Community > Posts By > gardenforge

gardenforge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:07 PM
you are right kidatheart, I always get those two mixed up. That is ok if you are pouring it into your gas tank, but not if I am going to drink the stuff. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 07:03 PM
There is a great deal of question about global warming from many in the scientific community who don't buy the "consensus" of a bunch that was appointed by their various governments.

laurenisbitter: There is a lot of evidence to the contrary that the proponents of the global warming theory ignore or blow off when confronted with it. The Artic Icecap may be receeding but the Antartic Icecap has been growning for 10 years. How can this happen if the whole world is warming up? The receeding Artic icecap may be due to a change in the prevailing winds that took place around 1900 rather than global warming according to some.

My own opinion is that most of the "scientists" who promote the theory would be off on another tangent if they weren't making big bucks from the global warming craze.

The global warming proponents use junk science, outright lies, fear mongering and mass hysteria to further their cause and then cry foul if someone questions their credibility.

As I said earlier these are the same people that were predicting another ice age 10 to 15 years ago. Also the same people who predicted the 2006 and 2007 huricane seasons would be much worse than the 2005 season because of global warming.

If you have the desire to see some facts, look back on this forum a couple months ago where I posted information on the Hottest days on record and the hottest years on record in the U.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:42 PM
LMAO Karma, that is too funny


gardenforge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:38 PM
$2.93.9 in Rapid City SD Today.


you don't mix sugar cane with methanol, you ferment anything containing sugar and then distill it to get the methanol. You get more methanol from sugar cane than from corn because it has more sugar. The reason we use corn to make methanol is because most of the cropland and the climate in the U.S. is not condusive to growing sugar cane. It is however, very condusive to growing corn and other grains.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:31 PM
Press 1 for English

Press 2 for French

Press 3 for Spanish

Press 4 to hear this Menu again


gardenforge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:24 PM

it might interest you to know that the richest 1% of the people in the United States 37% of the total income tax collected and the richest 5% of the people in the United States pay a total of 52% of the total income tax collected. The myth that the rich pay no taxes is spread by the Socialist Democratic party to win votes. If you are going to vote for someone based on the issues, get the facts and don't rely on political propaganda.

gardenforge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 06:14 PM
I wonder if there will be the same outrage against the people of Canada that we in the U.S. have had directed toward us for expressing the same views as the government of Canada on the issue of amenesty for illegal aliens.

It looks like the chickens are coming home to roost for some of the Canadians who post here who have been on everybody's case for us wanting to send them back where they came from.

Congress, are you listening to what the Canadians are saying? "Allowing illegal workers to stay would likely “encourage more illegal immigration,” noted Linda Arseneau of Citizenship and Immigration Canada's ministerial enquiries division in an Oct. 18 letter to the Universal Workers Union. "

gardenforge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 08:47 AM
Here is a question I will never get to ask Hillary: "So tell me Hillary, how does it feel to be married to a guy who would s*c*r*e*w a woodpile if he thought there was a snake in it?"laugh

gardenforge's photo
Wed 11/14/07 08:43 AM
Aren't these scientists that are all on the global warming bandwagon the same ones that were predicting another ice age a few years ago.

gardenforge's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:48 PM
In France, offical business is conducted in French.

In Italy, official business is conducted in Italian.

In Germany, official business is conducted in German.

In America, why the hell do I have to press 1 for English?

gardenforge's photo
Tue 11/13/07 04:43 PM
Fanta, thanks for the info, too bad that many want to attack you personally as if you were the one responsible for the numbers. All I can say to them is there are none so blind as those that refuse to see. It is time that America woke up and realized that many of the Illegal Aliens who are in this country are not benign migrant workers and gardeners, they are hardened criminals. If pointing out that fact gets me labeled a biggot that's life. At least I am an equal opportunity biggot, I hate everybody that commits a crime regardless or race, creed, color, gender or nation of origin.

I have a radical idea, let those in favor of unlimited illegal immigration foot bill for all of it. Then we will see how many of the bleeding hearts are willing to stand up and put their money where their mouth is.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/12/07 04:06 PM
you may be right davinci, the Peter Principle is still being practiced wholeheartedly in American Business.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/12/07 03:44 PM
The writer's strike could have dire consequences. People might actually start reading books, going for walks, and talking with their neighbors. Next thing you know parents will start talking to their children if they can pry them away from the computers and IPods long enough. If that happens God alone knows where it will all end.laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/12/07 09:40 AM
Fanta, We want what is best for the country and while we have different views on how that should be accomplished, we put the country first. The current crop of candidates with Hillary at the top unfortunately put what they and the special interests that back them want first.

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/12/07 09:34 AM
Quite frankly looking at all the candidates, if this is the best that America has to offer, we are really screwed. It is apalling when we have to choose who we think will do the least amount of harm rather than the greatest amount of good.

I once heard someone expound on a philosophy that was called a "randomocoracy" that is where a computer picked all the senators, representatives and all other elected officials at random. They served one term and then were inelligable to ever hold office again. At the time it sounded completely absurd, but with the current choices we have it is beginning to look better all the time. Hummm now if they would just let me program that computer laugh

gardenforge's photo
Mon 11/12/07 09:14 AM
Fanta I don't know why this thread would be up for deletion, I am glad you posted it. Sounds like the Democratic campaign is heating up. I love it. Hillary does have more positions on every issue than John Kerry ever did and that really says something about her but that has been obvious since the first day she opened her mouth 16 years ago. Remember that if she gets elected, she will not be the solution to our problems, she will be the source of them.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 11/11/07 11:19 PM
I heard this on Fox News yesterday, funny the mainstream media has not given it any play to my knowledge. I did see the bit on 20/20 a couple weeks ago that tried to debunk global warming but most of the "network" news media is in lock step with the global warming theory. Nobody in the media has mentioned the fact that while the Northern polar ice cap may be shrinking, the Southern polar ice cap has been growing for 10 years. I also heard on Fox News that the shrinking of the polar ice cap was predicted many years ago due to a permenent change in the prevailing wind direction. I can't remember who was the source of the prediciton.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 11/11/07 11:01 PM
The last time there was a recall of chinese toys for lead paint, several of the people responsible got executed. There is a thread on this forum someplace about it. I would bet the ones responsible for this latest fiasco are on the short list for a bullet in the brain too.

gardenforge's photo
Sun 11/11/07 07:52 AM
before you cast your vote perhaps you should wait till the cnadidates have been selected because if your favorite son don't get the nomination, it won't make any difference if you back him or her. Of course, if we listen to some of you the elections won't happen anyway, GWB is going to declare a military dictatorship and take over anyway. laugh

gardenforge's photo
Fri 11/09/07 08:15 PM
mnhiker political corruption does not follow any particular party line. There is as much corruption on one side of the aisle as the other. To imply that Guiliani is corrupt because this guy was his police commissioner makes about as much sense as saying Hillary Clinton drives drunk just because Ted Kennedy did, it is assigning guilt by association and that is just wrong.