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Topic: One Solitary Life
wouldee's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:02 AM
John 8:58.
Jesus said unto them, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am."

hikerchick's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:03 AM

Well, Star I think we understand each other. Sorry I misjudged you. flowerforyou

That's more like it.................The Christian spirit is alive and living in this therad after all.It takes a real woman to apologize,well done you flowerforyou

now, if she could apologize to me , flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

for all of her incorrect accusations...huh huh huh

we'd be making real progress drinker drinker drinker

I apologized to him because I misjudged him. That is not true in this case.

wouldee's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:11 AM
John 8:53-57.

Art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead? and the prophets are dead : whom makest thou?

Jesus answered, If I honor myself, my honor is nothing: it is my Father that honoreth me ; of whom ye say, that he is your God :

Yet ye have not known him ; but I know him : and if I should say, I know him not, I should be a liar like unto you : but I know him, and keep his saying.

Your father Abraham rejjoiced to see my day : and he saw it, and was glad.

Then said the Jews unto him, Thou art not yet fifty years old, and hast thou seen Abraham?

verse 58, once more.

Jesus said unto them, "Verily, verily, Isay unto you, before Abraham was, I am."

wouldee's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:33 AM

on Christ, the solid Rock, i stand drinker

all other ground is sinking sand ohwell

All the more reason not to lie about him. :wink:

well Abra, according to the scriptures in John chapter 8, it is clear that Jesus was before Abraham.

That's clearly where we part.

To say that you know God, and God is not Jesus, is to say that he is a liar.

But to say that Vanessa is a liar is only reflecting your choice of God that is not the same.

Clearly there is only one God, Abra.

According to these verses, you are still in the darkness of your imagination.

Your opinion has been stated numerous times regarding your position that one solitary life, namely Jesus' life ,is not true as a significant one in all of history.

How many times is it necessary to have the last word and disrupt the joy in her heart?

You have a different God and we all know that.

You are not a believer in Jesus at all as God.

Why continually repeat that you are all that?

Start your own Jesus bashing threads and show some decency.

Create your own religion and seek your followers and adherents without proudly puffing up your own beliefs with strife and contentions that are only aimed at being a disruption and a thorn in the side of others that don't hold your licentious view.

You are continually rude, inconsiderate, argumentative, disruptive, belligerently obstinate and opinionated where your input is neither edifying nor constructive concerning Christianity.

You are the authority of nothing Christian, let alne biblical theology.

You speak against things as though you know better.

You know less than nothing when you attempt to hijack sincerity.

That is an error in and of itself.

perhaps persuading others of your beliefs doesn't get you the attention that you seek, but neither does speaking off the top of your head as though you are the great sage of JSH.

Your presence in these threads that are Christian affirming only cements the faith of true believers and prove that haters of God, as far as Christianity is concerned, are merely haters of Jesus.

But the Bible also says that you are the LIAR, not Vanessa. John 8:55 said it all for you....."and if I should say, I know him not, I should be a LIAR like unto you."

You have incessantly repeated yourself here with no need other than to whine about your right to your own poinion.

Have your opinion, and say it once and be done with it.

You are only being an ass by insisting on your views and dumping them on others that will not ever accept them.

We have different Gods, Abra, but there is only one.

And you don't know Him.

Just the way it is, Abra.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

wouldee's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:53 AM
I am not bashing you, ABRA.

merely opening your eyes to the fact that you are bashing things and feelings in others that you neither understand nor comprehend and the basher is you.

It is clear by your involvement in even just this thread that the proseytizing that sooooo offends you is your own very contemptible hallmark.

hypocrisy rears its ugly head when pride rules over the heart and not love.

An admonishment by virtue of tough love has been offered you.

I will not suppose your course of action, but I will offer that there is much you can do to be more sensitive of the feelings of others that are also sincere in their beliefs.
which are not shared by you.

compassion does nothing in isolation.

sympathy does nothing in isolation.

Isolation breeds contempt.

:cry: brokenheart huh

hikerchick's photo
Sat 05/03/08 08:58 AM
You are only being an ass by insisting on your views and dumping them on others that will not ever accept them.

Please explain to me how what you are doing is different.

hikerchick's photo
Sat 05/03/08 09:01 AM
We have different Gods, Abra, but there is only one.

And you don't know Him.

Are you suggesting that your religion is right and someone else's is wrong? That is arrogant, and a clear violation of forum rules. Your god is yours. You have the right to your belief. So does everyone else.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/03/08 09:02 AM
We have different Gods, Abra, but there is only one.

And you don't know Him.

Such judgmental hatred. Where did you learn such behavior?

When all else fails revert to the immature tactics. “My God’s better than your God, nah nah nah nah nah!”

