Community > Posts By > a_shields

a_shields's photo
Thu 04/02/09 11:47 PM

If you are religious and God told you there is no After life, No Heaven!!

Be honest, how many of you would still go to church and continue praising God?

Free bread and a sip of wine while a guy reads to you? Praise Allah!... or Muhammed or Jesus or whoever gives a crap. Yay! Food!

a_shields's photo
Thu 04/02/09 10:31 PM

What is your job or proffesion? are you truly happy? If you could be something else what would you be? ex singer, actor, model, what????

I'm not sure I've ever seen a happy person. Do they walk around all day with a confused smile on their faces or something? How do I isolate them in a crowd.

a_shields's photo
Wed 04/01/09 12:01 PM
I like tats of quotes - they help me keep my focus where I need it each day when I see it in the mirror. It's like a very short bible I can never lose, forget, or not have access to.

a_shields's photo
Wed 04/01/09 11:57 AM

plumbers crack.

"I'm a relatively sane guy".

This first line can only be matched with the classic: "I am legion, for we are many", or, "I will not murder you on the first date".


You're not so bad for wannabe rebel. drinker

Why do people think I want to rebel against something?

a_shields's photo
Wed 04/01/09 11:01 AM

plumbers crack.

"I'm a relatively sane guy".

This first line can only be matched with the classic: "I am legion, for we are many", or, "I will not murder you on the first date".


a_shields's photo
Wed 04/01/09 09:18 AM

I usually skip the profiles of guys that hide their faces. Dunno what everybody esle thinks...but THAT could be your main problem right there.

6 billion people on earth... chances are your evil twin is doing porn somewhere on the internet at the moment and LOOKS JUST LIKE YOU OMGGG

a_shields's photo
Wed 04/01/09 09:17 AM

Tell us more about you as a man

Why hide your eyes

Their the windows to your soul

Have fun and how come you joined in 07
And this is your 1st post ?

Zorro must always hide his true identity from the banditos.

a_shields's photo
Fri 03/20/09 11:44 PM

Anything from that site is basically instant win.

a_shields's photo
Sun 03/15/09 03:29 PM
Edited by a_shields on Sun 03/15/09 03:30 PM
This is the origin of all internet-based humor. Enjoy:

(some of these are adult humor)

a_shields's photo
Fri 02/27/09 02:39 AM

If your computer gets messed up after you visit some porn site - reformat. There is not an antivirus program in the world that can handle every specific tracking cookie - and who cares.

You don't need security on a computer. No one is coming to get you. Stop paying those idiots protection against something that does not happen.

a_shields's photo
Fri 02/27/09 02:35 AM

You need not any updates at all.

I am running my OS without any updates for already 9 years, and it is as fast as the day I have installed it.

Three reasons for updates:

- to keep you getting "legal" version, under the threat of denying you updates.

- to slowly break your operating system peace by piece, in a staggered fashion, so that the holes a current update creates only become evident several updates later. If this is not done, then you would not buy new operating system for a very long time.

- fix obvious security exploits / windows shortcomings that were purposely left in your OS, exactly to make you go for updates later.

As you can see, only point 3 deserves any attention. The thing is, those security updates will not help you, if you do not:

- have a discipline about how and what you do on your computer.
- have a good antivirus program (not norton and not windows).
- have a firewall to control which programs get to ever "see the light of internet". (Again, microsoft firewall is not a firewall you want to use at all).
- have a router.

If you have these 4 points covered, then you need not worry about security updates.

Now, there are exceptions to every rule.

- If you know that there is a specific update you want/need, it is ok to get it, but it doesn't need to be from Micro$oft. Also, if there is a specific functional improvement / fix to windows, then you may want to get it. However, this needs to be decided on an individual basis, only when you see that there is no way to proceed without it.

As a rule of thumb, once operating system is not for sale anymore, has been replace with a new version for sale, the updates are designed to slow down your system, or crash it completely. Updates before that, are only setting things up, creating problems that generally are not activated until newer operating system is for sale.

All this info about updates is obviously not applicable to NIXes.
I cannot agree to that. I have been told by many, many tech guys to keep up with the updates. But they are coming so much. I mean I have another one today. That is three days in a row now. But I have to admit that I have not downloaded SP1 for Vista yet, so I am going to try that to see if Windows will stop spazzing out on me.

