Community > Posts By > CampLight

CampLight's photo
Sat 03/17/07 10:05 AM
She's a Woman....??? I duno, check out those pick, there's more than
womanhood going on there!

LOL JJ with ya Sweets

CampLight's photo
Sat 03/17/07 09:49 AM
Hey Brooklyn – give it time. I had the same experience. When I first
signed up, must have sent out 25 emails trying to connect – noting,
nada, zip. Then a wonderful person introduced me to these threads & now
I get a few emails. Seems this is like any community where ya have to
step in, make statements, talk back & forth & become known, as in Build
those relationships.
Just a note on your profile, from my view in the first few sentences
your portraying the very thing your trying to denounce. Suggest a reword
in the positive.
Good luck guy

CampLight's photo
Fri 03/16/07 11:30 PM
Hey Redyk, when I first joined and got on the threads, I was hoping for
deep rich discussion and soon found that just wasn’t what is happening
here. We are in the world of sound bites, icons and ego stroking. Once I
shifted my expatiation to meet this reality, I found a place to have
fun. Guess that’s what I come here for now, connection to a fun
community – ya gotta admit some of the stupid threads are quite funny.
I’ll get deep with ya any time ya want, just im me, I love your

CampLight's photo
Fri 03/16/07 11:11 PM
I peddled my bike over to the pump and it didn’t cost a thing to fill

CampLight's photo
Fri 03/16/07 11:00 PM
Dam gals that’s rough, better go sand paper my face.
Actually there is something to be said here. I find that most really
good looking gals have such a stinking attitude, I don’t want to get
next to em. I contribute it to all the jerks you talk about bombarding
them with BS.

CampLight's photo
Fri 03/16/07 10:52 PM
Well krystal I find the opposite story. A few months back this gal and I
had gone out several times (2+ months), I made her dinner at my house,
she made me dinner at her house, sure seemed like a bf-gf thing to me.
We had even talked about the relationship we were building. Then I made
a fatal error, I actually called her my gf - you should have seen the
eyes and I swear I got frostbite from the doorknob. Talked to a female
friend of mine and she also thought claiming a relationship as bf-gf is
prohibited. So I’m confused, are ya just supposed to take a leap at
some point in time from acquaintance to spouse?

CampLight's photo
Thu 03/15/07 10:48 PM
Interesting responses, I love brushing hair but never met a gal who
liked it, ummm.
I’m a bit of a giver and receive so much in that. Trading foot massages,
then to receive touch, touch & more touch.

CampLight's photo
Thu 03/15/07 10:41 PM
Was married to the most physically good looking gal I ever met… dang
that nasty divorce made her look quite ugly. Looks are icing on the
cake, deep connection & commitment is the power that creates longevity.

CampLight's photo
Thu 03/15/07 10:16 PM
Most of us here that are looking for a partner are scattered around the
country (or farther ). If you met someone you synced with well, would
you actually pick up and move?
How far are you willing to go?
What about your friends, hey and the kids, you must like where your
living now.
I would be willing to bet most folks would move a max of 10 – 20

CampLight's photo
Thu 03/15/07 10:01 PM
Welcome, Hope you enjoy.
There is a good amount of comidy on the threads

CampLight's photo
Thu 03/15/07 01:05 PM
Certainly, are these ticklish feet or am I allowed a few moments to
give a foot massage first?

CampLight's photo
Thu 03/15/07 01:02 PM
Display of caring and appreciation. It wouldn’t be uncommon for me to
stop on the way home, walk out in the field and gather up some wild
flowers for the one I care for. Now the delivery is also thought out,
one on her tooth brush, one in the dinner napkin, under the pillow,
arranged in a smile face on the counter…..

CampLight's photo
Thu 03/15/07 12:06 PM
My 2 wonderful kids
Connection to that higher power , god if you will
Open mindedness, curiosity
A balanced life- health in mind & body
People to connect & grow with

CampLight's photo
Wed 03/14/07 06:02 PM
I go to “church’ every morning when I sit down, get quiet and let god
love me. And I’m not talken about the angry dude in the sky. It’s not
the building or the dogma that I’m interested in. It’s how life/ spirit
works that intrigues me. I do spend Sunday morn at a spiritual center
mainly to be with like minded people for synergy.

CampLight's photo
Wed 03/14/07 04:01 PM
Hey buttons, If you really need to get you mind off of it you can borrow
my friend Rosey Palmala - grin

CampLight's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:55 PM
Welcome Jon – 5 Boys! No wonder the house seems big and quiet. I get the
t every other week wen my kids change houses. Good luck and enjoy the

CampLight's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:51 PM
Hey Kelsey – Welcome. Just got going here 2 days ago myself. Seems to
be a great bunch of folks.
Enjoy & good luck!

CampLight's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:46 PM
I’m trying to think about when I don’t – Just doesn’t come to me right

CampLight's photo
Wed 03/14/07 03:44 PM
I’m with the thumbs up crowd.
Met a gal several years ago on the net, we chatted, emailed, talked then
dated for about a year. Like many relationships, we were going different
directions. That’s been about 5 years now and from opposite coasts, we
still maintain a good friendship.
Additional note – Any longer than what it takes to build a good sound
relationship, we’d have to be in the same town to be life partners.

CampLight's photo
Wed 03/14/07 12:48 PM
Ready --> you betchya