I thought you were above that Wouldee.

By the way, I never called Vanessa a liar. I said that what she had posted in the OP was a lie. If you go back and look at it you’ll notice that is isn’t her words, but rather a cut and pasted quote from an anonymous author.

The author probably chose to remain anonymous because they knew it was a lie and didn’t want to get caught telling it.

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/03/08 09:08 AM
Edited by Abracadabra on Sat 05/03/08 09:09 AM
merely opening your eyes to the fact that you are bashing things and feelings in others that you neither understand nor comprehend and the basher is you.

I’m not bashing anything. I’m merely point out the truth that the proselytizing speech that was posted in the OP is based on a lie.

It is clear by your involvement in even just this thread that the proseytizing that sooooo offends you is your own very contemptible hallmark.

If I love Jesus I would be offended when people stoop to lying about him just to try to sell a religion.

I’m surprised that you aren't standing up for Jesus as well, and denouncing lies that are stated about him just to try to proselytize a religion that uses him to pass judgments on others.

Why not stand up for truth? Don’t you think Jesus would want you do to that?

wouldee's photo
Sat 05/03/08 09:31 AM

Round and round you go.

circular and endless blindness and debate over things incomprehensible to you.

How is your opinion any more credible for the its constant reiteration?

The truth according to Abra is not the truth.

The truth according to proselytizing and bashing is equally contemptible from you.

the hypocrisy from you is loud and clear.

Playing stupid with me fools only those that hold your contempt.

It is clear that your blindness of the truth of Christianity has left you miffed, but your behavior and self righteous attitude towards others of dissimilar belief does not excuse you from the hypocrisy that adorns you.

Wear that, but don't suppose that the naked and ashamed are those that don't hold your beliefs.

Incessant repitition of your opinion only serves to display your desire to toot your own horn and further your own agenda of licentious dissent.

Standing up for truth, for Jesus' sake is not up to you to decide the course of its veracity and tenor.
Attempting to preach authoritarian clarity of things Christian is not your long suit but rather your blindspot, Abra.

As much as I would embrace your better judgement, I have difficulty accepting that you are capable of displaying any, in so far as your insistence and adamance pleads such ignorance.

There is no lie, and the post is not a lie and the quote is not a lie and Christianity is not a lie, and your abject refusal to embrace it is not a lie, but your insistence that it does not agree with your sensibilities is your lie.

Th dissimulation is yours, not the perview of the beliefs of others contrary to your own.

That is your sin, not anothers.

I know you despise that word.

You are coveting anothers joy, Abra, at the expense of their joy.

That is theft and there is no gift in your contempt.

You took it upon yourself to sit in judgement of things foreign to your content and character at anothers expense.

Smoothing over it may be the kindness offered you for your contempt, but I don't share in that tack.

And you know precisely what I am saying and why.


flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 05/03/08 09:41 AM

drinker smokin drinker Hi Wouldee....drinker smokin drinker

flowerforyou i didn't acknowledge you earlier, Dear flowerforyou

drinker thanks for coming on board , Sweetie....drinker

smokin It's always nice to see you & hear your words smokin

drinker and see the world from your perspective drinker

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 05/03/08 09:46 AM

I am not bashing you, ABRA.

merely opening your eyes to the fact that you are bashing things and feelings in others that you neither understand nor comprehend and the basher is you.

It is clear by your involvement in even just this thread that the proseytizing that sooooo offends you is your own very contemptible hallmark.

hypocrisy rears its ugly head when pride rules over the heart and not love.

An admonishment by virtue of tough love has been offered you.

I will not suppose your course of action, but I will offer that there is much you can do to be more sensitive of the feelings of others that are also sincere in their beliefs.
which are not shared by you.

compassion does nothing in isolation.

sympathy does nothing in isolation.

Isolation breeds contempt.

:cry: brokenheart huh

smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 05/03/08 09:56 AM
The truth according to Abra is not the truth.

Any sane intelligent person can see that the proselytizing speech in the OP was specifically designed to make it appear that there was something incredibly mystical about Jesus that he (as a lone individual) was able to have more of an impact on humanity than all of the other things the speech refers to.

That innuendo is a lie.

I don’t care what you say.,

I could be the most devout Christian on planet earth and I would have to acknowledge that it nothing more than a proselytizing propaganda lie.

All I’m saying is that if you are going to represent Jesus at least do it truthfully.

This has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether or not the religion is true, or wether or not Jesus is actually the incarnation of the God of Abraham.

It’s about lying for the sake of trying to brainwash people into believing things that aren’t true.

And what isn’t true is that Jesus was solitarily responsible for the popularity of Christianity.

