Community > Posts By > gardenforge

gardenforge's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:39 AM
Dragoness, this has been pointed out many times before, Clinton committed a FELONY called PERJURY, lying under oath. That is grounds for impeachment no matter what the lie was about. Just because Bush ticks off you liberal socialists and you call everything he says a lie does not constitute a crime or grounds for impeachment. Oh by the way would you like some cheese to go with that whinelaugh

gardenforge's photo
Tue 01/08/08 05:19 PM
Obama reminds me of Eddie Murphy, quick wit, slick smile, fast talker and just as politically inept laugh

gardenforge's photo
Tue 01/08/08 01:59 PM
Edwards may have a plan, too bad he don't have a clue laugh

gardenforge's photo
Tue 01/08/08 09:34 AM
Give the money back, unheard of in American Politics! I already promise half to my campaign manager, you don't want that poor girl to starve do you?


gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:39 PM
LOL leah, sure you got the job laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:33 PM
Over the years the liberal socialistic Democrats continually accuse the conservative Republicans of being “Nazis” and attempting to establish a dictatorship in this country. That got me to thinking. What party would the World’s worst dictators, who incidentally just happen to be the World’s worst mass murderers, have belonged to? The answer is they would all have been liberal socialistic Democrats. If you think I am wrong, consider the following:

Stalin and the entire communist ilk in Russia – Socialists who came to power supported by the “oppressed masses” used them to overthrow the Tsar and then murdered them by the millions with absolute impunity when they asked for a piece of the pie or reminded the leaders that they were not living up to the promises that had been made. Estimated number of dead 30+ million.

Hitler and the Nazis – Nazi stands for National Socialist party. Hitler came to power supported by the masses by promising them a bigger piece of the pie. Once in power he turned on the people who had helped him attain it and murdered and anyone who opposed him them with glee. Estimated number of dead 12+ million in the concentration camps alone, that does not include the number of people who died in or as a result of WW II.

Chairman Mao – Socialist who came to power promising the masses a better life and again once in power condoned mass slaughter of all who were even suspected of thinking the wrong thing. Started his “Cultural Revolution” which allowed his Red Guard to be judge, jury and executioner and to write any laws on the spot that they saw fit in order to justify their murderous rampage. Number of dead in the millions but no one knows the exact total.

Fidel Castro – Liberal Socialist who came to power promising to lift up the impoverished masses. Little did they know that for many the uplifting experience would be from a rope around their neck thrown over the nearest strong branch or being tied very erect to a post in front of a firing squad. Number of dead unknown but it would have been more if thousands had not fled the 90 miles across the sea to Florida

Ho Chi Minh – Socialist who once again came to power with the support of the masses and as soon as he was firmly entrenched turned on the people and enslaved them. He wasn’t as ruthless as Pol Pot but he was in power longer so the number he slaughtered is probably greater.

Pol Pot – Socialist once again came to power with the support of the masses by promising to lift them out of poverty. Once in control he murdered with a savageness that hasn’t been seen since Ghengus Kahn. Some of the heinous crimes committed by his victims include being an intellectual, having an education, wearing glasses. Number of dead in excess of 3 million.

Saddam Hussein – I know you are going to call Bull Sh1t on me for this one, but check the definition of Liberal and the definition of Conservative and see which title fits him. Seized power in a military coop of sorts and once again promised change and a piece of the pie to the masses then turned on them and slaughtered them like Attila the Hun. Allowed his family members to murder and rape for their own amusement and entertainment also used weapons of mass destruction against his own people. Number of dead in the hundreds of thousands.

All the rebel factions in Africa – Socialists who want to rise up the downtrodden masses and overthrow the corrupt exiting governments. Yes these governments are corrupt and in cases support and participate in genocide but no one has told the rebels that the way to win the hearts and minds of people is not to hack them to pieces with machetes, and burn them alive in churches. They rape, murder and destroy in the name of freedom. Number of dead in the millions and still counting.

Caesar Chavez in Venezuela – liberal socialist who will eliminate anyone who opposes him or attempts to remove him from power by legal means. Number of dead not many but it’s early yet.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. The liberal socialistic Democratic mantra has always been “promise them the world and then give them just enough to keep them loyal.” All of these people bought in to the lie that they were actually going to get vast improvements in their lives handed to them by the Government. A great many of them have had to get their share of the pie in the after life because they became expendable to the liberal socialists in this one. When someone offers you a bigger piece of the pie for doing nothing, remember that pies are round but so are bullets.

