Why are you single ?
I saw one girls profile that said she is "a sociopath." I just bring this up to show you that there are worse reasons a girl is single. I mean being a sociopath is one thing but admitting it on your online dating profile is another. I just hope she is confused about what that means. So when you have a boyfriend that irritates you just tell yourself "it could be worse, atleast I still care if he lives or not." And just another tip, we guys are irritating I admit it so instead of looking for one is not at all irritating maybe just look for less irritating...
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AN AUSSIE! I knew this place couldn't be all bad! The best nights of my life were spent with Aussies! I almost got bit by a bull shark when I was crying about seeing a croc! My Australian friends reply was simple "he didn't get ya so what's the problem? Back in the tinny with ya, here's a beer" I'm telling you if you ever want most problems washed away just find a Australian. I feel better now!
I got the fake/scam idea from reading what people wrote in the forums, but I get your point. Maybe I am being impatient I was just expecting something else I guess. I go out and have no trouble meeting all kinds of people and so I guess I'm just not used to feeling like I'm the stinky kid in class, or maybe I'm just not coming across as who I really am on here, I don't know but I appreciate your help. How long have you been on here and have you met anyone?
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I'm wondering what the deal is on here, is it for real or no? I signed up the other night and have not had any activity. I'm not sure if I'm doing it wrong or not I'm brand new to this online dating thing, I'm a traveling standup comedian and just got tired of meeting the same woman over and over again in the comedy clubs so I figured I'd give this a shot but so far I've read about it's all a scam and I'm not saying I'm a male model but I'm not bad looking so I really just do not get why I have heard nothing from any message or anything else I've sent. I would appreciate any help anyone could offer, if you're looking to be a smart *** I'm sure you can find some lonely guy that will get angry and type in all caps at you elsewhere but I'm not him, I ignore guys that think they're funny for a living. Thank you.
People love to make it seem like life was all leave it to Beaver pre 1969 but the honest truth is we are all people with the same urges as any other time. I read an article once talking about how this new invention was going to enable young people to go out drive fast away from their parents and then give them a place to have sex. They were not talking about a car they were talking about a horse drawn cart! People are people no matter what year we're born, don't sweat it just be happy to live in a time where you won't get burned as a witch for anything and have fun.
Your Perfect Kiss
But seriously my perfect kiss was on the beach in Cancun, we were both covered in sand and I leaned over to her and said "heaven is going to be this moment for eternity for me" and she looked up at me and said "I was just thinking the exact same thing!" Then I brushed some of the sand off her face and her hair away from her face and picked her up and just held her there hoping with every ounce of my being that this moment could last for an eternity. In a way it has, a photographer was in just the right spot behind us and caught our embrace with the sunset in front of us. I have that photo and on the really hard days I look at it and think, we might have only had a short amount of time together but with any luck that moment will be our heaven and someday I'll get there again and find that she's been waiting there in our perfect moment, our prefect kiss ever since she was taken from me. That's what I look at and think is my most prefect kiss.
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Your Perfect Kiss
My perfect kiss was also my last day at a old job, it was so great, the whole day really. First my boss was pulling in hungover and didn't see me and hit me in the parking lot, then later in his office I told him I could either report it or he could keep paying me with benefits and I would no longer have to come in to work and he could kiss my ***. He literally kissed my *** and it was perfect! Mostly because he had no clue I had recorded the entire interaction, it was so perfect!
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I thought I could go anon. Nvm I was just saying if I were... Sad trumpet "wha whaaa"
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I'm so sad that this is how people view us beautiful people. I mean yeah I'm a man but I'm totally gorgeous and I always get this from people where they are shocked that I have more going on! It's like hello ladies I'm more than just a piece of meat! I have a killer sense of humor and I'm wildly entertaining, people tell me all the time and not just my family either.
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