Topic: What Party would they belong to
gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:33 PM
Over the years the liberal socialistic Democrats continually accuse the conservative Republicans of being “Nazis” and attempting to establish a dictatorship in this country. That got me to thinking. What party would the World’s worst dictators, who incidentally just happen to be the World’s worst mass murderers, have belonged to? The answer is they would all have been liberal socialistic Democrats. If you think I am wrong, consider the following:

Stalin and the entire communist ilk in Russia – Socialists who came to power supported by the “oppressed masses” used them to overthrow the Tsar and then murdered them by the millions with absolute impunity when they asked for a piece of the pie or reminded the leaders that they were not living up to the promises that had been made. Estimated number of dead 30+ million.

Hitler and the Nazis – Nazi stands for National Socialist party. Hitler came to power supported by the masses by promising them a bigger piece of the pie. Once in power he turned on the people who had helped him attain it and murdered and anyone who opposed him them with glee. Estimated number of dead 12+ million in the concentration camps alone, that does not include the number of people who died in or as a result of WW II.

Chairman Mao – Socialist who came to power promising the masses a better life and again once in power condoned mass slaughter of all who were even suspected of thinking the wrong thing. Started his “Cultural Revolution” which allowed his Red Guard to be judge, jury and executioner and to write any laws on the spot that they saw fit in order to justify their murderous rampage. Number of dead in the millions but no one knows the exact total.

Fidel Castro – Liberal Socialist who came to power promising to lift up the impoverished masses. Little did they know that for many the uplifting experience would be from a rope around their neck thrown over the nearest strong branch or being tied very erect to a post in front of a firing squad. Number of dead unknown but it would have been more if thousands had not fled the 90 miles across the sea to Florida

Ho Chi Minh – Socialist who once again came to power with the support of the masses and as soon as he was firmly entrenched turned on the people and enslaved them. He wasn’t as ruthless as Pol Pot but he was in power longer so the number he slaughtered is probably greater.

Pol Pot – Socialist once again came to power with the support of the masses by promising to lift them out of poverty. Once in control he murdered with a savageness that hasn’t been seen since Ghengus Kahn. Some of the heinous crimes committed by his victims include being an intellectual, having an education, wearing glasses. Number of dead in excess of 3 million.

Saddam Hussein – I know you are going to call Bull Sh1t on me for this one, but check the definition of Liberal and the definition of Conservative and see which title fits him. Seized power in a military coop of sorts and once again promised change and a piece of the pie to the masses then turned on them and slaughtered them like Attila the Hun. Allowed his family members to murder and rape for their own amusement and entertainment also used weapons of mass destruction against his own people. Number of dead in the hundreds of thousands.

All the rebel factions in Africa – Socialists who want to rise up the downtrodden masses and overthrow the corrupt exiting governments. Yes these governments are corrupt and in cases support and participate in genocide but no one has told the rebels that the way to win the hearts and minds of people is not to hack them to pieces with machetes, and burn them alive in churches. They rape, murder and destroy in the name of freedom. Number of dead in the millions and still counting.

Caesar Chavez in Venezuela – liberal socialist who will eliminate anyone who opposes him or attempts to remove him from power by legal means. Number of dead not many but it’s early yet.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. The liberal socialistic Democratic mantra has always been “promise them the world and then give them just enough to keep them loyal.” All of these people bought in to the lie that they were actually going to get vast improvements in their lives handed to them by the Government. A great many of them have had to get their share of the pie in the after life because they became expendable to the liberal socialists in this one. When someone offers you a bigger piece of the pie for doing nothing, remember that pies are round but so are bullets.

What is the moral of this story you might ask? All of these countries had existing governments that were corrupt, some more than others and they had large groups of poor and discontent people. The liberal socialists seized on this and used their support to elevate themselves to power. Once in power they immediately subjugated the people who had placed them in power and the people that survived always ended up worse off than they were in the first place. In each case an existing evil was replaced with a greater evil and always in the name of freedom and social good for the masses. Remember that power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Our Liberal Socialistic Democratic Party thinks that the only reason socialism hasn’t worked in the past is because they didn’t have the right people running it. Now we have Hillary, Obama or John, one of which is surely the “right” person to implement socialism here. Unfortunately, they enjoy the full support of the liberal “mainstream” media because those damn fool talking heads can’t figure out that the first casualty of socialism is the free press. When, and notice that I said “when” not “if”, the socialists take control in this country these media idiots will find their asses tied to a post against a wall and I doubt they will be offered the luxury of a last cigarette or a blindfold. As the firing squad prepares to send them on their way to Nirvana or where ever the godless liberals go when they die will their last words will not be a cry for freedom and justice, it will be a whimper about it shouldn’t be happening this way.


BoaterMatt's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:36 PM
makes perfect sense to me. Still think you're about to get flamed though

mrtxstar's photo
Tue 01/08/08 12:10 AM
Are you sure you don't want to run for president? God, I love you man. bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

smo's photo
Sat 01/12/08 05:46 PM
Why even I would consider him for President(Smiles)