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Topic: Man friends
Morena350's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:10 PM
How would you feel, if your girlfriend, or wife
had an enoumous amout of males friends ?

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:15 PM
I would ask for half the money...!

Morena350's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:21 PM
funny lol,lol

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:24 PM
Morena... you shot off earlier today...while chewing on that
sandwich...made me hungry.

manDii's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:31 PM
well this is a good one for me to answer..i grew up around all guys my
ex boyfriend did have a problem in the beginning with me having all guy
friends little did he expect he became friends with every single one of
them and we all started hanging out together.. me n him broke up not
because of this reason because of personal ones but a guy just has to
take the time to let there girlfriend wife or whatever the relationship
is going to be called to let the woman do what she feels is right and if
she loves you and respects you she will do the same i did and let the
guy meet them atleast.

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:37 PM dice, it is unacceptable conduct for a woman in a intimate
relationship to spend time in the company of males, other then mutual
friends, or while working if necessary.

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:39 PM
so is it ok for males to?

missmimi's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:40 PM
The problem is this: men make better friends. They are better listeners
and they won't stab you in the back. But, with that said, I do think if
it causes problems in the relationship, then the woman should cool off
the friendships and focus on her mate.

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:51 PM
Yes... men should have mutual female friends as well... of course there
are those that you have known long before meeting him... and he,ll have
to deal with that ... unless its an ex-boyfriend... and then its (no
dice). The part about men making better friends is a myth... usually men
that meet women that are in a relationship are waiting for it to fall
apart, so he can help her during her time of need... into the sack.

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:52 PM
wow ontario... I honestly never thawt about it like that. Thats bad

Morena350's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:56 PM
realy Ontario

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 09:59 PM
Afraid so... look at all the women on here saying I knocked down my
friend... I don,t know how it happened...blah, blah...!

Morena350's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:06 PM

no photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:09 PM
yeah, lost me with that one Ontario

michael1313's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:13 PM
each point is valid on it's own,,,BUT...
in a RELATIONSHIP,,,with your special someone,
Friends are just Freinds,unless they are aproached about th sex issue,by
that friend(S),now,,,if your "Mate" choses to have
sex(without permission, if required)while in said relationship,
that would be cheating,and another topic.
but as for just friends?
No problems here,if there are friends that both parties in it,
agree to have,(again with regs...)Then th relationship grows.
you can never have too many TRUE Friends,who won't "Stabb you in th
back",when you are not looking...just a thought...M.

chismah's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:20 PM
Everyone will have their opinion. but if your GF/BF Husband/Wife etc
truly does LOVE you regardless of the opposite sex of friends...then it
shouldn't be a problem.

Regardless of what people may think of this scenario. FRIENDS are GOLD
to me and are always there with you threw thick & thin, bad times or
good times, sad times & happy times.

I tend to give tremendous thanks this upcoming thanksgiving for my
family and my friends that I hold dear and I am thankful for having.

But if your mate loves you. he/she will even let his/her friends know
this regardless and that nothing else will come of the friendships over
that persons love/mate relationship.

If his/her mate feels jealousy over such a situation. then maybe the 2
parties have to really sit down and talk about it and let each other
know each others feelings on the subject and let both parties be aware
of the fact before it can get out of hand or miss understood.

Not everyone will have a great relationship over such quarrell's or
emotions. but it's best that the 2 parties that truly love each other
understand that the person needs his or her friends and shouldn't give
up the friends he/she cares about.

Ontario's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:36 PM
Knocked down...had sex know...!

michael1313's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:36 PM

angelwings's photo
Thu 10/26/06 10:44 PM
Love this question. I have had male friends since I was a little girl. I
loved hanging out with them and still do. I love hanging with my male
friends because I love to get their perspective on us women, some of
them say some really stupid things about us and some just like to veg
and hang out to talk to me about trying to understand why we do the
things we do and vise versa. But what I really love, is deep down we
have this enormous amount of respect and love for one another and have a
platonic friendship. I LOVE to hang out with my male buds and although
there have been many times when the other half couldn't understand why,
I'd simply say "I want to hear the problem, try to fix it and if I
can't..I just want to let it go and not dwell on something I can't fix"
I have two best friends who are female and they get me. They aren't
Drama Queens and we are never in competition on trying to snatch the
same guy.

KoolDude79's photo
Thu 10/26/06 11:16 PM
Here's my two seconds. I think it's o.k., if both men and women have
large amounts of opposite sex friends. It doesn't change how the person
feel about you and you are the one they come home with! If people are
jealous of shit, contact cheaters and get ur ass on t.v.!

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