Community > Posts By > CampLight

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 02:12 PM
Originally joined to find a life partner. Having real doubts that will
happen, but have come to enjoy most of the threads. So now it’s just a
place to have fun and connect with other folks having fun.

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:35 PM
Sorry for your loss Greyhound.
We lost our treasured dog in an ugly way last June. Luckily my kids
weren’t around for the drama but it hit them hard just the same. We did
a lot of processing around it, and talking and giving each other space.
I live in the camp of feeling the loss, living with it, accepting it and
then letting it go. Being happy is nice, And grief and sadness are human
emotions too and they need to be expressed. Ever hear of the poem
Rainbow Bridge?
I had to close out Rubicon’s life before even thinking of brining
another into the family. I found her stuff in all corners of the house
and yard for months afterwards. That needed to be cleared so another dog
could enter on it’s own accord, not as a memory of the past. In fact
when we were looking for another dog we came across a wonderful pooch,
looked very much like Ruby. We all agreed, Nope, not going to pollute
her precious memory with a new , look alike. We spent a lot of time
talking about the traits we wanted in this new family member. Finally at
Christmas we found all that. Was in a bit af a different package than we
imaged but Willie is just the perfect dog for us. It took a while to get
here, but well worth it.

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:59 AM
night all

and I'm reallly shutting this thing off and finding a pillow

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:58 AM
ya, that's when I get them. When I click on a pic or go into someones

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:54 AM
well, it had to be the kids i don't look at those sites even when they
pop up..... hold a sec one just came up... um... I'll a... brb

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:52 AM
I shut it off so I could IM.

Gonna go stare at the fish in the big tank, see if I can hypnotize them.

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:49 AM
Oh man!, I better put the popup blocker back on. My son uses this thing.

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:45 AM
my puter hasn't been crashing but dang the popups for those xxx sites
are constant. Anybody else getting them?

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:44 AM
ya song, that's part of the problem here too.
Need sleep - not tired.
Glad you folks are here for company

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:41 AM
dang buttons if ya pull too much I'll be completly bald.
Got a hair cut yesterday and I think the gal thought I came in for a

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:38 AM
hey, it's 1:30 here, at least gimme that one hour.
Tough sleeping last night. hope some sleep is in order tonight

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:36 AM
only 2 left now

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:36 AM



CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:34 AM
hey buttons - ya I'm about to hit it too

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:29 AM
do ya hear an echo??........

CampLight's photo
Sun 03/25/07 01:27 AM
short story - my date

CampLight's photo
Fri 03/23/07 11:34 PM
Hey thanks everybody for the input!
I see we have opinions from all angles, that’s great it makes us rich
in diversity.
Guess my main concern was remembering what I had going on in me when I
was that age – hormones. And just how much a child or std’s changes your
As it turns out, the party in on a mom weekend and if there is one thing
I can trust about my X, those kids will be protected. See, she was a
federal agent for a bunch of years and protection she knows well. Guess
she is meeting the mother a head of time, going to walk through the
house on the party night, give my son a cell phone, arrive there about
mid party time….
Anyway, like some of you have pointed out, times have changes and with
more freedom come more responsibility.

CampLight's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:36 PM
My daughter is about to turn 14 and it’s a 2 household situation. For
her birthday’s I have a tendency to make a day of it with her. We go
mini golfing, wonder the mall, eat ice cream at Cold stone (specialty
ice cream shop), just spending the day to connect. I will get her
something like a pair of earrings but nothing really big.
On the other side, her mom bought her an ipod and acrylic nails. Not
saying one way is better than the other, but I do wonder if not having
something bigger in had feels odd to her in this material world.

CampLight's photo
Thu 03/22/07 10:22 PM
My son is 11, in 7th grade, and about a month ago I find out he has a
girl friend. Well ok, that’s about when I had my first crush. Yesterday
he comes home with an invite to this gals house for a coed birthday
party. It’s a pool party that goes from 5 to midnight. The mom, her
sister and husband will be there through out.
So the question here is, Isn’t that a bit young for a coed party?
Chaperones or not, I’m thinking at this age girls still have their sleep
overs and guys go bowling or laser tag. Input??

CampLight's photo
Wed 03/21/07 10:50 PM
Those are the times when you can feel all the love that you’ve put in
come poring back out at ya – Right on lazyj!! It appears your not “lazy”
when it comes to parenting.

You ask for a nice kid story – compassion;
Was walking across the Golden Gate Bridge with my kids when they were
about 5 & 6. We had been having all sorts of discussions about being
grateful and homelessness came up. It was hard for them to understand
that some people don’t have a bed to sleep in. So anyway we are walking
across the gate and there is this homeless guy sleeping flat on the
ground, next to the rail. My daughter took a real interest cause now she
saw someone sleeping without a bed. About 20 feet past him, she tells me
she wants to know what it’s like and lays flat out on the ground. After
10 or 15 seconds she rolls her head over to look up at me and says,
“Daddy, he needs a pillow.”
I was caught speechless for a while.