Topic: Are You Sure | |
With one small exception.......Your husband is not God...he is just a human beings with his faults......God has no faults. And as much as I emplore you to believe as you wish......You don't know God....Because even as you say how can he bring such wrath on the human race...How can he be so mean.....He isn't......Its us as humans that bring it on ourselves. And if you find it disagreeable then ok by me.....But you have to understand that from my perspective you can't speak of what you don't know. You can't look at just one side and determine that God is wrong....and until or if you really truly knew God none of what you say would be able to come from your lips...and never out of fear of God...but because of the love that you have for Him. You don't know God either. If God gets angry and kills people for disobeying him, as you claim, then Yes he does HAVE FAULTS. How can that not be a fault? Because he claims to be God??? I don't believe that the entity you are speaking of is God. I don't believe God has that kind of rotten angry threatening personality. If he is a god, he should know better, and because he is a god does not give him the right to be such a bully. I don't see how hard that is for you to understand. One minute you say that "us humans" bring it on ourselves and then another minute you say that God caused a flood with the intent of killing millions of people. Did he really? I don't believe that, but if he did, then I am sorry, I do not think that is right. I think that is cold blooded murder. Some people claim that their god gave us life and that he has the right to take it away. Well, if that god were all powerful he could just remove the life from the people, he could just stoop their hearts from beating, he would not have to cause floods or order armies to do the killing for him. This story does not make any logical sense to me. I am sorry. It never will. JB It was not God that brought any of it.....Go back and read of Moses and Pharaoh.......God does not bring wrath upon man for no reason...He is not a vengeful God....You need to read and see this for yourself. And I do know God because I know this...plain and simple. |
God does not bring wrath upon man for no reason...He is not a vengeful God....
Then Perhaps the "wrath of God" is simply the "Law of Karma." Perhaps they mean the same thing. There is not God with wrath causing all this havoc, it is simply the law of Karma. It is a law put in place for this universe. JB Here are your posts about the wrath of God: 2 Chronicles 36:16
But they mocked God's messengers, despised his words and scoffed at his prophets until the wrath of the LORD was aroused against his people and there was no remedy. Jeremiah 25:15 [ The Cup of God's Wrath ] This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me: "Take from my hand this cup filled with the wine of my wrath and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. Daniel 11:36 [ The King Who Exalts Himself ] "The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. Amos 2:4 This is what the LORD says: "For three sins of Judah, even for four, I will not turn back {my wrath}. Because they have rejected the law of the LORD and have not kept his decrees, because they have been led astray by false gods, the gods their ancestors followed, John 3:36 Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." Romans 1:18 [ God's Wrath Against Mankind ] The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, Romans 2:5 But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed. 10. Romans 3:5 But if our unrighteousness brings out God's righteousness more clearly, what shall we say? That God is unjust in bringing his wrath on us? (I am using a human argument.) Romans 12:19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. Romans 13:4 For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. Ephesians 5:6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Revelation 14:10 he, too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. He will be tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels and of the Lamb. satan Revelation 15:1 Seven Angels with Seven Plagues I saw in heaven another great and marvelous sign: seven angels with the seven last plagues—last, because with them God's wrath is completed. 18. Revelation 16:1 The Seven Bowls of God's Wrath ] Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, "Go, pour out the seven bowls of God's wrath on the earth." |
JMO I have always believed that Karma and the Golden Rule are one in the same....just called different things by different people. there maybe other names for them as well that I, admit, I am not aware of
