Topic: some advice for me
redmange420's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:01 PM
Alright alright, yall calm down. I do have to say, that he was speakin
from his heart, bein honest, and at least stickin to his "guns". I may
not like everything he has said, but I do respect brutal honesty. Slick,
just please explain a little more when ya say stuff, so we know where ya
comin from. That way nobody will get butt-hurt about it.

Back to the subject, have yall tried role-playin games, or gettin
another girl involved, or anything besides basic one on one sex?

SlickandShameless's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:05 PM
Thanks Red, but I think I,ll move on, Kojak, what right do you have to
say I,m not welcome here. You have nothing but time vested here like me.
Yet you patrol my comments like you own the place. This is the internet,
not your living room, and I don,t like you acting like you,re the judge
and jury here.

veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:06 PM
well...I don't know if he is wanting girl on girl action,but if that's
the only thing that might turn this thing around....then it is
hopeless......I am willing to try alot of things in alot of places....I
hope that would be enough without getting someone else involved

creationsfire's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:07 PM
He drew first blood by namecalling. From the heart or not, that was
plain rude.

kojack's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:08 PM
I m not anything but a member but i don t like to see women disrespected

veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:08 PM
the fact that he's rude is for sure

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:09 PM
Seems to me that hubby's one of these men who have been conditioned to
think that of his wife as a convenience (or nuisance, as the case may
be) rather than as an equal PARTNER, one with whom he is (theoretically)
supposed to share his LIFE.

Granted, we all need our "space," but...

If I were you, I wouldn't appeal to his sexual side; what's that going
to solve, in terms of him wanting to go out and do things with you?

From what I gather, the problem isn't with the sex, necessarily; it's
with the fact he doesn't seem to want to be with you, communicate with other words, he's not being much of a HUSBAND, is he?

In fairness, if he's working 50 hours a week, that's a fairly hectic
schedule, but...spending all of his free time on the Internet looking at
baseball cards sounds like rather juvenile behavior for a man who's
supposed to be married.

No need to "*****-slap" the man, but tell him, in no uncertain terms,
that you're being neglected and you don't like it one bit. Tell him you
don't like being alone, that, if you wanted to be alone, you'd have
stayed single.

If he doesn't get the "hint" and start spending more time with you,
figure he's self-centered and too immature to understand what marriage
is all about, and then divorce him and go out and find yourself a man
who does. That's my .02.

veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:09 PM
thank you kojack....Im just a woman trying to make since of my
marriage,and where it might be headed

FedMan's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:11 PM
yeah he needs to kick the internet addiction that's for sure, the
internets good but one can get too involved and waste away in front of
their screens

SlickandShameless's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:11 PM
The fact that you veronica, can,t handle the true is for sure and kojac,
the true is what it is like it or not, just because you perfer to sugar
coat everything is just plain silly, and
Fire, nobody listens to you anyway.

kojack's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:11 PM
I know Veronica flowerforyou i hope and wish all the best for you

redmange420's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:12 PM
Most dudes have that dream, 2 girls on one guy, but when it happens, a
lot of them realize they can't satisfy both like in porno's. I'm not
sayin that's what he wants to try, but it could be somethin along those
lines. I also agree with that philosifizer guy on page 2 about the
distraction thing. The human brain does strange things, maybe somethin
f*cked up happened to him, and he's just tryin to forget it or distract
himself, and not realize what he's missin. But, nonetheless, until he
talks about whatever is buggin him, all you can do as his wife is be
there by his side. My wifee beared with my BS and I finally realized
some of the dumb sh*t I was doin. I know it's hard, but if ya really
love him, just be there.

jeanc200358's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:12 PM
"well...I don't know if he is wanting girl on girl action,but if that's
the only thing that might turn this thing around....then it is
hopeless......I am willing to try alot of things in alot of places....I
hope that would be enough without getting someone else involved"

Girl, for sure..whatEVER you do.. never..and I mean NEVER.. do ANYTHING
that compromises your ethics and values, no matter HOW much you may want
to please your partner. If my S/O ever even remotely suggested anything
like bringing another person into our relationship, he'd be reading
divorce papers ...through broken teeth.


SlickandShameless's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:14 PM
This is what I mean, tell her the truth!

creationsfire's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:14 PM
We are getting distracted from the point of this whole thing. Too much
attention and comments to shame.

Veronica, I was in your position once, but worse since we lived in the
foothills with no where to go. Nature hikes got old real fast.

Hon, you do not and I would NEVER adivse any woman to bring another
person into a realtionship. I've seen this in action more than once and
lost a few friends in the process. I never saw this tactic work, EVER. I
never acted on this kind of behavior. I learned from others mistakes.

Sweetie, try to give it a little more time. I know you've been at it for
a while and I can't say that it will or will not work. I just hope that
you can find something else to try.

No need to ever degrade yourself to keep ANY man. Ok?

Hugs and honor to you for sticking withit, AND for being so sweet and
ignoring some of the seedier posts.


SlickandShameless's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:16 PM
Yes, fire most of yours!

veronica25's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:16 PM
thanks red,and that's definately what Im trying to do without this thing
ending in tragedy.....of course if he continues to not hear
me......which so far,I wonder if he's heard anything I've said,then this
is going going to go down snout first.And I can only hope our kids will
be able to cope

Sluggo's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:18 PM
Veronica, Bottomline is find something that BOTH of you like to do and
DO IT! Pick up th paper and see what's going on in town and go do it (if
he counters with some BS about something going on online, let him know
that you "SENSE" a virus infecting the computer soon and make it
happen). But the fact is IF he doesn't get on the program it's over (Oh,
and finding another woman to Suck his D*ck with you won't save the
marriage: He might find it fun but but he'll be gone all the same).

There is ALWAYS a lot of FREE (or Cheap) stuff to do in any town: find
one that sounds like fun and drag his Ass there and repeatedly do this.
Don't let him sit around like a bump on a log.....

creationsfire's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:18 PM
OHHHHHHH jean good!!!!! Good!!!!!

Claps hands!!!!!!!


SlickandShameless's photo
Fri 02/16/07 05:20 PM
Let Him, he,s a grown man!