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Topic: Untitled (God Died)
TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:27 PM

I would say that I have never called anyone a name on here ever. The only thing is it is hard to remember everything. I know when I read Abra's post's he sticks to facts also.

I have been called names many times by the opposition. I guess I was raised diffrent then that. I think I have an obligation to myself not to get so upset that I would go off like that.

I have no idea where you get the notion that you have been wronged. What are people that do not believe in your religion supposed to say?

We are not supposed to say anything. They want us to stay out of "their" threads.

I think if we did that, they would probably be so bored that they would be popping into our threads about voodoo and other such subjects.bigsmile


You see my dear wise and beautiful woman. How you contribute to create division when you say theirs and our threads.


I have never suggested that we divide the threads into Christian or non Christian. We, (mostly Abracadabra,) has been told to "start his own threads" and to "get out" and "stay out" of Christian threads.

This division was started by Wouldee and supported and repeated by Morningsong.

This is not going to happen.

Gee what would be the fun in that????? drinker


I can't tell. I have not witnessed. I can't go by hearsay. If not I would be creating a "myth" right?flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:29 PM
I can't tell. I have not witnessed. I can't go by hearsay. If not I would be creating a "myth" right?flowerforyou

If you have been reading the threads you would have seen it.
Did you not read the threads?


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:33 PM

I can't tell. I have not witnessed. I can't go by hearsay. If not I would be creating a "myth" right?flowerforyou

If you have been reading the threads you would have seen it.
Did you not read the threads?


well my dear lady, as far as today events. I have not. I worked 12 hours, and believe me I'm not in the mood to read thread by thread.
as you can see I have just picked up the last couple of posts.
and from there I have stated my very own personal position.

no photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:35 PM
Here is one of Wouldee's rants. There are a few others.


here you go again, mischaracterizing my words deliberately once more.

Not to mention putting words in my mouth.

Speak for yourself, whicjh is a completely foreign concept for you.

You do the same thing with your bashiung of Christianity out of both sides of your mouth and then wipe your sleeve and say, "what did I do wrong?"

You don;t like it going both ways.

You have had your little reign of passve-aggresive terror unchecked for far too long..

That was not tacit approval, nor was it your gift from any, Abra.

Your momentum has gotten you far off course AND YOU MUST BE CHECKED.

Stop your abuse and see it for what it is.

the prselytizing you do for pantheism is your own hypocrisy. Must you also double down andproselytize a false christianity and unprselytize your machinations as well?

Get over your arrogant self righteousness and make sense.

You just aren't used to being called out.

Get used to it Abra.

Everywhere you turn, when free time warrants and you get out of line, I shall remind you.

Not a stalking threat at all

Just time is up for you.

You are done making a mockery of anything not to your liking in the bashing and disrespectfulk and intolerant foolishness which you have come to enjoy as though you have a right to it

You have no rights here, Abra,


these are priveleges afforded by a private enterprise.

Go stand on the corner and spout out.

No one posted there for you to glean inspiration from on how to insult and offend, but I am sure you will learn.

You will probably be cited for disturbing the peace. At least then you would have some governance over your foolish and childish rants.

But here, Abra, do not be so mis;led to think that you have any rights to be abusive and offensive, no matter your mission. No matter your high opinion of yourself.

Everything you do is a privelege, and yours end where others begin.

If you want to debate ypour ilk, start a thread.

If yo want to bash Chrisrtiuanity and profess your authoritarian wqualifications, then do so in the snactity of your own threads.

Your incessant mischaracterizations and generally conclusory diatribe is not going to be tolerated any more with tacit approval from me by silence.

No more.

Never again.

You offend too many.

You hhave no decency, and it is being reminded you that you are out of line.

get used to it.

as long as you misrepresent Christianity at all. You have renounced it and are not a Christian and that gives you no right to ponttificate to others what constitutes Chjristianity.

Proselytize your pantheisim. Start your threads.

Babysit them.

Stop hijacking the others that are expressing their joy in things renounced by you.

It is not your job to be the savior of JSH.

it is not your right at all.

Get over your self righteous arrogance and be decent.

Show some manners, man!!!!!

and Quit antagonizing me with your mischaracterizatiuons of my words.

You are abusive and offensive and insulting.

Slander is slander Abra.

You have no rights here above any others.

Remember that.

Seriously, Abra.


hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:36 PM

I would say that I have never called anyone a name on here ever. The only thing is it is hard to remember everything. I know when I read Abra's post's he sticks to facts also.

