Community > Posts By > wilro10

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Mon 09/18/06 01:51 PM

Obviously this is going nowhere. For me to sit here and engage in a war
of words with an ignorant, racist person that you are proves nothing.
You have nothing interesting to say. Whenever people like you feel they
are losing debates on forums like these, right away they resort to
verbally attacking you. I'm not surprised. That shows the typical
thought process of a religious hypocrite of which you are.
To debate topics on forums like these is very interesting unless you
get those few arrogent and mindless individuals like you who right away
get angry, and can't take it, and come out of the corner of your ring
with boxing gloves on. And to further screw it up, they force their
religious garbage views into the mix.
As soon as someone shows truth and someone else doesn't like it, or
agree with it, right away instead of debating, they issue choice words
for you. Sad. Please release that tight grip on your bible and you'll be
a happier person. So I'm tired. Tired of arguing with unintelligent
religious hypocrites such as yourself. I have a better chance of getting
a more interesting debate from a petrified piece of wood. And as for
that evil comment you mentioned:" I hope you won't or don't have any
children," well guess what? I hope you won't or don't have any children
either. Otherwise you will force your twisted, racist, prejudiced views
on them. I'm out of this forum. Enough said.

no photo
Mon 09/18/06 01:36 PM

Sorry to here you have hives. But keep scratching. By the way, Hispanics
have nothing to do with hives. Looks like your mistaken.

no photo
Mon 09/18/06 01:33 PM

No, I am not an angry person. Are you? I do not generalize anything, I
speak facts. Also, I am not uneducated. I sound uneducated to you
because as an uneducated person like yourself wouldn't understand that.
No, I am not immature, I find when someone speaks truth, unintelligent
people such as you cannot understand things so you accuse those of being
immature. And no,
I'm not racist, but it sounds like you are.

no photo
Mon 09/18/06 01:25 PM

I am not racist, but yes, I am anti-religion. It's full of nuts and
psychos that say one thing, then do another. Religion is the true racism
and anyone associated with that is a racist and bigot, of which you are.

no photo
Mon 09/18/06 01:22 PM

I noticed the time stamp on your Sunday post reads: "5:22 A.M."
It's amazing how much of an angry person you are to get up that early in
the morning to post your hate response. No! I got it! You got up on
Sunday morning to attend your weekly brainwashing called church. Let's
see here, you get up Sunday morning to attend a supposed holy place, but
yet, before you get there you jump online like a rabid animal to spew
your hate. Looks like your not following the so called "Gods laws," that
you are so eager to learn. Now that's what I call a religious hypocrite.
Don't feel so bad, even your evil church leaders are corrupt. They are
pedophiles, they cheat on their wives, steal from the donation box, go
to strip clubs, etc... Religious corruption is what is bringing down
America. This applies to you. I'm now realizing that this debate is
pointless with a prejudiced individual that you are. By the way, having
African American boyfriends has nothing to do with this topic. It
apperas this is the second time you mentioned them. It's like you have
no defense left to debate so you keep up with certain Races of people.
Heres your facts.
"Hispanics reports domestic violence at the highest rate (approximately
65% to 67% of abuse is reported. For white females, only about 50% of
abuse is reported." You like that? Heres more:
" The Texis counclil: 77% of all Hispanic Texans indicate that either
themselves, a family member and/or friends have experienced some form of
violence." Heres another:
"Hispanics are more likely than whites to abuse their children."
"Alchohol is the key risk in domestic viloence." Hispanics drink more,
so they abuse their wives and kids more.
I just proved my point. I could go on, but why? Put that in your God
pipe and smoke it.

no photo
Sun 09/17/06 08:09 AM

Prejudiced individual? Nope. But yes, prejudiced individuals is what's
wrong with society. I'm glad I'm not one.
My views on African Americans, or "blacks" as you so harshly put it,
Jewish and Irish are the same- they are all human beings. Humans that
contribute to society in their own way.
By saying "I bet you have something against every race," which I
don't, shows your ignorance. You just assumed that.
As far as facts and statistics are concerned I have plenty.
Everyone should think like me so this world would be a better place.
If they all thought like you, they would be thumping their bibles
yelling "blasphemy!"
To say "hopefully you don't and won't have children" is such an EVIL
comment and very un-Godlike of you. And how do you know I don't have
children already? There you go assuming already....

