Community > Posts By > Treasa

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:46 PM

ok Teresa i was answering you when we flipped.I say keep him until at least Valentines day!laugh And have a chocolate for each of us!bigsmile
I'm trying to lose wt Betty, I was hoping for something a little more expensive though. lolrofl
Keep sending the advice I'll read it after while or tomorrow, I need to finish a couple pair of pajama bottoms I'm making for my grandson who will be 2 already in a couple of months. Time does fly. TTYL good night Oh & hello Jeff I'm not sure we've met.:angel:

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:43 PM

ok Teresa i was answering you when we flipped.I say keep him until at least Valentines day!laugh And have a chocolate for each of us!bigsmile
I'm trying to lose wt Betty, I was hoping for something a little more expensive though. lolrofl

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:42 PM

Hi Teresa. I'm Jayne from Southeastern PA
I live in Stilwell, OK

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:41 PM

I know how he feels treasa

which part the sick stomach ill or the i want to mean...slaphead tears sad

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:39 PM

Where is everybody???laugh laugh

By the way Macdreamer, my name is Teresa

wow gone so long and I come back just in time to flip this thing. Perfect timing

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:37 PM

Where is everybody???laugh laugh

By the way Macdreamer, my name is Teresa

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:34 PM

:angel: Good evening everyone:angel:

Is anyone beside Oklahoma getting snow. The ground was white when I got up & it snowed all day. Suposed to do it again Thurs & Fri & 2 more chances next week, and the long term forecast says we will get up to a foot at some point between now and the end of Feb. I need to move to a tropical Island.shades
long time stranger, been snowing off and on all day, they say 4-8 inches by tomorrow night, and the winds pick up

I know, have a new guy in my life, therefore I dont have a life anymore. Thinkin about gettin rid of him. He is "IN LOVE" with me, but I cant say the same. Help me out my friends. I kind of like not having to answer to someone ALL the time. True I miss my husband dearly. But the freedom to pick up and go has been kind of nice too.
Yeah I thought the freedom was great at first. Now I'm lonely.

I'll send my guy your way, you won't be lonely long. He thinks we need to talk at least 5 times a day or something is wrong. Getting a little overloaded gonin on here
just tell him to back off a bit, you need your space
been there done that, he has this sick feeling in his stomach... already thinks I have someone else on the hook. He gets his feeling hurt easily, wants to mean something to someone in his life b4 he dies. He really is a great guy, just too clingy

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:32 PM

:angel: Good evening everyone:angel:

Is anyone beside Oklahoma getting snow. The ground was white when I got up & it snowed all day. Suposed to do it again Thurs & Fri & 2 more chances next week, and the long term forecast says we will get up to a foot at some point between now and the end of Feb. I need to move to a tropical Island.shades
long time stranger, been snowing off and on all day, they say 4-8 inches by tomorrow night, and the winds pick up

I know, have a new guy in my life, therefore I dont have a life anymore. Thinkin about gettin rid of him. He is "IN LOVE" with me, but I cant say the same. Help me out my friends. I kind of like not having to answer to someone ALL the time. True I miss my husband dearly. But the freedom to pick up and go has been kind of nice too.
do you like him?

I thought so, buy now I'm beginning to wonder

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:31 PM

:angel: Good evening everyone:angel:

Is anyone beside Oklahoma getting snow. The ground was white when I got up & it snowed all day. Suposed to do it again Thurs & Fri & 2 more chances next week, and the long term forecast says we will get up to a foot at some point between now and the end of Feb. I need to move to a tropical Island.shades

Where in OK are you? Just wondering....I have a good friend in Tulsa, but haven't had a chance to talk with her.

