Topic: Are You Sure | |
Really? Show me where you find this inaccurate? well first off wikipedia can have additions by ANYONE. We played a practical joke on a friend using his name. It was on there, and last I checked it still was. And Europe did not have freedom of religion.... I'm not sure if you heard of a little war called the INQUISITION??????? You know, when the Roman Catholics took power away from the respective countries, so that Catholicism would be made the religion of choice, they then stole the Pagan holidays and used them as Chrisitan holidays, as the books I have read, JESUS WAS BORN IN SEPTEMBER.... not December 25, which co-encideds with the Pagan Yule, of all the same values and traditions as....oh wait, what's that.... oh yes Yule.. Jesus was born in Spring. Check it out. Yes we all know that Dec. 25th was the date picked and why.Please stay on topic. |
Really? Show me where you find this inaccurate? well first off wikipedia can have additions by ANYONE. We played a practical joke on a friend using his name. It was on there, and last I checked it still was. And Europe did not have freedom of religion.... I'm not sure if you heard of a little war called the INQUISITION??????? You know, when the Roman Catholics took power away from the respective countries, so that Catholicism would be made the religion of choice, they then stole the Pagan holidays and used them as Chrisitan holidays, as the books I have read, JESUS WAS BORN IN SEPTEMBER.... not December 25, which co-encideds with the Pagan Yule, of all the same values and traditions as....oh wait, what's that.... oh yes Yule.. Jesus was born in Spring. Check it out. Yes we all know that Dec. 25th was the date picked and why.Please stay on topic. OK thread police man sir..... |
Really? Show me where you find this inaccurate? well first off wikipedia can have additions by ANYONE. We played a practical joke on a friend using his name. It was on there, and last I checked it still was. And Europe did not have freedom of religion.... I'm not sure if you heard of a little war called the INQUISITION??????? You know, when the Roman Catholics took power away from the respective countries, so that Catholicism would be made the religion of choice, they then stole the Pagan holidays and used them as Chrisitan holidays, as the books I have read, JESUS WAS BORN IN SEPTEMBER.... not December 25, which co-encideds with the Pagan Yule, of all the same values and traditions as....oh wait, what's that.... oh yes Yule.. Jesus was born in Spring. Check it out. Yes we all know that Dec. 25th was the date picked and why.Please stay on topic. OK thread police man sir..... I'm sorry, it is not my intention to be the thread police. It is simply impossible to discuss a topic when irrelevant points are thrown in. Forgive me? ![]() |
Curiously how does an illiterate person know what they are typing? Don't you think the ability to read would be a prerequisite? Copy and paste! Look up illiteracy. You will understand it. An illiterate person will be wowed by the pictures alone. ![]() ![]() *Sigh* some people just don't know how to use their brains. If I say that illiterate people can put things online. And that they copy/paste. Don't you think that they would have someone else pointing their finger and directing them? Illiteracy: Not able to read or write! What does that have to do with selecting a body of words and pasting them? CTRL + C and CTRL + V! Point and click...... I'm dumbfounded by what you replied with... shame shame! Apples/Oranges. I can't believe I am wasting my time with this dribble. I'm drunk, what's your excuse? PS: Another form of illiteracy! HAHAHHAHAAHAHAA Alrighty then...... And if you ever would like to know what I'm arguing for, go back to this little... tinny tinny tinny little clue: I like to argue ;) |
Curiously how does an illiterate person know what they are typing? Don't you think the ability to read would be a prerequisite? Copy and paste! Look up illiteracy. You will understand it. An illiterate person will be wowed by the pictures alone. ![]() ![]() *Sigh* some people just don't know how to use their brains. If I say that illiterate people can put things online. And that they copy/paste. Don't you think that they would have someone else pointing their finger and directing them? Illiteracy: Not able to read or write! What does that have to do with selecting a body of words and pasting them? CTRL + C and CTRL + V! Point and click...... I'm dumbfounded by what you replied with... shame shame! Apples/Oranges. I can't believe I am wasting my time with this dribble. I'm drunk, what's your excuse? PS: Another form of illiteracy! HAHAHHAHAAHAHAA Alrighty then...... And if you ever would like to know what I'm arguing for, go back to this little... tinny tinny tinny little clue: I like to argue ;) Now that is something to advertise on a dating site! ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 03/31/08 09:13 PM
Really? Show me where you find this inaccurate? well first off wikipedia can have additions by ANYONE. We played a practical joke on a friend using his name. It was on there, and last I checked it still was. And Europe did not have freedom of religion.... I'm not sure if you heard of a little war called the INQUISITION??????? You know, when the Roman Catholics took power away from the respective countries, so that Catholicism would be made the religion of choice, they then stole the Pagan holidays and used them as Chrisitan holidays, as the books I have read, JESUS WAS BORN IN SEPTEMBER.... not December 25, which co-encideds with the Pagan Yule, of all the same values and traditions as....oh wait, what's that.... oh yes Yule.. Jesus was born in Spring. Check it out. Yes we all know that Dec. 25th was the date picked and why.Please stay on topic. OK thread police man sir..... I'm sorry, it is not my intention to be the thread police. It is simply impossible to discuss a topic when irrelevant points are thrown in. Forgive me? ![]() I read your statement wrong, my appologies.... ![]() |