That’s not true and I’ve already posted the clear and obvious reasons why it’s not true.

To claim that I’m blind or unwilling to accept the religion is a totally moot point.

Even if Jesus is God it doesn’t change the truth of what I am saying here.

The proselytizing speech in the OP is still a lie.

Surely God himself would not support lying. flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Sat 05/03/08 09:58 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sat 05/03/08 10:01 AM

on Christ, the solid Rock, i stand drinker

all other ground is sinking sand ohwell

All the more reason not to lie about him. :wink:

well Abra, according to the scriptures in John chapter 8, it is clear that Jesus was before Abraham.

That's clearly where we part.

To say that you know God, and God is not Jesus, is to say that he is a liar.

But to say that Vanessa is a liar is only reflecting your choice of God that is not the same.

Clearly there is only one God, Abra.

According to these verses, you are still in the darkness of your imagination.

Your opinion has been stated numerous times regarding your position that one solitary life, namely Jesus' life ,is not true as a significant one in all of history.

How many times is it necessary to have the last word and disrupt the joy in her heart?

You have a different God and we all know that.

You are not a believer in Jesus at all as God.

Why continually repeat that you are all that?

Start your own Jesus bashing threads and show some decency.

Create your own religion and seek your followers and adherents without proudly puffing up your own beliefs with strife and contentions that are only aimed at being a disruption and a thorn in the side of others that don't hold your licentious view.

You are continually rude, inconsiderate, argumentative, disruptive, belligerently obstinate and opinionated where your input is neither edifying nor constructive concerning Christianity.

You are the authority of nothing Christian, let alne biblical theology.

You speak against things as though you know better.

You know less than nothing when you attempt to hijack sincerity.

That is an error in and of itself.

perhaps persuading others of your beliefs doesn't get you the attention that you seek, but neither does speaking off the top of your head as though you are the great sage of JSH.

Your presence in these threads that are Christian affirming only cements the faith of true believers and prove that haters of God, as far as Christianity is concerned, are merely haters of Jesus.

But the Bible also says that you are the LIAR, not Vanessa. John 8:55 said it all for you....."and if I should say, I know him not, I should be a LIAR like unto you."

You have incessantly repeated yourself here with no need other than to whine about your right to your own poinion.

Have your opinion, and say it once and be done with it.

You are only being an ass by insisting on your views and dumping them on others that will not ever accept them.

We have different Gods, Abra, but there is only one.

And you don't know Him.

Just the way it is, Abra.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

Man....Wouldee...drinker drinker drinker

You hit the nail right on the head.....smokin smokin smokin

Your eloquence of speech and incredible insight drinker drinker drinker

completely staggers, amazes

& impresses me no end drinker

and thank you for defending my honor blushing

in such an intelligent , noble and dignified manner !!! flowerforyou


Abra....you are a little thorn in my side, young man...huh

and in the side of quite a few of us around here, by the way .....indifferent

I do love you & forgive you ...:heart:

despite your attack on my character huh

and i understand part of your pain....:cry:

i do really care about you :heart:

& what you have been through :cry:

but you and some others really do huh

seem to love to make it your life's goal explode

to bash Christianity & anyone who professes it :angry:

it's not cool, my Man :heart: :heart: :heart:

hikerchick's photo
Sat 05/03/08 10:16 AM
but you and some others really do huh

seem to love to make it your life's goal explode

to bash Christianity & anyone who professes it :angry:

it's not cool, my Man

And you bash those who do not share your views.

I guess that makes us even.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 05/03/08 10:24 AM
I have to defend james here.my man abra is a witty caring wonderful many faceted man.he wasn't bashing anyone just words posted to begin this thread.Some people take opposition to the Bible and Christianity way to personally.everything a person believes is basically on faith that it is true.nobody will know whos right till ya die and ya can't comeback and tell anyone .Personally I'm in no hurry to prove anyones theory or belief is wrong.bigsmile

hikerchick's photo
Sat 05/03/08 10:40 AM

I have to defend james here.my man abra is a witty caring wonderful many faceted man.he wasn't bashing anyone just words posted to begin this thread.Some people take opposition to the Bible and Christianity way to personally.everything a person believes is basically on faith that it is true.nobody will know whos right till ya die and ya can't comeback and tell anyone .Personally I'm in no hurry to prove anyones theory or belief is wrong.bigsmile

I love the way you always get right to the heart of the matter.flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Sat 05/03/08 10:40 AM
Edited by wouldee on Sat 05/03/08 10:46 AM

The truth according to Abra is not the truth.

