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Topic: Depression support - part 3
cutelildevilsmom's photo
Sat 04/12/08 02:11 PM

lol i'm just waking up roy.............yes Jax i'm on myspace.....http://www.myspace.com/amberdee29045


creationsfire's photo
Sat 04/12/08 02:39 PM
Me too Me toobigsmile


Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 04/12/08 02:50 PM
if y'all want, you can add me.......my email is


creationsfire's photo
Sat 04/12/08 03:57 PM
sent you an add request.flowerforyou

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:42 PM
thank ya

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:47 PM
Well my Lamictal finally came in the mail today, took it and I've got a headache from hell, but I feel a little better, maybe my Effexor XR will come in Monday or Tuesday

creationsfire's photo
Sat 04/12/08 05:53 PM
Thta's what I like about lamictal. I don't have many side effects but it does make me a bit hyper. So I take the majority of it in the morning. Watch out for the rash too. Im sure they have told you but just wanted to stress that. If you get even a teenie tiny one, run, don't walk to the hospital. Good luck on the effexor.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 04/12/08 06:01 PM
you know, when i was taking right after i got out of the hospital i had a rash on the back of my neck and i told my dad to take to the ER, turned out I only a really case of dermatitis

creationsfire's photo
Sat 04/12/08 06:30 PM
That was good reason to go find out what it was. good for you. You just never know. Have you looked at people who have gotten Steven's Johnsons Syndrome? Pretty scarey. Ive been on lamictal for about 2 years now but always keep my eyes peeled for any rash. It can show at anytime. Good to know you tolerated the lamictal though.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sat 04/12/08 06:34 PM
yeah, i've seen some of the pictures online....

no photo
Sun 04/13/08 10:33 AM
im still feeling really depessed and emotional and im having panic attacks a lot. im seeing my care team this week, ive got a feeling ill be going back in. frown frown

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 04/13/08 12:18 PM
Debbie, I have a resident that who says, "Don't leave me." every time I or anyone goes into answer her call light. The nurse called her daughter in to sit with her and I heard her daughter telling her the same thing we have to do and that is that we can't stay with her. Before we can leave the room the call light comes back on. We try to comfort her by holding her hand but she doesn't want to let go of our hands. I watch her go through the panic attacks and she gets emotional. Right now her best friend is sleep because there is no one that can stay with her. The only restraints that we can administer is those listed on her sheets that we have to sign every day. Sometimes it seems to me like the drugs are a restraint to me that the doctor prescribes for them. But then when some are sleeping so peaceably and when they are awake seem to be going through the panic attacks and become emotional it seems that being awake is a restraint since in my opinion some should be under total care. It is one of the reasons it bothers me that we can't give total care because of our understaffing. I wish I could be there for those like that because I have been emotional and go through the panic attacks myself. What helps me it to be there for others who need someone who needs care like me. I am finding that just being there for someone makes all the difference in the world at times. Don't even have to say anything sometimes but just to hold someone's hand through a rough time. I am glad you have your care team to look forward to. I know it would be nice to have them there for you right now.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sun 04/13/08 03:42 PM
good luck Debbie....

i am experiencing a side effect that i am NOT liking.......i could not sleep to save my life last night......i was exhausted, but i just couldn't seem to fall asleep....i finally gave trying to sleep around six this morningyawn explode yawn

creationsfire's photo
Sun 04/13/08 04:09 PM
(((amber))) haev you tried taking the lamictal in the morning instead of night? Just wondering if it affects you the same way if affects me.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sun 04/13/08 04:14 PM
i do take in the morning, that's the first thing i do after getting out of bed

creationsfire's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:04 PM
Hmmmmmm, well maybe as you take it the side effects will subside. When I first started taking lamictal it made me nervous and jumpy and kept me awake, but then that went away and it has been the best med I've ever taken. Well at least so far.

Are you having any other side effects?

Amberdee29045's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:27 PM
not really....when i was on it before i ran out i was having bad tremors in my left hand but subsided unless i forgot to take it.....

creationsfire's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:31 PM
Edited by creationsfire on Sun 04/13/08 05:31 PM
Well, I am glad to hear you got your meds and are improving. Sorry about the lack of sleep. That can be caused by tons of things. Hope you can catch up. I know how it is being an insomniac. I just do what the dr tells me and so far it works most of the time.

Amberdee29045's photo
Sun 04/13/08 05:37 PM
well my doc did say i should be able to sleep better once i get the Effexor XR in my system....

no photo
Mon 04/14/08 07:33 AM

Debbie, I have a resident that who says, "Don't leave me." every time I or anyone goes into answer her call light. The nurse called her daughter in to sit with her and I heard her daughter telling her the same thing we have to do and that is that we can't stay with her. Before we can leave the room the call light comes back on. We try to comfort her by holding her hand but she doesn't want to let go of our hands. I watch her go through the panic attacks and she gets emotional. Right now her best friend is sleep because there is no one that can stay with her. The only restraints that we can administer is those listed on her sheets that we have to sign every day. Sometimes it seems to me like the drugs are a restraint to me that the doctor prescribes for them. But then when some are sleeping so peaceably and when they are awake seem to be going through the panic attacks and become emotional it seems that being awake is a restraint since in my opinion some should be under total care. It is one of the reasons it bothers me that we can't give total care because of our understaffing. I wish I could be there for those like that because I have been emotional and go through the panic attacks myself. What helps me it to be there for others who need someone who needs care like me. I am finding that just being there for someone makes all the difference in the world at times. Don't even have to say anything sometimes but just to hold someone's hand through a rough time. I am glad you have your care team to look forward to. I know it would be nice to have them there for you right now.

thanks roy.flowerforyou

thats why i was better in hospital, there was people with me all the time and i felt safe. i know why im like this, but i cant seem to get out of it. im seeing my cpn tommorow and my phyciatrist on thursday, who will just give me more lorazepam and diazepam, and when i have to stop those, ill be back where i started.

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