What is the moral of this story you might ask? All of these countries had existing governments that were corrupt, some more than others and they had large groups of poor and discontent people. The liberal socialists seized on this and used their support to elevate themselves to power. Once in power they immediately subjugated the people who had placed them in power and the people that survived always ended up worse off than they were in the first place. In each case an existing evil was replaced with a greater evil and always in the name of freedom and social good for the masses. Remember that power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Our Liberal Socialistic Democratic Party thinks that the only reason socialism hasn’t worked in the past is because they didn’t have the right people running it. Now we have Hillary, Obama or John, one of which is surely the “right” person to implement socialism here. Unfortunately, they enjoy the full support of the liberal “mainstream” media because those damn fool talking heads can’t figure out that the first casualty of socialism is the free press. When, and notice that I said “when” not “if”, the socialists take control in this country these media idiots will find their asses tied to a post against a wall and I doubt they will be offered the luxury of a last cigarette or a blindfold. As the firing squad prepares to send them on their way to Nirvana or where ever the godless liberals go when they die will their last words will not be a cry for freedom and justice, it will be a whimper about it shouldn’t be happening this way.


gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:19 PM
If you have any evidence of High Crimes etc, take it to that left wing liberal nutcase who is the Speaker of the House I am sure Nancy would be glad to instigate articles of impeachment if there were any evidence. Hell she is third in line for the Presidency if she could get George and Richard impeached she would be the president. That ought to be motive enough for her the only thing lacking is the grounds to do it. Remember the Constitution says High Crimes and Misdemeanors. It is not against the law to do something that liberals don't like yet.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:09 PM
the fuel did not all burn immediately upon impact, if you look at the videos the places burned for a long time before colapse that's why they were able to evacualte most of the people. Put a bunch of weight on a piece of steel, then heat it and see what happens. There were thosands of tons of weight above those fires not to mention that the planes crashing into the buildings took out a lot of the supports.

But I guess it is easier to believe that our government murdered all those people for their own demented purposes than to realize that there are a whole bunch of wicked people in this world that want to kill as many of us as possible for no other reason than we are Americans. Of course if you realized that then you would have to do something about it so it is better to subscribe to this liberal nutcase conspiracy theory.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:34 PM
mnhiker once again the liberal rant, but here is a clue for you, it is not a high crime to tick off the left wing nut cases.

You all keep harping Impeach Bush, well what the hell is holding all of you back except that you have no legal grounds. If you do, go for it.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 02:55 PM
Daniel my friend I think this would have been better on the joke forum laugh Fanta and I in the Whitehouse, there would be a full fledged war over who was going to get top billing laugh

My platform however is: If elected I promise to only steal half as much as the guy before me and if I am re-elected to a second term, I promise to only steal half as much in the second term as I did in the first term.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 02:47 PM

In all your years of working with steel did you ever heat a piece of it red hot. I am a blacksmith and when I saw the fires in the towers caused by the planes crashing into them I knew then that they would colapse. Anyone that knows anything about steel would have told you the same thing. Once the steel supports in the area of the fire became very hot they lost all their strength and colapsed from the weight above it. The weight of the colapsed floors coming down on the undamaged portin of the building caused a total colapse of each one.

If you notice the second tower to be hit colapsed before the first one. The reason being it was hit much lower than the first one and thus had much more weight on the beams involved in the fire, therefore they did not have to reach as high a temperature to fail as the beams in the first tower hit.

Why is it every time one of the cable channels re-runs a program about government conspiracies we have to rehash this junk. Remember it is Monday, time to change the tinfoil in your hats so the government can't use their mind control rays on you. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 11:02 AM
McGovern is another senile has-been looking for another 15 minutes of fame. He spews a bunch of generalities as his grounds but if he has evidence of any specific charges he should present them.

gardenforge's photo
Sat 01/05/08 10:54 PM
In case you missed it, this is the Washington Post's Mensa
Invitational which once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.

The winners are:

1. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period of time.

2. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an asshole.

3. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts
until you realize it was your money to start with.

4. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

5. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that
stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer,
unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near

6. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

7. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.

8. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

9. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

10. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.

11. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra

12. Karmageddon: It's when everybody is sending off all these
really bad vibes, and then the Earth explodes, and it's a serious bummer.

13. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you

14. Glibido: All talk and no action.

15. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

16. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just
after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

17. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets
into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

18. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a
worm in the fruit you're eating.

The Washington Post has also published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply
alternate meanings for common words.

And the winners are:

1. coffee, n. the person upon whom one coughs.

2. flabbergasted, adj. appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained.

3. abdicate, v. to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.

4. esplanade, v. to attempt an explanation while drunk.

5. willy-nilly, adj. impotent.

6. negligent, adj. absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.

7. lymph, v. to walk with a lisp.

