Topic: One Solitary Life
Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:40 PM

I hate basketball but do I go to games to tell the players how stupid they are for loving their game?

This is a really bad analogy. I have never said that anyone is stupid.

I tell people that the story is inconsistent can can’t possibly be true.

If they take that to be saying that they are stupid, that’s their problem, not mine.

I give reasons to support why I believe it’s inconsistent and can’t possibly be true.

What really peeves everyone is that my reasons are so foolproof they can’t rebuke them, so they become angry.

But instead of becoming angry they should stop and think, “Hmmm? Maybe this guy has a point!”

But they won’t do that, because they are locked into a mode of thinking, “Hey! Anyone who denounce my beliefs if wrong! Period!”

They don’t even want to consider the possibility that it might be wrong.

All they do is automatically claim that I’m insulting their beliefs.

Like Jeanniebean often points out. People can’t separate themselves from their beliefs. They become what they believe and lose themselves in it to the point where questioning it isn’t even an option anymore.

Get over yourself, Abra.laugh laugh laugh laugh

highlights are mine. foolproof?

You make no sense to most in this thread, and yet it is foolproof?

Get over yourself and start your own threads and save the world.

Leave Chrsitianity out of your rants seeing that your renunciation if it clearly defines you as a hater and nothing more than a disruptive thorn because you have nothing better to do than supoport your beliefs by tearing down others.

Get a life.

You make no sense and are as absurd as ever.

Really, Abra, you are becoming quite the nuisance
get some slee[p, wno't you?
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Learn some manners.

Show some dignity and respect and bow out.

Get over it and follow your beliefs and drop the savior complex that you have embraced in your assumptions that the JSH religion threads need you to police and monitor the beliefs and joys of others here.

Bashing and insulting are your forte and hallmark.

Ity's about time that you were called on it and exposed for what you are. An offensive and hateful and envious malcontent with nothin better to do than insult Christians, ad infinitum.



Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:44 PM

THAT is what we are trying to tell stop bashing..and just share his views WITHOUT the contant bashing of christiantiy...month after month on end...

I am sharing my views. My view is that the biblical picture of God can’t possibly be true.

How is that any different from the constantly proselytizing of Christians,… month after month on end,…

They have no more reason to believe that what they are saying is true either.

On the contrary, I personally feel that my arguments against this religious myth is much stronger than their arguments for it.

In fact they have no arguments for it. All they keep saying is, “Accept Jesus as your savior and be saved”

That’s hardly an argument that its true. That’s just preaching, which isn’t even the purpose of these discussion forums.

Christians just want to preach without any interruptions or questions.

But that’s not what these discussion forums are for.

In fact, that's actually against the rules here.

We're suppose to be discussing religious ideas, not preaching them (or being offended when people disagree with them). flowerforyou

There are religious sites on the Internet for preaching and proselytizing. That not supposed to be done in these forums. flowerforyou


I highlighted your absurdity for you.

Your opinion is your own that Chrisrtianity is a myth.

Get over yourself and start your own threads.

Your rights and proiveleges end where others begin.

What part of that escapes your mind?

There is plenty of room for you to express your views without bashing Christians into your submission and and insulting them in the process.

You have renounced it, so renounce it and do your thing elsewhere.

Start with your own threads.

Leave off the insulting intolerance and busy yourself with the merits of your beliefs and opinoins that are not at all relevant too your renunciation of Christianity.

Create your own myths and happily share them, but remember your renunciations and leave them renounced.

No one will disrespect that, I would hope.

True, there will come a day when a newbie will take issue with you, but remind them that you have renounced thier beliefs.

If they insist then feel free to bash them for engaging you.

Apart from that, your rudensee and impolite demogoguery is offensive and overbearing and out of line.

Where is the respect and dignity in the tolerance you demand for yourself?

Your underhanded call to the rules of this forum are nothing short of an example of the depths to which you will stoop to justify your ill will and hatreds.

get over yourself.



Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:49 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sun 05/04/08 07:51 PM

wow ...some of the so called Christians in here need some Jesus.

We All Need LOTS of Jesus !!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: drinker flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou drinker :heart:

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:50 PM

wow ...some of the so called Christians in here need some Jesus.

We All Need Lots of Jesus !!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

:heart: drinker flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou drinker :heart:

true my friend..:heart:

yzrabbit1's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:51 PM

Everyone on this side thinks that Abra holds himself in check very well. The only people I see attacking here are Christians. It really blows my mind that you cannot have your point of view questioned. Is it really that fragile that words Abra types about your religion deserve a personal attack back by you?.

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:57 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sun 05/04/08 08:01 PM

it's the never~ending soap opera around here drinker laugh drinker

same ridiculous story ~ laugh drinker laugh

only a different day laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

hikerchick's photo
Sun 05/04/08 07:58 PM

it's the never~ending soap opera around here drinker

same ridiculous story ~ only a different day laugh laugh laugh

I couldn't agree more.flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:05 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sun 05/04/08 08:06 PM
wow, we agreed on something....huh noway drinker

now that is a first ...drinker drinker drinker

Progress is being made even thru all of this rubble...flowerforyou happy flowerforyou

well, for goodness sake !!! drinker smokin drinker

hikerchick's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:06 PM

wow, we agreed on something....huh noway drinker

now that is a first ...drinker drinker drinker

Progress is being made even thru all of this rubble...flowerforyou happy flowerforyou

well, for goodness sake !!! drinker smokin: drinker

well I think fighting and name calling is childish.

I stated my point.

You stated yours.

I am done.flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:08 PM
very cool....happy flowerforyou happy

I'm glad to hear that !!! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Peace drinker flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou drinker

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:10 PM
did anyone else hear hell freeze over?jklaugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:10 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sun 05/04/08 08:35 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

hikerchick's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:20 PM

did anyone else hear hell freeze over?jklaugh

shhhhhhhhhhh!laugh laugh

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:20 PM

did anyone else hear hell freeze over?jklaugh

laugh laugh laugh

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:25 PM
bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:46 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sun 05/04/08 08:47 PM
smokin :heart: drinker flowerforyou happy drinker happy flowerforyou drinker :heart: smokin

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:49 PM

very cool....happy flowerforyou happy

I'm glad to hear that !!! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Peace drinker flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou drinker

Way to go you two! I'll get the popcorn!:wink: flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 08:53 PM
Edited by Rapunzel on Sun 05/04/08 08:59 PM
laugh bigsmile drinker smokin drinker bigsmile laugh

i love your new picture !!! :wink:

that's hilarious...laugh laugh laugh

remind me not to eat noway

whatever it was that he ate laugh laugh laugh

star_tin_gover's photo
Sun 05/04/08 09:00 PM

laugh bigsmile drinker smokin drinker bigsmile laugh

i love your new picture !!! :wink:

that's hilarious...laugh laugh laugh

remind me not to eat noway

whatever it was that he ate laugh laugh laugh

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Chipotle and the flick of a Bic. laugh :wink:

Rapunzel's photo
Sun 05/04/08 09:07 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh