Community > Posts By > speedbug72

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:34 PM

i started an online store an made a few hundred.

i got some of the artwork done in my trailer.

im bored out of my mind

an im eating a grapefruit from florida i got on a 5 finger discount a week ago

You scared me

??????? wat i do ???????

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:31 PM
consider 20 to 30 miles of travel a day minimal sleep mostly a rice diet.
an my scale might be 8 lb's off

i feel better tho. there was steroids weed and some msm involved too.

oh an cant forget the 90 proof whisky.

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:28 PM
teleport from plac to place

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:25 PM

Tonites biker masterpiece? Spaghetti and sauce and meat. Simple. And using up stuff around the house. Not to be confused with my award winning spaghetti with durham semolina noodles and 50/50 meatballs. This is just garbage spaghetti. Meal on the cheap.

yup the best way to go CHEAP

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:24 PM

i decided to lose weight.

i lost 50 pounds in two weeks. i walk 20 miles a night. ride my bike at least 10 miles. an been living on food i can afford ramen noodles a little meat an veggies.

i went from 280 lb's to 229 lbs i just weighed myself. my pants need a belt now wen they used to be tight

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:16 PM

Now I'm home. And I'm hungry. I'm scavenger cooking. That's where you get creative with leftover meats and fruits and vegetables and scavenge a wonderful meal wasting nothing, but using up things that need to be used up.

i do that too. i love to cook. ill just throu stuff in a pressure cooker with some spices an call it food. i jus finished some tader salad from easter an mixed lastnights meatloaf with some veggies an had beef soup.

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:13 PM

Ninja, because I know too many butt pirates.

my verry though

and ninjas can do evil and disapear real quick

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:10 PM
i would send them a fart in a bottle
or a rusty spoon for eye removal

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:06 PM

*snort* Would you like a medal or a chest to pin it on? :wink:

i love 5 finger disounting its a rush

Yea...& I bet you get into "fisting" too! oops :laughing:

yes i box a ittle

hope u arent pointing at wat just flashed through my mindpitchfork ROFLrofl

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:05 PM

Ok. Let's see what longhairbikers got going on? Well my day started out like crap with a kinda freind calling me and #1; dumping all their problems on me again. And #2; pushing my buttons until I screamed. Got so mad I jumped on my motorcycle and rode 300 miles.

ahh freedom lets all sink away. i like solitude too wish i could ride 300 miles for the hell of it but my home follows me. camptrailers

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:03 PM

*snort* Would you like a medal or a chest to pin it on? :wink:

i love 5 finger disounting its a rush

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 09:00 PM
i know wat wee all going to die of i ran out of meds an im having thoughts of digging someones eyes out with a rusty spoon an light them on fire an toss them over a cliff.

im joking.

i believe in the spirit world but i think the myans are a little off i think we are going to kill each other in a civil war against our goverment. i been having dreams of world halocaust scince i was hit by a truck wen i was 13. some great force droped a moutain on a army marching twards a group holding bibles. constant killing in my dream, an the pills dont work.

otherwise im a good guy that will help an old lady across the street

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:52 PM
would you believe me if i told you i made c4 once an made a 10 ft round crater in the park at 1 am. man i was in trouble.

i destroyed 3 cop cars an never was caught

i paintballed some kids having sex in the country

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:49 PM
there she is night mirror

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:48 PM
it has been awhile scince i seen mirror post a love thread

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:44 PM
i walked in on the manager bangin a watress at micdonalds in the bathroom i was in ohio.

girls in the markets were sayin stuff to mee an grabin my butt there.

the most ill do is coment on ur hair or ur eyes

speedbug72's photo
Fri 05/01/09 08:41 PM

i started an online store an made a few hundred.

i got some of the artwork done in my trailer.

im bored out of my mind

an im eating a grapefruit from florida i got on a 5 finger discount a week ago

speedbug72's photo
Fri 04/24/09 09:32 AM
i used the naughty box an assertive voice idea.

my dog would bark for no reson i woultell him quiet n if he didnt listen he was put in the pantry untill he quit barking an whining for 25 seconds, then i let him out. it helped me with allkinds of isues, the poopin in the house, attacking the other animals an or neighbors etc.

speedbug72's photo
Fri 04/24/09 09:21 AM
Edited by speedbug72 on Fri 04/24/09 09:26 AM

where does a person with the drifters itch fit in with scociety?

i notice the type is looked down upon even if the individual is a hard worker.

it is a big issue btween me n my family.

join the Navy and see the world

i tried that im to messed up for them.

thanks for ur thoughts, they have helped alot. i wanted to b a trucker but they wouldent let me in either. i am headed 2 washington on the west coast. i know a landscaper upthere. my decision to move about is also to find some where i can start over, the old me haunts me in this town. the cops an the ppl wont look at the change i made.

speedbug72's photo
Fri 04/24/09 09:19 AM
im young but i think i got it.

i start doing 1 thing an it leads to alotmore like described.

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