Topic: Paranormal | |
Has anybody else out there been hit by a blue ball of light? this is going to seem really wierd, but when I was 23 or so I was pregnant with my third and resting on my couch, when a blue ball of light came thru the window and hit me... It didn't hurt, it didn't make any noise, but it left me feeling very very happy and content.. and I still have that feeling 90% of the time.. I wasnt't sleeping so it wasn't a dream.. I often wonder if it was a guardian angel trying to reassure me, or something like that.. My parents and my husband thought it could have been lightning. (I still don't think so) I've ran into 2 people since then (and that was 26 years ago) who've had similar experiences. but then.. I've never put it out there on a discussion forum either..
I was sitting at the computer a couple of months ago when I noticed something walking out of the corner of my eye.
It looked like a small-to-medium dog, brown in color, but walking upright on two legs. It was hunched over and had a kind of bulldog-ish face on it. So I told a nut-job paranormal/conspiracy theory friend of mine, and he said it was probably a demon following me. Oh great. Some people have guardian angels, and I get a dog-faced demon. Whoo-pee. ![]() |
what was the other color
for the archangel micheal colors are light blue and lavender |
![]() i can't be in here. i get easily spooked by ghost stories... i've already read too much! ![]() ![]() |
wow i hope I never see something like that, although i've heard angels really look like gargoyles..
I only remember seeing the blue although it was irridecent kinda white lights flashing thru it.. why would an archangel leave you feeling happy?
what was the other color for the archangel micheal colors are light blue and lavender |
what was the other color for the archangel micheal colors are light blue and lavender white stands for purity and innocence |
what was the other color for the archangel micheal colors are light blue and lavender white stands for purity and innocence |
The night my husband was killed, I had an odd sense that something was wrong. I asked to leave work early (was a police officer at the time) and when I got home, I got in the tub and just laid back and closed my eyes. I heard my Grandmothers voice saying that no matter what happened I was going to be alright. A few minutes later I heard sirens, so I got my robe on and sat down on the couch and waited. Within minutes my chief was beating on my front door. My husband had been killed in a car accident and he thought I was with him since I had left my shift early. If I had been on duty, I would have been the first on the scene at my husbands' car accident. I believe in guardian angels.
Once,I was fishing out on a lake. As I was illegally jugging for some catfish, I noticed a white ball of light. I told my friend to look; that it was a UFO. Then, I noticed red and blue lights too. I then told my friend that we were about to be abducted. But, it wasn't a UFO. it was a Game Warden!
Once,I was fishing out on a lake. As I was illegally jugging for some catfish, I noticed a white ball of light. I told my friend to look; that it was a UFO. Then, I noticed red and blue lights too. I then told my friend that we were about to be abducted. But, it wasn't a UFO. it was a Game Warden! LMAO! |
Edited by
Tue 05/12/09 12:38 AM
when i was about 6yrs old. i didnt know how to swim, and we were at this campground. and we were all over at the lake and i was told not to go into the deepend, and everyone else went back to the camp area. i didnt listen of course, and i went into the deep end and i almost drowned(i can still see the bubbles) i have no clue on how i got out(for i didnt know how to swim) but what is weird is my uncle died if i recall before i was born he drowned in that same lake i almost did. so i feel that he is one of my guides...
i know that i have at least 5 guides including my uncle.. 3 are family members and 2 are not |
Not the best description, but I wiki'd it out of laziness for scoping other sources admittedly and I'll explain below.
Sleep Paralysis - Physiologically, sleep paralysis is closely related to the paralysis that occurs as a natural part of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, which is known as REM atonia. Sleep paralysis occurs when the brain awakes from a REM state, but the body paralysis persists. This leaves the person fully conscious, but unable to move. The paralysis can last from several seconds to several minutes "after which the individual may experience panic symptoms and the realization that the distorted perceptions were false"
As a sufferer of MeSH (isolated recurring sleep paralysis) I can tell you that it only takes a second :) you can drift off into a microsleep without even realising it. It feels like you have been conscious the entire time, and you have a VERY VERY lucid perception of reality. You can be paralyzed for 0.01seconds, or 10 minutes, it varies, but the perception of reality can remain altered for a much longer period of time, as it takes your brain longer to recover your consciousness from a catatonic state than it does your motor skills, which can be proven by the amount of people that roll around and move in their sleep compared to the amount of people that can see in their sleep! Causes: * Sleeping in a face upwards or supine position * Irregular sleeping schedules; naps, sleeping in, sleep deprivation * Increased stress * Sudden environmental/lifestyle changes * A lucid dream that immediately precedes the episode. Please note each of the above that have had an experience, did so under extreme stress or a lifestyle change. Pregnancy, Death of a Loved One etc. OH THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN TO ME? Several studies have concluded that many or most people will experience sleep paralysis at least once or twice in their lives. A study conducted by Sedaghat F. et al. has investigated the prevalence of sleep paralysis among Iranian medical students. 24.1% of students reported experiencing sleep paralysis at least once in their lifetime. The same result was reported among Japanese, Nigerian, Kuwaiti, Sudanese and American students.[14]
Not trying to be a downer or anything, but its worth taking into consideration, I thought I was going crazy and being talked to by god and all sorts of stuff before I got diagnosed and medicated, luckily I grew out of it and no longer require medication. And it can happen to anyone, at any time, it can be a one time thing, recurring... its completely random, and its VERY VERY VERY difficult to distinguish and diagnose without professional assistance, so don't jump on a bandwagon and take it as gospel, just some food for thought :) |
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I was hit by bright white light in my sleep that caused me constant nonstop dreams of a woman, followed by fevers, and 6 months of hell.
That is my most recent paranormal experience. |
i see spirits an feel them alot. i think it has to do with my near death experiences. the other dat a man apeared out of no where spoke to me i offered him a drink when i turned around no one was there.
I was hit by bright white light in my sleep that caused me constant nonstop dreams of a woman, followed by fevers, and 6 months of hell. That is my most recent paranormal experience. |
Edited by
Tue 05/12/09 01:08 AM
i see spirits an feel them alot. i think it has to do with my near death experiences. the other dat a man apeared out of no where spoke to me i offered him a drink when i turned around no one was there. |
i see spirits an feel them alot. i think it has to do with my near death experiences. the other dat a man apeared out of no where spoke to me i offered him a drink when i turned around no one was there. having a nde can do alot to that person my son had a nde back in 2007 he told my mom and sister that he saw the light and god and he saw my mom ex bf, my grandmother and she told him to go back and live with your grandmother. the man that appeared to you. was he some what tall with dark hair. i feel that he was one of your guides as you were ment to see and speak to him... i usually dont get names but im picking up the name arthur or andrew i feel its more of arther |