It's just like when I was in Australia getting called a yank and having my accent made fun of! Lol only this time I'm in no danger like I was with the majority of my aussie friends, "no mate it's fine we drive like this all the time, but buckle up cause we wreck alot too." You want grey hair go for a drive with Jim J.
Ice cream flavor I like!
You always make everything sound so much better! I wouldn't want it to go straight to my boobs though... Do you have some block on who can message you btw?
Was that a Texas joke? Howdy? I've already heard that all over the place in the last few hours! |
That's the only reason you're torn?
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Evolutionary flaws ....
Oh I know all about beer, I home brew and have a friend that gave me a complete history on it. I was just being a smart *** bring it back to the topic!
Was that a Texas joke? Howdy? I've already heard that all over the place in the last few hours!
It's middle of the night for me! That is the sacrifice I make to talk to you all! I made my flight out of Vegas safe and sound by the way, I'm now onto my next tour date in Austin Texas!
Ice cream flavor I like!
Gotta have chocolate chip cookie dough! I also love cookies and cream, I love it!
Dickini :
I even have the coolest board shorts, they are from Hawaii and I love them! I just assumed women wanted a man with head hair thick body hair sporting a tight tight dickini, I learned 2 things tonight thanks to you!
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Evolutionary flaws ....
I learned something new! That is prolly the reason we evolved so much further, we can handle sugar and then used it to make alcohol and by making alcohol in form of beer we could drink water that would make us sick had we not boiled it. It makes more sense than the people that say evolution is false and that god created the earth 2000 years ago atleast.
No1phd you are gonna wear out your period key.
Dickini :
I only commented cause I wanted everyone to think I was that super cool guy strutting his stuff in a dickini. That's not me I just gotta stick with board shorts at the beach, I'm sorry Blondey making you think I was something I'm not. Why can't I be that cool?
Evolutionary flaws ....
Dipping dots are like sugary ice cream in dot form and twizzlers are strawberry flavored sugar sticks, monkeys love them! Plus it adds a little variety in color when they fling poo, some of them could be artists if given a choice in colors. Are you telling me that my drug kingpin friends are not the safety minded people I once thought? I am totally shocked, I assumed the guns were for some kind of community watch but now looking back... |
Evolutionary flaws ....
Great now I feel horrible, good thing I was just joking! The zoo doesn't allow me to do alot of what I do, I once really got banned from the zoo for 3 years. It's a funny story!
Evolutionary flaws ....
I wonder if monkeys ever think about the same thing. I wonder if when the planet of the apes documentary comes true if our monkey and ape overlords will look upon me favorably because I gave them twizzlers and dipping dots at the zoo. It was real funny they love sugar snacks! They go totally crazy but they love it! I totally understand why drug kingpins always buy monkeys and tigers, it's the easiest way to say "hey I'm filthy rich and want to show how classy I am with a safe pet I can easily control, safety is the name of the game!" Drug lords are always so concerned about safety! What was the original question again? ![]() |
Evolutionary flaws ....
Dipping dots are like sugary ice cream in dot form and twizzlers are strawberry flavored sugar sticks, monkeys love them! Plus it adds a little variety in color when they fling poo, some of them could be artists if given a choice in colors. Are you telling me that my drug kingpin friends are not the safety minded people I once thought? I am totally shocked, I assumed the guns were for some kind of community watch but now looking back...
Dickini :
Who am I kidding a dickini isn't for me, I end up with my boxer briefs on backwards a startling amount of the time. You make that mistake with a dickini you end up having to notify your neighbors when you move in. The world is an unfair place!
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Evolutionary flaws ....
Edited by
Tue 09/02/14 12:01 AM
I wonder if monkeys ever think about the same thing. I wonder if when the planet of the apes documentary comes true if our monkey and ape overlords will look upon me favorably because I gave them twizzlers and dipping dots at the zoo. It was real funny they love sugar snacks! They go totally crazy but they love it! I totally understand why drug kingpins always buy monkeys and tigers, it's the easiest way to say "hey I'm filthy rich and want to show how classy I am with a safe pet I can easily control, safety is the name of the game!" Drug lords are always so concerned about safety! What was the original question again?
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Ice cream flavor I like!
I meant with not wroten, gotta love auto text making up words!
Ice cream flavor I like!
You could make a ton of money just off the beautiful women on here if you made ice cream flavored like me, I've been threatened wroten being eaten a startling number of times on here. I'm flattered though really!
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