Curiously how does an illiterate person know what they are typing? Don't you think the ability to read would be a prerequisite? Copy and paste! Look up illiteracy. You will understand it. An illiterate person will be wowed by the pictures alone. ![]() ![]() *Sigh* some people just don't know how to use their brains. If I say that illiterate people can put things online. And that they copy/paste. Don't you think that they would have someone else pointing their finger and directing them? Illiteracy: Not able to read or write! What does that have to do with selecting a body of words and pasting them? CTRL + C and CTRL + V! Point and click...... I'm dumbfounded by what you replied with... shame shame! Apples/Oranges. I can't believe I am wasting my time with this dribble. I'm drunk, what's your excuse? PS: Another form of illiteracy! HAHAHHAHAAHAHAA Alrighty then...... And if you ever would like to know what I'm arguing for, go back to this little... tinny tinny tinny little clue: I like to argue ;) Now that is something to advertise on a dating site! ![]() ![]() Does it look like I care? |
in a country that is supposed to be founded on religious freedom, saying that keeping god in the pledge is like saying "you can believe what you want as long as we get the last word". not every body believes in god , not every religion believes in a single god. and to keep it in there because you think it's a good idea and is going to cure these problems is a little injust to the rest of the people that live in this country. Our founding fathers believed in God and that is all that matters. If others don't like that they have the option to go somewhere else. your kidding right? are you really that ignorant? it's in the damn decloration of independence that there is a devision of church and state as well as no person being descriminated against for their beliefs and you have the balls to say that? do you even have the slightest clue what your talking about at all? Wow dude! No I am not kidding. I am not ignorant either. Thanks. That was real kind of you. I just don't like politically correct people trying to change everything. If you don't like the fact that God is the motto for the USA either deal with it or go to a country that doesn't include God if it offends you so much. Why should anyone try to change history to suit their prejudice? God, God, God, God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God Tell me how does that bother you? If you don't like it don't read it. I have a right to say God in public. I am an American Indian and I belong here. Our country is free and we don't need a bunch of politically correct people trying to change things to avoid offending people that came here from other countries. That is like me going to France and trying to change their country to speak English to suit me. |
in a country that is supposed to be founded on religious freedom, saying that keeping god in the pledge is like saying "you can believe what you want as long as we get the last word". not every body believes in god , not every religion believes in a single god. and to keep it in there because you think it's a good idea and is going to cure these problems is a little injust to the rest of the people that live in this country. Our founding fathers believed in God and that is all that matters. If others don't like that they have the option to go somewhere else. your kidding right? are you really that ignorant? it's in the damn decloration of independence that there is a devision of church and state as well as no person being descriminated against for their beliefs and you have the balls to say that? do you even have the slightest clue what your talking about at all? Wow dude! No I am not kidding. I am not ignorant either. Thanks. That was real kind of you. I just don't like politically correct people trying to change everything. If you don't like the fact that God is the motto for the USA either deal with it or go to a country that doesn't include God if it offends you so much. Why should anyone try to change history to suit their prejudice? God, God, God, God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God Tell me how does that bother you? If you don't like it don't read it. I have a right to say God in public. I am an American Indian and I belong here. Our country is free and we don't need a bunch of politically correct people trying to change things to avoid offending people that came here from other countries. That is like me going to France and trying to change their country to speak English to suit me. People like you make me laugh out loud... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
So a Klondike bar walks into a bar... And says "I require you to seek a net that can hold wind, an axe that can permanently slice water, and some other object... she lives in Springfield Illinois."
So a Klondike bar walks into a bar... And says "I require you to seek a net that can hold wind, an axe that can permanently slice water, and some other object... she lives in Springfield Illinois."
So a Klondike bar walks into a bar... And says "I require you to seek a net that can hold wind, an axe that can permanently slice water, and some other object... she lives in Springfield Illinois." I'm confused... it submitted it twice... anyways, how are your chickens doing tonight? Last I heard my stepbrother's mother's "friend" had some that were eating each other... |
in a country that is supposed to be founded on religious freedom, saying that keeping god in the pledge is like saying "you can believe what you want as long as we get the last word". not every body believes in god , not every religion believes in a single god. and to keep it in there because you think it's a good idea and is going to cure these problems is a little injust to the rest of the people that live in this country. Our founding fathers believed in God and that is all that matters. If others don't like that they have the option to go somewhere else. your kidding right? are you really that ignorant? it's in the damn decloration of independence that there is a devision of church and state as well as no person being descriminated against for their beliefs and you have the balls to say that? do you even have the slightest clue what your talking about at all? Wow dude! No I am not kidding. I am not ignorant either. Thanks. That was real kind of you. I just don't like politically correct people trying to change everything. If you don't like the fact that God is the motto for the USA either deal with it or go to a country that doesn't include God if it offends you so much. Why should anyone try to change history to suit their prejudice? God, God, God, God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God God, God, God Tell me how does that bother you? If you don't like it don't read it. I have a right to say God in public. I am an American Indian and I belong here. Our country is free and we don't need a bunch of politically correct people trying to change things to avoid offending people that came here from other countries. That is like me going to France and trying to change their country to speak English to suit me. People like you make me laugh out loud... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I have nothing against any other religion of today. I do have an issue with People no matter what faith, thinking that theirs is the only way, and want anyone who disagrees with them silenced..... to serve their needs.... Much like Hitler did in Nazi Germany.... I don't want anyone silenced... I never protest against freedom of speech. I dont try to silence people but people who do not believe want to silence believers. This thread was about taking God out...that would be against freedom of speech. There is a song by Queen that says "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me for me" I refuse to say that so I change the words to "Beelzebub is a devil and he's not for me" So if you don't want to say the word God in the pledge change it to whatever you want. no big deal people. good night |
I have nothing against any other religion of today. I do have an issue with People no matter what faith, thinking that theirs is the only way, and want anyone who disagrees with them silenced..... to serve their needs.... Much like Hitler did in Nazi Germany.... I don't want anyone silenced... I never protest against freedom of speech. I dont try to silence people but people who do not believe want to silence believers. This thread was about taking God out...that would be against freedom of speech. There is a song by Queen that says "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me for me" I refuse to say that so I change the words to "Beelzebub is a devil and he's not for me" So if you don't want to say the word God in the pledge change it to whatever you want. no big deal people. good night So, your way is the other highway? |
With hurricanes,tornados, fires out of control, mud slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up the country from one end to another, and with the threat of bird flu and terrorist attacks, are we sure this is a good time to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance? yes, it's something that was added years after it was first written |
Let me just say this.....I've held off from replying to this thread...cuz I hate debates. THere are always two sides to everything....and I hate it when people get abusive and call people ignorant. That's not what this is meant for.
Feral I don't think we should take saying "One nation under God" out of the pledge. I am a teacher and every day we say the pledge. If a student (who has FREEDOM) does not want to say the pledge he has to only stand and be polite and respectful while it's being said. I am a christian, and yet I teach all kinds of multicultural things. We learn about other religions and the holidays they practice/celebrate. I teach ESL to Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Iranian, Lyberian (and forgive me if I've mispelled any of those it's early)and have come to respect and love people of other races/religions/countries.I hosted the xmas party where 40 peopel from diff. races/countries/religions came into my home and we sat infront/around my xmas tree and all shared what this time of year meant to us. Please let's keep an open mind, and remember we're in America. Don't say the pledge (or that part of the pledge) if you don't want to......but don't take it away from those of us Americans who treasure the fact that the HISTORY behind USA was the embedded belief in GOD. |
Let me just say this.....I've held off from replying to this thread...cuz I hate debates. THere are always two sides to everything....and I hate it when people get abusive and call people ignorant. That's not what this is meant for. Feral I don't think we should take saying "One nation under God" out of the pledge. I am a teacher and every day we say the pledge. If a student (who has FREEDOM) does not want to say the pledge he has to only stand and be polite and respectful while it's being said. I am a christian, and yet I teach all kinds of multicultural things. We learn about other religions and the holidays they practice/celebrate. I teach ESL to Chinese, Vietnamese, Spanish, Iranian, Lyberian (and forgive me if I've mispelled any of those it's early)and have come to respect and love people of other races/religions/countries.I hosted the xmas party where 40 peopel from diff. races/countries/religions came into my home and we sat infront/around my xmas tree and all shared what this time of year meant to us. Please let's keep an open mind, and remember we're in America. Don't say the pledge (or that part of the pledge) if you don't want to......but don't take it away from those of us Americans who treasure the fact that the HISTORY behind USA was the embedded belief in GOD. I agree with this. same as I have said. although my son's school disctrict hasn't said the pledge here, for that reason, since he was in 2nd grade and he is currectly a junior in HS ![]() |
I think it is sad that people don't say the pledge, yes it does have that in it, and do I feel like they should take it out...some days yes, and some days no. If you are of another faith besides Christianity, you should also be aware that you are the majority in this country, but I minority all over the world.
Do I think Christianity is wrong...NO, do I think the Christians who are Holier than thou, take it or leave it, get out of this country if you don't accept Jesus Christ as your saviour are wrong...HELL YES. I personally don't care if people are PC, I certainly am not. however not being PC and being downright ignorant about other schools of thought, or ways of thinking or living, are two different things. You don't like the way I pray, or live, then don't pray or live with me..... but to throw YOUR views around like they are the only ones that count... well thems fighting words. We should all say the pledge, and sing the national anthem, and be proud to be American, and support our troups....even as f'd up as our economy is, and whatever your view on the war is, the fact of the matter is that OUR men and women are ther giving their time and effort and lives to do so.... so if you don't like the pledge, change how you say it when it comes to the "god" part, but don't look down on someone for doing it, IT'S CALLED FREE SPEECH.... I personally don't care if they leave it in or take it out....Just don't be ignorant about it... EITHER WAY!!!!! |
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