Any sane intelligent person can see that the proselytizing speech in the OP was specifically designed to make it appear that there was something incredibly mystical about Jesus that he (as a lone individual) was able to have more of an impact on humanity than all of the other things the speech refers to.

That innuendo is a lie.

I don’t care what you say.,

I could be the most devout Christian on planet earth and I would have to acknowledge that it nothing more than a proselytizing propaganda lie.

All I’m saying is that if you are going to represent Jesus at least do it truthfully.

This has absolutely nothing at all to do with whether or not the religion is true, or wether or not Jesus is actually the incarnation of the God of Abraham.

It’s about lying for the sake of trying to brainwash people into believing things that aren’t true.

And what isn’t true is that Jesus was solitarily responsible for the popularity of Christianity.

That’s not true and I’ve already posted the clear and obvious reasons why it’s not true.

To claim that I’m blind or unwilling to accept the religion is a totally moot point.

Even if Jesus is God it doesn’t change the truth of what I am saying here.

The proselytizing speech in the OP is still a lie.

Surely God himself would not support lying. flowerforyou


Parroting the dogma of your indefensibly arrogant remarks is not excusing you at all.

It is hyprbolic rhetoric and a completely inconsistent dissent at best and you are further deepening your own cofusion by incessant comments depicting your judgement of Christ's person as accurate.

Your portrayal of Jesus is ignoratnt and completely erroneous.

He is God incarnate and the one that spoke to Adam in the Garden.

He is not a mere mortal of historical infamy.

When will you understand that Jesus is not the character of your imagination?

Your understanding is void of comprehending that Jesus is not protrayed as anything such as you suppose for Him.

Defending your opinion does not justify your opinion to any that know otherwise.

Parroting your adherence to your remarks only confirms your ignorance of the truth that eludes you and why you seem left out in the cold and out of the loop that you generally express contempt for at every opportunity.

Everyone in JSH that follows these threads knows where your affinities are dislodged.

But speaking ignorantly of the truth of Christ is at the core of why you have not been answered by God to know the truth.

You have embraced a contrarian opinion that is respected by God and you are happily left to your own devices to find your way, but that does not give you any crediblility in the things of God concerning the person and message of Jesus Christ.

By your own admissions, you are of a different persuasion.

That persuasion is your own brand of proselytizing dogma.

Calling others that are not persuaded by your contrarian dissimulations and licentious view of the world and its composite spirituality is no excuse for being deliberately offensive and callous in your comtemptible disregard for the things beyond your comprehension.

You have made your choice to be outside of the triuth in Christ and that is very much respected and honored, but your hypocritical ignorance that sullies anything not of your persuasion is despicable.

It would benefit your integrity to cease from your authoritarian self righteousness that affords no alternatives to your world view that is comprised of erroneous conclusions about anything not found congruent to your incredible licentious contrarian world view.

It would also behove your honor among men to thoroughly comprehend your contempts of Christianity by comprehending just what the contemptibility for it that you harbor is.

You have much work to do in that regard.

The lies being deseminated are yours as long as you insist that others are lying that do not hold your contrarian perspective in the insistence that you understand Christianity better than those found apprehended of its veracity and its King and Lord, which you have absolutely no realistic comprehension of.

Renunciation of your confusion is doubtful. That is the conundrum being faced when confused.

Nevertheless, the hypocrisy is clear and you do see it in yourself. At least that can be renounced.

Time will tell if you are insistent in your belligerence.

The point being, that the issue is not your beliefs in pantheism are not genuine and sincere, but that your understandig of Christianity is ignorantly lacking and it's there that your hypocrisy id evident.

Believe as you will ,but don't suppose to call Christians liars when the truth about the faith is not as you assume for it.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 05/03/08 10:43 AM

I have to defend james here.my man abra is a witty caring wonderful many faceted man.he wasn't bashing anyone just words posted to begin this thread.Some people take opposition to the Bible and Christianity way to personally.everything a person believes is basically on faith that it is true.nobody will know whos right till ya die and ya can't comeback and tell anyone .Personally I'm in no hurry to prove anyones theory or belief is wrong.bigsmile

I love the way you always get right to the heart of the matter.flowerforyou


cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 05/03/08 10:45 AM
Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern, which have come under my observation, none appear to me so pure as that of Jesus. He who follows this steadily need not, I think, be uneasy, although he cannot comprehend the subtleties and mysteries erected on his doctrines by those who, calling themselves his special followers and favorites, would make him come into the world to lay snares for all understandings but theirs. These metaphysical heads, usurping the judgment seat of God, denounce as his enemies all who cannot perceive the Geometrical logic of Euclid in the demonstrations of St Athanasius, that three are one, and one is three; and yet that the one is not three nor the three one.
-- Thomas Jefferson

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