Community > Posts By > FunnyJ

FunnyJ's photo
Sun 09/07/14 12:42 AM
Michelake, I've not said he should be silent about anything I fully encourage anyone to debate their differences I take issue with his language while attempting to do so when he posted the topic. All the you clowns and trying to blame the beheadings on people not supporting Obama. It's all language to start a fight not a discussion. That is what I take issue with. Do as you wish because this will be my final post on this topic, I hope you have fun looking for whatever you wish to call this. You seem like the type of guys that will twist up anyones words to lure them deeper into this never ending debate, so it's good mingle could make this happen for you both! slaphead I'm out.

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 04:18 PM
I would caution you to not accuse me of not being willing to stand up for what I believe in, I have fought for what I believe in and for the right of everyone to state their own believes no matter what they might be. I'm trying to show (with some humor yes) that this fighting is exactly what the problem is with our politics today, everyone has a belief that they are right and the other side is totally wrong. No one is willing to look for middle ground, no compromise no thinking about the other perspectives. Our government gets nothing done when divided and discussions such as this are only widening the divide. Also though I think this is a absurd forum to hold such a debate and I think the language used when this topic began is not the language one would use to initiate a thought provoking discussion, it is the language one would use to start a fight not have a debate. That is what I'm trying to say with light humor hoping that someone will come to their senses and realize this is the sort of **** ruining this country, not racism, not angry muslims.

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 04:01 PM
Humans, er uh wait no I don't I meant uh humus...:angel:

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 03:58 PM
Fried eggs.

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 03:57 PM

Some of the native elders refer to me as an an "old soul".

When my elders refer to me they say "as soul" I think they mean I'm pure as a soul... But sometimes I wonder. It's probably the same thing right? Right?...shades

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 03:49 PM

You have earned the right to get a drink, on me! drinker

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 03:46 PM

Get ready.

I'm about to post a topic about Obama that I can't wait to see your reactions about.

It will be classic.

You've changed your mind? Oh wait that's impossible because no one has ever changed anyones mind on their beliefs especially on politics. The only reason to do this is to upset complete strangers on a DATING WEBSITE FORUM! But you must have all the facts, I mean why would you act as if you did otherwise?... I just wanna ask you, you mad bro? Why you mad bro? This is a ridiculous argument and a even more ridiculous forum for it. I wish I could see your reaction if you ever realize that.

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 03:32 PM

I don't believe in past lives.
That's what you said in your last life! Some things never change!

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 03:26 PM

Welcome back..
Thank you, thank you very much! I hope a Elvis smiley shows up here :elvis: why can't I invent smileys?

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 04:30 AM
Let me know if any of this achieves anything. Lol I'm totally kidding! It's your time waste it as you see fit. Looking smart though.

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 02:59 AM
When I was 3 or 4 years old my parents took me to a air show, I walked straight up to a WW2 flying fortress and they said I couldn't take my eyes off of it. The man who owned it asked if I wanted to see the inside and took me inside, I have only foggy memories of this but my parents say I jumped up into the pilots seat and began flicking the instruments and hitting switches. The pilot was shocked as I nearly started the engines before he could stop me, he laughed and asked my parents how many times I'd been on planes like this. My parents even more shocked told him I'd never been in a cockpit before in my life and that they had no clue how I could have possibly known the right way to start this plane. They say it was like I just went into auto pilot the second I saw this plane, like I was doing something I'd done many times. I have no memories of any past live but I cannot explain how I could have ever known any of what I did that day and I've always been fascinated by aircraft.

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 02:48 AM

Yes.. Though I have not needed someone to tell me...
Did you just always know? Memories and everything?

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 02:47 AM
Funnyj is dreamy!smitten

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 02:46 AM
I'm really drunk.

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 02:43 AM
Don't do that!

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 12:59 AM
I'm single because I irritate my gfs. I'm what this post is all about.sad :angel:

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 12:45 AM
I always hear people say that they went to a psychic or whoever and they told them that in a past live they were, Marie antoinette, Napoleon bonaparte, Cleopatra all sorts of well known well documented historical figures. Here's the thing, if you were anyone in those times it's much more likely you were this person, a 19 year old peasant with 4 kids with about 50/50 chance either working or something like flu kills you which was something you might look forward to since it would be better than getting murdered for sport by an invading army or your own leaders army in front of your entire family. I think America is the only place people pay tons of money to get told stories someone makes up and dresses them as facts. I have no idea if we have past lives I'm just saying not everyone can be royalty or even someone historical. I was definitely Elvis Presley though, a gipsy woman told me when I got my protection spell renewed.

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 12:30 AM
No way, I'm not falling for that one again! I was pulling and tugging the last time and never even heard a bell. I think he was doing something gross at the other end of those beads... Yeah I say no when asked to ring bells now.

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 12:21 AM
I've been told that I shouldn't joke about writing bible pages. I would just like to say how sorry I am if I gave anyone the sense that I was joking, lets start a cult people! Is that apology good? I can't control what anyone forgets to know!:thumbsup: :angel: winking

FunnyJ's photo
Sat 09/06/14 12:13 AM
I can literally levitate. Seriously I do it alot and I can get up high in the air! For a long time too, I can usually levitate for a few hours at a time depending on how much gas I put in the helicopter!:angel:

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