This is an unusual winter, with records being set all over the country.
We will return to normal next year, and will probably tell stories about this one for at least a decade, if not two....
Stilwell, which is aprox 92 miles east of Tulsa, their snow is melted already, I still have a couple of inches here. It has been melting all day long, but is supposed to get really cold tonight so tomorrow morn the roads will be slick

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:29 PM

:angel: Good evening everyone:angel:

Is anyone beside Oklahoma getting snow. The ground was white when I got up & it snowed all day. Suposed to do it again Thurs & Fri & 2 more chances next week, and the long term forecast says we will get up to a foot at some point between now and the end of Feb. I need to move to a tropical Island.shades
long time stranger, been snowing off and on all day, they say 4-8 inches by tomorrow night, and the winds pick up

I know, have a new guy in my life, therefore I dont have a life anymore. Thinkin about gettin rid of him. He is "IN LOVE" with me, but I cant say the same. Help me out my friends. I kind of like not having to answer to someone ALL the time. True I miss my husband dearly. But the freedom to pick up and go has been kind of nice too.
Yeah I thought the freedom was great at first. Now I'm lonely.

I'll send my guy your way, you won't be lonely long. He thinks we need to talk at least 5 times a day or something is wrong. Getting a little overloaded gonin on here

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:26 PM

:angel: Good evening everyone:angel:

Is anyone beside Oklahoma getting snow. The ground was white when I got up & it snowed all day. Suposed to do it again Thurs & Fri & 2 more chances next week, and the long term forecast says we will get up to a foot at some point between now and the end of Feb. I need to move to a tropical Island.shades
long time stranger, been snowing off and on all day, they say 4-8 inches by tomorrow night, and the winds pick up

I know, have a new guy in my life, therefore I dont have a life anymore. Thinkin about gettin rid of him. He is "IN LOVE" with me, but I cant say the same. Help me out my friends. I kind of like not having to answer to someone ALL the time. True I miss my husband dearly. But the freedom to pick up and go has been kind of nice too.

come on people, don't stop talkin now

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:24 PM

:angel: Good evening everyone:angel:

Is anyone beside Oklahoma getting snow. The ground was white when I got up & it snowed all day. Suposed to do it again Thurs & Fri & 2 more chances next week, and the long term forecast says we will get up to a foot at some point between now and the end of Feb. I need to move to a tropical Island.shades
long time stranger, been snowing off and on all day, they say 4-8 inches by tomorrow night, and the winds pick up

I know, have a new guy in my life, therefore I dont have a life anymore. Thinkin about gettin rid of him. He is "IN LOVE" with me, but I cant say the same. Help me out my friends. I kind of like not having to answer to someone ALL the time. True I miss my husband dearly. But the freedom to pick up and go has been kind of nice too.

Treasa's photo
Mon 02/08/10 06:19 PM
:angel: Good evening everyone:angel:

Is anyone beside Oklahoma getting snow. The ground was white when I got up & it snowed all day. Suposed to do it again Thurs & Fri & 2 more chances next week, and the long term forecast says we will get up to a foot at some point between now and the end of Feb. I need to move to a tropical Island.shades

Treasa's photo
Sat 01/30/10 07:53 PM
:angel: The forum has changed on my computer so I was a little confused. But I'm back if just for the moment. We got 8 inches of snow at my house, most people got about 5 or 6, and it flurried real fine today. Fog tonight should make for some good sledding tomorrow. LOL rofl Good Night everyone.:angel:

Treasa's photo
Fri 01/29/10 09:18 PM
:angel: They need a smiley on here that looks like a snowman. I have about 6 or 7 inches of snow in my yard right now.. Burrr!! I know its been a while but I wanted to say hello and it looks like good night to everyone. Laterwaving :angel:

Treasa's photo
Thu 11/12/09 04:14 PM

Hi teresawaving

Hi miss betty

Well, I'm checking out as fast as I checked in. Lots to do and little time to do it in. I WILL check back in, in a few days. waving :angel:

Treasa's photo
Thu 11/12/09 04:09 PM

Hi teresawaving

Hi miss betty

Treasa's photo
Thu 11/12/09 04:03 PM
:angel: waving Evenin'!!! Just wondering if anyone was here. I can't stay long, preparing for a craft show tomorrow.

Treasa's photo
Mon 11/09/09 05:12 PM

Was it a warm beautiful day where you live today?It was amazing here.

sorry about that betty, a phone call knocked me offline. It was alright. Very overcast, but warm, though a cold front is expected to come in just any time and cause falling temps. Catch you later

Treasa's photo
Mon 11/09/09 05:11 PM
gonna get supper, tell the gang i said hi

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