"Tech guys" are people that get off on telling other people what to do - even when they have no idea.

Don't update.

a_shields's photo
Fri 02/27/09 02:33 AM

I have recently seen and learned how much a person inherits from the genes of their ancestors to include some diseases and personality traits and flaws and tendencies.

A flaw or trait can cause a person to be an addict or a at the mercy of tendencies towards anger, even murder. Do we inherit personality traits? Insanity? Disease?

It is certainly seen in generations of dogs, why not humans?

If this is so, then how much control of who we are do we really have?

Are we just programed organisms at the mercy of our genes and DNA?

Are we just biological thinking machines running on programs?


a_shields's photo
Fri 02/27/09 02:23 AM

Is satire dead? I posted this profile and actually got hate mail from people that didn't get that I was joking. The joke can't be that subtle.

p.s. neighbors really are hicks.
frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated frustrated

There were maybe 3 of the 20 people that replied to my serial killer thread that understood the joke.

imo, making 17 stupid people angry and 3 thinking people laugh is totally worth it.

gogo satire

a_shields's photo
Thu 02/26/09 01:24 AM

Don't worry man! I mean, do I look like someone you would entrust with your life?! Hell no!

Of course this doesn't mean entrust me with your life...just saying a person looking like me would definitely not be at the top of the list.smokin

I think I should, after three pages, define the intention of this post:

My parents were liars that used their own intelligence to con someone into marrying them or to make money. Acting like you want to be a spouse to someone without telling them who you really are is... horrifying. Thank God my ex-wife did not want children.

I'm confronting all the things my parents have refused to. My dad just wrote a successful book about Harper Lee (To Kill a Mockingbird) - even after she asked him not to. He spent 4 years researching and writing a book about someone fueled by his own greed and spite. My mother is a medical doctor that is unwilling or unable to confront racism.

I am here so women I am attracted to have the chance to read about who I am before going on a date. I try not to build relationships with women I see at Starbucks/college campus, since that person will feel awkward when eventually learning me as I truly am.

This is me trying to find someone to enjoy friendship/sex without lying to them. My parents did it. I did it as a teenager. I don't want to do it again.

a_shields's photo
Thu 02/26/09 01:09 AM

you look like the serial killer of 'silence of the lambs"
However, i donot see your white doggy with you in the last pic.

Someone pulled it into a hole in my basement. Damn that woman and her ability to think beyond her fear of my scaryness.

a_shields's photo
Wed 02/25/09 11:51 PM
Edited by a_shields on Wed 02/25/09 11:53 PM

I would have said yes, but then again, my secret fetish is serial killers.

Not anymore!

Off topic: does it make me an a**hole if I go to clubs on 80's night and pick up women 15 years older than me based on the assumption that I'm young and stupid (which is possibly true but irrelevant at the moment)? In terms of ethics, that's like a double negative right?

a_shields's photo
Wed 02/25/09 03:30 PM

it dont matter sometimes serial killers dont even look like they are...

Sara, you are obviously a serial killer.

a_shields's photo
Wed 02/25/09 06:59 AM

I just did a windows update yesterday and now it wants to do another today. I also did one last week. I am not sure why so many. It is also wanting Me to install SP1. But I alraleady have it!huh

The live updates are really only for network administrators that have to worry about net security (due to running a commercial website that stores credit cards, for instance).

You should only turn on automatic updates if there is a specific program or device that requires a service pack to run.

If your computer is doing what you want it to do right now, don't change anything. Period.

a_shields's photo
Wed 02/25/09 06:44 AM

I think that you need to lose the caption on your current picture. It makes you sound racist.

Against white people or black people?

a_shields's photo
Mon 02/23/09 09:18 PM

Eileen and I have both been having some major issues with our computers. I know mine has to do with not enough RAM, and I think hers has a couple viruses. Just wanted to pop in when I could and let people know.

Allow me to appear less scary on these forums by helping you with the computer problem.

I would need about 3 minutes of info via email (your IP, router type, and OS on both comps). From there I can login remotely and you can watch me move the mouse across your screen and fix w/e (I use VNC srv w/ jaadu on iPhone's interface. It's win).

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