Community > Posts By > think2deep
not when dual citizenship is what makes up most of our government. you can't tell me that pelosi is really for america, and she's in a key postition. tell me how being dual israeli/american is good for america!
there was a time when herritage mattered. now the only people who worry about it is the jews. everyone else just threw theirs to the wind. and this isn't a racist post, it's very true. they even try to keep track of their dna.
we need to remove zionists from our government too. the zionists are nothing but israel firsters. they have no loyalties to america whatsoever. most of them have dual american/israeli citizenship. we need someone who is good for america not good for israel.
the zionists are the ones that are promoting the hate. that's why they want them out of france.
if you want to figure out where we are heading and see if these people really are your friends, look at where we are now, then look back onto history and find out how we got here, one thing you'll find that will pop out at ya pretty quick was blind faith in the government and president.
i bet we will really start seeing some hatred towards france now. the zionists will make sure they put france through the ringer. In an attampt to rid it's country from the contol of Zionist Lobby Groups and organizations, France has launched it's new Anti Zionist Political Party called "Parti Anti Sioniste." Below are the parties goals taken from a translated page: EFFORTS AND AMBITIONS OF ANTI Zionist PARTY IN FRANCE To eliminate the Zionist interference in the affairs of the Nation. Denounce all the politicians who are advocating Zionism. Eliminating all forms of Zionism in the nation. Prevent companies and institutions to contribute to the war effort of a foreign nation that does not respect international law. Unleashing our state, our government and our institutions of the grip and the pressure of Zionist organizations. Unleashing the media for a plurality of information to promote freedom of expression. Promote the free expression of the politics, culture, philosophy and religion and free of Zionism. Restoring power in France and the French under the new geopolitical and economic rules on the big issues that engage the responsibility of the Nation. Do not engage France in the wars of colonization and repatriate our armed forces stationed in Africa, Afghanistan and around the world. Requiring a referendum for any new commitment of France abroad. Establish a bill to ban dual nationality to participate in war without explicit mandate of the Nation. Prohibit any militia whatever their faith. Establish a national dialogue to raise awareness and a society that excludes any advocacy of Zionism. Set the mode of voting by proportional representation so that all segments of society are represented. Advocate for the establishment of a society of justice, progress and tolerance. Tip of the hat to: |
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Sun 03/15/09 03:36 PM
Like voting out many of the career politicians! Like Pelosi! I have no power to affect her reign. I don't live in Calif and therefore I have no vote to use against her. Calif does however. If they would exercise that vote we wouldn't have to see her anymore, and she couldn't affect Policies. If Americans would stand together and vote out the career politicians from their states, Dem or Repub, then they all would stand up and listen to the people. If not then bring in a new batch! United we stand, Divided we fail! that's true, a lot of people ask, "just what is this pelosi about?" she votes against policies to help america and she votes with policies that will hurt america. the answer is that she is what is known in washington as an "israel firster" her loyalty lies with israel and not america. there are many of them in the house and the senate. in fact, rahm emanuel is an "israeli firster", he's spent time in the israeli army, his father was in the IRGUN definition: shorthand for HaIrgun HaTzva'i HaLe'umi BeEretz Yisra'el, הארגון הצבאי הלאומי בארץ ישראל, "National Military Organization in the Land of Israel") we need to start taking back america from israel. obama has vowed his loyalty and fealty to israel. mccain vowed the same thing, bush vowed it too, pelosi vowed it, john boehner vowed it, the list seems to never stop. the israelis will always come up with the most amount of money in a presidential election. they are the ones most concerned with the outcome. you should read the israeli websites when there is an election, they act as if they already know who it's going to be and their main concern is to get presidents in there that will be good for israel. israelis don't want a two part state. they want the palestinians to get out. but you hear all our presidents claim that they will work towards this peace process. it never happens. one more thing that i want to pose to you unbeleivers of 9/11, why did bush say that osama bin laden wasn't a priority and he didn't care where he was? "Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." - Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001 |
That's an honest question! First you say Obama is no good, and now you say McCain is no good. You've said many times that our election process is no good, so I ask. What's your solution? my theory would be boring to democrats and republicans because they wouldn't have anyone to side with anymore. we as americans have gotten too use to just accepting things the way they are. say for instance, do you really think obama was the best man in the united states for the job? i don't think any of you could trully agree with that statement. in the whole usa there has got to be someone better suited for the job than bush or obama. the only problem is that we have gotten too use to accepting the presidents they put forth for us, and voting for the lesser of the two evils has become the norm. it shouldn't be that way. we should have more say over who gets to be a presidential candidate and it shouldn't matter how much money they can pull together. that leaves a certain wealthy class to win everytime. and we definitely should have a president that has enough guts to get rid of the federal reserve. john f. kennedy did but he got killed a few months later. i can't express it enough how necessary for the good of our country that we get rid of the federal reserve. i think that there shouldn't be democrats or republicans, i think there should be americans not divided by partison malarky. i would love to see for three weeks everything be completely non partison. it would be amazing, but its already been indoctrinated into us. |
Y'all are the minority here and in're kiddin' me right ?...the only reason Obama won...was just like the Pink Panther...he left no footprints...not to mention that in this election cycle...any Dem would have won...and...NO Republican could have one...this country is center right...middle to upper middle class...white and suburbanite...through and through... ![]() See, I disagree with that. If Hillary would have won the Dem nomination, me and almost all Independent/unaffiliated voters would have voted for McCain! The ones who didn't would have voted for a third party candidate! like mccain would be any different. you didn't see joe leiberman switch over to the repubs real quick so he could pull mccain by the nose ring? and guess what? hillary and obama have the same beliefs. they hang out in the same circles. So what's your solution T2d? Dont say I never asked! is that an honest question? or are you just trying to set me up for a driveby emoticon? |
Y'all are the minority here and in're kiddin' me right ?...the only reason Obama won...was just like the Pink Panther...he left no footprints...not to mention that in this election cycle...any Dem would have won...and...NO Republican could have one...this country is center right...middle to upper middle class...white and suburbanite...through and through... ![]() See, I disagree with that. If Hillary would have won the Dem nomination, me and almost all Independent/unaffiliated voters would have voted for McCain! The ones who didn't would have voted for a third party candidate! like mccain would be any different. you didn't see joe leiberman switch over to the repubs real quick so he could pull mccain by the nose ring? and guess what? hillary and obama have the same beliefs. they hang out in the same circles. |
LOL, When the thread starts out as BS it is sure to go down the toilet. Don't blame me for flushing it! Catwoman mentioned only those who continue to bash Obama for no reason. All 4 of you! ![]() ![]() ![]() The man has only been in office for two months, but y'all started in on him after one day. Your bashing and the reasons make no sense other than you are poor losers who just don't like that your candidate lost. When you start insulting me and others don't expect me to talk reasonably to you. That means you T2D! I know y'all wished everyone who disagrees with you and fails to fall for your propaganda would just go away, but that wont happen! Y'all are the minority here and in America. Some of you have even publicly announced that you wish for Obama to fail.LMAO How un-American of you! fanta i didnt mention you...although Im SURE you are intelligent...but ever since you called me a dumb blonde...i dont pay nearly as much attention to your posts Those weren't my words. How Republican of you to twist words. If you can show me where I used those words, I'll apologize! You know if you guys didn't run around exclaiming that the sky is falling all the time. You would never hear the comparison to Chicken-Little. Next thing you'll say is its my fault McCain lost the election??? Ok, I'll accept partial credit for that one!!! YAY!!!!!! Barack The House Baby!!! alright phi beta kappa man statements like this are too partisan and are the reasons our world is so screwed up. thank you for adding to it. How Republican of you to twist words
Obama sucks.He is a liberal moron and does not care that we are losing jobs and bailing out everyone.He needs to get the hell out.We need a conservative republican,not a liberal devil.Obama-you SUCK! well, what would you do if you knew the dollar has devalued 96% in 96 years and we only have four more years till it's 100% devalued if it keeps going the same way. and what if you knew that the reason for the dollar devaluation was from borrowing way too much from the federal reserve, what would you do? |
winx, i'm not stupid and i know when you are gracefully attacking me. this isn't a new trick. but what i do is retaliate. period.
here is an idea ![]() let's try not to suppose that everyone is exactly the same. let's suppose that certain people like myself have a gift for research. let's suppose that i'm just not good at getting it all out on a tiny little forum and the small amount i could wouldn't prove anything one way or the other. let's suppose that if i could somehow plant all of the evidence in sequence from every aspect of my life since i was a child, then you would be able to see it. let's suppose that i have a gift for seeing past the crap that people put out there to throw others off the track. let's suppose that there are many many resources that can't be gotten off the web that i have researched. to just blow it away as conspiracy pisses me off. you read too many debunk sites that just infer that the situation is debunked but have no actual proof. because for some people, all someone has to do is say it's debunked and the doubting thomas' will rise and cheer and flash the words around for all to see, all without actually reading how it was debunked. if you don't understand the debunk itself, don't post it with your name on it. |
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Sun 03/15/09 01:59 PM
T2....i tried to help you out in the beginning....but when you started bashing people but yet complained that others where picking on you....i let it go. not to mention when you blamed me for other peoples actions Yep, he bashes people. They don't even need to provoke him. All they have to do is have a different opinion than his. that and the constant "sky is falling" ranting has pretty much ruined the political threads here. No one can discuss anything without it getting hijacked back to the "sky is falling" argument that's true, the thread doesn't even get to flourish into what could be an intelligent thread with people bringing up intelligent views or rebuttals before these little below the belt tactics come in and tear it up. |
you have never, not even one time tried to discuss my views, you only attacked them from the very first day i started on this forum. ask rose, i emailed her about it. not one time have you even tried to discuss it intelligently. you put me on the defensive right off the bat with little phrases such as "chicken little" and "the sky is falling" that is an offensive tactic, that once you say it enough times others get on the band wagon. there is nothing fair about it. but if all of this is because i came into your little hen house which you have ruled for close to 2 and a half years now. i know how it works, come in low and wound em before they can come on and actually take your spot. it's classic because i wasn't expecting you to do that so i had no defense for it. but that's ok, because i have taught some people on here despite your little below the waste maneuver. I have experienced this myself, and I have know these tactics for very long. But, my friend, you can't allow yourself to pay attention to it. Keep yourself where you belong. Do only what is honorable and right. As for those who fight as weak, do not allow them to drag yourself to their level, as there, they will beat you with sheer experience. nogames you are right, it just takes some time to get use to when you've never dealt with people that purposefully try to disinformationalize something. but i'm learning. |
![]() ![]() im thinking that I have learned much on these forums... and that is through the intelligence of people like T2D, nogames, drivemenutz, willing2, raiderfan, beeorganic seems very intelligent and extermely witty...... these guys all seriously want to teach others..and dont seem strongly affiliated with either politcal side. people cant attack eachother for low blows...when THEY do the same. its ridiculous. only winx is exempt. Ive never seen her attach ANYONE i knew i always like you catwoman. ![]() ![]() |
T2....i tried to help you out in the beginning....but when you started bashing people but yet complained that others where picking on you....i let it go. not to mention when you blamed me for other peoples actions Yep, he bashes people. They don't even need to provoke him. All they have to do is have a different opinion than his. i just have no patience for certain types of people. |
Edited by
Sun 03/15/09 01:04 PM
I am very tolerant with your views. I listened a few time, tried to discuss them rationally with you, then when you insisted on staying course and began insulting other posters I brushed them off as a waste of time. Have you ever heard the saying, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do?" Quite frankly, I don't think you deserve that kind of respect. I have better things to do with my time than try to convince you that the sky isn't falling. But I bet you'd rather I just leave the threads to yours and your friends opinions and conspiracies! Psst, its not going to happen. I can talk respectfully, or go ghetto with you any day! Your choice! ![]() you have never, not even one time tried to discuss my views, you only attacked them from the very first day i started on this forum. ask rose, i emailed her about it. not one time have you even tried to discuss it intelligently. you put me on the defensive right off the bat with little phrases such as "chicken little" and "the sky is falling" that is an offensive tactic, that once you say it enough times others get on the band wagon. there is nothing fair about it. but if all of this is because i came into your little hen house which you have ruled for close to 2 and a half years now. i know how it works, come in low and wound em before they can come on and actually take your spot. it's classic because i wasn't expecting you to do that so i had no defense for it. but that's ok, because i have taught some people on here despite your little below the waste maneuver. |
The System
what youre not understanding is ...the government's system is to tie you up in red tape... exactly, there is nothing hard to understand about that. reduce your fears down by seeing them for who they are. they are the wizard in wizard of oz. just a little scared man behind a big curtain. |
Why we hate France
France is so arrogant that they spit on the very people who saved them from Nazi occupation. There are French people who resist current French policies because they remembered the sacrifices others made for their freedom. The younger French could care less. Not all French people are so Narcissistic but the country of France itself can KISS MY HAIRY WHITE ASS! There is a reason they are called Frogs... It is their HUGE bigoted mouths. Paris is not the center of European culture. That credit goes to Prague In the Czech Republic, home of the Bohemian Revolution France tries SO hard to take Credit for. Artistically Speaking the credit then goes to Rome, Italy, and Denmark! More Danish and Italian artists are recognized over French artisans as classic masters. French arrogance knows no limit and their hubris is legendary. Do not ever let them negotiate peace, they would only piss everyone off and make the fighting worst! Heck, if French wine in general was all of that why does California, a single state in our country recognized as the #1 wine maker of the world? Even American Champagne is better bottle for bottle. Only snobs who think they have taste tout French Champagne as the best! Why don't they boast beer? Because the world knows Germany is Number one there! Keep in mind I do not hate french people, I hate French politics and the French Government! we didn't save them from nazi occupation. |