I have been called names many times by the opposition. I guess I was raised diffrent then that. I think I have an obligation to myself not to get so upset that I would go off like that.

I have no idea where you get the notion that you have been wronged. What are people that do not believe in your religion supposed to say?

We are not supposed to say anything. They want us to stay out of "their" threads.

I'm sorry, ma'am. who has been so rude to even suggest that you or any nonbeliever to keep outside of their threads?
If I have done something similar, it's just because everybody deserves respect, so If a christian or nonchristian is going to make a thread, and whatever comment on either side is going to be ridicule, well It's not fair for either side.
So as far as I (TLW) am concern, you and any nonbeliever is welcome to debate in a serious and honest manner.
However, if there is initial disrespect from the other party well, sadly to recognize, I will react.
Believe me I try to control myself, but sometimes I'm so weak.


You have not made just a suggestion to me, Miguel, however others have. I will not mention names out of respect. They know who they are.

Therefore, one can't generalize over the whole christianity. If I'm a christian and I have not done it. That means that the whole christianity is not so or so as most of the times is generalized.

I have never made a statement about the whole of Christianity. When I say things like "they" or "you people" , I am referring to the individuals who are doing or have done the thing of which I speak. Certainly not all of Christendom. I am not like that. I hold individuals accountable for their actions, not entire groups. However, in the interests of convenience, I use pronouns. Please understand they are not aimed at all Christians. When I said they want us to stay out of their threads, I was referring to the individuals who actuall said that. Not you, or anyone who did not say that.

Do you understand what I am saying?

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:49 PM
Edited by TheLonelyWalker on Mon 05/05/08 07:51 PM

Here is one of Wouldee's rants. There are a few others.

doesn't an action require a reaction?
I don't approve the reaction. However, in different words, and with less anger (which I must confess I have felt) I have told him similar things.
He knows I consider him a good friend even though we have not talk too much other than the threads. However, I have made it clear that whenever I feel that his speech is inflamatory I would have to say something. I just hope I have never offended him. I admire his wisdom, yet sometimes I don't like the way he word things.
I have said several times that people can believe whatever they want.
And to honor the truth as we are in a public forum everybody has the right to say what they think or feel about an statement. That works both ways so if I say something I must acknowledge in all fairness that somebody is going to say something to rebate me. It's just fair game.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:50 PM

I have never made a statement about the whole of Christianity. When I say things like "they" or "you people" , I am referring to the individuals who are doing or have done the thing of which I speak. Certainly not all of Christendom. I am not like that. I hold individuals accountable for their actions, not entire groups. However, in the interests of convenience, I use pronouns. Please understand they are not aimed at all Christians. When I said they want us to stay out of their threads, I was referring to the individuals who actuall said that. Not you, or anyone who did not say that.

Do you understand what I am saying?

within my limited english I do.
laugh laugh just joking
I got u.flowerforyou

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:54 PM

I have never made a statement about the whole of Christianity. When I say things like "they" or "you people" , I am referring to the individuals who are doing or have done the thing of which I speak. Certainly not all of Christendom. I am not like that. I hold individuals accountable for their actions, not entire groups. However, in the interests of convenience, I use pronouns. Please understand they are not aimed at all Christians. When I said they want us to stay out of their threads, I was referring to the individuals who actuall said that. Not you, or anyone who did not say that.

Do you understand what I am saying?

within my limited english I do.
laugh laugh just joking
I got u.flowerforyou

my question was not so much a reflection on your ability to understand as my ability to express.

no photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:57 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 05/05/08 07:58 PM

doesn't an action require a reaction?
I don't approve the reaction. However, in different words, and with less anger (which I must confess I have felt) I have told him similar things.

To LonleyWalker,

An emotional "reaction" is negative and generally unproductive.

A "reaction" is usually emotional and not well thought out.

When you are the effect of something you are in a negative state of mind.

I think that when you feel anger as a result of the words of another person, and you react in anger, you have lost control and you are not thinking clearly.

I also think that people react in anger when their beliefs are opposed because they are emotional about what they believe.

I can relate to this, as I was once involve in a cult that I felt very strongly about and I experienced negative reactions when people challenged my beliefs.

I have since learned that my beliefs were wrong. They were a lie. I was defending a lie with anger and emotion.

So I can relate to that.

So instead of reacting in anger, instead listen with reason and calm to the arguments presented and consider that there might be some truth to them.

You might want to read the book I posted about: "The Book your Church doesn't want you to read."

It is very eye opening.


