Community > Posts By > Suhnshine

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Wed 05/06/09 02:03 PM

Isnt this One Far Greater?think

Think about it.

Speaking of thinking about this. I actually have thought about it quite deeply.

If the one you are attempting to call "Far Greater" is the God of Abraham then I would have to disagree with the description.

The God of Abraham is assocated with the following:

1. Jealousy
2. Male-chauvinism
3. Being appeased by blood sacrifices
4. Asking people to stone sinners to death
5. Asking people to murder heathen, their wives, and children
7. Being mean to people who are totally faithful to him (i.e. Job)
8. Taking up bets with Satan (i.e. Job also)
9. Hating people who love their same gender.

I could go on and on an on.

But I'll stop there. This persona just doesn't match up with what I would consider to be a divine being.

I confess this is a personal call on my part. But I'd rather atheism were true than to believe that our creator has the personality as described by the Bible.

Thanks, but no thanks.

If I'm going to believe in a creator at least let me believe in a loving creator. :wink:

Evidently you do not know Your Creator and unfortunately for you , you probably never will. How sad. Instead of taking scripture that you realy dont understand , out of context and drawing your own deluded conclusion, I would suggest you and your leader JB pray for understanding and wisdom that you lack concerning the meaning of the true God.
You would only be able to do this if you earnestly yearn for truth about who this Almighty God is and why has He placed these judgements on people. Try it and stop judging Him. In the end you will be judged by the same One your judging and Woe be unto you.

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Wed 05/06/09 01:47 PM
Edited by Suhnshine on Wed 05/06/09 01:48 PM

We are to LOVE One Another.

NOT Judge One Another.


obviously your a X-tian Morningsong since you support abominable acts such as homosexuality be it lesbianism or gayism.:smile:

:smile: Real and True followers of Yahshua hate what God hates. you dont hate what God hates because your not of Him. The Gospel calls the lost unto repentance and sanctification if you know what that means. This is scripture. Read it for your self and maybe you will believe His word. These are His words not mine. I just a messenger delivering the message of repentance and salvation. These are not my rules.
:smile: personally I dont give a crap what people choose to do behind closed doors. Thats their business. But if they open the door and let people in by telling their business, then they are subjecting themselves to hearing the gospel which is not easy on ears of the rebellious.
:smile: this is what I am called to do. like it or not. God does not like homosexual activity. sorry if that bothers you to hear it MS. But its His Truth and I must let the people know. Maybe you should ask God why He does not like it since you have a problem with it.

:smile: who knows maybe He might even use you too MS, to tell His truth if your willing to speak up for Him and renounce your Love for homosexual behavior. Ask Him to deliver you and He will just be sincere.flowerforyou :heart:

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Tue 05/05/09 09:21 PM
I'll tell you why belief is a powerful thing JB, because scripture says (whether you believe it or not) " your faith has healed you". the question is faith in what? faith in who? who is faith and what is faith." faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things unseen". the evidence of things unseen JB,even if you cant see it you must believe it. even if you cant visualize it you must believe it. Not everyone is visual or have a fantastic creative imagination to see the thing they hope for, but having faith can bring about the manisfestation. I dont agree with everything your preaching but I believe we can agree that you need faith in order for your hope to materialize. I dont agree about relying on the created universe to bid my wish, Instead I say rely on the one who created the universe. Isnt this One Far Greater?think

Think about it.

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Tue 05/05/09 07:46 PM
Does He do anything to stop it from happening Mirror?

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Tue 05/05/09 07:44 PM

Here is my evidence Mirror. There is a begining and end to all things . This earth has a beginning and as science well proves someday it will end because the sun will die and life will cease. Since you are a science worshipper i surprise you dont know this.surprised noway
flowerforyou Im not a science worshiper. flowerforyou

bigsmile Every cause becomes an effect and every effect becomes a cause which in turn becomes another effect which in turn becomes another cause and so on into infinity.bigsmileTherefore there can be no first cause and no last effect.bigsmile Even if the sun "dies" and all life on earth was to perish, this universe will go on into infinity just as it always has.flowerforyou

slaphead just as i said before, i will say it again this world will someday end.

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Tue 05/05/09 07:39 PM
Sorry , JB i dont buy it nor will i buy the pigs that your sellin. People do not create their cancers, or inability to hold a child in their wombs to full term, or planes crashing into buildings. That is unfair to say. Nobody wants anything horrible to happen to them or someone they love. Everyone wants life and prosperity, health and wealth if their sane. Who wouldnt. But the truth is no matter how much you wish upon a star, or throw coins into a fountain,you aint gonna always get what you want. in fact you may never get it. The Almighty administers His gifts to us as HE WILLS. not as I will, or you will, or anybody wills. AS HE WILLS. why? because HE CONTROLS ALL THINGS. He controls what? HE CONTROLS ALL THINGS SEEN and UNSEEN.

