Community > Posts By > Treasa

Treasa's photo
Wed 09/09/09 07:24 PM
:angel: evening ladies and anyone else who might have signed on since i last looked.

Treasa's photo
Tue 09/01/09 08:08 PM
:angel: Evening :angel:

Treasa's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:38 PM

:angel: I'm back for a bit, using my left arm a little more every day, though not over working it, How is everyone tonight?:angel:
guess everyone went to bed, try to catch you later:angel:

Treasa's photo
Mon 08/31/09 08:28 PM
:angel: I'm back for a bit, using my left arm a little more every day, though not over working it, How is everyone tonight?:angel:

Treasa's photo
Wed 08/26/09 11:24 AM

Whoa Teresa , my goodness you better be careful.
How did that happen?

:angel: off road 4wheeling with friends, we don't know what happened she was barely moving, just started to roll over, she bailed and it rolled over on me, handlebars landed between my legs, not on them, contunued to roll 1 3/4 times, holding my breath that it didn't come back on me again. it rolled over my back, my left shoulder went forward and my arm turned back, minor mark on back of left shoulder, right side is scraped up a little on face, shoulder and knee with some bruising. once the adrenaline wore off I started to hurt, we were about 2 miles back in the woods and another 3 miles from their house, still really sore 2day, luckily Tiff has found someone to watch Landon the rest of the week. it's just gonna take time to let the muscles, tendons and ligamets heal up.:angel: i'm gonna b ok

Treasa's photo
Tue 08/25/09 04:26 PM
:angel: Hi Betty & Carol, typing 1 handed 2night, was in a 4 wheeler accident Sun afternoon and injured my left shoulder, getting around slow, but I am getting around, also having diffoculty in my spelling, think it's the meds I'm on :angel:

Treasa's photo
Fri 08/21/09 08:12 AM

hi Teresa
Thats funny about your grandson in your make up!laugh And just how pretty did he look?laugh laugh

Thankfully he didn't get the lid off of anything. There is a reason I shut my doors, at least he was trapped in my room and didn't go through the house. I have to watch him all the time. He cleaned the toilet with my hair brush once and another time I found him combing his hair in the nursery with the toilet brush. Name it, he's just about done it. Found him on top of my kitchen table too many times to count. He is afraid of nothing. I told my pastor he needs to be wrapped in bubble wrap to keep him from bruising, he looks like he's been beaten. TOTAL BOY. I'm afraid some day someone is going to call DHS on us. Let them keep him for a couple of hours, they'll gladly bring him back. lol:angel:

Treasa's photo
Fri 08/21/09 08:04 AM
:angel: Good morning ALL!!!I am so glad it's Friday, I layed back down with Landon so he'd go back to sleep and appanently I did before he didn't. I heard him saying pretty, he was in my makeup. Never a dull moment at this house. I hope everyone has plans for this weekend. I am going to ThunderJam a nitro powered race event tomorrow:angel:

Treasa's photo
Tue 08/18/09 10:28 AM
:angel: Truned 47 and feel younger than I have in a very long time:angel:

Treasa's photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:57 PM

:angel: See that's why I usually just say hi everyone, so to not miss anyone. I always mess up when I name names.:angel:

Goodnight all :angel:

Treasa's photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:56 PM
:angel: See that's why I usually just say hi everyone, so to not miss anyone. I always mess up when I name names.:angel:

Treasa's photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:51 PM

Hi teresa waving

How's it going?

Hi mary, thought you had signed out according to my computer, sorry I didn't mean to miss you. waving :angel:

Are you leaving Carold?
If so, Sweet Dreams flowerforyou

Treasa's photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:50 PM

Hi Teresa :) what is up with you.