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/05/08 07:58 PM

I have never made a statement about the whole of Christianity. When I say things like "they" or "you people" , I am referring to the individuals who are doing or have done the thing of which I speak. Certainly not all of Christendom. I am not like that. I hold individuals accountable for their actions, not entire groups. However, in the interests of convenience, I use pronouns. Please understand they are not aimed at all Christians. When I said they want us to stay out of their threads, I was referring to the individuals who actuall said that. Not you, or anyone who did not say that.

Do you understand what I am saying?

within my limited english I do.
laugh laugh just joking
I got u.flowerforyou

my question was not so much a reflection on your ability to understand as my ability to express.

sweetie, ur ability to express is wonderful. I appreciate you taking the time to explain.

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 05/05/08 08:00 PM

I have never made a statement about the whole of Christianity. When I say things like "they" or "you people" , I am referring to the individuals who are doing or have done the thing of which I speak. Certainly not all of Christendom. I am not like that. I hold individuals accountable for their actions, not entire groups. However, in the interests of convenience, I use pronouns. Please understand they are not aimed at all Christians. When I said they want us to stay out of their threads, I was referring to the individuals who actuall said that. Not you, or anyone who did not say that.

Do you understand what I am saying?

within my limited english I do.
laugh laugh just joking
I got u.flowerforyou

my question was not so much a reflection on your ability to understand as my ability to express.

I have had this conversation about the use of the plural also. It seems like our language is lacking in proper ways to express a limited part of a group with out a cumbersome sentence.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/05/08 08:04 PM

doesn't an action require a reaction?
I don't approve the reaction. However, in different words, and with less anger (which I must confess I have felt) I have told him similar things.

To LonleyWalker,

An emotional "reaction" is negative and generally unproductive.

A "reaction" is usually emotional and not well thought out.

When you are the effect of something you are in a negative state of mind.

I think that when you feel anger as a result of the words of another person, and you react in anger, you have lost control and you are not thinking clearly.

I also think that people react in anger when their beliefs are opposed because they are emotional about what they believe.

I can relate to this, as I was once involve in a cult that I felt very strongly about and I experienced negative reactions when people challenged my beliefs.

I have since learned that my beliefs were wrong. They were a lie. I was defending a lie with anger and emotion.

So I can relate to that.

So instead of reacting in anger, instead listen with reason and calm to the arguments presented and consider that there might be some truth to them.

You might want to read the book I posted about: "The Book your Church doesn't want you to read."

It is very eye opening.


you are absolutely correct with regard as to react based upon anger. I have said it before, and i say it now. that is something i have to deal everyday. Probably with time, and more maturity I will get better.
However, the rest of my post tells a lot more other things, that can be used to make a more fair judgment of the three sentences you picked.
With regard the book. You have gave me curiosity.
However, a book is a book. I can publish a book assuring pigs fly, but what are my qualifications.
therefore, a book is not what is written. It's also the author, his/her education background, his philosophy, etc.

no photo
Mon 05/05/08 08:08 PM
you are absolutely correct with regard as to react based upon anger. I have said it before, and i say it now. that is something i have to deal everyday. Probably with time, and more maturity I will get better.
However, the rest of my post tells a lot more other things, that can be used to make a more fair judgment of the three sentences you picked.
With regard the book. You have gave me curiosity.
However, a book is a book. I can publish a book assuring pigs fly, but what are my qualifications.
therefore, a book is not what is written. It's also the author, his/her education background, his philosophy, etc.

This book does not really have a single author. It has contributors. It is more like compiled historical information. Their are about 14 contributors.

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/05/08 08:14 PM
Edited by TheLonelyWalker on Mon 05/05/08 08:15 PM

you are absolutely correct with regard as to react based upon anger. I have said it before, and i say it now. that is something i have to deal everyday. Probably with time, and more maturity I will get better.
However, the rest of my post tells a lot more other things, that can be used to make a more fair judgment of the three sentences you picked.
With regard the book. You have gave me curiosity.
However, a book is a book. I can publish a book assuring pigs fly, but what are my qualifications.
therefore, a book is not what is written. It's also the author, his/her education background, his philosophy, etc.

This book does not really have a single author. It has contributors. It is more like compiled historical information. Their are about 14 contributors.

as i said u have given me curiosity.
I will read it. I can't promise when, I have like 4 books in my nightstand and all of them are halfway.
Thanks to this freakin JSH.laugh laugh
However, I will read it. Just to see what this honorable and enlighten people have to say.

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