Community > Posts By > Monique27

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Tue 10/31/06 12:22 PM

You're a dog, and your inner woman is crying out to you, but you wont
listen cuz ur so damn hard-headed!

in a poem:

he was so hard... as a rock
his mind, his soul, his vibe, his cock
and the ladies wud smile, until he opened his mouth
cuz whatever came out was mean and foul
but an angel came along, and saw his state--
wanted to help him before its too late
she saw his heart was gud, his mind was jus corrupt,
so she visited him in dream and said "Enough is Enough!"

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Tue 10/31/06 12:18 PM
Preach it! lol

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Tue 10/31/06 12:17 PM
yeah... i used to wonder what it was like to have a normal 2-parent
family home. my parents werent together long but when they were they jus
fought and screamed most of the time. I didnt even know my mother for a
few years cuz she left us in my dad tuk custody. so part of me is jus
instilled work-work-work. even on my off days I go on for overtime. i
said i'd go crazy if I had to stay in one place all day! my husband mite
hav to understand that part of me... he cant stay home-- thats fine wit
me-- long as my meal's ready when i get home! lol

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Tue 10/31/06 12:07 PM
No, I feel ya King. My best friend's mom was actually a hose-wife, and
before I met her I thawt the term was very disrespctful. I even said so
one time. But she helped me see that the duties she handled as a
stay-at-home mom were just as important as paying the bills-- if not
more so. And her father recognized his wife as the backbone of the
family too. I never really thawt about it before b/c i was raised by my
dad to be very indpendent and hard-working, but if my man wants me to
rear the family while he makes the dough, I guess I cud conform.
Marriage is all about compromise afterall

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Tue 10/31/06 12:01 PM
I feel you, King! My dad was the same way... he was like, hell I'll stay
home n raise the kids if she wanna go work! lol Of course he was sayin
that lukin bak... but times have changed now. U cant expect one thing
from old days to remain the same and other things change

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Tue 10/31/06 11:57 AM
I wudnt want my man to struggle. Back in the day men had to work 12 hr,
or long day shifts juus to support the home. I dont want my man hustlin
n breakin his bak if i can contribute too, but i know family's important
as well. thats somethin we'd hav to discuss, no every two people are the

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Tue 10/31/06 11:55 AM
thorns = prick

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Tue 10/31/06 11:54 AM
you'll get out what you put in... many women today refuse to be the
traditional years-ago house wife b/c men some men have stopped being the
tradtional faithful-take-care-of-home husband. you cant have one w/o the
other. I hear Drama-- many women these days can hold their own, but we
want the job matched in return

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Tue 10/31/06 11:51 AM
roses = booboo

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Mon 10/30/06 09:43 PM
r u fine = hell yeah!

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Mon 10/30/06 09:42 PM
well fellas... i wasnt lickin, 1st of all I had a spoon lol
n its too damn cold for a mini and tank.. but it doesnt matter what i
wear, guys'll still holla. its cool, i was jus wonderin. guess i cant
complain tho cuz i'd think somethin was wrong if no one did holla... and
no i dont trust the grass'll be greener. i've stepped on enuf shit n the
grass to know that my patch is just fine!

'preciate ya!

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Mon 10/30/06 12:52 PM
Ok, I'm annoyed. I'm sittin outside eatin icecream, and ANOTHER dud
walks by for my number, and "some conversation"....

Why do dudes continuously try to convince you they need a chance after
you've told them you've got a man. So then they try to get me to doubt
him so I'll distrust my man and what we have. I get this all the time!
But I be-friend them, I have a lot of male friends, just chill dudes to
talk to, hang out with, whatever. But they know first and foremost I got
a man. Yet their always tellin me how beautiful I am, how addictive I
am, how cool I am, they want me to be their girl, my man's so lucky--
but they'll treat me better. Dont you get it! And if I was to cheat on
him with you what makes you think I wont cheat on you with someone else
the same way? Idiot?

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Mon 10/30/06 12:48 PM
legs = tall limbs

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Mon 10/30/06 12:46 PM
My damn car been in the shop since Thursday cuz the dude said he'd have
to order the part. He finally found it on Friday but it was too late to
put it in so I been without all weekend. I call him this morning, he
said yep part shud b here by 1:00, giv me a call by 4 n u'll be all set.
He jus calls to tell me the shit aint fixed! It wasnt what they thought
it was so now we gotta wait for a dude from Toyota to come over in find
out what the problem is.. he wont be there til tomorrow-- Shit! And my
day was lukin so beautiful at first...if it aint one thing its another!

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Mon 10/30/06 12:42 PM
oh ok... well... guess whoever its for, hope i helped. your poem brought
back a memory in me, kinda sparked something i've ben wanting to say for
a while

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Mon 10/30/06 12:37 PM
sexy = my stilettos

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Mon 10/30/06 09:54 AM
JT, its ok... its gonna take a while to heal... but it'll be ok

I used to hate// anyone who luked like you
Even tho I knew, it wasnt
Just the simple fact that you crushed me
You tuk away a part of me// I didnt want to give to begin
But I opened up, and way too fast// just to have you snatch
What I was willing to offer, in due time
If you just gave me time. // Instead I gave you time
To know me, and the more you knew, the weaker I became
But I let you go// adn all that came with you just to I cud grow
How dare you! You bastard! I hate your kind, I want you dead!
But know, thats the eveil in you, that stayed in me, so I bled
I bled all that I had in me// All that you left in me
I bled until you were dead in me// I wont bury you, the devil
will take you back where you belong
But I'm ok now, I forgive. I live, yes: I live

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Mon 10/30/06 09:48 AM
Shagna, I c u like those things... is it really worth it tho? I got my
best friend one for her bday but I havent gotten up the balls to get one
for myself... i'm ben thinkin about it tho, for real

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Mon 10/30/06 09:45 AM
I know, I know! But they're so gud! And my pussy's bursin me out! How
you go from havin sex at least 4 x a week, 3-4 x a day to nothin! Now
I'm bout to go get a sundae wit cookies and cream icecream, caramel
toppin, a banana on the side (at least its fruit!), some dixie nuts, a
lil cholcolate around the sides and a strawberry on top! I gotta have
something got damn! this just aint rite!

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Mon 10/30/06 09:42 AM
Elgee...i love that poem girl. Makes me miss my man so much! Dammit!

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