Spent most of the day at the lake, boy was it windy, just got back from watching the Time Travelers Wife, a strange movie if i must say so, it leaves things open for a possible second movie. Anyhow, there is a 24-48 hour virus going around here, you know the kind where you sit and hold a trash can in you lap at the same time, I think we are playing round robin with it, i just don't want to be sick again, felt bad wed night, all day thurs and most of yesterday. Last night Bill got sick and was sick all day today, he stayed in bed for 20 hours (at his house) though i did take him crackers and sprite at midnight last night to help him. He called about 11:30 crying about how sick he was. Then wanted me to stay with him, I SAID NO WAY!!!!! Wasn't getting that close to someone who had been doing what he was doing. Then when I got home a sent him a really mean emotocon, which was a guy barfing in a bag, it sounded like the real thing. He heard it, thought someone was in his house, got up just in time for me to send him another one over the computer. I Laughed, he didn't. Going to bed so to go to church in the morning, have a great remainder to your weekend.

Treasa's photo
Sat 08/15/09 08:43 PM
:angel: Hi Carol and tim, i know it's late, but i just got in

Treasa's photo
Wed 08/12/09 08:31 PM

I was married 24 years and have been a widow 1 year and 4 months. When I go to the cemetery I take flowers and clean up the marker and cry but I wonder what it's all about. I feel like I am supposed to be feeling something that I'm not feeling. Make any sense? Our time together was good and I miss him terribly. I believe he is in Heaven and not there at the cemetery but I go out of respect. Does anyone else get what I mean? There's a lady that almost camps out there on her husband's grave and then I show up and I'm in and out within 15 minutes. If this is too heavy to respond, please email me if you have any thoughts on this. Thanks.

Hi Katz, I was married 28 1/2 years when my husband passed. One dr told me after 5 months that I should have already been through the greiving process and suggested I see a phychiotrist. I think everyone has to do it in their own time. I too go to the cemetery and clean the headstone and rearrange flowers, I know that what lies in the ground is just the shell that housed the man I love. But I love that shell too, in fact I miss both very much, but nothing I can do will bring him back. In fact, I wouldn't bring him back for 1 second to suffer the unbearable pain he went through. He is in Heaven and truely healed, no more pain. I thank GOD for that, it would be selfish to bring him back to suffer any longer. I too saw a woman sitting beside a mans grave recently, she had a blanket, cooler and items as if she was going to stay for some time. She just sat there. I stayed 20-30 minutes, but she was still there when I left. I think grief of maybe something said that can't be taken back or something bad done that can't be undone is a terrible burden these people carry, because they can't say I'm Sorry for what I said or did. I was with my husband when he drew his last breath, and I told him I loved him up until he died and then still afterwards, finding it difficult to let him go and accept the fact that he really was gone. Hold on to GOD and he will get you through.

Treasa's photo
Sun 08/09/09 08:47 PM
:angel: hi sage, you still here?

Treasa's photo
Thu 07/30/09 10:34 PM

I think a trip to Australia for you and Tim :) a gift for the groom :)

:angel: OK I know I'm behind in all this but who got married?:angel:

Treasa's photo
Thu 07/30/09 11:02 AM

Your welcome Teresa flowerforyou
Glad you got some!

:angel: we got rain most of last night and off and on all day today, in fact, it's raining right now, we could use about a week of this. the soil was so dry that it was like a fine powder(no lumps). mowing was impossible unless you had on a gas mask like they wore during the war because it just swirled around you until you couldn't breathe. Thanks to anyone else who prayed for us to get rain too, I don't want to leave anyone out or hurt feelings. Thanks again.:angel:

Treasa's photo
Wed 07/29/09 08:06 PM
last one to check in and quickly check out. Just wanted to say HELLOwaving before going to bed, oh and Betty, thanks for sending some of that rain my way, we got about 30 minutes worth this evening, not much but better than nothing. Thank GOD for the 30 minutes. Later :angel:

Treasa's photo
Mon 07/27/09 09:44 AM

We are being gyped out of summer this year it seems. Our 2 mos. of nice weather is disappearingfrustrated

send some of that rain to oklahoma, we've been in a drought. i told those people griping in april and may to hush, that this day would come and they be griping that there was no rain

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