Topic: The Case for Impeachment
mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/07/08 05:49 AM
Here is an article recently
published by former Senator
and presidential candidate
George McGovern.

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:18 AM
I remember him... Even though I was 9 at the time. Personally I don't give much credence to his various rantings.

His talk of the current Administration needing impeachment is watered down some by the proclamation that they breached the Constitution by not having Congress formally declare war. This completely overlooks the War Powers Resolution of 1973.. Does not take into consideration many uses of force since WWII including both the Korean and Vietnam conflicts.. The later of which he is on record for voting yes for the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution... which gave authorization to Lyndon B. Johnson to use force without declaring war... Which is exactly how we got into the current mess we are in with Iraq...

If the Congress chose to.. We would have to be out of Iraq. Thinking our President and his Administration has that much single handed power is really very common, but hardly even close to being accurate.


There are many others more qualified, with better records of standing for what they preach... Who could make a better argument, in my opinion.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:25 AM
This administration is different
than others in that additional
powers have been added to the
Executive Branch.

This happens after 9/11.

Unfortunately, the President
and Vice President have not
always used these powers
wisely and have frequently
abused them.

The Vice President in particular.

His secret dealings with corporations
and secretiveness in general means
he has not only abused the powers
given to him, but that he has
contempt for the American people
in general.

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 07:43 AM

This administration is different
than others in that additional
powers have been added to the
Executive Branch.

This happens after 9/11.

Unfortunately, the President
and Vice President have not
always used these powers
wisely and have frequently
abused them.

The Vice President in particular.

His secret dealings with corporations
and secretiveness in general means
he has not only abused the powers
given to him, but that he has
contempt for the American people
in general.
I'm not necessarily disputing any of that.. I'm just saying:

If the desired affect is an effective argument. A better spokesman who has a consistent stance and does not bring up the irrelevant, in an attempt to drive home his point, might be a good consideration.

I'm also saying.. Talking of impeachment and the whole process at this late stage in the game? Seems very politically safe and calculated...Is really pretty pointless and a large waste of effort considering the problems, both domestic and abroad, we are currently facing.

no photo
Mon 01/07/08 08:24 AM
mnhiker..... In reference to "The Case for Impeachment," I do not believe in impeaching our presidents. As much as I disliked Clinton and his affair with Monica, I felt the Republicans were out of line when they instituted impeachment proceedings. Our nation's dirty laundry should not be aired in public, which is what impeachment would do.

Our United States needs to stand strong and be one since there are many countries waiting for the opportunity to destroy America and all we represent. Also, what would happen if we impeach Bush? It wouldn't stop his policies since his VP would continue to carry his torch.

I voted for Bush and admit casting that vote was a sad sorry act on my part, but he is my president and yours and the president of every American. We need to respect Bush since he represents the office of the presidency. We screwed up when we impeached Clinton and made ourselves look bad in the eyes of the world. Let's not have a repeat performance.

Additionally, the whole dialogue about impeachment for Bush is ridiculous. He has more than one foot out the door of the White House.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 11:02 AM
McGovern is another senile has-been looking for another 15 minutes of fame. He spews a bunch of generalities as his grounds but if he has evidence of any specific charges he should present them.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/07/08 05:52 PM
All I can say about
that, gardenforge,
is look at Bush's
dismal record of

If you need an
education on this,
here's are links
with comments from
people who served
in the Bush Administration.

Also, the perp walk:

What more evidence do you need?

gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 06:34 PM
mnhiker once again the liberal rant, but here is a clue for you, it is not a high crime to tick off the left wing nut cases.

You all keep harping Impeach Bush, well what the hell is holding all of you back except that you have no legal grounds. If you do, go for it.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/07/08 07:04 PM
Well on that we can agree to disagree.

Look at the record. It speaks for itself.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 01/07/08 09:19 PM
If you have any evidence of High Crimes etc, take it to that left wing liberal nutcase who is the Speaker of the House I am sure Nancy would be glad to instigate articles of impeachment if there were any evidence. Hell she is third in line for the Presidency if she could get George and Richard impeached she would be the president. That ought to be motive enough for her the only thing lacking is the grounds to do it. Remember the Constitution says High Crimes and Misdemeanors. It is not against the law to do something that liberals don't like yet.

no photo
Tue 01/08/08 02:27 PM
Richard Armitage leaked the name of Valerie Plame, know this will not be the last time I have to point out how ridiculous that anti-Bushies are holding onto it. The whole thing is done, over, not tied to Bush whatsoever. It was all Armitage, who opposed the Iraq War completely and leaked the name totally by his own mistake.

daniel48706's photo
Wed 01/09/08 06:58 AM

This administration is different
than others in that additional
powers have been added to the
Executive Branch.