Stop patting yourself on the back JB giving yourself credit for things you have no control over. You really think its you blessing yourself? Think again. You dont know what tomorrow will bring you. In fact TOMORROW is not promised you JB. or anyone.Who said your Tomorrow will ever come for you. Its not up to you. get over yourself. Your just a vapor of smoke. a poof. a blade of grass that withers. You cannot even control your own bladder . Give praise to Him who keeps you and gives you all things. He who supplies all your needs according to His Riches and Glory.He who gives you a sound mind so you can think good things. In fact that is what HE COMMANDS us to do. Think on things that are pure and lovely etc.

I hope you get it, if not now then someday. And I hope you then tell all your followers the same because people eternal lives are at stake and your misleading them. Your setting people up for major disappointments and possible psychological disorders. dont you care?sad2

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Tue 05/05/09 06:48 PM
Edited by Suhnshine on Tue 05/05/09 07:05 PM
sad2 Listen you who go both ways or the other way,

:cry: Romans 1:24
Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:

:cry: Romans 1:25
Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creation more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen

:cry: Romans 1:26
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

:cry: Romans 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly...

:cry: Romans 1:28
They did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind....

:cry: Romans 1:29,30,31
being filled with all unrighteousness,fornication, wickedness,covetousness,deceit, whisperers, maliciousness,haters of God,without natural affection,covenantbreakers etc,etc.

:cry: Romans 1:32
Who knowing the judgement of God,that they which commit such things are worthy of death,not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

:cry: Pleeeeeeze Cleanse yourselves people by the washing of the word for the 4giveness of your filthy sins that you may be found worthy to dwell with Him in His coming Kingdom else you will be eternally separated from Him in death.brokenheart

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Tue 05/05/09 06:33 PM
Here is my evidence Mirror. There is a begining and end to all things . This earth has a beginning and as science well proves someday it will end because the sun will die and life will cease. Since you are a science worshipper i surprise you dont know this.surprised noway

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Tue 05/05/09 06:27 PM
you dont have to prove anything JB whether someone believes you or not. personally i dont. Because if law of attraction as you call it, were so simple as you claim, our world would be in better condition for us to live in. there would be no death, or aging, sickness, disease nor war, famines or socialism, terrible crimes ,alien abductions,or poverty ,I mean really who wants to be poor and sick.

amputees would be able to think themselves a growth of a new limb. why dont you visit a nursing home, hospital or cancer center and preach your philosophies of law of attraction and see how it helps. maybe someone can get that kidney they need so they can get off dialysis or get that bone marrow they been waiting for.

I hope every infertile woman get her wish of conception so she can stop taking those treatments.And all those men with low count or no count sperm who want children, take JB advice and you can have eight babies in one shot just like the octuplet mom.

you keep selling dreams JB you seem to be prospering from it. And all you,her customers who keeps JB in business, see if she can keep you out of the furnace.surprised

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Mon 05/04/09 05:21 PM
you guys need a vacation. its not that seriousdrinks

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Mon 05/04/09 05:17 PM
I would like to know whose Laws are these? Whose Laws are you keeping? Who governs your life? Who are you asking these things for and what is his/her name? Why should they give you anything?

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Mon 05/04/09 05:02 PM
why argue the facts. to each his or her own. believe as you will.It still does not change the fact that the aliens are coming back to control everyone living on the planet after the galactic cataclysm.scared

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Mon 05/04/09 04:58 PM
Edited by Suhnshine on Mon 05/04/09 04:59 PM
does it really matter? the world is going to end any anyways.drinks

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Mon 05/04/09 04:55 PM
sounds like a modern day sodom and gomorrah. truly history does repeat itself.and some say the bible is not real.mad

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Sun 05/03/09 05:15 PM
Evil unclean demonic spirits can oppress, suppress, depress and posess anyone. Born again, or not. of any faith or denomination and they can have Holy Spirit at the same time. The evil spirit will eventually flee after someone with authority cast it out, be it yourself or someone else but in the True Name of Yahushua Ha Moschiach HaNotzrei WeMelech HaYahudim. If you use jesus name the demon spirit will leave temporarily only to return later with seven more vile spirits. Because jesus is not the true name of Messiah.It is counterfeit. You will have a false healing and may even get sicker or die.:angel:

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Thu 04/30/09 06:56 PM
So many post Mirror. You are really searhing for something. I sure hope you find it.:smile:

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Thu 04/30/09 06:53 PM

:heart: Is the chance of love worth the risk of a broken heart?brokenheart

only one can decide for themselves.

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Thu 04/30/09 06:46 PM
The Most High. Yahawah:angel:

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Thu 04/30/09 06:44 PM

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Thu 04/30/09 06:41 PM
like hoarders they will give up nothing.