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Topic: I need some advice folks
Greyhound's photo
Sat 03/24/07 01:39 AM
On Thursday evening I had to have my my cat put to sleep. Some people
seem to think, you should get another one right away, other people say
you should wait. What do you think? It hurts so damn much when something
happens. He was so sick, the vet said there was nothing else he could
do. :cry:

songbirrd's photo
Sat 03/24/07 01:40 AM
Aww I'm sorry. I say fallow your heart. A kitten can be a blessing or a
curse depending on how you approach the situation. flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 03/24/07 02:08 AM
new kitten definetly.

the only reason people wait is cuz tey think they would just be
replacing the cat...

it doesn't have to be a replacement by any means, it will just be an
incredible distraction from the pain of losing your old kitty!!


no photo
Sat 03/24/07 02:11 AM
i had to put my dog down and i still aint been able to bring myself to
get another one. i think it all depends on what u think but id at
least wait a few weeks flowerforyou flowerforyou

CATBW56's photo
Sat 03/24/07 03:47 AM
AWWW GH sorry to hear about your kitty:cry: I agree with CB, wait until
you feel it's right for you, then go get yourself a new kitten/cat.
There's lots of beautiful adoptable animals through the animals
shelters, pet rescues etc. Right now I'd give you mine LOL, he's driving
me crazy at the moment. JK I could never give me away. Take care girl,
give it time and I'm sure you'll find another furry friend soon.:wink:
:smile: :wink:

CATBW56's photo
Sat 03/24/07 03:50 AM
opps sorry typeo, just woke up


catchme_ifucan's photo
Sat 03/24/07 03:56 AM
it always helps if a friend just brings one over. then you'll be taking
care of a crazy lil kitten that will not give you a minutes rest to
think about it. I have 5 cats & i still cry every day over my last 2
that were sisters & got killed in sept. because they were so differnt
then my regular cats. they were Bangal X I needed a kitten the thought
of loosing another on this busy street thou. damn made me cry typin

Greyhound's photo
Sat 03/24/07 03:58 AM
Thank's CATBW... how are you doing? flowerforyou

CATBW56's photo
Sat 03/24/07 04:05 AM
doin just fine here GH. Figures, I'm off the weekned, the start on
vacation and my butt is up at it's regular time. JEESSH! laugh laugh
laugh Had to get some coffee from CB just a minute ago so I could wake
up a little more.laugh laugh

sushi's photo
Sat 03/24/07 04:44 AM
Grey, I remember 4 years ago I lost my poodle of 13 years. When I was a
kid Pop would not get us another dog for six months. That was a hard
and fast rule that I tried to live up to after Tammy died. About 4 days
later, it dawned on me that I didn't have to do what Papa said anymore.
I went the Humane Society and got Farley, my terror terrier and society

no photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:08 AM
I say - you go and get another fuzzy one right away! What's the use of
mourning? I believe all of us have had to face and still will face
mourning periods in their life relating to men-women
relationships.brokenheart And that's hard enough already, isn't it. If
we can ease the pain of mourning a pet-companion by getting another one,
well, why not?

Tell us about your new *****cat the moment you get it!


daniel48706's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:12 AM
I am so sorry to hear about the kitty gh...
I can not say what is or is not right as I feel it is different for each
person. But you SHOULD go get another oneif that is what you want to
do, when you are ready to do so.
And I too have a kitten Iwould gladly give you (rescued it off hte
street and I dont have room for this one). I do not wanna take her to
the shelter but maynot have the choice.

no photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:13 AM
oh greyhound im so sorry..i know how u feel..i had to put my beautiful
****er spaniel down last august and it was the hardest and i mean the
hardest thing i had to do..i cryed so hard and 7 months later i still
miss her so much..i had her cremated and have her ashes and a memorial
for her in my house..the sweetest prettiest dog i ever had, and thats y
i wont get another one for a while, it hurt that sorry.only
thing about havin animals is they dont live 4 ever.."mans best
friend" true..flowerforyou flowerforyou :wink:

kntrygal1964's photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:17 AM
flowerforyou so sorry for your loss, my dog died this past june from a
neighbor poisining him, he was my best friend and had since he was a
puppy, he meant the world to me and i had to take a couple days off from
work to deal with it. My house seemed so empty without him and when i
came home from work there was no one there to great me, 3wks later i
couldnt handle the emptiness no more and went to the pound and let a dog
pick me out and tho she will never replace my other dog she is the love
of my life and has made my home not so empty. i hope you can find room
in your heart for another cat (in your own time) there are so many out
there who need love and a happy home.flowerforyou

no photo
Sat 03/24/07 06:41 AM
kntrygal, thats even worse, im so sorry:cry: u know people can be so
cruel. especially to an animal..a person or child can at least speak up
and say who and what was wrong, but a poor inocent animal? i have no
tolerance for animal cruely.. u know we get alot of that here in
FLA..and now did u hear, they r finding rat poisioning in the dog food
now? it wouldnt surprize me if its the terriosts doing it..whats next?
putting in human canned food, like the "chef-boy-r-dee" my son loves..i
dont think im buying it anymore..the hell with that..

Barbiesbigsister's photo
Sat 03/24/07 07:52 AM
awwww!!! BIG HUGS!!! Losing a beloved pet always hurts. Some i have
replaced soon after the loss and other times i have waited. I say do
what it takes to make you happy during this difficult

TheShadow's photo
Sat 03/24/07 07:57 AM
I know what you mean Greyhound I have lost a couple animals in my life
and you do get attatched to them as they do with you My wolves are
getting up there in age so i'm expected to deal with that one here in a
couple years

as far as what to do I would give myself a little time but yes find
another one when you feel ok

bigpappa4331's photo
Sat 03/24/07 08:01 AM
yup,,,,,,,if you have love to give to animal' s you should have an
animal,,,,i have several ,, 4 cat's, 2 dogs a horse and some fish

sushi's photo
Sat 03/24/07 08:28 AM
Like I told Grey a few days ago, we have to remember that they are just
on loan to us for a short time.

Greyhound's photo
Sat 03/24/07 08:38 AM
A house without a pet, is not a home. :heart:
Thank's for all the kind words folks.

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