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Topic: Thief vs. Liar
Tazz42's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:19 PM
Who would you forgive easier.....someone who stole from you or someone who lied to you????????

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:19 PM
One in the same if you ask me

no photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:20 PM
what's the difference?

Tazz42's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:22 PM

One in the same if you ask me


I just wanted some opinions to settle a arguement.........

My Momma told me once that it is easier to forgive a thief because they can give what ever they stole back...and maybe they needed it more than I did.
But you can't take a lie back and it has alot more to do with respect and trust....

no photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:23 PM
A liar is essentially a thief who steals your trust.

PATSFAN's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:26 PM

One in the same if you ask me


I just wanted some opinions to settle a arguement.........

My Momma told me once that it is easier to forgive a thief because they can give what ever they stole back...and maybe they needed it more than I did.
But you can't take a lie back and it has alot more to do with respect and trust....


THat's a tough one, because you can never trust either one.

Tazz42's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:27 PM

A liar is essentially a thief who steals your trust.

You don't mind if I repeat that to the person I am argueing with do ya????

Tazz42's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:28 PM

One in the same if you ask me


I just wanted some opinions to settle a arguement.........

My Momma told me once that it is easier to forgive a thief because they can give what ever they stole back...and maybe they needed it more than I did.
But you can't take a lie back and it has alot more to do with respect and trust....


THat's a tough one, because you can never trust either one.

That's an excellent point! But which one would you be more likely to forgive?

no photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:28 PM

A liar is essentially a thief who steals your trust.

You don't mind if I repeat that to the person I am argueing with do ya????
Is my cheque in the mail???:wink: laugh drinker Go for it!!!bigsmile

no photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:29 PM

A liar is essentially a thief who steals your trust.

Nicely said.

prisoner's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:29 PM
:smile: i don't forgive anyone...i have an enemies list longer than richard nixon' seeing you

Tazz42's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:29 PM

A liar is essentially a thief who steals your trust.

You don't mind if I repeat that to the person I am argueing with do ya????
Is my cheque in the mail???:wink: laugh drinker Go for it!!!bigsmile

Post dated!:wink:

buttons's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:30 PM
most of the time a theif is also a liar...

Tazz42's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:30 PM

:smile: i don't forgive anyone...i have an enemies list longer than richard nixon' seeing you

You must be REALLY busy then!

Tazz42's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:34 PM
The arguement is about WHO you could forgive for such an insult.....

I personally, could forgive a thief. Under curtain circumstances.
But I have always had the hardest time forgiving a liar.

He says he could forgive a liar more so than a thief but doesn't give me an explanation as to why.......

So, I decided to take it to the boards to see who and why.....

markc48's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:36 PM
So tass I take it your a theif. What did you steal from him. His girl freind.

Aquila_'s photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:37 PM
Depends on what was stolen from me and what was lied about to me. It's easier to forgive a lier because most thieves lie and thus are thieves and liars. Most people who lie are not thieves, just liars.

Tazz42's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:37 PM

So tass I take it your a theif. What did you steal from him. His girl freind.

HAH! The arguement/discussion is with MY Boyfriend!

buttons's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:37 PM
depends on the intention of the lie... if it were something to not hurt you and you seen it that way also then thats forgiveable like he lied to you about liking your mom cause he knew that u loved her.. unless he cheated! or a lie about where they were and they were off getting xmas presents or making an appt for dinner for your birthday for a surprise...

Tazz42's photo
Tue 01/13/09 12:39 PM

Depends on what was stolen from me and what was lied about to me. It's easier to forgive a lier because most thieves lie and thus are thieves and liars. Most people who lie are not thieves, just liars.

Thank you! I am taking notes.....Just kidding!

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