Community > Posts By > speedbug72

speedbug72's photo
Sat 05/16/09 11:45 PM
ive never been afraid of my email i never get any unless its a moderator flaging my topics.

speedbug72's photo
Tue 05/12/09 01:23 AM

i see spirits an feel them alot. i think it has to do with my near death experiences. the other dat a man apeared out of no where spoke to me i offered him a drink when i turned around no one was there.

having a nde can do alot to that person
my son had a nde back in 2007
he told my mom and sister that he saw the light and god and he saw my mom ex bf, my grandmother and she told him to go back and live with your grandmother.

the man that appeared to you. was he some what tall with dark hair. i feel that he was one of your guides as you were ment to see and speak to him... i usually dont get names but im picking up the name arthur or andrew i feel its more of arther

i didnt get a name. but my town is on haunted mofuga. the caves north of tow there was alot of indians an ppl killed. even ppl with out the nde have seen the white horse at dusk. i get the creeps even as i type this.

speedbug72's photo
Tue 05/12/09 01:08 AM
i would be the kind ppl choke till they r blue on.

speedbug72's photo
Tue 05/12/09 01:04 AM
lolz i was beat with the ugly stick. so no comment here

speedbug72's photo
Tue 05/12/09 01:03 AM
i see spirits an feel them alot. i think it has to do with my near death experiences. the other dat a man apeared out of no where spoke to me i offered him a drink when i turned around no one was there.

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 10:10 PM
i thought you found some nice rims. i got some dubz for my van.

anyhow good luck idk know DUBZ but he seemed cool

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 10:09 PM

Drain noodles. Throw em on a plate. Put sketti sauce over them. Then put meat sauce over sketti sauce. Then grate some of that sh!tty old colby cheese over the top. Dinner is served. Mmmmmmmmm!

yak!! i hate colby.

potatoes fried, baked, or boiled with cheder an a few hotdogs sounds good

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 10:06 PM
may the light of love out shine the dismal shadows of dispare.

my prayers an best wishes to the injured

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 10:04 PM

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 10:03 PM

Keep an eye on your meat. Squeeze an old orange on it to add to the carmellizing. Who needs sugar or salt. Not me. Done right, your meat should have that sweet and sour taste.

ill try that one.

if u got some apples an panckake mix layin around.

chop the apples an mix them onto the pankake mix add cinimon acordingly an cook till done

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:59 PM

good way of doin it my parents dont know wat i run around with

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:58 PM



i'm shocked.

the curent pic is me after a fight 2 months a go ill get a full shot of me monday an ill post it in three weeks ill post another pic i just got a weight set an a plan that follows my walking stratagy with steroids an weed an beer

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:55 PM

Boil up some water and use up that quarter box of fettucini noodles that have been in your cupboard for 3 years. Couple teaspoons of oil in your boiling water will firm up those noodles. Olive, sunflower, or safflower will do fine.

drain the juice off some pork n beans an mix them with 4 to 5 eggs then fry it in 3/4 cup of red wine vinagar untill all vinagar has evaporated. it is an awesome chip dip an it goe good with alot of other stuff.

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:52 PM

lets see some before and after pics biggrin

i got you all goin to tell you ive only lost 24 pounds but other wise i am still on steroids an weed i plan to walk to wendel a town 11 miles frome my house an back tommarrow

i wish i could shed 50 pounds i would then look smexy. im almost halfway there

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:46 PM

Ummmmm 50 pounds in two weeks???? Even a gastric bypass cannot produce results like that. Walking 20 miles a day at your weight??? without any lead up of conditioning???...pffft...nice try dear laugh

i have been working in scrapyards an heavy construction scince i was 16

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:44 PM

consider 20 to 30 miles of travel a day minimal sleep mostly a rice diet.
an my scale might be 8 lb's off

i feel better tho. there was steroids weed and some msm involved too.

oh an cant forget the 90 proof whisky.

I told you, you scared me laugh

then hw do i scare you

i just heard a good song icp nothing left an icp howmany times then some new song lonely stoner i like them all

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:44 PM

Correct me if I'm worng, Speedbug, but I think you've been living your life through yourself..........

idk wat u mean but i it is wat i interprit its a possibility

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:42 PM

My mom gave me some johnsonville beef sticks. I ground em up and threw em in a pan. Then I had some swift pork breakfast sausage in the freezer. Ground that up and threw it in. Need beef. So I cut a third pound of ground limosine beef off and added that to the mix. This is all ground meat in a frying pan frying. So it does not brown too fast I add 4 ounces of garden stewed tomatoes. I want my meat carmellized for this is a 3 layer spaghetti. Noodles, tomato based sauce, then meat sauce. So I use up my pulped pineapple. And pina naranja into the slow cooking meat. Add ground pepper, and a few drops lemon juice, and soy.

sounds good.

i just heard a good song icp nothing left an icp howmany times then some new song lonely stoner i like them all

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:39 PM

consider 20 to 30 miles of travel a day minimal sleep mostly a rice diet.
an my scale might be 8 lb's off

i feel better tho. there was steroids weed and some msm involved too.

oh an cant forget the 90 proof whisky.

I told you, you scared me laugh

yes but on the wrong thread

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:38 PM
i got sicker than hellan blacked out many times from lack of nutrition an lack of oxigen. but i can outdo a bigest loser contestant 2 to 1

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