Community > Posts By > NorCalSwe

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 11:13 AM
Edited by NorCalSwe on Wed 08/19/15 11:14 AM
Tagliatelle with a blue cheese leek sauce. Yum

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 09:57 AM

Well I'm here for 2 to 3 weeks now..
Guy No 1: block me
Guy No 2: We exchange email after chatting for a week.. Suddenly no respond but still checking my profile
Guy No 3: Might be meeting up with him in few months time.. So status unknown because he seems to disappear also

Isn't it interesting... So why will anyone get bored? frustrated explode dog and fries...even better....:smile:

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 09:36 AM

just throwing this out case ya wanna study up

University of Texas psychologist David Buss wrote the article, which appears in the July issue of Personality and Individual Differences, with the help of three graduate students, Judith Easton (who is listed as lead author), Jaime Confer and Cari Goetz. Buss, Easton and their colleagues found that women in their 30s and early 40s are significantly more sexual than younger women. Women ages 27 through 45 report not only having more sexual fantasies (and more intense sexual fantasies) than women ages 18 through 26 but also having more sex, period. And they are more willing than younger women to have casual sex, even one-night stands. In other words, despite the girls-gone-wild image of promiscuous college women, it is women in their middle years who are America's most sexually industrious., 27 through don't say....

And she is how old.....checks profile....



NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 09:29 AM
Nope...nope...I think it means "Damn pidgeons" :smile:

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 09:28 AM
Keep calm and carry on talking

Ya know, cause he's an orator bigsmile

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 09:24 AM
^^Hm, then where is the "Whose hand would like to hold thread"?


NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 09:19 AM

I have one.....why is it that a LOT of guys my age have all the "toys" and expect us women to "have the same likes"? laugh :wink: flowerforyou

(BEHAVE those of u who are thinking the WRONG toys!!!) :tongue: flowerforyou
you mean like fast cars, bass boats, fishing rods that line the garage wall and a 3000 dollar gun safe for his hunting rifles with the gigantic scope and night vision? huh bigsmile

when a man get s' up from dinner table without complimenting the meal or the cook and does not take care of his dirty plate..does that mean he is really just saying " please dear do not feed me anymore and let me starve or figure out how to cook for myself?" bigsmile

Oh, yeah, like all those things. Pickup trucks...good. Love my boat...oh yes. Fishing...fantastic Guns...can't have enough and love shooting. Don't forget sports, planes, gadgets and building things. Also, theatre, movies, museums.....

Yeah, I'd like to find a gal who likes at least likes some of these things. I hope I find some of her favorites interesting as well.

As for cooking, I'm very happy to cook and we can do the washing up together. :smile:

I ain't going shopping.

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 07:41 AM
Edited by NorCalSwe on Wed 08/19/15 07:42 AM

morning message from a twenty something year old on another site
"oooh sexy mama I wanna make you feel good"

answer: " great mow my lawn and clean your room junior" grumble noway

Fandamtastic retort!


HEY!!! Replace junior with moron and that was the same thing ya told me. grumble

Here I was thinking I was special and all.
that's not true professor I know your room is clean...oh and weed whip around the flower beds would ya? good boy bigsmile

No worries, I'm on it! I found a new gardner, he's fabulous bigsmile

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 06:27 AM

morning message from a twenty something year old on another site
"oooh sexy mama I wanna make you feel good"

answer: " great mow my lawn and clean your room junior" grumble noway

Fandamtastic retort!


HEY!!! Replace junior with moron and that was the same thing ya told me. grumble

Here I was thinking I was special and all.

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 05:40 AM
Carry on and gigglesnort :smile:

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 05:33 AM

I will kiss the next person on the cheek... :smile:

Hi Storm waving :smile:

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 05:31 AM

who ever has a bigger air conditioner to spare
might be first time ever a man was ok with finding an ice cold woman laugh :wink:

You mean frigid :smile:

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 04:23 AM

It is a conspiracy, they can, but pretend they cant....

Hm....this one may know too much No1....we will have to keep an eye on her. spock

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 02:06 AM

Why is it when the going gets tough the guy ops out?

Why is it hard for them to commit even in the tough times?

Wow, those are some real hard questions Annie...yep, real thinkers. Tell ya what I'm gonna do....I'll give them a real long think like and get back to you. Yep, I'll dwell on the subject some.

Oh, would you look at the time. I've got to be going. I'll call you.

What? No, of course I have your number, don't be silly. Bye


NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 01:47 AM

how many times should your check engine light come on before you actually take it to the mechanic..I mean is that a warning or more of a reminder to at some point take it in?

slaphead tears

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 01:47 AM

uh huh uh huh good answers

though I have since realized I asked a lot of questions but not one asking for advice when it comes to guys..

hmmmmmm...when a man is sitting engrossed in front of the tv on super bowl sunday or is it monday..whatever man whatever..

is this the best time to try on all of last year's clothes and stand in front of him and ask "does this make me look fat?"

girl has a death wish grumble pitchfork

NorCalSwe's photo
Wed 08/19/15 01:27 AM

How do we know when a guy is just having a flirt or being serious?

If you don't respond in a positive way, he was just flirting. If you are interested, then he was serious. :smile:

How can we make a man serious in a relationship?

Sedatives...yep...lots of drugs

How can make man understand that at times they are not the priority in our life?

I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. what


NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 08/18/15 11:22 PM

whats the risk? that you might actually get the whole ball of wax?

They come with a ball of wax? Awesome!!! Why wasn't I told this earlier?

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 08/18/15 11:21 PM
Edited by NorCalSwe on Tue 08/18/15 11:21 PM

Yeah, but the problem is .....they are only pretending they are genuine and sincere persons, at the end of the trail,they will ask for financial assitance! I am waiting and hoping I will find even one here...

i only need 100.09, to help feed my goldfish...
whoo wee..those must be some fish surprised

I'm a wondering what's the 9 cents for? Mightymoe's fish poop gold, it's how we're gonna fund his presidential campaign. bigsmile

NorCalSwe's photo
Tue 08/18/15 10:28 PM
Well, I don't tranquilizers work if you put them in Coke...or Pepsi...whatever she prefers.


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