its pretty silly they make kids say the pledge in the first place
get them while theyre young |
John 3:36
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." This kind of rhetoric could never be from an all-wise supreme being and pretty much verifies that John was making things up or just repeating rumor. Why? Because an all-wise supreme being would know that to not believe in something is not the same as rejecting it. Most people don’t believe in Zeus. Does that mean then are rejecting him? Of course not! How can you reject something you don’t even believed ever existed in the first place? The whole idea that to not believe in the Bible is to reject God is total hogwash. It’s just demagoguery created by the authors to try to scare people into believing it. If you don’t believe this God will be peeved at you. It’s a really underhanded tactic actually. What most people don’t realize is that Christianity was in serious competition with the Greek religions (they weren’t considered to be mythologies at that time (early A.D.). In fact, the Christians set up churches in Greece very near Greek holy places where the Greeks worshipped their Gods. And the Christians even embraced the Greek Gods to a point in order to capture an audience and convert them to a more Christian way of thinking. The biblical texts evolved during that time. To believe that any of the gospels, or any other part of the Bible, wasn’t modified as it was transcribed and translated would be ludicrous. People often accuse me of hating Christianity, but that’s utterly silly. That would be like accusing people of hating Greek Mythology just because they no longer believe it. I view Christianity no differently than I view Greek Mythology. It’s just more of the same. There’s nothing to hate. It’s just a myth. How does this fit in with the topic? Well, unless someone can prove that a God exists what business do they have to suggest that everyone should be made to say a pledge to God? To even include things like that in the lives of small children indicate to the children that we know something we honestly don’t know. Why are we so anxious to deceive our children? Why not tell them the truth that we have no clue what’s going on and everyone is just guessing. After all, would even a God want us to tell the truth. If there is a God wouldn’t he be more pleased by my honest sincere confession that I can’t know that he exists, than he would be if I actually lied about knowing that he exists? Does anyone really believe that God would want us to lie about anything? Even him??? To believe in a God that you can’t possible know exists is to live a lie. Is that what God wants from us? To live a lie, and to preach that lie to our children? I don’t believe God would want that. If God wants us to know he exists he’ll show himself. Otherwise he clearly doesn’t want us to know. So why pretend that we do? The biblical picture of God can’t be true because that is a picture who favors deception, hide & seek, and playing guessing games. A game-playing God who will become angry with those who guess wrong? I don’t believe God is like that at all. Why would God set things up so your salvation depends on a crap shoot? ![]() |
God does not bring wrath upon man for no reason...He is not a vengeful God...."feralcatlady" how can God bring wrath but yet God is not vengeful? are you saying that God only brings nice good wholesome wrath that doesn't harm anyone'm not sure that the parents of the first born of Egypt during the time of Pharo would agree with that accessment |
ok I'm confused. Maybe I have misread some people. I know I have debated about this before...but where in America is someone forced to say the pledge? again, this is onyl a question for clarify. and are we not able to say "no, I don't want to say the pledge" and where can't the parents stand up for the kids about it?
grade school is the only place ive had to say it
didnt question it then its odd tho you couldnt start the day without the entire school reciting it |
I agree it's said, but not forced. I spoke to my nephew just now (15 yrs old), he wasn't raised "christian", believes there is a God but not sure about all of it. He made the point that you aren't a "captive audience". I thought that was a good point. My son's school district hasn't said the pledge, as a school thing, since he was in 1st grade. They may have prayer groups and such where they do say the pledge. It's similar to teaching sex ed. If the parents don't want their child to learn that, then it's the parent's duty to say something. I hope no problem with it as a patriotic stand point, but I have no problem with omitting the "Under God" or changing the word of God to another deity or another word.