8. gargoyle, n. olive-flavored mouthwash.

9. flatulence, n. emergency vehicle that picks up someone who has been run over by a steamroller.

10. balderdash, n. a rapidly receding hairline.

11. testicle, n. a humorous question on an exam.

12. rectitude, n. the formal, dignified bearing adopted by

13. pokemon , n. a Rastafarian proctologist. (GOTTA LOVE IT!)

14. oyster, n. a person who sprinkles his conversation with

15. Frisbeetarianism, n. the belief that, after death, the soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.

16. circumvent, n. an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:23 PM
why is it the liberals use the possibility that an innocent person might be put to death as their excuse to abolish the death penalty are the same ones who are in favor of the murder of thousands of innocent babies every year by abortion as a means of birth control. Perhaps someone could explan to me how one differs from the other.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 01/02/08 07:24 PM
leahmarie you hit the nail squarely on the head. Term limits are our only hope for salvation and I don't see that happening.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 01/02/08 07:21 PM
Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia formerly known as California.
White minorities still trying to have English recognized as Mexifornia's third language.

Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and livestock.

Baby conceived naturally. Scientists stumped.

Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage.

Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.

France pleads for global help after being taken over by Jamaica

Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.

George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036.

Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.

85-year $75.8 billion study: Diet and Exercise is the key to weight loss.

Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.

Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter speed, they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut.

Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.

Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals, violates their civil rights.

Average height of NBA players is now nine feet, seven inches.

New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January 2036.

Congress authorizes direct deposit of formerly illegal political
contributions to campaign accounts.

IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.

Florida voters still having trouble with voting machines.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 01/01/08 02:46 PM
DC has been the murder capital for the U.S. for many years it may have dropped down the list now but you can be sure it is still near the top, however, since you cant dispute the facts go ahead and nit pick. That is what liberals do. No one has avocated giving guns to 5 year olds and it is against the existing laws for felons to possess guns, does that stop them, not only no, but hell no.

The liberal socialist mentality is such that rather than actually addressing a problem, one must pass another feel good law that only affects the law abiding. Guess what, gun crime is on the increase in England where it is very difficult to own a long gun and almost impossible to own a handgun making the law abiding citizens of England perfect victims.

Ted Kennedy's and Bill Janklow's registered and licensed cars have both killed more people than my unregistered unlicensed guns. Perhaps we should start taking vehicles away from our elected officials.

One thing that the liberal/socialists should realize some day is that prohibitiion does not work. It didn't work with booze, it isn't working with drugs and it won't work with guns either. All it will do is create another high dollar get rich market for criminals and at the same time turn law abiding citizens into perfect victims.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 01/01/08 11:01 AM
No it doesen't say that medications should be regulated and obviously you haven't taken your for a while laugh It's amazing how the place that has the most restrictive gun regulation, Washington DC, also has the highest murder rate in the U.S. While South Dakota where there is very little restriction on who can own and carry a firearm has one of the lowest rates in the U.S. while the population of both places is about the same. But as I recall this thread was not started as a gun control thread so perhaps you should take your rant to a thread that you start for that purpose and let people get back to the original subject of this thread.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 01/01/08 09:00 AM
Turtlepoet you keep asking where in the constitution it states that guns cannot be regulated. You are correct that nowhere in the constitution does it state that guns can be regulated. Therefore since the constitution DOES NOT grant the government the power to regulate guns the government has no power or right to regulate them. The government has only those powers that are granted to it by the constitution not all power except what is forbid by the constitution.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 12/31/07 04:39 PM
In a news conference Deanna Favre announced she will be the
starting QB for the Packers this coming Sunday. She claimed she is qualified to be starting QB because she has spent the past 16 years married to Brett while he played QB for the Packers. Because of this she understands how to pick up a corner blitz and knows the terminology of the Packers offense.

Do you think a poll of Packers fans would show that 50% of those polled supported the move? Does this sound idiotic and unbelievable to you?

Yet Hillary Clinton makes the same claims as to why she is
qualified to be President and 50% of democrats polled agreed.

And, sadly the other 50% support an individual who is in his first term of holding a seat in the Senate, knows nothing of being Commander in Chief, attended early schooling in a Wahabbi Muslim school, disrespects the flag of our country, and states he is a "Christian" because he found that God and Scripture coincide with the "values he held!"

So, you now have the far majority of Democrats supporting the
Hildabeast, the most vile and vulgar mouthed woman to have graced the White House as First Lady (documented fact), or an unbelievably inexperienced individual who was raised Muslim. Truman, Kennedy, and Humphrey must be spinning in their graves, along with the 3000 victims of the World Trade Center attack.

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