is still
suffering. I cry and pray for her everyday. That she can see. If I had a
million dollar I would use it on my mothers eye surgery and invest it
and move to a normal beautiful house with her(take her out of that
misserable house she is living at) and my daughter. Well, Thats all I
have to say.

slickcanseco's photo
Sun 10/01/06 04:18 PM
If you live here you should have to speak the language in public i think
thats b-shit that they come here and try to make a fraction of a town
lil mexico or china town bottom line if you dont speak english keep your
ass in you country

no photo
Sun 10/01/06 05:53 PM
Thats true unsure and i'm one of them. I speak spanish and english. I
was born here too. I was born here in Miami, FL.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sun 10/01/06 06:13 PM
"Animal that's not nice nor true. You don't know the cause of these

I'm talking about in Canada Angel, I'm not talking about the ones that
come here for a better life, I'm talking about the ones that come here
for the easy free ride. Let me cite you a perfect example. I was working
for the census bureau here one year and I worked in quality control. ie:
if a form isn't filled out or filled out incorrectly it was my job to go
to their home and see what the problem was..One house I went to was
occupied by a couple from the middle east and spoke pretty much no
English, I needed to see proof of their citizenship or residency to see
if they even needed to fill the census out. It took a bit of time but
finally he figured he knew what I was asking about, so he gets his
wallet and produces a cheque, from Social Services, to the tune of
$25,000. His wife thinking she's caught on to what I needed to see,
produces her OWN cheque, from Social Services, for the amount of
$12,000...neither of these ppl were legal citizens yet and only had
temporary residence status in Canada but had received cheques from the
gov't totalling $37,000, lived in a nicer home than I did and had a
brand new van in the driveway, all thanks to the Canadian taxpayer, and
I can tell you, that is NOT an isolated incident. I can go on, and not
all of my examples have to do with finances, but this forum is only so
big. So please Angel, don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about
when I get to see it everyday.

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