Community > Posts By > gardenforge

gardenforge's photo
Mon 12/03/07 01:13 PM
Hillary is a far left socialist to the bone. She wears the cloak of moderatiion only to garner votes. She does not have this country's best interests at heart, she has her own socialist agenda at heart. If you think things are as bad as they can get, elect her and you will find out how wrong you can be, but by then it will be too late.

gardenforge's photo
Sat 12/01/07 02:29 PM

check the link above, it's an Urban Legend

gardenforge's photo
Sat 12/01/07 02:09 PM
pssssstttttt! you all want a good buy on some really great beer? laugh

gardenforge's photo
Sat 12/01/07 02:06 PM
I know what you mean Knox, we have had to give up so much, at least lets hang on to our diet cokes. I don't know if all this clean living will make me live longer but it will sure make it seem like it laugh If I had to give up diet coke and coffee It would make me want to put on snowshoes and do the Watusi in a minefield laugh

gardenforge's photo
Sat 12/01/07 10:36 AM
Being healthy means dying as slowly as possible. For myself I want to be sick when I die, I would hate to waste a perfectly good body by dying healthy. laugh One thing is certain, I am going to die from something it might as well be from drinking diet coke as from the Type II diabetes I got from Agent Orange exposure. Then, I may be so preoccupied with worrying about dying from all this stuff that I absentmindedly walk out in front of a bus. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/30/07 10:29 PM
There are a few things you should know about landfills, all liners eventually leak and any mercury that goes into a landfill will eventually end up at the bottom because it is so heavy, on the way down it contaminates everything it touches. Further you continue to evade the whole problem of what are we going to do with this mess 25 years from now. You keep saying a few bulbs like you are the only one using them. Think of the number of bulbs in your house, multiply that by the number of dwellings in the U.S. and then multiply that times 5 because according to you the bulbs last 5 years then tell me it's a small problem. Unless and until the problem is dealt with you are just trading one form of pollution for another.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/30/07 04:44 PM
A little mercury multiplied by a billion bulbs times 25 years is a whole chamber pot full of mercury but nobody seems to care. Go ahead and ignore the problem then when your kids are grown they can worry about it.

Why is it that anytime anyone points out a problem with the current environmental "flavor of the month" process they are labeled at being negative.

I was involved in environmental clean-up when you were still in 3 cornered pants and I actually HAVE done something about cleaning up the environment besides changing a couple light bulbs and then shouting to the world how "green" I am, while totally ignoring the problem that those light bulbs are going to create.

The solutiion to the problem would be to require proper disposal of the bulbs but that would require a bit of effort and expense so it won't happen.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/30/07 01:58 PM
I don't think they are going to go for killing whales for lamp oil like they did hundreds of years ago. All I am saying is the time to address the mercury problem associated with fluorscent lightbulbs is now not when it bites us in the ass 25 years down the road.

Our environmental response needs to become proactive not reactive. If we are going to save this planet we need to address the possible long term consequencrs of our short term solutions otherwise we are just rearranging the furniture on the Titanic.

If you think you have done your part by changing a few lightbulbs so you can run around telling everybody how "green" you are then you are part of the problem not part of the solution.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/30/07 01:49 PM
adj4u, there you go agian trying to use logic on fanatics. Saddle the horses my friend we will be better off jousting with a windmill than to try to understand what drives the fanatics' minds'.

Their leaders know that the quickest way to unite the masses behind their cause is to give them something or someone to hate and a reason to hate. In this case the reason is any precieved insult to Islam and the who is anything that is not Islam.

If Islam is really the religion of peace, where is the outcry from the moderates in the religion? I think their silence speaks volumes.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/30/07 01:38 PM
Mercury lasts a lot longer than 5 years, it is extremely toxic and your answer shows the total lack of concern that I wrote about. Short term = gain, Long term = huge problem that all the pseudo-environmentalists refuse to address. 25 years from now I probably won't be here but my kids and my grandkids will be and they will have to live with or clean up the mess because the environmentalists today could not pull their heads out of their rectums and address this problem.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/30/07 01:30 PM
Was it a poisonous snake? Please let it be so. Obviously he learned nothing from what happened to Steve Irwin. When will these people ever learn that if you mess with the bull long enough you are going to get the horns.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/30/07 01:17 PM
Switching from regular light bulbs to fluorscent bulbs is trading one environmental problem for another. Each fluorscent bulb contains some murcury. When you consider the number of bulbs that will be thrown away in the next 20 years or so, this is going to create a huge problem in landfills everywhere. Yet this is a problem glossed over by the environmentalists in their race to grab headlines. We had better figure out what to do with the spent bulbs now or long term we have once again shot ourselves in the foot for shot term gains.

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/30/07 01:04 PM

Check this out, now some are calling for her execution. Remind me again why Islam is called the religion of peace, I keep forgetting.

gardenforge's photo
Thu 11/29/07 10:50 PM
The scary part is they all drive cars too any you may meet them on the road some day.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/26/07 12:31 PM
Like I said, you are for more government interference in commerce and everything else. If government were to become efficient and quit wasting money they wouldn't need to keep increasing taxes. Take a look at what higher taxes on business have done to any nation and you will see that it has caused a decline in the general economy.

The law of supply and demand drives every business worldwide. Industry only supplies what the marketplace demands. If people demand cheap inferior foreign made merchandise that is what industry will supply but understand that expensive inferior American made goods will not compete in that marketplace. Protective Tariffs would force that on us and result in higher prices which would hurt those who can least afford it. If you don't want to wear cheap mass produced foreign imported jeans, then buy and wear Brooks Brothers Suits I believe they are American made and I have heard they are very high quality.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/26/07 12:10 PM
If Cubans don't like their current form of government, they should have the balls to rise up and overthrown that government. If you cannot stand up for what you believe in, then be prepared to live on your knees at the whim of your master.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:37 AM
Fanta I realize that in the socialist nirvana that you advocate profit is a dirty word, but profit is what built this country. Business has but one objective, that is to make a profit.

If business is continually taxes to the max, it will go where taxes are lower and more favorable to making a profit. That is a concept the socialistic left cannot seem to grasp. They think business is a well to be pumped dry to fund all manner of entitlement programs. Then once the well is dry, government can take over business and run it more efficiently than private enterprise. They think the only reason socialism hasn't worked in the past is because they haven't found the right people to run it but Hillary, or Edwards or Obama can change that.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:24 AM
Jess if they are so damn willing to be shot to obtain a better life, why don't they stand up to their governments and demand a better life where they live.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/26/07 08:21 AM
it would be interesting to know the per capita income of each of those places my guess is it is very high.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 11/25/07 09:39 PM
Wow what a novel socialistic idea. Tax the rich to fund more government run entitlement programs. If you want a medical plan this is really screwed up let the government run it. Take a look at FEMA, the Post Office, or Medicare and see how efficiently the government runs anything.

The Richest 1% of the population of the U.S. pay 37% of the total income tax paid. The Richest 5% of the U.S. pay a total of 52% of the total income tax paid. The lower 50% of the income tax bracket pay 3% of the total income tax paid. How about a flat tax 10% 20% or whatever, no deductions, no exemptions no nothing. I know that there are those who say that is unfair to the poor, but they will be getting back more than they pay in entitlement programs.

If you really want to save some tax money, do away with the zero based budgeting system used by the government now. Then start rewarding and promoting managers of government agencies for saving money instead of on the number of people they supervise. If we cut half the waste in federal spending there would be more than enough money to pay for more programs without raising taxes for anyone.

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