personally i think you could omit god and put in big bird for all i cared when i was saying
i remeber being excited learning it but reciting it everyday just made it part of the routine just one of the many things you learn by saying out loud in grade school |
personally i think you could omit god and put in big bird for all i cared when i was saying i remeber being excited learning it but reciting it everyday just made it part of the routine just one of the many things you learn by saying out loud in grade school curious though...the teachers didn't explain the pledge or your parents? |
personally i think you could omit god and put in big bird for all i cared when i was saying i remeber being excited learning it but reciting it everyday just made it part of the routine just one of the many things you learn by saying out loud in grade school curious though...the teachers didn't explain the pledge or your parents? not that i know of ive always assumed that they had to say it to i dont see how its an issue god's a pretty general term |
I agree it's said, but not forced. I spoke to my nephew just now (15 yrs old), he wasn't raised "christian", believes there is a God but not sure about all of it. He made the point that you aren't a "captive audience". I thought that was a good point. My son's school district hasn't said the pledge, as a school thing, since he was in 1st grade. They may have prayer groups and such where they do say the pledge. It's similar to teaching sex ed. If the parents don't want their child to learn that, then it's the parent's duty to say something. I hope no problem with it as a patriotic stand point, but I have no problem with omitting the "Under God" or changing the word of God to another deity or another word. i don't believe you should have to omit it. i'd rather those words just be removed. add them if you wish, but don't have a national pledge for all that bases loyalty for the nation on loyalty for the lord |
I agree it's said, but not forced. I spoke to my nephew just now (15 yrs old), he wasn't raised "christian", believes there is a God but not sure about all of it. He made the point that you aren't a "captive audience". I thought that was a good point. My son's school district hasn't said the pledge, as a school thing, since he was in 1st grade. They may have prayer groups and such where they do say the pledge. It's similar to teaching sex ed. If the parents don't want their child to learn that, then it's the parent's duty to say something. I hope no problem with it as a patriotic stand point, but I have no problem with omitting the "Under God" or changing the word of God to another deity or another word. i don't believe you should have to omit it. i'd rather those words just be removed. add them if you wish, but don't have a national pledge for all that bases loyalty for the nation on loyalty for the lord I can understand that but until it is removed...then what? |
I can understand that but until it is removed...then what?
...idle *****ing? ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 04/04/08 08:57 AM
I don't want to step all over someone's belief in God, I just wonder about all of the contradictions. "God is loving, God is forgiving,God is angry, God's wrath will be upon those who do not obey or believe... then you say God is not vengeful.
Is wrath and vengeful different? Perhaps there is no emotion involved at all, perhaps God's acts are unfeeling or cold blooded. I see contradiction and that is not the puzzle. The puzzle is when I see people who embrace the contradiction as if it makes sense. *** As for a tiny child refusing to say the pledge... that is absurd. They are only children, they are at school, they do as they are instructed. They don't even understand what they are saying. JB When I consider a thing as being true, I would like it not to contradict itself. I would like to understand it intelligently, and not be told that I should have "faith" in what I don't understand and in what does not make sense. |
I can understand that but until it is removed...then what?
...idle *****ing? ![]() ![]() |
I don't want to step all over someone's belief in God, I just wonder about all of the contradictions. "God is loving, God is forgiving,God is angry, God's wrath will be upon those who do not obey or believe... then you say God is not vengeful. Is wrath and vengeful different? Perhaps there is no emotion involved at all, perhaps God's acts are unfeeling or cold blooded. I see contradiction and that is not the puzzle. The puzzle is when I see people who embrace the contradiction as if it makes sense. *** As for a tiny child refusing to say the pledge... that is absurd. They are only children, they are at school, they do as they are instructed. They don't even understand what they are saying. JB staying with the those schools not explain it to them in words they can understand? do the parents not explain them? example of something son came home when he was little and asked me about the N word that he heard. I explained to him the origin of it and that it is a derogatory term used that can be hurtful. it wasn't something he heard in class but from a kid. later on, he learn about american history and came home saying "wow mom, now I really get what you said". it was all a matter of not understanding words. if the schools don't explain the pledge then the parents should. I personally explain things even if the school has already taught it |
Edited by
Fri 04/04/08 09:38 AM
JMO I have always believed that Karma and the Golden Rule are one in the same....just called different things by different people. there maybe other names for them as well that I, admit, I am not aware of I'm not sure if the law of Karma and the law of cause and effect are even the same thing. The golden rule, do unto others.. is a nice idea but it is not a law. Laws are things that are automatic. If these laws are in place down to the quantum level there is no need for a wrathful or angry deity to dole out punishment to people for their deeds. The laws are in place and are automatic. (Hence the wrath of God is just the law of Karma) JB |
well that's a different topic, but I don't feel Karma is a law but to me the Golden Rule is. It's all in what someone believes |