I'm not invited to any orgies... Meany heads.
Ky jelly
A to Z.......Things you eat
Nevermore sandwiches
Evolutionary flaws ....
Oh I'm writing er uh I mean looking for those missing pages... The dinosaurs were just "creepy" Noah said, he said he could tell they were unbelievers so the ark was at capacity for them and unicorns were widely homosexual, so yeah. That's what the pages are gonna say.
A to Z.......Things you eat
Mikey knows why theres a space!
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A to Z.......Things you eat
Johnson ville sausage.
You heard me? I was doing my quiet walk though...
Evolutionary flaws ....
I'm Amish, I admit it.
Evolutionary flaws ....
I'm going to settle this once and for all, with a smiley :missinglink: did I prove a missing link smiley? I can't see it yet...
Evolutionary flaws ....
I feel like I'll already be "at capacity" by the time I get to Washington D.C. But I'll make sure I send politicians all special swimming instructions...
Evolutionary flaws ....
Did you know that Noah refused many animals entry to the ark? He took one look at unicorns and said "we're at capacity" then dinosaurs too. Lochness monster wouldn't have got in but they could swim and the ark was hard to steer so they couldn't run them down with whaling harpoons. That too is science fact, they lost those pages in the bible though so I wouldn't expect many people to know about it.
the teachings of mingle
I've learned that even though I'm devote Amish I can still relate to you people on this magic witches cube I found on the road. We aren't so different after all!
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Evolutionary flaws ....
no telling what Doctor Moreau has in store on his Island! ![]() ![]() |
Evolutionary flaws ....
I'm going to rip my shirt and stand by a helicopter screaming "get to tha choper! Follow me if you want to live!" I'm the action hero of this documentary. I'll save mankind don't worry.
Evolutionary flaws ....
Who could say anything? This has gone beyond theory, this is factual science now! You saw that picture! I say we make offerings and begin praying to sharks! I offer them the flesh of unbelievers.
Lenses for my glasses so I can read the topic before posting... I should have misspelled chastity with a k.
Obama Hatred {KING}™
I'm so outraged I could scream at a complete stranger in a dating forum over this!
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Evolutionary flaws ....
Darwin was right, in this age of enlightenment we face many threats from evolution, sharks are learning to fly with tornados and have now apparently evolved to run on land like that photograph clearly shows. Lets face it people we are weak and the world will soon be taken over by sharks. This is science people!
A chastity belt. Isle 7. It seems wrong that they sell lock pick sets in the same isle, I need to protect myself from sinners.
Holy water burns like hell, master tells me to avoid it at all costs. He hates it more than me!