Community > Posts By > a_shields

a_shields's photo
Sun 04/26/09 10:26 PM

Or just scary.

y/n ty


Decorative? Festive? Inspirational?

a_shields's photo
Sun 04/26/09 10:25 PM

i'd rather be struck by lightning than be struck by true love.

. . .


i prefer enforcer.

. . .


a_shields's photo
Sun 04/26/09 10:23 PM
Or just scary.

y/n ty

a_shields's photo
Sun 04/26/09 10:22 PM

Any one here ever use a CD or Tapes to learn a language?

Which one did you use?

Was it any good?

The only way to really, really learn a foreign language - is to live in a country where they speak it.

If you don't get immersed in it, you won't retain it.

a_shields's photo
Sun 04/26/09 10:21 PM

i'd rather be struck by lightning than be struck by true love.

. . .


a_shields's photo
Sun 04/26/09 08:37 PM

I can sell you romeo's soul and give you half a bagel bite bigsmile flowerforyou laugh :wink:

"Im back like i forget something "

...HAHAH!!! That is my new favorite saying. I'm stealing it from you.

a_shields's photo
Sun 04/26/09 08:27 PM
If I post my actual wanted url to the sheriff's office website, does that make me win this thread? Or would it just be ban material.

a_shields's photo
Sun 04/26/09 08:24 PM

You talk to a guy for awhile, he keeps asking you to meet, and you are just not ready. And he asks you again and you finally say let me think about it. You give it two days and agree to go for drinks since you are going to be in the same city anyways. And now all of a sudden he says that he can't......WTF??? huh

I suspect acute boredom with e-relationships. It is common these days.

a_shields's photo
Sat 04/11/09 02:14 AM

Brother, in this world today, that little girl could have spun around and put a burst from an AK into you, small town or not. You can't ever tell who the bad guys are like you can in the movies.

The bad guys in the movies don't exist.

Real bad guys are dumb as rocks.

a_shields's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:54 PM
I've been walking, running, or skating at night in Tampa for more than 10 years.

I've never been chased, mugged, or even yelled at.

If you perceive other people as dangerous, they will feel your anxiety and respond to it. It is hurtful to walk around having people judge you for how you look, and it's obvious when a person turns their eyes away fast or refuses to look at you.

Look other humans in the eye. Smile. Say hi. Relax. Your fear is hurting people you are afraid of.

a_shields's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:47 PM

so i just felt the need to make this post because there are certain people in this world and one or two on mingle whose every other word is one to assert his/her superiority and put down/ridicule others in a cynical, arrogant manner that never fails to irk me.

this isn't meant to matter to anyone. just wanted to vent because i'm not one to hide or swallow my feelings in fear of ANYONE.

enjoy the remainder of your night all.

For some that is a defense mechanism. Kids are forced to develop it for positive reinforcement when their parents show no affection. That internal praise trick can be pretty goddam powerful - McCain used it.

It goes bad when a person starts letting it out, where it hurts everyone else through exclusion.

a_shields's photo
Fri 04/10/09 08:42 PM

do men ever feel like they are being treated like a slab of meat?

how and when?

do you ever object to it?


Not often enough.

a_shields's photo
Fri 04/03/09 01:55 AM

Do you think it is Moral act if a person performes acts of kindness towards others merely for the sake of making themselves feel good?

I stopped caring what my motivation was a long time ago. When someone needs help, I just do it. Who the hell cares what they think. If another human lets me see a problem I can fix, I'm going to fix it.

Just don't start doing things for people that didn't ask for them.

a_shields's photo
Fri 04/03/09 01:12 AM




I'm still looking for more.

Having anticipated boobs in t-shirts, I now leave this thread 20 seconds older with a cartoon avatar burned into my head.

a_shields's photo
Fri 04/03/09 01:08 AM

so much to take point is obvious, i must make a few changes. more input will be greatly appreciated. What about it ladies is this guy right, does more open info scare you women or what?


a_shields's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:19 AM

pic included, what is your honest impression.

Change "not proud of" to "learned from past mistakes". Also feild to field on top line.

a_shields's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:04 AM

If you are religious and God told you there is no After life, No Heaven!!

Be honest, how many of you would still go to church and continue praising God?

You mean if God, himself, showed his being to me? And communicated with/to me? noway

You can rest assured that I would be far more religious and full of praise than I currently am, regardless of whether he indicated there is an afterlife or not.

It is incredibly hard for someone like me to not feel spite for someone capable of being happy.

You're human. I'm human. I'm happy you found comfort.

a_shields's photo
Fri 04/03/09 12:01 AM

Although I have no interest in the myriad versions of christianity.... there is something very special about old churches, built when their god was held in high esteem... the care, the intricacies in the stonework, and the leadlighting...they really are a beautiful space.

Humans seem to gain a great deal of ability and drive when they find something to die for. Both in art and war.

a_shields's photo
Thu 04/02/09 11:51 PM

curious... is my profile ok?

be gentle... hehehe :)


Hottie imo.

What is a Histotechnician?

a_shields's photo
Thu 04/02/09 11:48 PM

Church?? What is this thing church u speak of???? shades
it's that thing on the other side of town and it's only open on sunday's i think ??????:laughing:

Nah, it's that thing on the other side of town where they meet for suppers on wednesday evenins I think shades

Is it that place where you have to bring a dollar? or else you feel guilty and embarrased? I think there is free alcohol there too!drinks

I always just put in the envelope they provide for checks with a self satisfied look, then leave before they see I put a gas receipt in it. God doesn't care about money anyway.

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