Community > Posts By > Aquila_

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 01:43 PM

Sometimes first. Sometimes never. And in my case......almost always alone. laugh

I'm sorry, I hope you find a nice guy or bad boy that fits you. flowerforyou

I'd like to marry a nice guy and turn him into a bad boy. My own personal bad boy with a Haley and a curfew.
I want a man who likes to cuddle and who doesn't mind beating up any other man who tries cuddling with me.

I want a nice bad boy. shades

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 01:35 PM

Its not a crime to be stupid, natural selction usually gets them.

That was the old days before liberal groups came into being to protect the unintelligent, weak, lazy, and goofy.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 01:32 PM
waving My first op on mingle. I was trying to think of something great but instead I'm going for a simple chat topic. I figured it's best not to pick a controversial subject as my first op.

If nice guys finish last then the bad boys must finish first. Where do the nice ladies and bad girls finish?

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 01:08 PM

The frog said
"Whatever you wish for, your husband will get times ten!' "

In the wish with the money the man received a quantity of money 10 times that of the lady. Thus with the heart attacks the man should receive the same 10 times quantity deal.
The woman wished for a mild heart attack. Ten times a mild heart attack would be 10 mild heart attacks. laugh

Women are intelligent, men are intelligent, frogs are not intelligent, not even genie frogs. Otherwise a frog capable of granting wishes would not be stuck in a trap.



I thought you were the man that received the 10 times milder heart attack? laugh
If you copy and paste it you must defend it, these are the rules of copy/paste. tongue2

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:46 PM
The frog said
"Whatever you wish for, your husband will get times ten!' "

In the wish with the money the man received a quantity of money 10 times that of the lady. Thus with the heart attacks the man should receive the same 10 times quantity deal.
The woman wished for a mild heart attack. Ten times a mild heart attack would be 10 mild heart attacks. laugh

Women are intelligent, men are intelligent, frogs are not intelligent, not even genie frogs. Otherwise a frog capable of granting wishes would not be stuck in a trap.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:37 PM
Depends on what was stolen from me and what was lied about to me. It's easier to forgive a lier because most thieves lie and thus are thieves and liars. Most people who lie are not thieves, just liars.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:14 PM
The presidents

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:01 PM
People do change their minds sometimes. Emails are so harmless I don't think I would personally get upset if a man failed and then tried again after some length of time as long as he didn't flood my inbox.
I've dated men that I didn't have an interest in the first time I met time. It does help if the man has somehow changed or if he has shown me a side of him I had not previously seen.

says durtydduck: personally I like the ones that can't read a damn profile ... when you say not over 150 lbs and yet she weighs in around 225 looking to "match" or the age? ( shhhh I am guilty of that one ) I must be a hyprocrite then?

I do think a man who emails should at least read the profile. I find it odd when a man asks questions which I've answered in my profile. Men who don't have time to read short blurbs are too impatient for me and they make me think they only care about looks. Caring about looks is fine but only about looks makes me feel like meat on a slab.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 11:32 AM

But officer, I was just scratching an itch

rofl It was a pick!!! I saw it!!!! rofl

Where is your evidence officer? :angel:

Do you really want to know?? I saw him roll and flick. The evidence should be somewhere in his car.

Him? I thought you had pulled me over. Why are you pulling me over officer if he did it? laugh

(I don't need anymore specific details of his transgression. yuck)

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 11:19 AM

But officer, I was just scratching an itch

rofl It was a pick!!! I saw it!!!! rofl

Where is your evidence officer? :angel:

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 11:12 AM
Edited by Aquila_ on Tue 01/13/09 11:12 AM
But officer, I was just scratching an itch

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 10:31 AM
I don't want to get angry because there are better ways for me. I voted in the election. I twice emailed my local congressman, once about a local matter and once about a national matter.
I stay informed and I get involved where necessary. I plan on taking care of my own finances and retirement plans so I don't have to relay on the government.

The American system allows problems to find solutions without getting angry.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 10:25 AM
:thumbsup: Solders are yummy especially officers in their dress uniforms. There always so fit and athletic and polite (around ladies they're polite, heard it's a little different in the barracks).rofl

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 10:21 AM
I hope when the day comes that life out there finds us that the life doesn't take one look at us and say "no intelligent life here" laugh

Ever wonder if maybe there is a big multi-planet party going on in the center of our galaxy and we are stuck out here on the edge missing all the fun?

We live in the Milky Way boon docks. tears

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 10:11 AM

Would you want them to instead say "only Billy is dumb" and "why is Billy so dumb?" How else can we really talk about groups of others but in generalizations?

No offense to any Billy's. I just picked a random name so don't all Billy's hate me now or I'll generalize and say all men with names beginning with B are bad men.

Fuzzi Logic! spock

I only use fuzzi and cute logic. waving

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 09:39 AM
Would you want them to instead say "only Billy is dumb" and "why is Billy so dumb?" How else can we really talk about groups of others but in generalizations?

No offense to any Billy's. I just picked a random name so don't all Billy's hate me now or I'll generalize and say all men with names beginning with B are bad men.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 09:18 AM
War has rules until one side starts losing then they make their own rules.
Love, I think has rules if you want to live as an accepted member of society. Maybe a person can do everything possible to obtain the one person she truly love but at what cost? If you obtain the one you love but become hated by everyone else in the world, because of your pursuit actions, is it worth it? Some would say yes but not me.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:11 AM
waving Moondark

Can you imaging how boring the life would be for intelligent people if there were no more science?
Lets hope we never discover everything, if that's even possible.
Seems the more we learn the more we realize we don't know all that much.

"We" being defined as anyone who seeks to learn.

Aquila_'s photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:51 PM
waving Telltalesociety

Poland last summer. So beautiful I hated to leave. tears

Aquila_'s photo
Mon 01/12/09 11:48 PM
If you have everything then there is nothing left for anyone else to have so I would think you would have to spend all your time defending yourself from all the people with nothing who are upset you have everything.
Maybe you meant if you had "everything you wanted" and not necessarily everything in existence. I can't imagine an intelligent person having everything she wanted. All intelligent people I know always seek more knowledge, no matter how much they currently have.
Knowledge is a thing, right?