no photo
Sat 09/16/06 08:11 PM
Jealous? Not me. If hispanics or any other race are higher than me in
the work force or are into owning their own companies, so be it.

no photo
Sat 09/16/06 08:08 PM
The bible waving holy roller was refered to honeyrobber. I guess you
don't read posts, huh?

no photo
Sat 09/16/06 08:06 PM
Many woman who dated and/or lived with hispanic men will say- "but he
was nice to me," or "there was no abuse." Yes, that's your situation,
but that still doesn't represent the whole.
Racist? It's funny how people will refer to others as "a bit racist"
when they don't even know you, and you speak the truth. These
individuals have nothing left to say so they use their only leverage and
cry- "racist!"
Upsets a white man who is in control of business? Now THAT'S racist.
That's how ill informed you are. Maybe it upsets some, but not most. And
it certainly doesn't bother me.
Mentioning about wearing a suit and being classy refers to another
member on this site- SalvationJane (with a name like that, probably a
holy roller) not you. So why cry about that statement?
White men don't have an issue with men of other races above them. Case
in point- myself. There is an Asian man who is above me at my job and it
never bothered me one bit in all the years that I worked there. He is a
very nice person. So, it looks like your wrong again.

no photo
Sat 09/16/06 07:55 PM
A bible waving holy roller. Now THAT'S what's wrong with our country.

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Sat 09/16/06 06:45 PM
Perhaps you do work for a very professional, successful corporation.
Hmmm..., only some hispanics in upper management? I'm not surprised
there are only a few.
These "some" only represent the small percetage of the hispanic male
population that probably does not hit their wife and children. Classy?
Well dressed? And educated? Maybe so, but the rest are a whole different
story. You may be proud to call them your friends, which is your choice,
but hang around with the rest and then you will understand.

no photo
Sat 09/16/06 06:26 PM
Never heard of hispanics beating their wife and kids? What planet are
you from? It happens all the time. Hispanic men that I've known and
worked with through the years told me horror stories about how their
"poppies", excuse me, "fathers", would smack them around harshly if they
didn't listen or did something wrong. And one former co-worker told me
how he got beat up by another boy when he was a child and told his
father what happened. The father ended up beating the hell out of his
own son for not fighting back and not winning the fight! How disgusting
is that? Most of the white men that I've known through the years never
been smacked around harshly or beat by their fathers the way hispanic
men do to their own children.

no photo
Sat 09/16/06 07:10 AM
Whoever said that woman like hispanics? I know many woman who wouldn't
so much as talk to or look at an hispanic man.
A unique way of thinking? Yeah, right. Here is their "unique" way of
1. Get married at an early age and have as many children as possible.
2. Drink so much as to become an alchoholic.
3. Use as much drugs as possible.
4. Beat your wife senseless so she will obey you.
5. Beat your kids senseless so they will obey you.
6. Cheat on your wife with as many woman as possible.
Yeah, a real unique way of thinking.
At my job there are mostly hispanic men working their. They always talk
terribly about woman and how they cheat on them and how each woman
doesn't know about the other woman, etc...
Remember, most white woman DO NOT like them.

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 09:19 PM
Anything but Miller beer. Miller pays money for illegal alien marches
and rallies.

no photo
Sun 09/10/06 08:53 PM
Everyday 25 Americans die at the hands of illegal aliens.

Illegal alien gang rapes are on the rise in America.

Illegal aliens bring drugs, gangs, and disease into America.

Illegal aliens take jobs away from Americans.

Illegal aliens get college tuition, and they are not from this country!

Mexico's governance, society and culture won't fix its own society.

630,000 illegal alien convicted felons bed down at night in our prisons
when they should be back in their own countries committing crimes in
their own societies.

American taxpayers pay for K-12 education for 3 million illegal
alien kids at the degradation of our own children's education.

Illegal aliens openly break our laws, steal jobs from Americans, work
off the books while paying no taxes, and send $60 million in cash back
to their home countries.

Illegal aliens children is costing Colorado taxpayers $564.1 million

The bottom line: when Mexican citizens cross the border from Mexico into
the United States without proper documentation, they are now criminals.