This happens after 9/11.

Unfortunately, the President
and Vice President have not
always used these powers
wisely and have frequently
abused them.

The Vice President in particular.

His secret dealings with corporations
and secretiveness in general means
he has not only abused the powers
given to him, but that he has
contempt for the American people
in general.
I'm not necessarily disputing any of that.. I'm just saying:

If the desired affect is an effective argument. A better spokesman who has a consistent stance and does not bring up the irrelevant, in an attempt to drive home his point, might be a good consideration.

I'm also saying.. Talking of impeachment and the whole process at this late stage in the game? Seems very politically safe and calculated...Is really pretty pointless and a large waste of effort considering the problems, both domestic and abroad, we are currently facing.

Extremely good point. Our candidtaes for office (no matter which office it is) knows that people feel strongly about wether or not Iraq was legal in the first place, and wether or not the current administration needed to be impeached.
They are all saying that they shoul dbe impeached, and this and that. However the simple fact is, the presidency has less than a year left before being replaced, period. Short of President Bush or Vice President Cheney trying to take civil control of the United States prior tot he changeover, nothing is going to happen. And nothing SHOUD happen as it would be a waste of resources and manpower to do so this late in teh game.
Our current candidates all know this, but they are willing to stand forwrd and say they will or would have, done something to punish the current administration and it is never going to happen realistically. BUT they will get the peoples vote by telling them they will do so.
Persoanly we need to look towards someone who is making realistic, and sound propositions towards the future. Not someone who is talking about punishing the current administration.

mnhiker's photo
Wed 01/09/08 07:31 AM

You should know better.

Nancy Pelosi's not going
to do a thing because
there's a Presidential
election going on and
it's too close to the
end of Bush Jr.'s last
Presidential term
in office.

If Bush Jr. (or Richard
Cheney) are not guilty
of something, then why
Bush Jr. have the
1978 presidential
records law declared
null and void by
Executive Order 13233?

John Dean's article on this matter:

Exective Order 13233:

Dragoness's photo
Wed 01/09/08 07:37 AM
Pelosi already said she would not persue impeachment. I too wanted the criminal impeached, he has done far worse to this country than Clinton ever did and he got impeached. At this point though there is no time for it and his terms of destruction in our country are almost over. He will be leaving a legacy of the worst president in our history but hopefully some of the people of this country have learned.

no photo
Wed 01/09/08 07:55 AM

but hopefully some of the people of this country have learned.
Your optimism is showing.:wink:

mnhiker's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:38 AM
I am a U.S. Navy veteran
with an Honorable Discharge.

I agreed with George Bush Jr.
when he invaded Afghanistan
after 9/11.

I thought: 'Yeah, let's
get Bin Laden and bring
down the Taliban!'.

Since then, George Bush Jr.
has been a major disappointment.

Not only did we not
get Bin Laden, we
started a war that
was poorly mismanaged
from the start.

It has taken a big
toll in terms of
lives and expense.

I thought it was
shameful that the
Administration did
not give the soldiers
the armor and supplies
they needed to fight
this war.

Also, that he did
not support them
when they came back.

Remember the disgraceful
conditions at Walter Reed

He also didn't attend
any of their funerals.

Not one.

What happens when
you don't do your job?

That's right, you get fired.

Yet we have allowed the
mismanagement of the Iraq
War to continue, the
Katrina debacle and other
disasters of this
Administration to go
unaccounted for!

We now have a lame duck
President and Vice President
with low approval ratings.

Despite this, Rudy Guilani
wants Cheney as VP again!

Yeah Rudy, let me know how
that works out for ya.

I hope the next Presidential
administration does
not continue the
same failed policies.

Which is what you
will get if you vote
for either Guiliani or

gardenforge's photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:39 AM
Dragoness, this has been pointed out many times before, Clinton committed a FELONY called PERJURY, lying under oath. That is grounds for impeachment no matter what the lie was about. Just because Bush ticks off you liberal socialists and you call everything he says a lie does not constitute a crime or grounds for impeachment. Oh by the way would you like some cheese to go with that whinelaugh

no photo
Wed 01/09/08 08:43 AM
Gardenforge.. your angst is showing.

I'd ask who pissed in your cheerios this morning, but I'm thinking your condition is probably more chronic than acute.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 01/09/08 05:27 PM
nobody pissed in my cherios, but every couple months we have this same discussion on this forum because the liberal socialists can't seem to get the concept through their head that everything that pisses them off is not against some law. laugh