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Topic: some advice for me
veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:14 PM
could anyone give me their opinion please.I have been married to my
husband for 5 years,and we have done alot of struggling to make things
work,and we seem to be getting along better than ever(considering how we
used to argue alot),but the thing is I just don't feel like he's really
trying to keep this thing alive.....he doesn't seem interested in going
places with me and doing things.He's nice to me most of the time,but I
can't help feeling like we don't really click.He spends way too much
time on the internet,or just doing his own thing,it would seem obvious
that he's not interested,but he tells me he loves me......Im finding
myself very doubtful.I tell him I want to do more with him ,ya know...go
places....even the museum would be better than nothing.We have only been
to the zoo once when we first started seeing eachother,since
then.....only to a movie here and there...or eating someplace...that's
it in all our 5 years.

redmange420's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:20 PM
Ask him what's up. Somethin might make him realize he's ignorin ya. I do
it to my wifee without even knowin it, sometimes ya gotta point out the
obvious to em. Or, find somethin he wants to do, and yall do it
together. Just tryin to help.

michael1313's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:20 PM
think of ways to spice it up for you and him,share a fantasy with him,or
just unplug th computer one night,before he comes wearing
something sexy,and tell him th "Repair Man"
is comming over to fix it:wink:
you know what to do from there:tongue: devil :wink:

michael1313's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:23 PM
don't forget to pin a note to th end of th computer cord...

write him a poem or something sweet from your heart,
then THANK him for repairing the computer:wink:

veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:24 PM
Thank you for your advice.The thing is I have tried so many different
tactics......and I have told him how I feel,but in the end he never
wants to really go anywhere.I even told him I would go to base ball,and
football games(which Im not into sports)just to spark an interest in
him,but ......I just Know what to do anymore,it feels hopeless.

NYCgirl's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:26 PM
Talk to him, tell him how you fell. Don't stay quiet because if you
don't speak up things will get worse. I’m speaking from experience. Be
creative and find ways to make him feel interested.
Try what you can and if he does not turn around then something is wrong.
However, before coming to conclusions, try everything and help him.
Maybe he just needs a little push. You have all the tools he needs, you
know what I mean?

redmange420's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:27 PM
Not sayin that you are, but he might think you're just buggin him too
much. If ya do it too much, dudes tend to put it in the "naggin"
catagory, and try to ignore it. Does he have a job? You said he spends
too much time on the computer, what stuff is he lookin at on there?

veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:29 PM
Also,we have had discussions before about all this....he'll say he loves
me and he'll try for a short while,then it's back to the way it used to
be.To make things more complicated we have 2 kids.

michael1313's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:30 PM
oh,well now that you put it that way...

grab him by th gonads,firm but gental...
look him in the eyes,with every ounce of your being...
tell him in a flat voice...but sultry...

USE IT OR LOSE IT!!!:wink:

then turn around and go fix his dinner :tongue:

NYCgirl's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:30 PM
Use your toold girl, be creative :wink:

veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:30 PM
he works about 50 hours a week at firestone as a mechanic,and he spends
most of the rest of the time looking at ballcards on ebay

SlickandShameless's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:31 PM
You sound way to needy veronica.
Most Men don,t like skipping around to those places with their
wife, maybe if you stopped nagging him so most and gave him some space,
things may change. Meanwhile call some of your lonely, clingy
girlfriends and hangout with them.

kojack's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:31 PM
Do what you did before you got married, that is what created the spark,
and hopefully will re ignite it for you both

NYCgirl's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:31 PM
Use your tools girls, you have them!!
be creative :wink:

FedMan's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:34 PM
well I will go damn near anywhere with the one I love as long as I do
love them, but I also see life as too short and hate wasting every
precious moment

veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:35 PM
Im sorry you feel that way slick,no offense but just looking at your
username,I can see you would be a bad source for marrige advise,why did
you even bother to respond??

redmange420's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:35 PM
He's probably just feelin like he's stuck in a rutt, but doesn't want to
tell you for fear of an angry woman. I can't tell ya whatcha gotta
change, but for it to work out, somethin's gotta change. Throw some
ideas out there at him about stuff he wants to do. Hell, he might just
be addicted to the internet. I have a cousin who is right now!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

SlickandShameless's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:36 PM
Veronica, remember the truth usually hurts, think about it and you will
know I,m right.

veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:38 PM
addiction to internet is possible.I have told him I would like him to
spend less time on the computer,and more time with his wife and
kids.....but you see how well that's worked

kojack's photo
Fri 02/16/07 04:39 PM
Slick have some respect, emotions are not something to be played with .

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